Rogue definitely didn't mean to get caught up in Logan's work. Still, a gambit can be fun every now and again. A/U. No mutant powers. Based loosely on the first three films.

Marie "Rogue" D'Ancanto knew her sort of uncle was not happy with the predicament she had put them in. He'd planned on having her stay with her old Institute friends the first month post graduation, but she'd nixed that idea and shown up on his doorstop with no preamble. He had seethed for a good hour when she'd first arrived, but eventually conceded that he was happy to see her either way.

The problem was that he was currently working as a bounty hunter. They'd been heading to dinner when he had stopped at the dive bar to follow up on a lead regarding a current high yield bounty. He'd told her to wait at the bike. She'd intended to follow his orders, but only for the seconds it took him to disappear into the bar.

Now, was Logan Howlette her real uncle? No. Since he'd found her hitchhiking across the Canadian border, obviously several miles from home as she opened her mouth, he'd assumed the title. After she'd said she didn't want to got back into the system or to Mississippi, he'd carted her out of Laughlin City, where he'd found her, and dropped her at a swanky boarding school for kids like her.

Kids like her being runaways and foster kids who were fed up with either the system or home. She found she liked the school just fine and Logan was around enough that she felt comfortable. The shine she had taken to him had been aided on by a crush at first, but had quickly developed into a familial bond with all they had in common.

Now that she had graduated, though, and had a general associates degree under her belt, he didn't quite know what to do with her. "Stay by the bike, kid." She scowled as she assessed the area he'd left her alone in. "Fat chance, old man."

She narrowed her gaze at a couple random patrons as they left the bar. Sure that no one would question her presence, she ditched the bike and headed toward the door. Just as she was gearing up to sass her way passed the bouncer, a body barrelled into her.


The body groaned and then snorted. "Figures the devil would toss me out and I'd land in the arms of an angel." A head of shaggy brown hair raised and bloodshot, but still warm, brown eyes practically devoured her. "Oh, cherie, you are a vision."

She wrinkled her nose at the smell of alcohol and cigarettes that assaulted her as he waxed debonair. "Sure, Swamp Rat. Got a name, hot shot?"

"Sure do, but you can keep calling me Swamp Rat. I like that bite you got." He inched up her, which was oddly sensual and she was glad her jacket covered her chest to hide the blush she knew would be blooming. "I'd like a taste before the devil catches back up and carts me away."

"Devil, huh? Surely guy with mutton chops, a jacked up Flock of Seagulls haircut and knuckles so hard you'd think they're metal?" She watched him nodded urgently. "Wonderful. Got some bad news for you, sugar. I ain't no angel, but more rather the devil's apprentice."

She knew the main reason she was able to flip them and pin him down was that he was inebriated and taken by surprise. Still she smirked smuggled as Logan emerged from the bar, looking thoroughly bruised up and still gearing for a fight, to find her cuffing up the man with the spare set of handcuffs he kept in a saddle bag. He growled and marched over, clearly ready to take the run away perp from her.

"Not so fast! How much he running for?" The man looked between the two before settling a curious gaze on Logan. "Come on, old man. Fess up."

"More than you'll know what to do with." She raised a brow. "Half a million."

He was right. What he should have anticipated would be her classic stubborn nature to reel its ugly head. He stared her down as she kept the Cajun close.

"Shit. What did you do, Swamp Rat?"

"I took a gambit and it didn't pan out." He grumbled, lowering his head. "That ain't a legit bounty and you know it, Monsieur Claws!"

"Mister Claws?" She snorted, standing whilst pulling him enough that he got them message and rose to his knees. "Not legit, huh, Cajun? Seems you're working black market bounties, again, Logan."

"Don't get all high and mighty, Stripes. It keeps things interesting and put you through college." He folded his arms and glared at the pair. "You aren't getting tangled up with my contact, Rogue. End of story. Hand Gator Bait over."

"You should negotiate a higher payout." The man in question turned so he could look up at her. "I'm worth far more than $500,000. The people who got a mark on me? They can afford it, ma cherie. Thieves honour."

"First off, she ain't your anything. Second, I'm aware they can afford more. Third, thieves don't have honour, you jackass." Logan strode forward and the man didn't even flinch as the large man seethed over him. "Lastly, she's not getting involved."

"Oh, I think she is." He leaned into her and Rogue nearly staggered back as all his weight was suddenly against her legs. "She caught me fair and square, homme."

Rogue considered the two before looking over at Logan's bike. "So, riddle me this, uncle dearest: how were you gonna transport this guy? Like hell you're gonna leave me here. No matter who gets the bounty, I ain't sitting on my ass waiting for you to come back for me."

"She makes a good point, mias I ain't going no where with you either way." He leaned forward, something jingled and suddenly a pair of were tossed the air. "Tell me you know how to drive that thing."

"I know how to ride."

When she caught the keys, his whole demeanour changed. Suddenly there was no swaying or halted movements. He deftly broke her hold on him, the cuffs dropped to the ground and he charged Logan. Logan grunted, but met the man head-on. The Cajun was just second ahead of Logan's defence, and managed get him to the ground.

Rogue watched in amusement as the men tousled and Logan wound up with his face in the dirt, his own cuffs around his wrists. "LeBeau! This isn't a game."

"LeBeau" stood up straight and dusted himself off. "No it is not, mon ami. As it is, I find myself in the company of a capable, belle femme who got me first. Fair is fair." He adjusted his lapels and turned toward her. "Shall we get those monstrosities back on me and be on our way?"

"I really shouldn't leave him here." She did stoop down to pick up the cuffs he'd discarded so easily. "I also shouldn't go anywhere with you alone."

"Oh, chere. Alone with me is the only way you should be." He waggled his eyebrows earning a snort from her. "You'll like it."

"I definitely shouldn't be alone with you."

She stepped forward and cuffed him, hands in the front for transport purposes. Before she could pull back, he grabbed the waist band of her jeans and yanked her into him. She raised her hands in shock and found herself flush against him.

"Mias, Rogue, I think alone with you is the only way this is going to work. No matter who gets paid, I'm going with you."

He dipped his head down and sealed her lips with his. She let him kiss her, only a little bit to give herself time to figure out her next move. When he took her pause as invitation to deepen the kiss, she acted on impulse and pulled on his duster to connect her knee with his gut.


"Don't put your hands on me uninvited, again."

She heard Logan growing more agitate from his position on the ground. Sighing, she took stock of the situation. Logan could pick the lock on his cuffs, it would just taking longer than it had the Cajun. She had his keys and a willing partner for her escape.

"You know, Unc, when I was still at home I had planned on backpacking cross country. Granted at the time it was up into Anchorage through Canada, but I never did get to have the fun trip I had wanted." She looked at the setting sun. "Maybe Washington state then up to Alaska from there since I've already seen Niagara Falls?"

LeBeau whooped in agreement. "See! Ma chere knows a good deal when she sees it."

"Rogue, don't you fucking dare."

"On the bike, Swamp Rat." She followed him and the two adjusted to accommodate his cuffed wrists. "I'll call you, Logan."

She started the bike and was pleased when her more than willing riding buddy used his longer legs to keep it steady when the stand was kicked up. She revved it, taking a bit more than a little enjoyment from Logan's angry expression. Red coloured his face and neck as he began swearing so profusely she wondered how the air wasn't black.

"Marie! You're in it now, kid!" She watched as his efforts doubled to get the lock picked on his restraints. "I'm gonna get you, kid. You can't run from me! Then it's back to school with you."

She saluted and gunned the engine. LeBeau laughed behind her, a deep sound that rumbled in his chest and against her back. She watched from the review mirror as they hit the road and Logan stood, hand cuffs hanging from one hand. He sent them an unpleasant gesture as he disappeared into the distance.

Oh, no. Logan was not happy with this situation at all. She, on the other hand, thrilled as her passenger's grip tightened around her waist. Sure, they'd eventually get caught by him and the Cajun would be taken to whoever was offering the pay day. Until then, Rogue was gonna have a little fun.

A/N: A little, fun one-shot to pass the time. Hope you enjoy! Reviews are appreciated. Much love from this cheeseball writer.