hi back at it again had a bit of writer's block.

WARNING: this story is DARK and I don't own the mortal instruments, if I did would be rich and I'm DEFINITELY NOT.


I can't believe I did it. I had sex with Jace and it was so good. I bite my lip thinking about the events of earlier tonight. I'm still lying in his bed naked so is he I roll over and look at him. he is so peaceful so... hot. I sigh and Jace sturs. he slowly opens his eyes and then smiles at me, I smile back. he kisses me deeply, then I see the time "shit" I jump up and start to put my clothes on. "what? what's wrong?" he says with a slightly sad tone i "it's so late! I told my mum that I would stay at home tonight. With all the daemon attacks she has been so worried, so I promised her I would." " oh ok" Jace jumps up and starts getting ready. "what are you doing?" I ask him "what do you think I'm doing, getting ready to walk you home." I roll my eyes and he chuckles. "no Jace I'm fine. you don't have to take care of me, I can take care of myself." "no! I'm taking you home!" I pull my pants on as he finishes putting his shirt on "no Jace I'm going home by myself! training is going so well you know I can handle myself!" Jace thinks for a minute and sighs. "fine." he doesn't sound curtain but he knows he is not winning this argument. "thank you" I kiss him goodbye and leave the institute.

I'm waking home with a grin on my face with knowing what I did, but I can't help feel as if someone or something is watching me. I jump at my phone, it buzzed. I shake the feeling. it's Jace, why am I not surprised.

you home yet?


but I can see my house and I'm fine

you know I can handle myself

I know, I just wanted to make sure you get home safe

message me when you get home

I love you :3 3

I will and I love you too 3

I love Jace so much I can't even start to des- I see something move behind me. a figure in a black hoodie. they move faster towards me, I know something isn't right. so I run I can see my house but I'm too late. They grab me from behind. They have one strong arm wrapped around my waist pinning my arms down and the other holding my head covering my mouth so I can't scream, it laughs my head is tilted back on his shoulder it's a he, definitely a he. I can tell by his voice that seems familiar. I kick and try to scream but his grip is too tight. "goodnight" he says is the creepiest voice ever then pain on my head and then... black

wake in a dark room on a bed that has springs poking out, I can feel them I try to sit up but the pain in my head forbids it. i touch my head, its wet i try to look but its too dark so i smell it ... blood. then a door opens and the light goes on. it's a small room with a concrete floor, natural light only blinding white artificial lights. there is a toilet and shower out in the open no glass no nothing. i look at my kidnapper but he is wearing a mask. he walks over to me. "so, you're awake... took you long enough." his voice is disturbingly calm. I take a shuddering breath "why do want me... why me?" i mean to sound mad but it comes out scared and jittery. the man laughs "why do i want you? well just take a look at yourself... and I want something, something I can't get without you." he is so calm when he says it the way he says everything. like he didn't just kidnap me "what? what do you want from me" he just smiles "i believe you have something no shadow hunter can do... you can make new runes" it sinks in that he will do whatever he needs to has what he wants. I finally sit up and look into his eyes they're like empty pits, emotionless objects to examine things with. he grabs my shoulders and pushes me down on the bed. a pain shoots through my head where he must have hit to get me here. "you ready little sister?" fear strikes in me i grab his mask and pull it of. im more terrified than ever before. he kisses me and I turn my head to the side and punch him in the face. he just grabs my wrists and continues.

ok so if its short soz but I have to go out now and id rather get this out now. please follow if you want to keep up with the story. favorite if you are enjoying it so far and please, please review