Konoha Academy. 9 years after the Kyuubi Incident.

The A class was buzzing with activity of all sorts. Ino, Sakura and most of the girls going crazy and wild with their proclamations of love towards either Sasuke Uchiha, the residential emo pretty boy, or Menma Namikaze, the "hero" of Konoha that saved it with his sister via being used as vessels of Yin and Yang halves of Kyuubi. Narumi Uzumaki, Menma's sister and second "hero", was being pestered by her own fan base, enjoying the well-deserved, as she believed, attention to her persona, just as her twin brother.

After all, they were the children of Forth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and Head of Uzumaki Clan Kushina Uzumaki, both legends that have protected this village from Kyuubi. And they, their children, were the chosen ones to be the Heroes of Konoha, to protect it by being keeping Kyuubi's power in them and putting it in good use for Konoha. What higher honor and dignity there could be, being Konoha's pride and glory, and only they deserved it…

Some of the students, like Shikamaru Nara and Shino Aburame, kept to themselves trying their best not to get drawn into this chaos. Hinata Hyuuga, young heiress of Hyuuga Clan, was silently taking quick glances at one person that was an object of her interest, who simply sat on his seat with a book, waiting for the day to end finally. The said person was one that stood out from the entire classroom because of several reasons.

The first one being the fact of him being older than all of the kids in class by 3 years, including his "heroic" siblings. The second one was a seeming isolation of him, as there were several seats in front of him completely desolate, while he sat seemingly in the far edge of class room, a seat usually reserved for those that didn't have the best behavior or the reputation, or both at the same time. And he did not have either, as Naruto Uzumaki, for that was his name, is considered to be a disgrace and seeming failure of Clans Namikaze and Uzumaki, especially in front of his far more stellar and "heroic" siblings…

Heroic… The very word had an infuriating effect on Naruto, for it constantly reminded him that those two brats were better than him, deserved more than him, and were loved by their parents far more. And Konoha's population was practically decreed to worship those two like they were deities. Menma and Narumi reveled in this, enjoyed themselves from the very childhood, with their ego and pride growing every year, as they themselves did, under careful and loving watch of their parents. And at the same time, out in the shadows stood a lonely and forgotten boy, whose purple eyes swelled with tears of sadness, hidden underneath his blood red hair.

Naruto, being 12 years old, couldn't even remember when did his parents stop caring for him completely, putting him out of their minds and hearts in place for their younger children. He couldn't remember the last time his "father" and "mother" even simply spent time together. Nor could he remember the moment when did he was fully taken out of their minds, as they've stopped taking him out on celebrations, or even remember the fact that October 10th was not just Menma's and Narumi's birthday, but also their elder brother's, Naruto.

Naruto could not remember it all, but he did remember well when his happy life entered its epilogue.

Flashback. Namikaze-Uzumaki Residence. 5 years ago.

7-year old Naruto was moving through the house with a book about chakra in his hand, hoping to read it outside in the yard. He could, of course, read it in the library, but the day was way too good to sit in the house, plus it was a book with practical application, one which he was going to put to use. Being a son of two legendary shinobi of Konoha, it was obvious that Naruto had wanted to be much like his parents, and the first thing every shinobi needed was an unlocked Chakra. A couple of days ago Naruto did ask his parents to unlock it, but they turned him down, telling that he was still too young for this, and that it would be best to wait at least a year more.

This statement saddened Naruto, as he had heard from some other kids that most get their chakra unlocked at age of 6 or 7. It didn't make much of sense to young Naruto, as to why would his parents not unlock his own chakra, especially when it was the right time anyway? Then he deduced that it was probably because of his dad being really busy as Hokage, while mom had to watch over the twins, so Naruto understood and decided to unlock his Chakra on his own. Their library was filled with Jutsu, books on techniques and much other stuff, including basics with chakra, so it was easy for Naruto to find the needed book and get ready for the important moment. Plus, if he did it on his own, then his parents would probably be proud of him and treat him to his favorite dish in the world, ramen.

Naruto had traversed the house quickly and was already at the entrance of yard, when he was stopped by the sight of his parents, Minato and Kushina, watching his younger siblings Menma, a copy of his dad with spiky blond eyes and blue eyes, and Narumi, a small model of Kushina with her vibrant red straight hair and purple eyes, training. The sight had confused Naruto, to say the least, as he couldn't understand: why would his parents start training his younger siblings over him? As he stepped onto the grass, Minato and Kushina quickly turned around and went to their eldest, curious to see him with a book.

"Naruto-kun, did you want something, dear?" Kushina smiled to him, not noticing the perplexed and confused look of her eldest. "If it's nothing important, can it wait? Menma-kun and Narumi-chan need our attention right now."

"Um, Kaa-chan, Tou-san, what's going on?" Naruto bluntly asked of them, causing the two parents exchange looks with each other. "What are Menma and Narumi doing?"

"Your mother and I have decided that it would be best if we started their training a bit earlier, Naruto." Minato replied with smile to his son. "You know that they hold both halves of Kyuubi, and it is very important that they had learned how to properly control their and it's Chakra early on. Hm, what is that you have there?" Minato looked at his son's arms, before taking from him the book. "Basics on Chakra, hm? Naruto, why would you need this?"

"To… to unlock my Chakra." Naruto simply said to Minato and Kushina. "I thought that you were too busy and had no time, so…"

"Naruto, we already had this talk before, dear." Kushina kneeled before him and kissed him on the forehead. "I know that you want to make us both proud, but you are not yet ready for this. Just wait another year, and I promise you that we will unlock your chakra."

"But… But why not now?" Naruto asked, being confused at the response after the sight in front of him. "If Menma and Narumi can train, so can I. And I'm bigger than them."

"Naruto, we told you already, that Menma and Narumi need to start earlier, and we have to make sure that they do everything properly. Just because you are older than them does not mean you are better than them." Kushina said in a more stern tone of voice, nearly making Naruto wince. "Your father and I have decided and that is it: next year, we'll see if we can unlock your chakra and maybe let you train with twins."

"B-but…" Naruto couldn't even fully understand why his parents were stating that, but he was cut off again.

"Naruto, your mother has said it. Go back to your room and think about our words. You are a smart boy, you'll understand that we mean only good for you. Now, go." Minato softly, but with small force, said to his son, with Naruto giving up and turning around and walking back in the house, confused and saddened, while his parents turned back to the twins. "Alright, Menma, Narumi, it's time that we've unlocked your chakra, so get ready…" Unbeknownst to the parents, or the cheering twins, Naruto heard that, and it didn't make sense to him, while also saddening and, for the first time, making Naruto angry.

As he went into his room, he played the entire conversation in his mind, trying to understand what his parents meant. His dad was right when he said that Naruto was smart, as he really was smart, smarter than even some kids twice his age. He was always good when it came down to picking on the details and small things, as well as observing the whole thing at the same time.

He could understand that his siblings held Kyuubi in them and because of this may've needed to be trained more than others. But, couldn't his parents' train him with them at the same time, or have one of them train him while the other one watches over the twins. At the very least, couldn't Mom or Dad have one of their Shadow Clones watch over him or twins, as Naruto knew they could make them and already saw it done. It did not make any sense to him… Until he picked up on the word "better" from that entire talk.

"Dad once said that a Shinobi should look underneath the obvious… Could it be that I should be better than Menma and Narumi?" Naruto thought to himself. "I am the eldest, and it means I have to be better than them. They didn't like me training with them, but what if I were to train not with them? It would difficult, but not impossible… I'll need to get a couple more books, and find a good place to train. They probably just need a lot of space and I would only get in the way…" And with those thoughts, Naruto, unknowingly to even himself, created a crack that would later become the abyss in relationships with his family.

End Flashback.

Naruto really did think back then that if he were to become better, than his parents would be proud of him. After all, parents praised their kids all the time when they learned something new or had gotten better at something, especially on their own. He reasoned that his parents would be proud if he were to do the same thing and set out to become the best there was at being a Shinobi, as just a couple of days later he found the desolate training field, many books on Taijutsu, Chakra, Natures and more, and began to train.

Naruto, though young, could understand that it was always better to train with someone who could watch over you, but even without it, he believed that he could do well. And through sweat, exhaustion, aching muscles, bleeding knuckles, pain all over his body, Naruto had done what many could only hope for. In mere two years, Naruto not only had unlocked his Chakra, but already picked up the basic three Academy techniques, learned how to balance the leaf, as well as tree and water walking, not to mention becoming adequate in Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, for his age. He even learned how to make the Shadow Clone Jutsu like his parents. Turns out, Naruto had not just a lot of chakra, but abnormally a lot, which meant that controlling it all was really hard, but he still managed to do so. Young redhead believed that it was because of him being a member of Uzumaki Clan, a Clan known for possessing extremely large chakra reserves, as he had learned from books, for he sharpened his mind as well as his body.

Days, weeks and months have passed for Naruto in endless trainings, studies and practices, which had served to alienate the young boy from his family and everyone else around him. He did not even notice that his parents had started spending less and less time with him, or that presents and congratulations on his birthday disappeared and the very day of his birth was forgotten. He did not notice when Konoha's civilians no longer had recognized him as son of Hokage and his wife, nor did he realize that to the most of the world he started to become nothing, including to his parents…

Until that day, three years ago…

Flashback. October 10th

The party was in full swing, as kids were having fun and congratulating the twins, while their parents, most of whom were Heads of Clans, conversed with Minato and Kushina, sharing drinks and eating food, while Jiraiya and Tsunade, the godparents of Menma and Narumi, gifted them their respective Summoning Contracts on Toad and Slug. The entire picture seemed absolutely perfect, safe for the lone young boy with messy red hair and sad purple eyes standing aside and looking at this entire thing, and seeing that he was completely unwelcomed here.

Just like a year before, he received neither the presents, nor congratulations, or even was called out. Back then, Naruto simply thought that everyone was too busy and they kinda forgot… Granted, it was a weak excuse, but it was something, because there was no way that his mom and dad would forget that this was also his birthday.


And now, Naruto was seeing the exact same thing happening before his eyes, but if back then it only confused and hurt a little… Now it hurt a lot, and made him feel… angry. To see everyone just forget about him and go about this day like he did not even exist, especially his parents and twin siblings…

It hurt, a lot, especially considering that Naruto had put his mind and body through the most effective and best, in his own opinion, training course. In just six months, Naruto had learned more than his siblings did in all these 2 years under dad and mom, and now, Naruto could probably take on any Genin and kick his butt. He may've not learned his dad's Hummingbird style, or any Uzumaki style their mom had practiced, but he did learn Hapkido, Aikido, Wing Chun, even some of restricted only to ANBU Black Ops Krav Maga. His knuckles and legs were now covered in scarred skin, as he had literally trained to the bone, but the results were worth it. Hell, he even knew that he had Fire and Lightning affinities already and knew three C rank Jutsu from each affinity. And his siblings were getting all of this, while he was left out?

His hand had clenched into a fist as his anger was starting to get the better of him, until he saw that his dad and mom were making an announcement, which piqued his interest.

"Thank you all, our dear friends, for coming today for this wonderful occasion. We are so grateful that you have attended tonight this celebration of our beloved twins Menma and Narumi's birthday." Minato started, not even noticing the small glare from his son at ignoring him. "As you all know, in two years we will admit them to the Shinobi Academy, alongside all of your young children and heirs, the future Shinobi and heroes of our village, who will carry on the Will of Fire. With that in mind, after much discussion and thought, my dear wife Kushina and I have decided, that it was time to finally announce our decision about succession of our respective Clans." Naruto cocked up his eyebrow up at this one.

"The laws state that the eldest child is an Heir of Clan or Clans, so why would Dad and Mom make some… decision… No, no, not after all this time, not this!" Naruto's mind raced at the speed of a lightning, realizing what his parents were really meaning by this. "T-two years t-to better myself, and they…"

"As of today, Menma Namikaze shall be officially known as the Heir of Namikaze Clan, while my dear daughter Narumi shall lead Clan Uzumaki after me." Kushina announced with the smile, as her children cheered, alongside the others, until someone forgotten not reminded of himself to them all.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Naruto literally shouted out loud, with the entire room turning towards him, as he was seething with fury and unbridled rage. "Why the hell do Menma and Narumi get to be Heirs?! What about me?! I am your eldest son! I am the one who deserves it, not them!"

"Naruto, it's not what…" Kushina had tried to calm him down, but at this point there was no stopping Naruto, as his rage was in full possession of him.

"It's not what I think?! Do you think I'm dumb?! You can't make those two Heirs while I'm still part of both Clans! This is robbery! Why the fuck do these two get everything, while I'm forgotten and seemingly nonexistent to you all?!"

"Hah, that's 'cause you aren't born as Hero, and you don't even know how to hold a kunai right." Menma joked, with others laughing up as well. "Face it, Naruto, Mom and Dad are making you a favor, since you don't even have your Chakra unlocked. You are simply not even capable of having it." Menma taunted, earning a new round of laughs.

"Why don't you fucking come over here and we'll see if have Chakra or not, brat!" Naruto clenched his fists as he was already making his way to Menma, before he was stopped by his mother.

"Naruto, that is enough! Go back to your room and…" Kushina was ready to shout at him, but Naruto wasn't having any of it.

"NO! Why do you two do this to me?! What have I done to you?! Why did you forget about me?! This is my birthday too and…" As Naruto's eyes were starting to swell up with tears, Kushina stopped his rant… with her palm striking her son's cheek and sending him down to the floor.

Naruto fell onto the floor, shaking in shock, as his widened eyes looked at his enraged mother. The burning pain on his cheek was nothing when compared to the looks of his parents, guests, kids and twins, all of their emotions shown clearly to him: disappointment, anger, disgust and loathing… And not an ounce of pity or concern, not even from his parents. Especially not from his parents, as Kushina forcefully picked Naruto up by his arm and led him out, right in front of everyone. Naruto did not even resist, as they went to his room, with Kushina literally throwing him in, with Naruto hitting the floor, before she spoke up, ignoring the quiet sobs and whimper of her eldest child.

"I hope you are happy with yourself, Naruto, because you've ruined not only your brother and sister's birthday, but also your entry to the Academy. You can also forget about any training or Chakra unlocking, because after this disaster the only place you'll get it will be the Academy, when you go there with the twins!" Kushina coldly shouted at her son, who turned face her with the most heated glare he could muster. "And don't even look at me like that, young man! It is your own fault and now you'll have to pay for your actions. I've already told you, that just because you are eldest, does not mean you are the better one, and Menma and Narumi are better than you. And because of that Minato and I've chose them over you as Heirs. Now stay here and think about what you have done, and once you are done, you'll go and apologize to your siblings and us for what you have done today!" With this, Kushina closed the door, nearly destroying it, leaving her son inside his dark room.

"Like hell I will…" Naruto simply said into the darkness, as he got up and sat on his bed, contemplating everything that had happened.

Two years… Two long, hard and painful years of training, studying and learning on his own and all of it was for naught. Broken fingers, strained muscles, migraines… all of it meant absolutely nothing now, as he finally started to realize the simple, yet cruel fact to himself: his parents simply loved Menma and Narumi over him. There was no more place for him in their hearts, and he probably even helped it, as he didn't even often see them at home or outside of it, as he was training and they were training the twins.

No, it was not his fault! Naruto clenched his fists and rage, before he shot upwards, sending his fist into the wall, roaring with all of his fury and rage. When his fist connected with the wall, streaks of blood appeared and went down the wall. Pain shot in his brain, but Naruto simply shrugged it off, as he saw his hand bloodied and his fingers not even able to move. Not the first time when he had gone overboard, and he knew that his knuckle would get better later, like it always did.

But while his hand would heal, what had been done tonight… He would never let go of it. His parents… No, those two had made him to sacrifice two years of his life just to "get better" for them, and this is how they respond. It was now crystal clear, that those two brats would forever and always be the favorites of Minato and Kushina, no matter what he had done to impress them or get their attention. It was completely and utterly pointless now for him to prove anything to them.

"To fucking hell with this… If those two idiots wanna see Menma and Narumi as my betters, so fucking be it!" Naruto angrily thought to himself. "Disappoint them, my better… We'll see, Kushina, Minato… You can have your titles, fuck 'em! But I am not going to let it go, oh no… One day, I will make you regret this. Kyuubi or not, but I will make those brats regret your decision. I swear on my own blood, blood of Naruto fucking Uzumaki!" Naruto gritted his teeth with a throaty growl escaping, akin to one of wolf, as he made his commitment.

End Flashback.

His mother did keep her word, as no matter what, Naruto would not be admitted to the Academy, even when he had filed everything that was required. Nobody in the Academy would want to argue with Hokage's wife and Hokage himself, by extension, so Naruto had to wait two more years. And these two years were not happy ones, as after his outburst and disinheritance, Naruto had become a laughing stock of Konoha, a disgraced former Heir, which threw a temper tantrum over being passed over his more prestigious and glorious younger siblings. People of all ages and every position would either whisper or speak behind his back about what a failure he was, some of the dumber and bolder ones tried to pick on him, thinking he was easy picking.

Naruto proved them wrong. Many, many times over with them, their friends and buddies and whoever had tried to beat Naruto just for fun, being sent into hospitals with broken noses, bones, dislocated legs, shoulders and with enough black on them to play chess. Naruto had gotten in a fight with not just civilians, but also with members of Clans, beating most of them into a pulp, and it felt good. It had allowed to vent out pent up rage and anger, which Naruto had in plenty and more, thanks to this Village, his siblings, Minato and Kushina, always reminding him who were his better. Of course, Naruto was also getting beaten from time to time, but each time he would simply get up and strike harder and faster at those that beat him.

As if responding to his situation, rage and frustration, Naruto's body also started to change, speeding up the growth of bones, muscles and toughening them up. It was like every time Naruto was beaten, his body would adapt and grow stronger because of it. Couple that with near nerve-wrecking training regime Naruto set himself, by the time he got twelve, he looked like he was sixteen already. His chakra levels were also growing, and by now Naruto could say for certain that his Chakra was on the same level as a regular Jonin of this village. From what Naruto had deduced himself, it was probably due to some form of mutation of his Uzumaki bloodline, triggered by extreme stress and emotional distress, like with Sharingan of Uchiha Clan. It was only a theory, but it was something that Naruto was willing to bet money on.

And while his body and mind sharpened, his skills in combat and knowledge only grew, his relations with almost everyone in this village and his family deteriorated and became not just strained, but nearly on level of animosity. Anger and bitterness of Naruto towards his parents had never faded away, and he never forgave them, nor was he planning to, while Kushina and Minato, though sourly disappointed and distraught with their eldest, simply fully focused on their youngest kids, who continued to grow into stuck up arrogant brats.

People of the village now preferred to ignore Naruto and stay away from him, with many now taking to a liking of calling him a demon, due to his willingness and readiness to beat into a bloody pulp men and women, not even fearing incarceration, something that Naruto also became quite familiar with. At least twice a month he would end up in jail, either for another fight, or because someone had framed him for a crime or a particularly bad prank.

Minato would get him out, but not before Naruto had spent at least three or four days behind the bars. After that, it would be the usual lecture about the pride of his clan and how he was acting childishly and he should know better… At this point, it had become practically a running gag, with Minato still thinking he could make Naruto "better"…

By the time the Academy had started, Naruto was already wishing that it ended, as it was nothing more, but a constant repetition of already known history about founding, First, Second, Third and Fourth Hokage, Shinobi Wars, all made with a clearest flavor of propaganda and painting Konoha as the best of the best, all thanks to their great and mighty Will of Fire. Academics were something more interesting, but soon too became not enough for Naruto, as he had studied them before.

Overall, his hopes that Academy would prove to be something useful were gone, and now he was simply waiting for the Friday, as he had filled up a report to take up the major examination on Genin. Fortunately, laws of Konoha allowed it to be done, thanks to Second Hokage for that, and Naruto was going to be spending next 3 years in the same class as those two brats, while he could be doing something more productive. He would most certainly be stuck as reserve Genin, since this wasn't the time for team formations and examinations, but this still would be better. Plus, he would be able to finally get the hell out of his house, something he was looking forward to.

Having had enough of the ruckus around him and knowing that bell would ring in a second, Naruto packed up his books and went out, ignoring some random shouts towards him. Tomorrow, he'll finally be able to put this whole miserable place behind him. As Naruto walked out of the building, he picked up on clear sounds of some brats shouting and a girl in distress. Curious, he went ahead to take a look at what was going on. It didn't take him long to see that about four 14-year old Genins, all with red markings of Inuzuka on their faces, were picking on a young girl with long bright red hair and light blue eyes, dressed in a scarlet dress with silver lines one, followed by black short paints and sandals. She resembled Kushina, but only by hair color, as the girl looked close to nothing to that violent ogre, being very beautiful and cute in Naruto eyes. She seemed to be his own age, but also seemed older, somehow, just like with him.

"Oh, look what we have here, boys! A cutesy little student that wants to become a Genin." One of the assailants had stated, as the others have chuckled. "And one from a wealthy and powerful family. What, you think that money can buy you this headband, eh, bimbo?"

"Pl-please, I-I simply filed for an early exam and…" The girl stuttered, before one of the idiots had tried to grab her by a hip.

"Wow, she's packing some nice sets right here. What do you say, guys, want to give the girl the preliminary exam?" The perverted laughter was enough for Naruto to indicate that the girl was in trouble.

Contrary to popular belief, Naruto didn't pick fights with those that didn't ask for it, or threw the first punch. No, he only ever struck after someone had tried to hit him, after that, it was fair game in his book. He would give at time a chance to back off, but very few did in this village, so he had plenty of chances to beat people down. Still, while Naruto had very little love for the people in this place, he did, however, care for those being picked on because of their weakness. He absolutely loathed and hated people who liked proving their power and strength by picking on those weaker or meak of character. These people were made more than half of whom Naruto sent to hospitals, and now that number would increase, as he stepped forward and yanked the arm of the assailant and nearly broke it, getting the needed attention.

"The lady's not interested." Naruto spoke in cold and threatening voice, drawing immediate attention to him. "Now get out of here, if you don't want to miss the next two Chuunin Exams."

"And who… the hell you think you are to boss us around?!" The captured Genin groaned, trying to get his hand out of the lock, but failing.

"Hey, I know this dickhead! It's Hokage's eldest brat, the one that got kicked out of inheritance in favor of his siblings." His friend on the left recognized Naruto. "You think we are scared of some weak-ass failure that doesn't even have his Chakra on, eh? Word of advice: split out of here, before we make you cry and wet your pants, boy."

"Clearly you haven't read the news, have you?" Naruto simply stated, before easily broke the wrist of his captive, making him cry out in pain, releasing his grip afterwards. "Well, let me show you, why you should have."

The next thing that followed was his friend on the left trying to throw a punch at Naruto, but he quickly used Kawarimi, replacing himself with the traumatized Genin, who received a punch in the face, knocking him out. Naruto did not waste time, kicking in the knee one of the Genins and sending a wrist into the second's face, breaking his nose. The first attacker had reached out for his kunai and ran towards Naruto, but a simple lock and disarming move on redhead's part, and another idiot tastes his blood and dust after a head-butt. The one that got kicked in the knee lost his footing and knelt, before being introduced directly to Naruto's boot, knocking him out. The last one had tried to blindly attack Naruto with his kunai, but that didn't do him much, as a simple punch in the gut finished them off. Naruto sighed, as he turned his attention at a stunned girl before speaking up.

"Are you okay, Ms.?" He spoke to her directly, breaking her stun, as she nodded to him.

"Y-yes, thank you." She nodded to him, looking at the beaten up Genins. "Won't you get into trouble because of this? They are Genins and it is a capital crime to assault a Shinobi like that."

"I'll probably spend a week or two in a cell for this after Hokage gets the wind about this, but better that then having these degenerates pick on women just to get their junk working again." Naruto said bluntly to the girl. "It's nothing new for me, so don't worry."

"W-well, if they'll come asking, I'll simply tell them that you stepped up to stop them." She assured him with a cute smile. "I-I'm Akemi, Akemi Uzumaki. It's a pleasure to meet you…" Naruto simply cocked his eyebrow upwards after hearing this.

"Naruto." Akemi quickly realized with whom she was talking to, but didn't deter from a small smile. "Pardon the blunt question, but are you sure you are an Uzumaki? Last time I checked, the only Uzumaki were Kushina and Narumi, with me as unwelcomed addition. Though, your looks do make you look like quite an Uzumaki, so if anything, no offence if I'm mistaken."

"None taken, and yes, I am an Uzumaki, though not from your mother's branch of family. My father is from a separate branch of Uzumaki family, so you could say that we are distant cousins of sorts." She cleared up. "My parents aren't very public, not like yours, most people around here don't really ask him of his family name. Most people address me and my brother by our mother's second name, Azuma. She's Konoha's current chief medic, Aika Azuma, maybe you've heard of her?"

"We've met, multiple times, actually." Considering that she was actually the one that patched up his hands in his earliest days of training, Naruto was aware of Akemi's mom, and could see the resemblance. "You said you had a brother. Is he around or…"

"I am here, actually." This made Naruto and Akemi turn to face a young man with short silver hair and light blue eyes, dressed in grey vest with blue t-shirt underneath, black with light blue lining pants and sandals, who was walking to them. "Ake-chan, I'm sorry that I didn't get here faster. Iruka-sensei wanted me to drop the tests off in teacher's office. I hope you they didn't hurt you or…"

"No, no, I am fine, only shaken a bit. Naruto-san here has… Handled them." Akemi said, with her brother looking around.

"I'll say that you have quite a… direct way of handling these kinds of things, Naruto-san. Although, it does seem to have gotten the point to them." The man said to him with a smile, extending him a hand, surprising Naruto a bit. "You have my thanks for protecting my sister's dignity, Naruto-san. I'm Hiryu, Hiryu Azuma, or Uzumaki, whichever you prefer." Naruto looked at the extended hand with a small tingle of suspicion, before accepting it, though a bit of hesitation.

"No problem and simply Naruto will do." Hiryu nodded to him, as they released their hands. "I'm kinda surprised. Not a lot of people in this village are willing to say more than three words to me, and even less say nice things to me, not that I blame them…"

"Well, there aren't many persons that happen to save my little sister and not expect to win a favor or two from our parents. And if you don't mind, no honorifics on our regard, so we are all here feel equal." Hiryu said to him, looking at the young man, dressed in all black shirt and pants with boots. "They own a tailor shop, Azuma's Tailor Shop, the one monopolizing the whole tailoring for Shinobi and even Hokage, though it's dad that runs the place, while mom is working in hospital."

"Must be getting quite a lot of clients then." Naruto remarked in a seemingly uncaring manner, though not an impolite one. "Are you two students' here too?"

"Yes, final year, to be precise." Hiryu answered. "Pardon the question, Naruto, but I don't recall you being in our year. Were you held up in a year before or…"

"No, I was simply sent into Academy with the Kyuubi brats by Hokage and his wife, sorry about the language." Naruto said mostly to Akemi, who nodded. "I'm sure you heard what the deal with me is, and I doubt that your parents would want you hanging around the likes of me, so maybe you best be on your way home, before someone sees you with me."

"A-actually, would you like to come along with us? I-I mean, we don't mind your company a-and Mom and Dad wouldn't mind either. As a thank you for standing up to me." Akemi had a small blush on her cheeks and averted her eyes away from Naruto. "If you want, dad would probably g-give a discount on one of his garments, or you could have dinner with us…"

"I really don't think that it's a good idea." Naruto objected. "I best be going, plus I've got a Genin exam tomorrow."

"Well, I hope you don't mind that I also insist on you coming along, and you have nothing to fear. Mom and Dad are good judges of character. And, as it happens, Akemi and I'll also be taking an exam tomorrow, so what's the harm in coming along." Hiryu insisted, with Naruto, though clearly not as comfortable with the idea as Hiryu and Akemi, deciding to agree, allowing Hiryu and Akemi to lead the way. "So, it must be difficult, being the eldest in the entire group, with practically no one to speak with about things…"

"That's actually the least uncomfortable thing. Trying to find anyone that isn't a stuck-up douche with a penchant for inferiority and superiority complex in this village- now that is really difficult for me." Naruto commented, as they moved along. "Though, to be fair, my reputation and… less than restrained temper do put a big dent on my chances to get along with anyone in here." Even though Naruto heard people whispering and talking behind his back, he decided to ignore for now, as he didn't want to get his new acquaintances into trouble.

"Actually, you kinda remind me of Dad. You have a few things in common with him." Akemi said with a smile to him. "He is usually a very nice person, but also has his moments from time to time. He says that Uzumaki blood is like liquid fire, waiting to just for a spark to ignite it. I guess I'm not very much of an Uzumaki in that regard, since, well… I guess I take more after my mother in that regard."

"In that case you've got nothing to be ashamed of. She is a nice person, the nicest one to be perfectly honest with you." Naruto looked up at his scarred back of the right hand for a few seconds, with Hiryu and Akemi noticing them as well. "Not a lot of people in here would simply heal you a broken palm and not look at you, like you are a piece of shit to them." Naruto said in a somewhat somber, deeper tone, with Hiryu speaking up.

"You do not have a lot friends, do you, Naruto?" He asked of him bluntly, with Naruto shaking his head.

"Nope, I don't. Don't think ever even had any to begin with…" Naruto admitted to them. "The closest thing to a friend I ever had was old Lord Third, but after that day, I didn't really talk to him or anyone for that matter. You are actually the only people I've talked with for more than two minutes, or not got lectured, insulted, aggravated, or beaten by."

"I am sorry to hear that. You must be feeling terribly lonely, living like that… I can't even imagine how your parents even permit this." Akemi said with sympathy and sadness in her voice. "Can't Lord Hokage or Lady Kushina do anything about it?"

"They did, and here we are talking about it." Naruto responded with coldness, and not so hidden anger. "If you don't mind, I would appreciate if didn't talk about them, or their brats for that matter. I have… issues with them, to put it bluntly."

"Of course, I'm sorry. I didn't think this through..." Akemi apologized to him with a small bow, which Naruto shrugged off. "Though to be quite honest with you, Naruto, you are actually nicer than Menma and Narumi, and more… approachable, so to say."

"Those two things do not really apply to me all that much, especially the approachable part." Naruto argued.

"I'd disagree with you." Hiryu spoke up. "We had an unpleasant run in with them a couple of weeks back in our shop, when Lady Kushina came in for her dress. Let's just say, that unlike your brother and sister, you do not ogle perversely at Akemi and do not act like royalty. You are more down to earth."

"More like face in the dirt, but thanks." Naruto actually let out a small smile at this one, as they had finally came to the place, which looked like a large three story well-built building, with a sign of Azuma's Tailor Shop hanging above the door. "You live in here?"

"Yes, the first floor is used as a shop and workplace for Dad, with second and third floors being our home. Dad actually bought the entire place in one payment, as Mom had told us, and renovated it for our family. He used to be a Jonin Shinobi, but decided to retire after he and Mom got married. Said that he has had enough of it." Hiryu explained to Naruto, who nodded to him. "He and Lady Kushina were actually among the dozen kids that were sent from Uzushiogakure here as a part of the agreement between them and Konoha. Most of them didn't make it through the last Great Shinobi War, or left the Village afterwards, while he settled down here."

"I didn't even know there were ten other Uzumaki living here at some point… Books didn't mention anything about it." Naruto remarked.

"Yeah, modern books don't mention a lot of things that really happened, believe me, kid." The trio immediately turned around when they heard a mature male voice speak up.

Before them stood a tall, lean, well-built man, in seemingly his late twenties or early thirties, dressed in a white suit with a black shirt underneath, white pants and black shoes. He looked a lot like Hiryu, though he had a more mature look, with long red hair behind his back made into a loose ponytail, resembling a mane of a lion, with two long bangs on each side of his face, bright blue eyes, with a little bit of green in them, and a short accurate beard on his chin.

He looked with a smile at Akemi and Hiryu, before eyeing up at Naruto, with Naruto almost feeling like a chill running along his spine. It was like he was staring at something really, really dangerous. He has faced the KI from Shinobi and even his mother before, but this man… For the first time in his life, Naruto decided to watch his mouth. And then he spoke up.

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure, Mr..." The man deliberately trailed off, despite obviously knowing who Naruto was.

"Dad, this is Naruto. He is from the Academy, only he is in the first year." Akemi introduced him. "He… He helped me a-and I thought that I could invite him over, a-as gratitude…"

"Is that so, Akemi-chan? I wonder, what have a person like you, Naruto, have done for my daughter. Or should I say, to my daughter?" Older Uzumaki narrowed his eyes upon Naruto, who despite not showing it, was actually starting to think about ways to escape.

"Dad, Ake-chan was assaulted again." And just as Hiryu had said, older Uzumaki's attention immediately went towards his son first, with a look fright and concern being next directed towards his daughter. "Naruto intervened and handled them before they did anything… degenerative of nature. They were of Inuzuka Clan again, though without dogs this time." Naruto could see how the man's features hardened up at the mention of the clan.

"Again with those mingy mutts… I'll have words with Tsume about that, and if she doesn't restraint them…" He suddenly stopped, blinking once, before turning to Naruto. "Oh, I am sorry about this, I hope I didn't offend you. You have quite the infamy in Konoha, Naruto, so I have assumed that you've done something with my little girl here. Again, my apologies."

"Don't worry, I get that far more than I would like, and I understand." Naruto sighed, while the older Uzumaki extended him his hand.

"We haven't been properly introduced, have we?" He smiles to Naruto with sincerity. "I am Shingen Uzumaki, but you can call me Shin." Naruto looked for a second at the now announced Shin and shook his hand.

Alright, hello dear readers. To those of you who may be asking, my name's Ronin, or you can call me Alex, which ever suits you best. A few months ago I have taken a long leave to get my things back in order, with the new semester in full swing, plus family issues and other stuff. Well, to those that have been waiting on for me, the good news is that there is now more free time for me and I have decided to use it with this, a sort of fresh start for myself, to get my feet wet again in the great and mighty ocean of Fanfiction. I fear I may've lost a notch, so sorry if it happened. Also, thank you all so much for your support in last months, it meant a great deal to me and it almost makes me cry out of happiness.

Now, about my other stories. As all of you had been requesting, as I am aware, the continuations of my stories will appear before the end of the month, hopefully, but do not hold your breath. I am sorry, but my graphic is still hectic at times, and there are still issues with my family not fully resolved so… yeah, real life can be quite a downer. And as for their updates, they will be irregular, I am sorry, as I hope to focus up on one major story for me for now, this one.

Now, about this story. Yes, a neglect fic, but with a couple of my own touches, such as additional Uzumaki people in, as well as Naruto dealing with anger issues and inferiority complex. I hope to focus up a bit more on a character evolution, his growth and struggles in life. Also, yes I have purposefully made the character older again, and I do not apologize for that.

About Naruto, while he may appear like an angry person, and he certainly is one, he is also broken inside and doesn't even have much of a goal in life. His closest people had all but drove him into what he is now, he was denied what was his by right and with everyone praising and celebrating his younger siblings, forgetting him, he is obviously angry, envious and jealous, as well as bitter at people. I'll be making his struggles to overcome his own demons one of points in story.

Now, as for the new Uzumaki, they are a distant branch of the Uzumaki family, with Shingen being based off of Zeoticus Gremory, Akemi is based on looks on Rias Gremory, with two of them being from Highschool DxD, while persona is my idea, with Hiryu a based off Vergil from DMC and character of one of my previous work. This family will be also a central point of this story, along with Clan Uzumaki in general.

Oh, and this time, no harem. Sorry, but pairing is still not decided, so suggestions?

Please comment, review, PM, follow and favor it, as it helps me improve.

Again, thank you all for reading it and all those that had supported me.

See ya soo!