Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries or any of its characters. All OCs belong to me.

The warmth of sunlight bathing her skin is the first thing she registers in her half-wake half-sleep slumber. The second, being the warm body pressed against her back, and the arms wrapped securely around her waist. Not ready to wake just yet, she turns her body so that her face now buries into Jeremy's chest, away from the light.

She smiles when his arms tighten around her protectively, before something flickers in the back of her mind, causing said smile to quickly evaporate. Something's not right. These arms aren't Jeremy's, neither is this scent. Before her mind can play catch up, the other's body stiffens, and then there's a crashing noise coming from far away.

She bolts out of the bed, legs getting tangled around the sheets, effectively tripping and falling on her bottom.


She recognizes the equally confused and shocked voice instantly. She looks up from her spot on the floor to meet the familiar blue eyes of Damon Salvatore.

"Damon?" Shaking her head to get out of the dazed haze she's currently in. She notes her hair – once just below her chin – now longer past her shoulders. Memories of their last moments flood to her in an instant. The other side was crashing, she and Damon held hands waiting for the inevitable unknown.

Waiting to die.

She looks around the room they occupied, It's unfamiliar in every sense of the world. The bed sits between twin set windows, with nightstands on either side of the bed. Burgundy bedding, matching drapes over the two windows, and bare hardwood floors. Boxes, both opened and closed littered the room, as if someone had been packing or unpacking.

"Where are we?" Her hand comes up to her locks, her fingers running through the length "how is this possible?" Hair doesn't grow that long that fast.

"Obviously not in Kansas anymore Toto" his answer is sarcastic and hushed, tilling his ear towards the direction of the door. He's no longer in the bed, but also not on the floor like she currently was.

"What are you-?" He shushes her, bringing his fingers to his mouth, then pointing at the door. She follows suit, quietly getting up from her spot on the floor, she watches him as he puts his ear towards the door.

"I can't hear anything" the implications says volumes; a sinking feeling begins to form.

She swallows a lump in her throat "what do you mean you can't hear anything?"

"As in, we're clearly not alone if that crash was any indication. I'm a vampire, and I can't hear anything beyond this room, not even your heartbeat, and-" he holds up his hand for her to see "no daylight ring, and it's sunny as hell" Damon runs a hand through his hair in frustration "I feel all" he waves his hands in a vague motion "humanly"

Without being asked, Bonnie lifts her hand at one of the many boxes and mumbles a quick incantation, hoping to feel the familiar call of her magic, the familiar tingle as it pulses through her veins, running through every inch of her before releasing. But nothing happens. No fire.

"Aaaaand you lost your witchy juju" he throws his hands up "great"

Grams did say she took care of everything, but that doesn't give her much sense of security. They are in an unknown place with no powers. What's waiting beyond this bedroom door – with their luck – could be dangerous. And without her powers, how could she find their way back home.

Even with the odds stacked against them, she tries to keep calm and think rationally. There has to be a way. There's always a way. She just has to keep focus. She looks down at her attire, she's wearing green pajama shorts and a white tank top. She looks over to Damon, who's sporting only gray boxers.

"you look older"

She snaps her eyes to his face at his words. He's looking at her an eyebrow raised in a calculating stare. She would've felt offended but now looking at him. Really looking at him. He does too. Which is beyond strange. "So do you" she breathes with a shaky breath "so the questions not just where are we. It's also When are we"

Instead of responding, Damon moves towards one of the many boxes that scattered the room, looking through them.

"What are you doing?"

"Looking for a bat, knife...anything to use as a weapon"

She silently agrees by helping, going over to one of the already opened boxes, but the back of her mind is still piecing together information. They woke up in bed together, wearing sleep clothes they obviously weren't wearing before. The implication with just that tab bit of information is already startling and her brain doesn't want to dwell in that direction. Both of them look older, she hasn't seen herself in the mirror yet, there'll be time for that later. If there's a later a negative part of her brain supplies. She pushes it away. They are getting out of here, no doubt about it.

She opens a box far off in the corner opposite of Damon, only to see it packed with what looks like lamps wrapped in bubble wrap.

"What is this? A domestic hell? Doomed and gloomed for dad shirts and-" Damon pulls out a folder from the box he's currently rummaging through, opening it and looking through its content. His irritated expression slowly turns into that of confusion, and something else Bonnie can't quite place.

"What is it?" She walks over to him and looks over his shoulders to see what he's reading. She's only able to see that it's some sort of document when another crash from somewhere outside of the room and loud murmurs of voices brings them back to the present.

They both stand abruptly, Damon moving towards the closet, finding a golf bag and takes out a club. He moves back towards the door and Bonnie goes into the closet to retrieve one of the golf clubs as well, no way was she some damsel not able to hold her own.

He places his hand on the door handle, looking at her, both nodding, a silent confirmation that they were ready. He slowly twists the doorknob, opening the door and peaks out, looking sideways before stepping out completely. She follows suit, clutching the club in both hands. If they are attacked, she's going to swing like there's no tomorrow.

They're greeted by a medium sized hallway, a table with a blue vase with no flowers. Gray fuzzy carpet that she can feel between her toes. It's clear they are in a house. As they walk further, they pass a bathroom with the door open, she can't see Damon's face as she's behind him, but she knows he has to be as confused as she is. They pass by more doors, but neither opens them.

The murmurs from before gets louder, it's coming from downstairs, as they get closer they could hear the words.

"Leave me alone. You're not the boss of me"

It sounds like a female.

A very young female.

There's also sniffles of sobs and hiccups during her statement coming from someone else.

"I know you're having a hard time-" that's another female, still young but older.

"You know nothing" the first hissed "You still have your mom and dad"

Bonnie and Damon look at one another, neither knowing what to make of anything. They reach stairs, and slowly starts to descend them, their footsteps quiet to not alert their – companions. They stop, seeing the pictures that decorate the stairwells. It was as if putting the montage of pictures wasn't done yet, being only six, and not reaching all the way down the stairs. But the pictures itself is what makes them freeze.

There are pictures of kids. Unfamiliar kids. One, a single picture of a brown skin girl, another of two similar completion children - a boy and a girl – smiling at the camera. A completely different girl in a green shirt smiling in her own lone picture. But what shocks them the most – and what caught their first attention – are the two pictures without children. Not the one with Bonnie and Elena seemingly at a party - Bonnie is sure she's never been to - eating cake but of the other two. One of Elena and Stefan. Both looking happy, with Stefan arms around her waist, and another with Bonnie and Damon. Bonnie's arm around Damon's shoulders, his hands resting on hers, both smiling at the camera.

They wouldn't be caught dead taking such a picture. She and Damon are barely even friends. Frenemies would be the closest word to describe their relationship. Forced to deal with one another because of Elena. Elena, who's Damon's girlfriend, the love of his life. The woman he's fought his brother for, in the arms of his brother.

The arguing down stares continues, bringing them back to the present.

"you're right" came the second's voice "I do. But I loved them too. We all did"

The golf club still loosely in her hand, Bonnie feels ridiculous with it now. There must be children downstairs. Damon doesn't move, seems to be frozen where he stood. Bonnie moves around him, he doesn't stop her as she makes her way fully down the stairs. She puts the golf club against the wall at the bottom, before rounding the corner to see the kitchen, occupied.

An older version of the little girl in green from the picture is glaring down at the floor, chest heaving, fist bald at her sides. A teenage girl, older version of the other girl in that lone picture looking down at her with sad eyes. And the other two children – also from the photos and older – sitting on the chairs at the table, the girl silently sobbing into the boy's chest as he rubs circles on her back, comforting her.

"What's going on here?" Bonnie says, not sure of what response she'll get, but she's made her presence known.

The former green shirt girl – she silently dubs – head snaps up to look at Bonnie, as did all the other occupancy.

There's anger and unshed tears in former greens shirt girl's eyes, she looks back at the crying girl, then the teenager, before storming off passed Bonnie without a word. Bonnie can hear her going up the stairs – most likely passing Damon – before hearing a door slam shut from up above.

The teenage girl sighs heavily before plopping down on one of the stools at the island, she opens her mouth to speak but the sobbing girl beats her to the punch.

"It's my fault" her voice is tiny "I put the pictures up, and it upset Alana"

"Lydia it's not your-" the teenage girl says

"Yes it is" the girl – Lydia – interrupts "I shouldn't have been so impulsive"

Bonnie just stands there, not sure what to do.

"She'll come around" the boy – who remains nameless – says.

She knows she's supposed to be doing something, but she honestly has no idea what. Bonnie has always prided herself at her intellect, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out who the three are before her. They look just like her with their honey-brown skin, the pictures she'd already seen. These are her children. Hers and Damon's of all people. As impossible as it is.

"Lydia" she finally says, walking over to the girl who has to be around ten. She bends down so that she's eye level and takes the girls hands in hers "it's not your fault" keeping eye contact.

"I'm so sorry mommy, I just thought it'll cheer everyone up. Make everything feel like home when everyone woke up" Bonnie nearly botched at the title, confirming what she already expected. "But I only succeeded in upsetting Alana. I shouldn't have put Uncle Stefan and Aunt Elena's pictures up, it's still too soon."

Bonnie nods slowly, not all that sure what was going on Play alone until we figure this out. She puts on the best smile she could muster "Why don't we continue making this a home later, and you and your siblings can help me make breakfast, how does that sound?"

Lydia gives her a small smile and nods in agreement. Bonnie will use this opportunity to get as much information about this place as possible.

"Now" she stands up fully, looking down at the little girl who reached her chest, then at the other two "what wants omelets?"

He knows leaving Bonnie to deal with them on her own could be seen as cowardly, but he can't bring himself to round the corner to see them. The little girl – Alana – had passed him, not even bothering to look his way as she stomped upstairs, and he just stood there like a statue.

His brother's daughter. His girlfriend's daughter. And in this strange world, they're dead. He's seen the document, a copy instating that they have – he and the witch- custody over his niece after the death of her parents.

He didn't want to believe it, didn't want to face it, but it's right there in plain sight. Not just the papers that clearly addressed Elena as a Salvatore, but Bonnie too. He knows what this place is now. It's clear as day.

It's his own personal hell.

He can hear Bonnie speaking to them, but the sound is hollow, he wants to turn away, hide from this reality. This world without Elena. This world where he's never got the girl. This world that has no Elena in it.

This world without Stefan.

It's not real he chants to himself like a mantra It's not real.

Not being able to bear it anymore, he finds himself heading back up stars in a rapid fashion, he needs to get away, clear his head. He needs to go anywhere that's away from them. He grabs the door handle to their –no the fake theirs's – room ready to lock himself inside.

"Daddy" came a small sleepy voice from behind him. He freezes How many damn brats are there? "Justin made potty in bed" Damon turned around to see two identical boys in identical onesies. One rubbing the sleep from his eyes while the other looks down at his feet guilty.

Ah Hell

"And what fillings are you in the mood for?" Bonnie asks the three before her as she cracks another egg into the bowl.

The eldest who was leaning up against the counter, her cheek resting on her right hand as she watched Bonnie scoffs "Since when do we have a choice? Ever since you've been on this health kick we've been subjected to broccoli, spinach and other unmentionables"

Her brown hair in a messy ponytail the natural curls still prominent. She stood a few inches taller than Bonnie, and her features all quite similar.

It took a lot not to show any reaction out of that as she continues to play alone "well, now, I'm asking what are you in the mood for"

The boy perked up from the stool he sat on "Beacon, ham and cheese" His hair also curly

"Pizza leftovers from last night" Pipes in Lydia.

The eldest remains silent, looking at her with eyes that hold suspicion. Bonnie tries to ignore it and keep up the pretense. She's sure she's failing, that the oldest – she still has no idea what her name is – is starting to see through her.

Bonnie chuckles, hoping it doesn't sound as forced as it feels "why? No broccoli?"

Lydia scrunches up her face in disgust "Mommy no, just no"

How do I approach this without giving anything away? And where the hell is Damon!? That asshole

"Mommy" Bonnie looked up from beating the eggs at the oldest, the girl's eyes still holding suspicion "You're not pregnant again are you? I thought you said no more after the twins"

"What?" Bonnie's voice was higher than normal at the question. Seeing these children that's supposedly hers is one thing, pregnant is another. Not to mention Twins? There's more of them?

The boy groans loudly "Mommy, we can't deal with more kids. We moved here for extra space as it is and I still have to share a room with the brats. Next time Daddy tries to touch you say no"

"Whoa ok stop" she's grateful they couldn't see her blush, but the heat of it feels like a furnace at this point "no, I'm not pregnant" I hope.

"Then why are you acting weird?" the oldest countered "Every time you spoil us, in this case abandoning your health kick, you're going to give us some drastic news. Most time it's because you're going to announce you're pregnant"

"Not always" Lydia says sadly, they all look at her and the other two eyes went sad as well except for Bonnie "The last two times were when Uncle Stefan and Aunt Elena died and you took in Alana, then when you announce we were moving. Mommy wasn't pregnant then"

She couldn't help the hot tears that formed in her eyes, her throat felt constricted. She suspected, with the pictures and Alana living with them. The argument they overheard being a big give-a-way clue. But to hear it said out loud, even if this world wasn't real, the thought of them being gone for good pained her.

"No more sad talk" she says wiping the single stray tear from her cheeks "let's play a little game"

"What sort of game?" Asks the boy, looking very interested.

"We ask random questions, even if it's obvious, and the person that answers the most wins a prize"

"Umm, that doesn't sound fun" he pout.

"the prize is cash"

"let's play" he perked right back up.

"I'll be the one to ask questions and you guys answer" she picks up the bowl and heads to the stove. "The game starts now"

AN: So what did you think of the first chapter? I'm new to writing Fanfiction but I hope you enjoyed so far. This was not beta'd so any mistakes I will be sure to fix. Please R&R It's much appreciated.