
I do not have the characters of Gravity Falls, Phineas and Ferb, The Loud house, Teenage mutant ninjas turtles, Tekken and youtubeur (Moketo, Squeezie and Kirbendoworld.) With the exception of John, Marc and Alice.

Arc 1: Héros dans un fort-Shell! Episode 4

« Left in the Dark »

« I went looking for these creatures and see if they hurt this poor little boy. When I go to a newspaper shop and read about what is going on in this city, I saw a little boy with eleven girls. He was yesterday's boy. How is he alive? Will these creatures let her go? I want to know for sure. I decided to follow him, maybe he will show me his house »

Since last week, when the Loud siblings made the astonishing discovery that April's family consisted of 4 mutant turtles and a rat master who, apparently, are the art of ninjutsu, they have had the time to do some of their usual routines, especially considering the fact that their parents, Rita and Lynn Sr., were both going to New Jersey until Sunday so Lynn Sr. could buy new, high-quality grills.

« It's finally here! The live season finale of the greatest show ever! » Lincoln marks the day on his calendar and looks at the viewers: « All right, I know you're probably saying to yourself » Lincoln, with ten sisters, there's no way you're going to get to watch your favorite show. » « And, you'd be right. Every Sunday at 8, it's the same thing »

He took his walkie talkie.

« Cadet Lincoln calling Cadet Clyde, do you read me? »

« This is Cadet Clyde, I read you loud and clear! I'm so excited! We finally get to watch ARGGH together. And by together, I mean you at your house, and me at mine, right? »

« Exactly! » As he puts the walkie away and begins to think about the kind of discoveries Hunter Spector will make in the final season. But as excited as he was in the summer, he knew it couldn't be cooler than finding April's "brothers". Since he always dreamed of facing the unknown and had a desire for perilous adventures, he knew he was going to get it by hanging out with the turtles.

Outside the house with Lori and her parents, the latter were preparing to leave.

« Remember Lori, we'll be back on Sunday, so we need you and the kids to behave until we get back. » That means no meetings ... unless it is April or our neighbor opposite, the house is already quite chaotic with you and the others » declared Rita perfectly clear while she was in the van on the passenger seat with Lori right next to her, giving her everything she needs to know.

« Relax, mom, it's going to be okay, as long as I'm in charge, » Lori reassured her mother.

« Come on honey, let's go, the new grills are cheap, new and have my name written on it! » Said Lynn Sr. enthusiastically.

Rita rolled her eyes and looked at Lori: « Anyway, dinner is in the fridge and have fun » she closes the car door, « I love you darling! »

« I love you mom too! » Lori replied.

The parents quickly left Lori in charge of the brothers and sisters.

« All right while the cat is not there, the mice dance! » Luna exclaimed, letting go of a riff on her guitar, with some of her younger siblings starting to hit their heads to the beat.

« Could you please keep the noise down later ?! » Lisa shouted to Luna while she was currently working on her studies.

« Yeah, me and Lana are trying to watch cartoons! » Lola yelled as she and Lana tried to watch Blarney the dinosaur.

« You can't silence rock and roll; you can only strengthen it! » Luna thwarted her sister as she started playing another riff.

« But in case you forgot Luna, we already have a guest here, remember? » Leni reminded Luna that April was invited home and is currently in the kitchen with Lily trying to give her sweet bananas.

« Here's the train yum yum Lily! » She brought the spoon to Lily's mouth and ate it happily.

Lori entered the kitchen and saw the presentation with April and Lily, « Are you having fun with her, April? »

« Of course ! How not to resist the most adorable baby in the world! She picked up Lily and tickled her so decently, « By the way, Lori, I would really like to thank you again for keeping Splinter and the turtles secret. It really means a lot to me. »

« It's not a problem, we know how important your family is, » says The Loud's eldest daughter with calm demeanor: « But it's still quite strange, 4 mutant turtles living in the sewers and being trained by a rat master, you couldn't invent these things » She said with her expression passing from wonder to boredom, « And it is certainly not easier to deal with since we will never hear the end of Lincoln »

It was April's turn to be curious, « What do you mean? »

« Well, he always talks about how great the turtles are and how a comic comes to life » she said irritably, « It was always you who saw how cool Leo was when he pulled out his swords or can you believe how inventive Donnie is »

April, however, was rather amused by this fact: « Really, after only meeting them last week, is he already a fanboy? » She giggled a little, « I can't blame the little bugger »

« Still, he keeps asking when we can see the turtles again, » added Lori.

« Well, maybe you could- »

Lori and April heard arguments from the living room, she heard Lincoln, Lynn, Luna, Lucy and the twins fighting for the remote control.

« Come on girls, I'm waiting for the ARRGGHH season finale! Since a long time ! Even Clyde will watch it on his own television! » Lincoln demanded on television.

« Too bad, we were here first! » Said Lola is perfectly clear. Lincoln looked like steam was coming out of his ears, and another pair of his sisters was ready to rip.

« You ruined my experiences with your ridiculous muscles! » Lisa tried to scold Luna, showing the crib a broken beaker.

« You broke that bra last week, I don't see a problem. » Replied the rocker as she started to lean against the wall, with the end of the stair railing.

Lincoln then watches the audience break the fourth wall of my narration: « In a house as big as ours, family fights are generally inevitable. It's a bit of a power struggle »

Before the chaos sets in, Lori and April quit trying to break the fight, « Guys, what's going on?! » Lori said with disapproval.

« I was supposed to be watching the big game but the twins made it really difficult! » Said Lynn angrily.

« I need to watch Vampires of Melancholia, » Lucy said stoically as Lynn leapt frightened.

« Well, we got here first! » Shouted Lola with her twin sister creaking the knuckles, ready to fight for her TV spot. April and Lori began to sense that a storm was brewing, a fraternal storm.

But before the storm starts to get out of hand, April puts two fingers in her mouth and whistles, forcing all of the Loud kids to look at her with big eyes, « Enough! »

Lincoln laughs shyly and starts to stutter and blushes, « Hey, hey, sorry April »

April, however, was in no mood, her eyes caught in a shard of steel and her face seemingly carved in the strongest stone. Just a quick glance, many young children in Loud quickly wished not to drive April crazy.

« Okay guys, I know you are all so desperate to watch TV or do your own thing or whatever, so maybe we should compromise » suggested April.

Leni came out of the floor: « I don't know how to tell our deepest secrets will solve anything »

Lisa corrected it: « She means we have to do something that makes everyone happy »

« Oh that's right »

« Now it turns out there are several TVs in the turtle hideout and- »

Before April could finish, Lincoln's eyes widened and he headed for April with great excitement: « Really! Are we going to see the turtles again?! It's too good to be true! »

Soon, excitement started to spread through the household, whether it was the mention of several TVs or the idea of meeting the turtles again. In a few moments, the children were aligned and ready to head towards the lair.

« All right, guys. Be careful, these guys are not used more than one human in their cue, so please try to- »

« Wait a minute April » Lori interrupted April with her authority: « my parents left me in charge and I doubt they would approve that I let you go out at night »

« So what, the landmark is just around the corner, » protested Luna.

« I thought it was underground? » Said Leni.

« We have to find something to keep all of us entertained, in addition to Donnie at her own lab so that Lisa can work on her experiments there » April tried to reason with Lori.

« Another laboratory?! That's wonderful! » Lisa was pleased to hear.

« Good for you! » Said Lynn sarcastically with a smile « wait, who is Donnie again? »

Lincoln interrupted: « He's the one with the purple headband and can invent stuff » he then takes out a sheet of paper which shows a diagram of the turtles and their features: « I made a reference sheet of the turtles here. »

Lori and April looked at each other, the exasperating ex-boy: « Do you know what I mean? »

Music Lowrider by Joakim Karud (official)

At the Podcast, Mabel told everyone exept Wendy and Squeezie who came out about the end, how they met Splinter: « And that's how they became mutants like in TV »

« Wow, » said John, « there is a story to tell standing up »

« And that's not all, we wanted to learn more about the history of April, but Splinter said it would be another time, » said Robbie.

« I would love to meet them one day, » says Marc.

« Yeah ... but speaking of that ... the April brothers are, how to say » Tambry stopped talking « They're just not very comfortable meeting you guys, Wendy and Squeezie too »

« Come on Tambry and Robbie! I'm sure Kirb and Soos will say nothing to anyone, not even their friends, family and hometown, » says Mabel.

« I wouldn't say anything to anyone, I promise » said John and he looked at his brother, Alice and Thompson « and you!" Are you going to keep Mabel's secret? »

« Okay, well, I'm going to keep the turtles and Splinter secret, » says Marc.

« Me too, maybe one day they can teach me how to fight! » Said Alice.

« Speaking of fight, who wants to be a part of Super Smash Bros? » Asked Thompson.

« I bet you're not going to beat me, » said John.

John, Thompson, Alice and Marc went upstairs to play their fight on Gamecube. As for Kirb and Soos, they go into the kitchen to prepare dinner:

« Children! Tonight, we are going to eat Lamb spice with 4 spices and Semolina! » Cried Soos.

« I'm going to make the meatballs, » Kirb said in turn.

Dipper, Mabel, Waddles, Tambry, Moketo and Robbie are still in the living room.

« So, are we going to go to the turtles? » Asked Moketo the others.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Mabel went to see who it could be. She opened the door, it was Irving.

« Hi guys, I heard you're going to the ninja turtle, » said Irving.

« You too? » Asked Moketo.

« Yes, my mother gave me permission to go to the brothers of April »

« Ok, Robbie, Mabel, Waddles take me to the turtles, » said Tambry.

Inside the landmark, everything was dark and completely silent. Master Splinter looked at his surroundings and saw only headlights moving in the cue as he was properly giving the turtles a workout while carrying an old coin on his left palm.

« My sons, when you face enemies you know or not, you must remember that the greatest weapon of a ninja is not with his hands or the tool he has but with shadows. Shadows help secure your appearances and do. It is unpredictable for your next movements, while the light reveals the presence of the ninja » explained Splinter.

« In this exercise, you must try to grab the gold coin without being spotted by the headlights installed by Donatello »

As expected, he was starting to hear footsteps as he prepared to knock over anyone who approached his path. But before one of the turtles could even reach it, one of their feet stepped on the light and made a buzzing sound.

« Watch your steps, Michelangelo! » Said Splinter, making a speech.

« Hey, hey, sorry sensei » Mikey walks over to sit on the sidelines knowing he's out. The other brothers groan at Mikey's impulsive movement.

« Now remember to use your gut, suspect the unsuspected and wait for the right moment to strike! » Splinter, again, advised.

After a few moments, Leo was almost close to sensei while he was behind him. He crept very slowly towards him to catch him by surprise. But just before he could approach him, he heard doors open in the lair.

Splinter also hears him, he looks at the doors and sees a few people. He would have assumed it was just April, but it seems more than he was used to. He lets his paranoia take over and tries to hit the group by running towards them. Faster than a human eye could follow, Splinter approached the group of unknown humans, with his cane ready to beat these intruders.

« AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! » Cries too high to belong to his supposed enemies resounded in the landmark, soon he was out of his battle stupor and soon saw the visitors.

Music Joakim Karud - Longing

Just as it happens, Donnie used the flip method to turn on the lights and the turtles see April with the Loud kids.

« Sensei, it's okay. It's just Loud family last week's, remember? » Said April with pleading eyes.

Splinter looked at the kids and felt rather embarrassed to almost attack them, « I'm terribly sorry for my approach there, we generally expect April »

« I know, Mr. Splinter, we know you didn't want visitors, » Lori stuttered as she started bringing her baby brother and sisters home, but soon Mikey ran over to them before the brothers and sisters can leave.

« Wait! Please stay, it would be fun! Said Mikey with pure excitement, knowing that apart from April, they are the first human friends to visit them.

« Pfft, most of us may be, » Raph whispered, showing rather vindictive feelings towards the Loud sisters after their first meeting, which they didn't seem to notice.

Donnie felt nervous to see the sisters again, « Oh my God, I didn't think they would want to come back, » he mumbled.

Leo, on the other hand, came over to Mikey and tries to be reassuring, « What my brother is trying to say is that we want visitors, we just didn't expect »

Splinter intervened, « And may I add April, that next time an appropriate first phone call would have been enough, » he said to the girl, growling.

April chuckled in embarrassment, realizing how reckless she was not to call Splinter before inviting the Louds, « Hey, hey, sorry. I guess it slipped me »

Splinter groaned, « Well, since we have guests, I think it's enough to train today » he picks up his cane and starts walking towards his room, « If anyone needs me, I will be in my room to meditate »

« Hai, sensei » shout the turtles, giving Splinter a low bow. He enters his room while the turtles watch the Loud brothers and sisters.

Luna decided to speak, « Dude, did we interrupt like one of your ninja training brah? »

Before April or the turtles can respond, Raph bluntly notices « YES »

« Don't worry about him, Raph is a little tight, » Mikey explained to the siblings as he started to prepare to show them around.

« So why did you come here? » Asked Leo to the Louds.

« Well, we came here because April told us that you have multiple TVs. Is not it? » Lola asked to go ahead with the main reason they are here.

« Lola! Lori looked furious at her and looked over to Leo, « Sorry for that »

« It's not a problem Lo-, Lu-, La -... » Leo was trying to remember his name.

It was at this moment that Mikey decided to intervene, « Her name is Lori, bros! She's the one with the blue top and is talking on the cell phone! » He then takes out a sheet of paper, « I made a reference sheet for each of the Loud siblings » he shows a diagram of the Loud family, much like Lincoln with turtles.

« I did the same for you guys! » Said Lincoln, regaining his optimism.

« It's just scary, » says Lynn.

« Even for me, » adds Lucy.

« I think what's even more frightening is that Mikey really remembers your names, but he doesn't even remember to wash your hands, » Raph commented.

« I remember ! I just have a busy schedule, » explained Mikey.

While the two families were talking, Leni noticed surprisingly that a certain turtle was missing from the conversation.

"Where's the purple masked turtle?" She asked, trying to locate where he was.

« Do you mean Donnie? He's probably in his lab, why would you ask? » Asked Leo confused.

« I wanted to get to know him" replied Leni to the blue masked turtle, « He didn't seem as talkative when we met »

« What a mystery » Raph sarcastically shares a look with Leo.

« Don't worry about Donnie, let's just say with you guys, you can go around the cue, watch TV and even have pizza! » Mikey was eager to show everyone.

Luan gives a puzzled look, « Are you eating pizza, guys ?! »

Mikey responds, « Dont, everybody? » Soon, the Loud siblings started rushing into the kitchen with wide eyes.

Music Ty Pursglove - Sunshine At Night Chillout Lounge

Leo and April were about to join them, but that was stopped because they saw Raph walking away from the den.

« Hey Raph, where are you going? » Leo looked somewhat puzzled.

« To the Big Apple to find a skate spot, » he said after picking up his skateboard, « That okay mon't you? »

« Well, it's just that we have the Louds visiting, » said April, trying to convince Raph about it.

« So? »

« They've just arrived, » added Leo.

« And? »

Leo became rather irritated by Raph's apparent rudeness, he wanted him and the other brothers to try to go out with their new friends but apparently this does not seem to be the first thing in Raph's mind for some reason: « Ok, ok, just try not to-. »

« Be seen by humans and come back before 11 am, whatever you say, fearless leaders! » Raph interrupted, rolling his eyes. « Just leave a few slices and make sure they STAY out of my room! » Sooner or later, he leaves the lair to rise to the surface.

All Leo could do was roll his eyes in irritation and enter the kitchen where everyone was. April, on the other hand, looked at Raph's management with disappointment, knowing that he showed no interest in trying to go out with his new friends in all the activities about to. The only thing she could do now was to sigh disappointed and turn to join Leo.

Music Sweet Necessities - Talon Bourne - Smooth Jazz

When he reached the surface, he saw Mabel, Waddles and Robbie that they wanted to go down the drain.

« Well, but it's my three friends that I see there! » Said Raph on seeing Moketo, Dipper and Tambry « Carpet, girl phone and boy cap, did you come to visit my benchmark? »

« Of course" said Robbie

« I'm sure Waddles is going to visit your brothers, » says Mabel.

« Well ... good luck, guys, » Raph said to the others.

« Wait, you don't want us to come with you, me and Tambry, » said Moketo.

Raph thought about it and he looked at Moketo and Tambry: « ok, but I'm warning you. With me we are not going to go to your lover, » said Raph to Moketo and Tambry « I'm going to the Big Apple to find a skate spot » and he looked at Dipper, Robbie, Mabel and Waddles « Do you want to come to the others? »

« No, » said Dipper, « we're going to go to your place. Mabel and Robbie can show me the way, » replied Dipper.

« Ok, let's go Carpet and phone girl »

« It's Moketo and Tambry! » Shouted Moketo and Tambry.

Music Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Music Tomb Time Sphyxinator Bug Lite Extended

In the lair, the Louds, they were all brought into the kitchen with Mikey waiting to take the pizzas out of the oven, « So, would you like the usual toppings on your pizza? »

« What's the habit? » Lori asked.

« Just a few insects, worms and algae. »

The Loud family seem disgusted, except Lana, for the way Mikey described the usual trim, « Sounds good! » Said Lana.

« I should know the usual diet for turtles, even if they are mutuances » Lisa impassive logic.

« Pfft, why are you talking so funny?! » Mikey laughed at the obstacle of Lisa's speech when she seemed dissatisfied with Mikey not to take her seriously, « Anyway, I was joking! All we have is pepperoni and mushrooms »

The siblings let out a sigh of relief as Mikey informed them. Soon, the orange bandana turtle rushed to the refrigerator and took out three frozen pizzas. He rushed to the oven and slammed the three, setting it to the highest setting. In a few moments, the smell of pizza started to fill the air, Mikey took out the hot pies and threw them in the air. In a flash, Leo was there with his blades and began to cut the pizza into several pieces of equal size, landing on plates.

« Bon appétit! » Exclaimed Mikey.

All of the siblings, especially Lincoln, were impressed with Leonardo's tactics and display, « wow, it was amazing Leo! » Said Lincoln stunned.

« Thank you, it took years of sword training, » said Leo with a satisfied smile.

« Ahem! »

Everyone turned around and saw Master Splinter in the entrance of the kitchen with a slice of pizza on his head which apparently landed suddenly from Leo. Everyone just winced when they started to feel a parent talking to the kids. « Kids » sighed Splinter as he made his way to the fridge for a bottle of sweet tea, then he went back to his own room, leaving the kids frozen a little.

« It was embarrassing, » said Lincoln.

"DONNIE! We're eating pizza! Take it ! Before Mikey takes it! April called to the purple masked turtle.

Sooner or later, Donnie enters the kitchen while taking a blood sample, « I'm coming, just trying to work on- » he stops in his tracks as soon as he sees the Loud sisters, « Oh my gods! »

The Louds just stood there watching him for a while until Leni decided to speak, « hello, nice to see you again! » She said with her brightest smile like the last time.

The only thing Donnie could do was sit there and be nervous as usual, « Uh .. »

Leo decided it was time to stop, « Can you excuse us for 1 minute? » He grabs Donnie by the arm and takes them to the corner of the kitchen tab a little conversation « Dude, are you going to relax? » Girls aren't a big deal, they're just people too »

Music LAKEY INSPIRED - Chill Day

« Okay, that doesn't really help much, because we have to hide anyway, » replied Donnie.

« It's true » Leo discovers an alternative psychology, « And that is only lots of April, but with different looks and names"

« Okay, I guess it could work. But you must be my wing turtle. »

« You said it. Said Leo to his brother, who gave a small smile. In a few moments, Donnie was led by Leo, but the purple turtle still seemed extremely agitated as he approached the group, « h-h-hello again »

Lori decided to speak this time, « Even here, so April told us that you were the techno-geek right? »

« Well, it's not just t-techno » corrected Donnie while stuttering, « I-I'm also specialized specifically in genealogy, biology, chemistry. »

« NEEEERRRD! Cried Lynn mockingly, as Luna banged her elbow reminding her to be polite.

« I think they got Donnie's idea, » said Leo, forcing Donnie not to overdo it, which the latter smiled deeply.

« Ewww! Do you carry blood?! » Lola points to the blood-filled beaker Donatello is currently holding.

« Mean! » Lucy replied calmly.

« That? » Brandishes Donnie the beaker of blood in front of them and it starts to feel a little calmer, « It is only a sample of blood which contains part of our mutated DNA »

« First of all, it is literally disgusting. Second, why would you need this? » Lori questioned the turtle of science.

"Because I need it to observe the mutated hereditary qualities and use this learning to make a reverse mutagenic sample that can bring the changed being back to its previous structure"

" It's amazing ! Lisa exclaimed, while the other Louds were basically left in the dark, not understanding the explanation and the choice of Donnie's words.

"He's trying to create a remedy to bring the mutants back to normal," simplified April.

"WHAT ?! The siblings stun on hearing that there is a possibility that the mutation could be reversed, but that raises a certain question, "Wait, you say you are trying to become regular turtles again?" Asked Lynn "it sucks! »

« Pfft, don't be ridiculous, why should we give up the evolutionary breakthrough of our anthropomorphic nature? » Replied Donnie, but that left everyone except Lisa with blank looks leaving him in a stale state and Leo just nodded from left to right in disappointment, « I should have known better, brief and simple, I will make a remedy for senseï and bring it back to its appearance »

Everyone mumbled with realization, it makes more sense that he wanted to create a remedy for Splinter, given how he was once human and how his life turned into his mutation into a rat, to be considered a monster and forced to live in the sewers with only April and the turtles by her side.

"It's incredible Donnie, so when Splinter takes the remedy, he will become human again and he will be free to rise to the surface ?!" Asked Lincoln, raising his hopes.

"Is that why you flattered us when we arrived? Luna questions her disappearance from before.

"Yes" when it was mostly true, Donnie couldn't bring himself to answer completely.

"Speaking of chipping, Raph, where did your brother in the red mask go with the wrong attitude?" Leni asked Leo where Raph was, that was a pretty good question for the siblings, since he was nowhere in sight after they were greeted sooner or later.

"First of all, I'm Leo and Raph is the one you're talking about" corrected Leo "Secondly, he left to get some fresh air after your arrival"

"Well, it's rude! Lola retorted.

"Yeah, he's the rude one," Luan sarcastically refers to his younger sister.

"Well, I miss him! Mikey commented, as he started to take all the remaining pizza.

"Mikey! April stopped him before he started eating, "I promised Raph that we would save a few slices! »

"Well, you want to repeat! Mikey was about to take slices until April gave him his most efficient and brotherly look which always caught the boy just by looking at him, "or you call him, and you record him"

"You really have to teach me that," Lori said, wondering what she could do with this kind of brotherly power. Authority.

"Anyway, I'm sure Raph will join us soon" at least she hoped it was, "Maybe"

"Hi, guys," said a familiar voice.

"Robbie! Shouted the kids Loud, Léo, Mikey, April and Donnie

"What we came here for a visit with Mabel's brother" they saw Dipper who entered the kitchen with his twin sister Pines, Irving and Waddles.

"DIPPER! Shouted the children Loud, Léo, Mikey, April and Donnie again.

"Nice to see you," said Lincoln. But he saw that he was missing Tambry and Moketo "wait, where are Moketo and Tambry? "

"They're with Raph," Irving explained.

"Ok" said Lincoln "Otherwise, we have to leave pizza if you want to eat"

Music Temple Super Smash Bros. Melee

In Central Park overnight, Raph skated around cycle paths all closed by trees with Tambry and Moketo. Except they don't have a skateboard. Apparently some parts of the park seemed empty and less crowded. It was the best time for Raph to be alone and try to collect his thoughts. He glanced at the railing and skated on it with Sparks flying. It's really better than sitting in the cradle all day welcoming the Louds.

The navigation went smoothly until they saw 2 people crossing on their way. They looked around to see all kinds of options for hiding. Raph jumped as quickly as possible towards the branches of the trees and hid there until they passed. As for Moketo and Tambry, they hid behind a large tree. These were 2 Latin American girls with dark tanned skin and black hair:

One of them is an 11-year-old preteen who wore a ponytail, freckles on his cheeks and two protruding teeth sticking out of his mouth. She is wearing a purple hoodie, denim shorts, a white tank top and purple shoes with light pink socks worn high. Her sleepwear consists of a light purple shirt and dark purple pants with socks.

The other is a teenager over the age of 17 with two pairs of eyelashes and long black hair, with a few locks in the shape of a ponytail. She wears two circular gold earrings, magenta lipstick, a light green dress with a white collar, orange bracelets on each wrist, pink socks and brown boots.

« Ronnie Anne? But what is she doing here? » Asked Moketo.

« You know her? » Asked Raph.

« Shut up, you two, » whispered Tambry, trying to silence Raph and Moketo.

« You see Ronnie Anne, a trip to the clothing store can be really fun for a girl! » The teenager tried to lighten the spirit of the other girl, who is apparently called Ronnie Anne.

« Whatever you say, Carlotta, » said Ronnie Anne sarcastically. After a short moment, she pulled out her phone, « By the way, you will never believe what just happened last week, look » she showed him a video from last week starring Katherine Mulligan.

« Katherine Mulligan Here from Channel 6 News, coming to see you live from an old warehouse near 50th Street. It seems that the Purple Dragons gang were found inside the subconscious when they were apparently attacked by unknown vigilantes whom they claim to be a group of Kung Fu toads »

"They were! They came to us with super sick movements and let us pound! They were even scaly and all that! One of the thugs shouted while being taken in a police vehicle.

« Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, idiot! » Raph whispered not to get caught.

« It's you, Raph with your brothers. May I have an autograph?… »

« Fuck shit there, idiot » annoyed Tambry « Raph will be fixed »

« In light of this statement, we can only assume that these criminals became delusional after being severely beaten, Katherine Mulligan will give you more details 24/7! Here Katherine Mulligan! »

"Damn, how many times does this lady have to repeat her name?" Raph thought, but thinking about the incident that had happened, he was held captive by the purple dragons because he was trying to save Clyde and the Loud sisters, Moketo, Robbie and Tambry. This jeopardized their entire secret and Raph is now generally angry about it.

While gathering her thoughts, a very unpredictable and unfortunate event occurs in Manhattan and perhaps in New York.

A power cut!

Music Luigi's Mansion - Mansion (Exterior)

All the light poles that are located in Central Park and the lights from the city buildings that just suddenly turned off without any apparent explanation. This makes Raph, Moketo, Tambry and the other girls jump a little because all of this is so sudden.

« What-?! » Raph thought in and was surprised by this turn of events and was already wondering what the source of it all was.

« OH MY GOD Everything has just gone black! » Carlotta yelled with a frightened face.

« It must be some kind of blackout! » Ronnie Anne was just as panicked. « I'm calling my big brother so he can pick us up! »

Ronnie Anne left the video and went to see her contacts to see if her brother could go to Central Park so he could pick her up with Carlotta. When she was about to make the call, Raph met Carlotta.

« Hey, look at Cabrón! » Carlotta exclaimed.

« Fuck off! » Raph yelled without being seen, he really didn't have time to make fun of as he rushed into Central Park trying to return to the lair hoping that Splinter, April and his brothers were fine ... and the Loud family to a certain extent.

Carlotta wanted to yell at him but saw no point in knowing how rude New Yorkers were, even if she felt something weird about him, he felt rather… scaly.

« Wait for us, Raph! » Shouted Tambry as she and Moketo ran with Raph.

But he saw a spotlight moving in all directions. It was Pyronica and five men who wanted to find Raph and kill him.

« Target locate, ma'am » says the man in the mask who is piloting « Should i shoot? »

But Pyronica on seeing Raph, Tambry and Moketo looked at his pilot said: « not yet. You, go down and eliminate the red-banded turtle »

« Understood » said the man who was piloting. He descended the helicopter and went to find Raph.

« You, with the sniper, piloted » the sniper put down his weapon and piloted the helicopter.

« Mrs! We have just located the turtle marker. It looks like their signal was cut »

« All right, serve your red headlight, let's go down to where they are »

The helicopter flew to the turtle hideout. As for the man in the central park, he used his night vision goggles. As for Raph, Tambry and Moketo they were disappointed and Raph was upset.

« It smells of blood sausage. This man with his night vision, » says Raph.

« No, you're going to be beaten by the power of Ness!" Shouted John as Thompson tried to use his special attack on Peach then, a power outage and cut the Podcasts' "oh great. Now there is more Melee »

"What do we do now?" Asked Thompson.

"I'm going to find the electric generator. Alice, you can watch my brother "

"No problem," said Alice.

John left his room to go into the garden and find the electric generator.

Music Luigi's Mansion - Mansion (Exterior)

Back at the benchmark, the two groups were surprised by the power outage.

« Ahhh, guys! I can't see anything! I think I've gone blind! » Leni panicked, jumping on the nearest arm.

« Mikey, raise my arm! » Donnie yelped at his orange masked brother.

« It's not me, Donnie! »

Donnie opens her flashlight app from her cell phone and points it at Mikey who apparently had his arms around Leo's neck and was carried by his frightened arms. Leo lowers Mikey to the floor, while Donnie shines the light on him and Leni.

« Ah ! » Donnie gave a little cry and pulled his head back into a shell.

« Too bad to play it cool » commented Leo.

« I can't believe who has a blackout! » Said Lincoln worried.

« Yeah, especially since we can't watch our TV shows! » Shouted Lola. The others, except Mikey who looked at Lola with a bunch of raised eyebrows, « Not that it matters now »

« Who is behind this blackout? » Asked April that there hasn't been a power outage in New York for a while.

« Donatello, you haven't used most of the electricity yet for your experiment, have you? » Splinter looked at his son, knowing that he used to overuse power for his technological possibilities.

« No, I didn't do any today, » he said, checking his pad on his right arm to check the city scanners to detect any overvoltage in their radius. "In fact, most of the city seems to be suffering from power failure"

Robbie took the cell phone to call Wendy and the others. But alas, there was no signal « Shit! » Cried Robbie.

Everyone was shocked by this news, did Lori look at Luna with an angry face, « It wouldn't be caused by you, would it Luna? » She knows that whenever Luna uses too much power to shred her guitar, there is bound to be a power outage, as it always did when they were back at Royal Woods.

« Bogus brah! I barely shredded my guitar! I was here all the time! » Luna replied.

« Hey! I know why the lights went out! Cause they liked each other! » joked Luan and laughed as everyone groaned, except for Mikey who laughed with her, « Get it? Get it? »

« Totally girl! » Mikey accepted while laughing.

« That one was so good, it deserves a cookie » Lisa takes a cookie from her pocket and gives it to Luan, who she takes and ate.

« Oh, thanks So anyway, what did one light bulb say to the other? » After a few seconds, Luan suddenly begins to glow a very light green color, which scares everyone.

« You're glowing! » Shouted Lincoln.

« Oh. I already told you that one? »

"No, it means that you REALLY shine!" Explained April.

Luan looks down and sees that she really shines, "hey, wow! »

"Everyone is getting away from Luan," Leo ordered everyone to do what he said.

"Lisa, Mom and Dad said you're not allowed to use your siblings as experimental guinea pigs anymore!" Said Lori, recalling her four-year-old sister.

"Especially after what you did to me! Leni also recalled what happened the last time she did it.

" What did she do ? Asked Leo.

Lincoln replied for her, "Lisa tested a potion on Leni, which caused her face to be extremely swollen and covered in spots," he shivered at the uncomfortable thoughts that occurred that day.

"Classic," laughed Lisa, "All I did was infuse the bioluminescent DNA of the jellyfish Aequorea victoria into a cookie. I call them Gloweos "

" It's fascinating ! Donnie commented on how she was able to do such a biological experiment.

"It's also the same with John," said Robbie.

"Did he do the same thing as Leni?" Asked Mikey.

"What? No, he didn't do the same thing. He looks like a Lockjaw in John's game "

" It is true ! Shouted the boys.

"But it lasted 49 seconds"

"And delicious! Mikey was excited about how she can make a tasty treat that gives anyone the ability to shine, which would be something he would like to be part of, "Can you give me one ?!" I want to start shining like I'm a living night light! "

« Negative. That was the only one. Prototype » Lisa confirmed, putting an adult face on Mikey.

"Okay, everyone huddled around Luan!" Leo ordered everyone again.

"I always knew I was light," Luan joked again, but Mikey groaned.

"Well, at least things can't get worse," Leo says until he and everyone else starts to hear noises. It sounded low enough, but everyone could still hear it and it sounded like walking "I can't say if it's worse"

Waddles was scared and he hid behind Mabel: "Don't be scared, Waddles. You are with me and the others.

"What is this noise? Lori looked curious and scared at the same time.

"I hope it's your brother Raph who comes back," says Luna hopes it was Raphael, despite his resentment, she would be happy to see him compared to all the strangers who could be hiding in the sewers.

It was concluded that this was not the case, as they heard strident noises passing through the sewers, which was very frightening.

"It's not Raph!" Yelled Mikey.

"I knew coming here down the drain was a bad idea!" "Lori said

"Ooh! You are scared of the dark! Taunted Lynn.

"I'm not scared, you're the scared! "

"No, I'm afraid of anything! "

"Boo" scared Lucy to Lynn and Mikey who both shouted.

"Are you sure this girl didn't come straight out of a horror movie ?! "

Everyone started talking about where they were and what they could do to get out of it, while the twins started shaking.

"THERE'S A GHOST IN THE SEWERS! The twins found themselves thinking as Lincoln tried to comfort them with a hug.

Until Splinter brings his crane back and slams it, making a huge noise and making everyone look in his direction.

" ENOUGH ! "Splinter looks very unhappy with the pitiful display, but eventually calms down a bit," the argument only leads to noise, not communication or action "everyone bowed their heads of shame, "we must all work together as a unit"

After everyone nodded in agreement, Donnie remembered something important: "You know, I remembered an emergency breaker somewhere in the sewers. If I can turn it on, we can bring the electricity back to the lair.

"Well, when it comes to noise, we should all split up into teams to find the source," Splinter suggested.

"Leonardo, you, Mabel, Robbie and April you will go together. Michelangelo, you will come with me. As for you children, you will all follow Donatello to find the circuit breaker "

"What ?! "The moment Donnie heard that he had frozen and started to tremble with fear," S-sensei, sorry that I don't want to chat with you and I like spending time with the L-Loud family He was only half truthful, "bb-but why do they have to come with me?"

"If there are intruders, the Louds will need help defending themselves, not forgetting that they could provide help," said Splinter to his son, who tried to find a counter argument but didn't couldn't.

So reluctantly, Donnie started leading the family while Leo puts a hand on his shoulder, "It's going to be fine, Donnie. Be cool. Be strong "

"I'll t-t-try," moaned Donnie, starting to descend to find the circuit breaker.

"Dipper, take good care of my girlfriend," said Robbie, looking at the little Pines guarding Luna.

"Ok, as for you, watch over my sister" said Dipper in turn.

"Are you sure you can take Waddles?" Mabel asked Irving.

"Don't worry, Mabel. I'm sure like Phineas and Ferb's animal, I can keep it as if it were my beautiful little pig, right Waddles?" Asked Irving, looking at Mabel's little pig.

"All right, Mabel, Leo and April are waiting for us" said Robbie and they left.

As they were gone, Lori decided to intervene, "Listen, Donnie. I just want to make it clear that since I'm the oldest in the world, I should be in charge »

"I-I don't think it's a good idea"

She gives him a non-amused look with a raised eyebrow letting him know that she is not satisfied.

"... w-without giving you the c-cart!" He gives her the card straight out of his pocket. Lori just smiled as he opened the card, motioning for Luan to come closer to her to read the parchment correctly. In a few minutes, the large group was only a few meters from the circuit breaker, although there was a strange thing.

"Is anyone seen that ?! Lincoln asked, his pulse started to run like a panicked rabbit. While the others wanted to scream until Luan's glow showed them what it was and it was actually just a few pipes from the sewers, "Oh, these are just a few pipes"

Soon, Lynn also smells something, "What's that smell?"

"It's the drains you know" Donnie tried to fix it until he felt the stench himself and tried to cover his nostrils, "Woah! But it's more than usual! "

They all looked around to see where it was coming from, then Lincoln saw Lily's diaper full. "It's just Lily's diaper"

"Po po!" Lily babbled.

"There is nothing funny about this situation. Although I like dark humor, "she joked, Luan's glow disappears. Everyone gasped, "Oooh. I thought I was staying tonight, but I guess I'm going out! Luan chuckled as everyone sighs.

"Hang on everyone, let me get my flashlight app out!" Said Donnie. He activates the application again and points to girls and his gynophobia begins again.

"What is problem D?" Asked Luna.

"Is the monster behind us ?! Lori and the others turned to see if it was really behind them, but it was not. However, they found the circuit breaker: "Is it the circuit breaker ?!"

"What ?! Donnie searches and sees that this is the real deal, "It is! EUREKA! "

He walks past the siblings and tries to get him to start working.

Music (Beta) The Hoodboom

Suddenly they heard noise coming from the marker.

"I'm sure they are there! Search the marker and use your night vision "

"Have you heard anyone speak?" Asked Dipper.

"This person looks familiar," said Irving in turn.

"I'm going to see," said Donnie. "Dipper watch over them, I don't want anyone to hurt someone." Donnie went to see who spoke. Arriving in the living room, they saw three men and a pink woman. It was Pyronica "I don't believe it! »Thought Donnie« she is in our benchmark? I have to go see the others "he ran and went to see the Louds, Irving, Dipper and Waddles.

Music Luigi's Mansion - Mansion (Exterior)

Meanwhile, Leo, April, Robbie and Mabel are in the middle of the sewers trying to see any type of intruder hiding in the lair. Both have their flashlight applications.

"So how much do you want to bet that these intruders we find are just construction workers trying to fix a faulty pipe?" »Leo blissfully challenged April, Robbie and Mabel with a gamble.

"20 dollars, Leonardo" says April takes the gamble.

"Me I bet 30" said Robbie "and you Mabel? "

"I bet 20 cupcakes"

"We don't care about your cupcakes! Shouted April to Mabel "you think you can pay with your cupcakes"

« Hey, I guess Raph is starting to rub off, right? »

At the right time, Leo's phone starts ringing and checks the caller ID to see Raph, "Come on, Raph" he picks up. "Raph, how are you?" Do you know there is a power outage? "

« Of course no, there has to be another explanation for the APPEARING lights to go out and turn black" he remarks sarcastically on the phone.

"OH HA HA, very funny. Do you know you're going there "

"Yeah, I'm not the only one who didn't get a flashlight application. And on the positive side, ironically, no one can see me! Although I had an argument with civilians and it's silly Flip, I wish that guy would have a life! »

"At least we agree on one thing"

April picks up Leo's phone, "Raph, just try to get back here safe, we don't want to repeat like the last time, right ?! "

"Oh, uh ... whatever you say," Raph looked very modest as he hung up and continued on to the sewers.

"You are lucky to have the signal and not me" angered Robbie "

« I even bet 50 dollars that Tambry and Moketo are fine »

While Raph, Tambry and Moketo ran, Raph was hit by a gun on his face. He was one of the soldiers who had searched during the cut: "I had you degenerate mutant" he said to Raph. He looked at Tambry and Moketo "Move"

Moketo and Tambry obeyed the soldier with the mask "turn around. On your knees "they turned and they put themselves like Raph on the ground" I call the HQ. Put your Hands on your head "he called the HQ" HQ this Alpha 5 here, I found one of the mutant turtles, in the street 10 requests reinforcements immediately ... understood"

"We can do it. We have pizza if you want to eat, "says Raph.

« Shut up » he walks slowly to wait for reinforcements "in how long? »

"Here HQ, in few minutes. Finish »

Raph took his season and hit him in the face of the soldier "sorry! »

The soldier uses his weapon on him to kill him, but Tambry threw his cell phone on him, as for Moketo, he struck with a metal trash can.

"It is too dangerous here! We have to get out of here! » Cried Raph.

Moketo and Tambry nodded their heads and started to go down the drain to find the others.

Somewhere else, Mikey and Splinter are also looking for intruders on the other side of the sewers. Splinter, as always, was much more about the situation in which it was not April or the turtles were in trouble. Mikey, on the other hand, looked as shivering as a cat wondering if the intruder he was standing against was very dangerous.

"Sensei, I worry a little, these are the intruders who are not even human, they could be an extraterrestrial race, vampires or even ghosts! Like what Hunter Spector always hunts! Mikey said with fear in his voice.

Splinter, who can sometimes tolerate the gullibility of his keys whenever he refers to something fictional or television, sighs and tries to be as reassuring as possible. "Michelangelo, I don't believe in ghosts, but whatever happens, you have to remember that we are trained warriors and have to do whatever it takes to defend our family"

"I guess" Mikey seemed a little more disappointed however, "I just hope this intruder will not try to harm the Loud family, we have finally had human friends and I hate that something bad happens to them"

"What about April?" "

"I'm talking about more than one, plus she's part of our family. It's just that the Loud family seems pretty cool and fun and I hate it being ruined because an intruder could hurt them. What if they even decide never to come back here again or even want to see us because of that ?! "

Even though Mikey can be quite stupid at times, he is known in the family for having a big heart. He would do everything possible to make sure everyone was happy and, unlike his brothers most of the time, had the desire to make as many friends as possible.

It's a trait Splinter has always appreciated about Mikey, "I don't blame you for being worried and taking care of children, my son. It could probably be their own choice and their own loss. "

All Mikey can do is a slight smile with a small frown, hoping that sensei is right on the first one.

Before one of them could say another word, they heard something approach them and while taking out their weapons, they saw the "creatures" in full sight of front with very wide eyes.

The Hoodstormer Music

« Nantekotta i ?! (What's going on ?!) » Splinter was lost for words.

Back with Dipper, Irving, Waddles and the Louds, they stood there, all bored, while Donnie arrived and he said to everyone: « Guys, I think Pyronica is in the sewers. Which means we're in deep shit »

« Pyronica? » Asked Lincoln.

"A pink woman who attacked Irving in the metro station," Donnie explained to the Loud boy, "but in the meantime, I'll have to try to fix the breaker »

"Donnie, how long can it take a circuit trick in turn ?! Lola asked roughly.

"I'll go over there," said one of Pyronica's men, "I saw something. A creature that looks like a turtle. It must be one of the mutant turtles "he walked to where Donnie was.

« Donnie quick! Someone comes! » Cried Irving.

"Calm down, Irving, I had to install buttons to use for a password so that Mikey can't constantly activate it," Donnie replied to the 6-year-old and 12-year-old. "Besides, it's pretty hard to find the right buttons in the dark." The spoiled sister Loud let out a sigh, crossing her arms, while Lincoln calmed down a bit as his mad ghost began to fade. As he waited, he began to hear a sound, it was fast and made a ringing noise.

"Uh, guys, is that you?" Lincoln said in an agitated voice.

Before one of them could respond, all the lights came back on around the sewers and in the cue, which meant that Donatello finally turned on the circuit breaker, and everyone was full of relief.

Luigi's Mansion Music - Cleared Room

« Well... ...I guess it worked! » Yelled Donnie

« Guys ! I still can't see! » Cried Leni, eyes closed.

« Open your eyes Leni » said Lisa as Leni did it.

« IT'S A MIRACLE! » Then she ran to Donnie and hugged him from behind, « THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING ME SEE DONNIE AGAIN! » The only answer Donatello could give was a frozen position accompanied by a few internal cries.

Before someone else could say anything, they heard the click again and turned around with a scary gasp only to spot the ordinary rat. But one of the soldiers, who was with Pyronica, saw Donnie, the Louds, Dipper, Irving and Waddles.

« is the creature that was in a metro station! » Shouted the soldier and he called Pyronica « Pyronica, Bravo 3 here! I found one of the mutant turtles in the circuit breaker! ask for reinforcements now… » But he gets hit by Donnie's staff. When Lana saw the rat:

« Oh, what a cute little rat. Although it is far from being comparable to Splinter » declared Lana.

The little rat tries to go towards Lana as she signals to come towards her.

Music The Hoodstormer

But as unpredictable as it may be, the little rat was caught in the jaws of a small robot that looks like a chicken. He had a large mouth with sharp crunchies with flashing red eyes located on his jaw and had 2 short legs under his body. He seems to be ruthless because he devoured the guts of said rat until he was only blood and guts.

« NOOOOO! » Lana watched suspiciously as the harmless creature was devoured.

« Yuck! Gross! Rat guts! » Shouted Leni.

The rest of the group seem baffled by the robotic killer.

« Dude, what is this thing?! » It looks like some sort of robot chicken! Luna commented as Luan was about to joke about it, « No pun intended! »

« Did you build this, Donnie? » Lori asked the turtle.

« No, but it sounds like a fascinating piece of robotics! » Exclaimed the purple turtle, and began to lean forward toward the little robot, who responded to the compliment with a jaw snap.

"Not very friendly, right? "Lori said trying to keep his family away from the little robot.

" Of course not ! He just eat a poor innocent little rat! Added Lana that she didn't like the robot very much.

"You know, I was expecting monsters or ghosts. But I guess it's a little on the same level, "added Lincoln, who was a little disappointed with the intruder he had to face.

The little robot yelled again until a heavy key was thrown in its direction by Lana and directly into his mouth. This causes him to lose his function and gets his damaged metal jaws to buy the pokey textures from the key. It no longer worked and was deactivated.

Everyone looked at Lana with a shocked look, "Lana, why did you do that ?! Lola stunned.

« What ?! He killed an innocent little rat! You know how much I love animals! » Commented the small mechanical girl while she smoked of this horrible act, although the large group has the wide eyes and starts slowly to back away.

« What's wrong? » She asked, but soon Lana's question was answered when she heard tens if not hundreds of metallic yips answered her. Slowly she turned around and saw a swarm of metallic t-rexes like robots.

"Do you think they hold a grudge? Lana squeaked questions to the group as the robots started to descend on them.

It was until Donatello rushed and shot several of them with his bo staff. He spins it around and hits another batch. And another. And another. Until one of them started chewing on his arm and yelped in pain. Another even begins to chew his tail. Lincoln threw a stone at the little robot and looked at him with a dagger like a dazzling look.

« Okay, it's probably more terrifying than monsters or ghosts! » Lincoln added nervously.

"I have an idea, how about running!" Shouted Lola.

« Good idea ! You can run and I will hold them back! » "Said Donnie as he effortlessly repels little androids with his stick, though no matter how many he continues to destroy: « I can't believe I have to destroy such a fascinating technology, even if they are more boring than cockroaches! »

"But we can't just leave you here Donnie!" Protested Leni.

"Besides, I want a chance to drop punks out of the park!" Lynn pulled out her metal bar which she uses for baseball.

« Hum, I remind you that Pyronica was in the park to face the others » everyone looked at Dipper « I mean: the others, like John, Alice, Wendy and Squeezie »

« And with my ax! » Luna added, taking out her guitar.

« Cool, I'm going to fight too! » Cried Irving.

« Sorry little boy »

This display gave Lori a rather confused look: « Have you taken all of this from home all this time? »

« Yes » they both said in unison.

Boss Battle Song 1 Super Smash Bros Brawl Music Extended

Lynn and Luna rushed over to some of the robots and threw their instruments at the bots, knocking over only a few since they are made of metal. Soon, they eliminated the bots munching on Donnie, but had their tools bitten and chopped.

"Hey man my ax," Luna cried when she saw the condition of her favorite guitar. Despite their help, the swarm continued to move towards the group and they knocked them out as much as they could. And as one of the robots jumps and is about to jump on one of them, a shuriken came out of the blue and cut the head of the robot eater and a noise of pistol had just aimed towards the last robot

Donnie, Dipper, Irving, Waddles and the Loud children were amazed and look at where the source of this shuriken came from which came in fact from a familiar red mask turtle known for his bad attitude.

« What is going on?! » Raph observed the little robots, « Donnie, are you building robots behind our shells or something?! » He assumed the techno turtle was behind it.

« I can assure you, it's not me! »

« Really ? What are these things? Mecha-cockroaches? »

« MIKEY! You came back! » Cried Leni, again mixing the names.

« It's Raph, » corrected Lincoln.

« RAPH! You came back ! »

Suddenly, they saw another of Pyronica's men coming before the noise. He was surprised to see two mutant turtles with children: "Pyronica! I found them ... "but he gets hit on the head by Tambry's phone.

The only thing Raph did was roll his eyeballs to forget about Leni. He then decided to rush into the robotic crowd and start spinning his sai and swinging them towards the robots by cutting them into pieces. Tambry uses the soldier's weapon to shoot the robots, including Moketo. And even though some robots started biting Raph's muscles and tail, it didn't stop him at all.

"Some bites won't stop me!" Give me all the crap you have! "

The children only saw Raph's wild behavior and they are lost for words.

"Okay, this guy is seriously twisted," said Lori.

"But pretty cool! Added Lincoln.

After just watching for a few seconds, Lynn decides to take action, "I'm with the big guy, it's time to break some bots!" "

Donnie, Luna, and Lynn head to the rest of the horde to help Raph, Moketo and Tambry. They used all their weapons to destroy the remaining robots by cutting them, breaking them, even Raph planted a huge body with his shell to destroy a large quantity. He even sees one of the droids heading towards Lily who was on the ground. But before he can even reach it, Raph grabs the robot and dismantles it. He then picks up Lily on her face to see if she is fine and she giggles, showing her gratitude that makes him smile. Even though it took a while, they came out victorious with lots of bruises and bite marks.

"Dude, it was hardcore! I have to give you Red accessories! Congratulated Lynn to Raph for her help.

Raph, on the other hand, shrugged, "Whatever" He walked over to Lori while Lynn gave him an unimpressed look. "Watch out for your silly sister!" He scolded him for not protecting his little sister when she was almost attacked, and even if she glared at him, she knew he was right.


They watched the tunnel from the left and saw Michelangelo come out, and he apparently had one of the droids they were fighting earlier munching on his head, which made him panic.

Music The Muddibog Posse

« HELP ME! HE devours my head! STOP IT! »

He runs around Raph, Donnie and the other children, hoping to be able to shake the robot. Raph pulls the robot out of Mikey's head and crushes it with his bare hands, but that didn't stop Mikey from running and panicking, still thinking that the robot was still on him.

"Mikey" Raph tried to calm his brother.

" HELP ME ! "



The youngest turtle then looks at a large sewer pipe and tries to hang on to it and bangs its head several times, thinking that it would damage the robot, which was already out of it, and after a few shots, it begins to have dizziness and seeing stars. Then he passes out.

"And you just reduced the number of us we could fight," said Lisa as she began to fear that her life would end in the jaws of these mechanical beasts.

"Wait, where's Splinter?" He was with Mikey, "Lincoln questioned.

"Michelangelo, slow down!" They heard the voice coming from the same tunnel where Mikey came out and saw Splinter rushing inside and looking for the orange masked turtle. He however sees Michelangelo pass out and sees his 2 sons, Irving, Dipper, Waddles and the Louds, "Children ?! "

Ty Pursglove - Sunshine At Night Chillout Lounge


Splinter rushes over to the children and sees that his sons, Luna, and Lynn have received scratches, « What's going on here? You are fine ? » He glances at the area and sees a pile of destroyed robots. « Did you also meet these mechanical creatures? »

"You bet we did it!" Lana shouted with a furious look, "These things were just mean and chewed on a poor innocent little rat!" "

But Splinter saw three children who had never seen them: "Who are they?" Splinter asked when he saw Dipper, Moketo and Tambry.

"Master Splinter, this is Moketo, Tambry and Dipper," said Irving.

"I'm Dipper Pines, Mabel's twin brother, it was pleasure, sir," said Dipper.

He scans this while he looked at Raphael knowing his departure during the whole breakdown "And where were you Raphael ?! »

« Just. Go out with Moketo and phone girl, » says Raph, trying to get the subject away.

"And all the while, I thought you were just trying to be a rude fool and exclude us," Lori said with a hint of teasing sarcasm in their tone.

In fact, it pissed off Raph as he turned to Lori, "Shut up!" Or I'm going to take your earrings and stuff them right now ... "

Fortunately, Splinter hit him on the head before he could finish the sentence, « Raphael, your language! »

Lori sticks out her tongue with satisfaction while Raph simply rubs her head to relieve the pain and look annoyed.

"Michelangelo and I also met these creatures, they were quite ... irritating"

"These little pac-robots did not break into the benchmark, right?" Asked Raph worried that the little robots might have entered the cue.

"Don't worry, I've installed a sewer security system around our marker," Donatello tells them. "If they broke into our benchmark, we would have been alerted"

" You did that ? Lori was impressed that he could build a security system and wondered if he could do it for free. "Maybe you can connect one to us"

"But Lori, we don't even live in a sewer," commented Leni, irritating Lori.

"Never mind! Let's get into the landmark before meeting these disgusting robots again! Cried Lola as she refused to be in danger again.

"We can't just leave now!" Leo, Mabel, Robbie and April are still there, and they may have encountered these parasites! Raph pointed out, trying to let everyone know that despite their safety at the moment, they are still missing some of their friends.

" Oh no! Poor April and Leo, who is there! Leni looked around to look at Donnie, Mikey and Raph so she could be sure who Leo was, "-the blue mask!"

"Very well Leni," completed Lisa.

"Super the idiot remembers who's who, now let's go. Raph groaned as he started walking towards his siblings. With the rest of his family remaining.

"Come on, why don't you walk?" He questioned them, marked by his family's hesitation.

"Raphael, we have to think before we act. This enemy is numerous, we cannot rely solely on force "explained Splinter to the red striped turtle.

"So how do we save them?" Lincoln asked the mutant rat, worried about both his crush and one of the coolest people or turtles he had ever met.

"Perhaps we could use a more tactical plan to defeat these mechanical monstrosities," suggested Splinter.

"Well, what are we going to do about Sir Goofy?" Said Lola, referring to Mikey who is apparently still unconscious.

" I get it "

Donnie walks over to the unconscious turtle and searches his pocket from his belt; he finds a slice of pizza which is apparently one of Raph's leftovers.

"Ah! I knew this stealth couldn't resist! Cried Raph, very angry.

Before Raph says anything else, Donnie places the slice right in front of Mikey's face and after sniffing the scent, she instantly wakes up the young turtle, "Is pepperoni ?!" He quickly takes the slice and devours it in one bite.

"I thought Lana could inhale pizza," Lola muttered, rather disgusted by the eating habits of the mutant tortoise. After Mikey licked any pizza that was on his hands, the teams began planning how to destroy the threat from the robot that invaded their home.

Music Luigi's Mansion - Mansion (Exterior)

In the garden, John found the electric generator. He started to start the generator and he had succeeded.

« God, I think others can play the gamecube, » John said. He entered the house to see if the lights were on in the house. Entering, he saw Kirb and Mouse who finished the dinner « you finished having dinner? » John asked the two men.

« Yes, and you've been called for two hours! » Shouted Kirb to John.

"Sorry, I'm going to go get them" John went upstairs to find his brother his girlfriend and Thompson "Guys, it's time to eat! Shouted John.

The others went to eat and they will play Super smash bros melee later.

Sweet Necessities - Talon Bourne - Smooth Jazz

Leo and April were not having fun, their muscles crying out for rest, their eyes prickling with sweat and bruising or bleeding from the skin. April let out a groan as she passed through another Trex robot, and her arms begging to rest.

"Where do these things come from ?!" Asked Leo as he dodged another duo of robots and cut them in half with his katana, "Better not belong to Donnie!" "

April seems to do the same because she deactivates the robots with her ninjato: "If it was Donnie, he would have told us at least." You know how much he likes to present prototypes, "she replied.

Suddenly someone hit the robot with a nunchaku. Mabel went to see who it was. It was, Albert, Wendy and Lucas.

Music Declaration of war NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja Storm 3

"Albert, Wendy, Lucas ?! "Shouted Mabel" But what are you doing here? "

« Hi Mabel. Me, Albert and Squeezie we were in the sewers to find the red-banded turtle ... » she stopped talking and she saw Leo with them « what are you? »

"Mabel do you know her three people?" Asked Leo to Mabel.

"Irving's brother who comes down the drain with my ex-girlfriend and the French youtubeur," said Robbie.

« Don't cry victory, guys! » Shouted Albert. « Last week I took a picture of the red blind turtle. And guess what? I had managed to show my mother, but she did not believe me. I decided to upload my photo and send it back on the internet and win the 100 00 dollars. And now that I have the 100,000 dollars, I can show the red-banded turtle all over the world, including the three states »

Robbie wanted to punch Albert, but April stopped him.

Leo receives a phone call from Michelangelo and picks up to answer, "Mikey?"


He's just standing there with a straight face on his face to answer Mikey's obvious question, "Yes Mikey, you're just calling us into the afterlife," said Leo sarcastically.


April grabs Leo's phone and gives him an amused look, "No Mikey, we're alive!" Just wait Leo, did you meet these robots too ?! "

"Yeah! Did they look like-? "

"Robot chickens?" Yes, and no pun intended. Now how are you and sensei? Asked Leo.

"Yes, we're fine, and Splinter has an idea on how to stop these things," Mikey told the turtle leader, causing relief from Leo in his chest.

"But he needs you two to run to us to make it work" And then that relief was quickly shattered like a twenty-ton truck.

"So where are you guys?" Leo questioned his brother as he pushed away another bot.

"The tunnel with the fuse box in it!" Replied Mikey.

"I understand, we will be there in a few." Leo told his brother that he hung up and sliced another robot with his free hand.

"So what's the plan?" April questioned.

"We just need to MIX!" Then he turned back to the one who had taken Raph's picture "When you, come with ..." but he see Albert, Wendy and Lucas have disappeared.

Leo, Robbie, Mabel and April knew what Mikey was talking about as they looked at each other and nodded. Soon, brother, sister, Mabel and Robbie rushed away from the horde of robots and like moths towards a flame, the robots began to follow them, leading them through the maze of sewer tunnels. After what seemed like an endless cat and mouse game, something changed, soon the brother, sister, Mabel and Robbie reached the fuse tunnel where they disappeared. The robots stopped and started to scan the room for any signs of their targets until those in the front were shocked by the electricity that came out of them and onto the second wave. The robots started scanning the room even more frequently and a few blindly bitten the dark when trying to hit one of the targets. Soon the bots heard ringing tones at almost every corner of the dark place and soon the bots were in for a rather unpleasant surprise. Soon, electric arcs started to go out and hit each of the robots, causing the entire legion of robots to shut down. After a few seconds, the lights came back to life with the turtles, the Loud, Splinter, Robbie, Mabel, Moketo, Tambry, Dandinou, Irving, Dipper and April victorious over the fallen army.

"WE ARE AWESOME! Mikey exclaimed, jumping for joy.

"What's wrong, Sensei?" Asked his master Leo, still a little nervous about his since the victory.

"I fear that it is not a coincidence, there is a storm approaching and I fear that we are confronted with a storm which could carry us if we are not prepared for it" answered Splinter to his son, a feeling of dread starting to flow in his stomach.

"Yeah ... ... who sent these strange robots? Donnie questions, glancing at one of the destroyed robots.

Lynn, however interrupted "Whatever! We beat these guys, now we can finally go back to the hideout and watch TV! »

All the Loud children were then made aware that they had all missed their favorite shows because it was already 9 p.m.

« NO! I missed the ARRGGGH final! » Lincoln exclaimed.

« The vampires of melancholy! » Said Lucy

« And Blarney the dinosaur! » Said Lola.

Seeing how very depressed all the siblings looked because during the time they fought against the robots, April and the turtles couldn't help but show sympathy for the children and decide to 'lighten the mood.

« We are very sorry that you missed your favorite shows, » Leo continues as his tone becomes more positive. « Because at the end of the day, you did something that no one watching TV ever did, helping a bunch of Ninja Turtles fight a bunch of robots! And what can be even cooler? »

While everyone was starting to feel good, Lincoln generally felt a lot better with Leo's words.

" Furthermore, with the recent power outage, I'm pretty sure a lot of people in New York have also missed it. So at least you are not alone, "added April.

"There will always be recaps," added Mikey, trying to cheer up. "Now how about going back to the cue and having pizza! »

They were all happy with the idea of having second chances. As they all headed for the landmark, they can't help but wonder if they'll never meet these robots again and wonder who the creator is.

But they did not know that someone took a picture of them. It was a soldier and Pyronica: "mission accomplished. We took the picture of her ten daughters "and they left the hideout.

Meanwhile in an apartment on 9th street. The helicopter stops and Pyronica says to the pilot, "I'm going to see the boss. You drop the helicopter in the landing "

« Yes sir ! »

In the living room, Pyronica showed the photo of the Loud sisters: "So, they are the ally of the turtles" then he saw a little boy with white hair "Pyronica. Who is this little boy? "

Pyronica looked at the picture, "I have no idea," she said.

« So, if this little boy is the brother of his ten daughters, that means that they are ally of turtles » then he had an idea « Pyronica, you can dispose » Pyronica went back to his room to rest. The man returned to the secret passage, but a shadow behind him looked at him « I have a mission for you ... »

For some of you, this mystery may be obvious, of course, but what does this have to do with the blackout.

For the next chapter, we have got some original characters.

Kirb, Mousse, John, Marc, Thompson and Alice will meet the ninja turtles in the next chapter.

Plus, the reason Ronnie Anne and Carlotta are in this is because the Casagrandes characters also live in New York instead of living in a separate city like in the show.

Basically this fanfic didn't have all the characters from TLH, Tekken and Street fighter. The fanfic should be the continuation of my dear friend Moketo, namely « Le sceptre du dragon », with the characters from the universe of Mario, the Simpsons, Mortal Kombat, SpongeBob and all the characters from the franchise « du sceptre du dragon ». But when the series the Loud house was released three years ago with an episode or when the big brothers alternate who have the voices of the teenage mutant ninja turtles of 2012, me and gemturtles we had a reverse fanfic.

Music Ending « Spooky Island Cypher »

Flow sicker than the cruelest virus,

On Spooky Island, better move in silence.

You don't want to see a group of zombified men

Before you get a chance to shoot, they'll claw your eyes in.

Got bodies piling up by the tens of millions.

It's a mass epidemic, get the penicillin.

Rollin' up behind the wheel; I'm chillin'

Put the black and white paint on my de vil like the Disney villain.