Vegeta and Frost shot forward, but it was clear from the first few seconds that Frost hadn't expected Vegeta to go as hard as he was. That didn't come out right… regardless, Vegeta went Super Sayian within seconds of the fight starting, and seemed to overpower Frost with each attack. The two clashed back-and-forth, before Vegeta decided to fight dirty, and hit Frost where it hurt.

"Boo!" Roshi yelled. "Don't break the Bro Code!"

"Huh. Would that be a hit to the snowballs or the icicle?" Arkia asked, smirking to Roshi, while Genevieve groaned at her husband's joke.

Well, broken rules or no, the fight didn't last much longer. Even with everything Frost could throw at him, Vegeta countered it, over powered it, or tanked it like a boss. Still, a few more strikes later, and Frost was down for the count.

"Hrgh… New guy!" Champa shouted, looking over to Skorch, who was currently floating in the air, half-asleep. "You know the future, right? How do we win!?"

"Lord Champa…" Vados frowned.

"Sorry chief. It don't work like that." Skorch shook his head.

"WHAT!?" Champa yelled as Skorch threw something at him.

"I'm not allowed to reveal information that would change the timeline." Skorch remarked. "I'm here to watch, not re-shape the universe."

"But you know how things will go down, correct?"

"Not anymore." Skorch shook his head. "The future's kinda pissy right now, I can't get a clear read off of it. Also, I can't empower your squad, that'd break the rules more than you already have."

"Then what good are you!?"


"Lord Champa, I believe you're going about this the wrong way." Vados remarked, before turning to Skorch. "Beerus made a bet of your allegiance to us, therefore, it is understandable you cannot break your code, but your kind cannot ignore an order under these circumstances, can you?"

Skorch simply growled in response.

"I thought so." Vados nodded. "If you are capable of doing so, please, heal Frost."

Skorch seemed to struggle, and his bones began being covered by purple veins. It wasn't totally clear what was happening, but he got up, walked over to the injured, Frost, and summoned some green fire. He seemed to focus for a moment, then unleashed the energy, it surrounded Frost, and then a few moments later, Frost bolted upright, seemingly as good as new.

"That… that feels great!" Frost exclaimed.

"SINCE WHEN COULD YOU DO THAT!?" Vegeta shouted form the arena.

"Since always!"


"You never asked!"

"Hang on. He can heal people!?" Bulma exclaimed.

"Yes, Skorch can mend wounds to near perfection in moments." Akira nodded.

"I was in a full body cast for weeks, and he didn't do anything to help me!"

"Did he warn you against doing something?"

"…yes…" Bulma admitted, thinking back to the Bat-Sayian suit incident that destroyed most of the lab.

"That's probably why."

"I was in that thing for five weeks!"

Vegeta growled but said nothing, preparing for the next fight. It was a weird one, as effectively it ended through the magical power of bullying. It also resulted in the arena being destroyed, so that meant there would be another break… during this, 'Majin Buu' seemed to grow interested in Auta Magetta, and wandered over towards him. The large robot still seemed completely and utterly mentally shattered after the fight with Vegeta, and didn't know how to react to the tiny pink ball currently looking up at him. However, they seemed to form some sort of odd friendship in a matter of moments. As Kirby was presently on Magetta's head, looking out over the world, while Magetta seemed to appreciate the kindness from the tiny pink ball. Everyone else was wither focused on the fights, or knew what Majin Buu (or Kirby for those that knew the lie) could do, and decided not to question it.

"So, you're up against Cabba next, right?" Goku asked.

"Yeah." Vegeta nodded. "I'm interested how it'll go…"

"I wonder who Buu's gonna end up fighting…"

"I'm wondering how long we can keep that lie up before we get caught." Piccolo muttered. "If they do have him fight, how's that gonna work? He barely has arms."

"Not to mention I have no idea what's up with that Hit guy…" Goku added. "C'mon, I think the others are gonna watch another one of the Death Battles."

"Do you really think now is the right time to watch one of them?" Vegeta asked skeptically.

"I mean… what else are you going to do? Talk to the Universe Six fighters?" Piccolo asked, genuinely uncertain of what they could and couldn't do right now.

"Rhh… fair enough." Vegeta conceded, following the others back to where Universe Seven was seated.

"So… are we just gonna ignore the fact that Kirby is currently befriending the giant robot and Skorch is effectively their slave now?" Krillin asked after a few awkward moments of silence.

"What can we say?" Bulma asked.

"We're fucked?" Hercule remarked, earning a few surprised glances. "Seriously, do any of you think you can fight that guy?! And we don't even know what that alien dude is capable of!"

"…just…just play the episode, we'll figure this out." Goku said optimistically.

(*Cue Invader – Jim Johnson*)

"They are the government's best-kept secrets. Masters of stealth, trained to kill in a hundred different ways from the shadows, or face to face." Wiz began.

"Solid Snake, the legendary soldier of Metal Gear." Boomstick said as a man with brown hair and a beard appeared. Over one of his eyes was an eyepatch, and he was dressed in what looked like a camo jumpsuit.

"And Sam Fisher, Splinter Cell's ultimate predator." Wiz added as a figure wearing nothing but black appeared body armor. He held a knife in one hand, and wore goggles with three green lights on them on his head. He loaded a magazine into a pistol and lowered the goggles over his eyes.

"Huh. Not exactly what I was expecting for a Death Battle." Roshi remarked.

"I think this battle will focus a lot more on skills and precise weapons rather than brute strength." Bulma nodded.

"He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick."

"And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle."

Solid Snake

(*Cues: Metal Gear Solid - Main Menu Introduction*)

"His name was simply "David", and he had one clear purpose in life: Become the successor to the greatest soldier who ever lived."

"Why you may ask? Because he was cloned from him. Strap in ladies and gentlemen, this origin's one of the most needlessly convoluted things ever written!" Boomstick declared.

"As a secret government project David was created using eggs donated by a Japanese scientist and grown in the womb of a femme fatale spy along with seven other would-be brothers." Wiz began.

"I guess that's possible…" Bulma muttered, not too certain about the legitimacy of the science behind that… but whatever.

"She was almost the original Octomom, except they scrambled six of them to somehow empower the remaining two. Sorry folks, I don't have a joke for that. That is… that is just freakin' weird…" Boomstick admitted, sounding disappointed in himself.

"Is that even possible?" Goku asked.

"I don't wanna think about it…"

"How do you even begin to do that? You can mess with someone's kids before they're born?"


Real Name: David

Born 1972

Height 6'0" / 182 cm

Weight 165 lbs / 75 kg

IQ: 180

Has Fought In Wars Since Age 19

Has a Strange Fetish For Cardboard Boxes (Some of the fighters had questions.)

Is Dummy Thicc (All of the fighters had questions.)

"So… he's human, right?" Trunks asked.

"If I had to guess, yes." Vegeta nodded.

"According to prophecy, because what is a good stealth-war-drama game without one… one of these twins would bring ruin to the world, while the other would save it. So that kind of works out."

"This might be the first time I've ever seen science and prophecies used in the same sentence." Piccolo admitted.

"Born to be a soldier, he joined the Green Berets as a teenager and later joined the CIA, the U.S. Army, and finally the hi-tech Black Ops group called FOXHOUND. Here, his deadly stealth techniques earned him his legendary code name: Solid Snake." Boomstick said as different logos for the different military corps. were shown.

"That still sounds like meds you take to get going…" Roshi muttered, and was hit by Chi-Chi because of his remark.

"I take it this is similar to the way things work in D-Zero, different factions focusing on different specialties." Piccolo reasoned.

(*Cues: Metal Gear Solid - Main Theme*)

"While serving under this Special Forces unit, he received training from the very man he was cloned from, Big Boss."

A younger Snake was shown in some routine combat training with an older man who did noticeably look like Solid Snake. It was pretty believable that David was this man's son/clone.

"Not bad. But not great." Big Boss remarked as he sidestepped most of David's attacks.

"But on his very first mission from Fox Hound, war itself changed. After infiltrating the military nation Outer Heaven to rescue a fellow agent, Snake uncovered plans for the creation of a gigantic, walking weapon that can airmail a nuke too anywhere in the world. It was called the 'TX-55 Metal Gear' and it was freakin' awesome!" Boomstick declared as the monstrous machine was finally revealed. "Standing at over six meters tall and twenty tones, these bad boys were designed for one thing, and one thing only. NUKING! EVERYHTING!"

Vegeta looked at the Metal Gear, then over to Auta Magetta, then back to the Metal Gear, then blinked.


"Gotta ask, why would they give nuclear weapons to robots?" Chi-Chi asked. "It seems like doing that is just making this an inevitability."

"Because compensation." Roshi remarked, earning him a few annoyed glances. "I'm serious. You build a big ass robot, someone builds a bigger one. It's inevitable, so what do you do about that? Stronger weaponry."

"That's actually a fair point." No. 18 nodded.

"Despite being a Foxhound rookie, Snake destroyed the Metal Gear and discovered that Big Boss himself was apparently leading the enemy." Wiz added.

"Unsurprising." Piccolo muttered.

"After killing his own father, supposedly. Not really. Snake had had enough and entered early retirement. He believed all that would come of his continued presence in the battlefield would be more bloodshed and violence, and he didn't want that."

"But since he had singlehandedly destroyed a walking nuke shooter, the greatest soldier who ever lived and the because there is like, twenty of these games, Snake became the next soldier of legend." Boomstick added as a series of posters scrolled across the screen.

"Although he was only in twelve of them." Wiz corrected.

"So, what kind of games would these be?" Goten asked. "They don't seem to be action or fighting."

"I think stealth." Trunks answered. "They look pretty cool!"

"Anytime a new Metal Gear showed up, Snake was pulled back into the fray. When all he really wanted to do was get drunk in Alaska and dogsled race with his 50 huskies. Talk about living the dream… I mean that seriously, that life sounds awesome!"

"That… is weird." Krillin admitted. "I mean, do what you enjoy, but to go from a genetically made super solider to just some dude living day-to-day? Seems weird."

Down in hell, Mad Dawg paused and looked around, feeling like someone was talking to him. He shrugged, and kept walking.

"But why would you race with dogs?" Vegeta asked, skeptical of the idea. "…they're dogs."

"Have you ever seen a Husky?" Chi-Chi asked. "They're powerful work dogs, and they're also quite beautiful in their own right."

Before anyone could say anything else, a loud bark was heard, and a Husky wandered up to the group, having appeared inexplicably.

"There's one now."

The large dog seemed to walk among the group, occasionally stopping to be pet or lick someone, its bright emerald eyes shining somewhat as it made it's rounds. No one knew who's it was or where it came from, but it seemed to be friendly. Eventually, the Husky stopped by 18 and Marron, the young girl seemed thrilled that the dog seemed to notice her, and laughed as the husky nuzzled against her before it started licking her face.

"Nice doggy!" Marron smiled as she scratched the husky behind the ear, which just made the dog pant happily.

"The Iditarod? The longest sled race in the world?" A man asked "When did you become a dog musher?"

"Last week." Snake sarcastically replied. "What of it?"

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

"Turns out Big Boss wasn't quite as dead as people thought. Even after Snake burned him alive with nothing but a lighter and a can of hairspray-" Wiz began.

"History's greatest soldier, everyone!" Boomstick cut in as Snake was shown burning Big Boss with a homemade flamethrower.

"These Metal Gears kept showing up. Soon, Snake was an expert at destroying these robotic behemoths."

"Think Ghostbusters, but for giant death robots!" Boomstick added, a logo of a ghost in a crossed-out circle appeared, with a metal gear head over its head. "That'd probably be better than that remake… it had such great potential!"

"Focus 'Stick." Wiz chided.

"Whatever… He even piloted a Metal Gear to destroy another Metal Gear, that was designed to kill Metal Gears! Whoa... that's not just something you do, that is ART."

"While I know better than to judge someone's fighting ability solely based on their appearance, Snake… confuses me." Piccolo admitted. "He's clearly strong enough to hold his own, and perhaps he excels in stealth rather than physical combat. But he doesn't seem like the kind of super solider they're making him out to be."

"I think they're saying Snake is the ultimate solider when it comes to stealth, rather than physical combat." Vegeta admitted, somewhat hoping that wasn't the case, as he wasn't sure how entertaining a battle between two fighters who excel in not being seen could be. Even Batman was at least built like a tank…

(*Cues: Metal Gear Solid 2 - Main Theme*)

"Despite how we may be making it seem, Snake did not earn his reputation as the icon of stealth by going in, guns blazing. Although he knows how to use practically any weapon he finds with lethal precision, he keeps his load light by entering missions with only the bare essentials."

"Snake carries a Ruger Mark II pistol, with tranquilizer darts, perfect for silent takedowns. But, if he wants to get lethal, he whips out his 1911 Operator, one of my favorite handguns ever." Boomstick continued as Snake loaded a gun, but then the gun was zoomed in on, with multiple states being shown pointing to different parts of the gun. "It's .45 ACP custom shop tactical handgun with features like three-dot tritium night sights and an extended lightweight trigger available right from the factory. A precision-fitted barrel bushing combined with a 5" service-length match grade barrel ensure tack-driving accuracy. And on top of that, he's got a stun knife, which is like if a taser and a knife had a baby. I want one. all three of which he incorporates into his specialized fighting style, CQC, a brutal mix of hand to hand combat and gunplay taught to him by Big Boss himself."



Pistol Used for Lethal Shots


Houses a Non-Lethal Electric Charge That Emits Through the Blade


Smart Camouflage That Blends its Coloring and Heat Signature Into the Environment


Has Night Vision, Reveals IR Heat Signatures and Footprints

Displays a Radar Which Picks Up Nearby Bio-Signatures ("Kinda seems like a scouter." Goku remarked.)


A Cardboard Box

Can Hide Under It

Useful When Packing to Move

"I can't tell if they're trying to make a joke or something… does he really use a box?" Yamcha asked.

"Preferring to remain unseen, these weapons wouldn't do Snake much good without other tools to keep him hidden from his enemies."

"No shit." Vegeta remarked.

"Snake's outfitted with his OctoCamo, a smart camouflage which can match the color, texture, and temperature of Snake's surroundings, and can change within seconds to accommodate for any location or situation."

"Not even the Gecko Bots, with their infrared and night vision tracking, can find Snake in this camo."

"That… would be pretty interesting, actually." Bulma admitted. "I'm not sure what kind of automatic computer regulators that thing must have."

"It also seems to be really ineffective as armor." Goten added.

"Plus, he's always aware of his surroundings, thanks to his high-tech eyepatch, the Solid Eye."

"He's not actually missing an eye, it's more like a monocle from the future, with infrared, night vision, and radar." Wiz explained.

"That thing is essentially a scouter."

"I think the infrared would be pretty helpful." Krillin remarked. "Track people based on their footprints and heat signatures? That could come in handy."

"And when those don't work, Snake grabs his ultimate weapon… a carboard box."

True to his word, Snake suddenly disappeared under a cardboard box, and slowly began walking way, dropping to the ground as some guards passed by, neither one even bothering to look at the box.

"They weren't kidding." Yamcha blinked.

"Sorry, but who in their right mind would use a cardboard box for stealth?!" Piccolo muttered. Then saw a cardboard box shuffling nearby, smoldering footprints left behind. "…I said in their right mind…"

"Snake's also been injected with nano-machines, which energize his body and his CODEC, which to put it simply, is an internal radio system." Wiz continued. "The CODEC allows two-way communication, which is 100% silent, almost like telepathy."

"No." Bulma said before anyone said anything. "I'm not going to inject any of you with nanomachines. In concept they're a useful tool, in reality, they would most likely kill you from the inside."

"If that happens, wouldn't that be on you for not properly programming them?" Roshi asked.

"I don't have the time or want to fully explain all the issues with that statement." Bulma muttered.

"We have little time, so I'll be brief. How about switching to nano-communications first? Silence beats talk when it comes to safety." A man remarked as Snake activated his cool half-sunglasses. Sunglass? Either way, the security footage showed them sitting in silence, not saying a word but having a conversation.

(*Cues: Metal Gear Saga - Metal Gear Solid 4*)

"Feeding him info from the other side of the CODEC is his best friend, Otacon, a pathetic cowering nerd with horrible bladder control. Just like Wiz."

"Ouch." Trunks winced.

"Hey, it's you in nine years." Goten snarked, and Trunks glared at him bitterly.

"Goten." Chi-Chi chided.

"Well, when he was little he had part of that down…" Bulma admitted.



Real Name: Hal Emmerich

A.K.A.: "Otacon"

Founding Member of Philanthropy

Computer Expert and Hacker

Designed Metal Gear Rex

Hacked the FBI, US Army, & ArmsTech

Removed the AI Controlling the Patriots' System

Pisses Himself Semi-Regularly, Usually When Frightened or Stressed

Super Dedicated Otaku

From a first glance, Otacon seemed impressive enough for what he could do, but the last two facts were both things the fighters didn't need, or want, to know. Those that didn't understand the final comment (Goku, Buu) didn't feel the need to question it.

"…But he's also really good at hacking computer systems, Unlike Wiz. So, I guess he gets by. Give him enough time, and Otacon can hack into any top-secret facility." Boomstick concluded.

"Ye-HEY!" Wiz shouted, the growled something under his breath. "Apart from Big Boss, Snake has defeated cybernetic ninjas, psychics, a pretty hot sniper, his own twin, and of course, several giant Metal Gears."


Blew Up a Tank Only Using Grenades

Overcame His Own Genetically Superior Twin Clone "Brother"

Twice Defeated the Legendary Solider He Was Cloned From

Surprisingly Good at Skateboarding

Survived Microwave Bombardment for 3 Straight Minutes

Has Defeated Snipers, Ninjas, Psychics, and More

"He's got some crazy resilience as well, as he can wield a railgun as powerful as a tank with his bare hands, and once blew up an actual tank using nothing but a couple of grenades. That's a lot harder than you think." Boomstick continued as Snake was shown wielding a massive gun.

"Not to mention the Snake once powered through a sealed hallway while being bombarded with microwaves, and survived." Wiz added as Snake was crawling through a room with an orange glow. From the heat waves emanating around the room and Snake's burning clothes, it was clear this was painful.

"What's happening to him?" Goku asked.

"Microwave radiation." Bulma answered. "Usually a person's skin would melt within four seconds of being exposed to that much of it."

"Who throws microwaves at people? Come on!" Boomstick remarked.

"No, Boomstick… it's more like he was inside a giant microwave."

"My God… think of the size of Hot Pocket you could make with that!"

"Under the effects of microwaves, a normal man's skin would deteriorate in about two to three seconds, Snake lasted more than three minutes." Wiz recounted.

"How?" Goten asked. "Is that the nanomachines?"

"I don't have an answer for that."

"And any guy that can last three minutes is a goddamn stallion. Now I know why they call him 'Solid'." Boomstick remarked, earning a few groans from some of those watching. "But seriously, this guy is built Tonka tough, though he's hardly perfect. His OctoCamo may be one of the greatest stealth suits you'll ever see, but it provides only light protection against knives and other weapons. It also does barely anything for bullets, and even though he's in peak physical condition, one well-placed bullet will put him down as easily as any other man."

"And despite being a borderline God of Stealth, Snake's plans don't always go one hundred percent to plan. He's been outsmarted and outfought before. Also, cloning and nanomachines don't mix. By the time he was thirty-five years old, Snake had begun aging rapidly and even suffer heart issues and seizures that someone in their late eighties would suffer." Wiz continued.

"…oh." Someone finally muttered, seeing what they assumed was a time-lapse of Snake's accelerated aging. His brown hair quickly changed to silver, then grayish-white, and while his body didn't physically change, it was clear he was aging at an unnatural pace. While one might expect this to be where another joke at a certain scientists age would be cracked, right now, everyone felt like that would be in poor taste.

"Is there nothing the nanomachines could do about that?" Yamcha asked.

"I think they're what caused that to happen." Piccolo reasoned, assuming so after what he had been told thus far. "And on top of that, he's a clone, effectively a living weapon… he doesn't have the same body as a regular human…"

"There's a lot we could say about these games… but unless you've played ALL of them, or at least have a few hours to watch a ton of videos on the stories… you're gonna be lost, FAST." Boomstick admitted. "Because while 'Snake' is the main character, there's three of him. Solid, Liquid his sort-of brother, and Boss, his sort-of dad…"

"But rather surprisingly, Snake is not someone who believes that violence is the first answer." Wiz admitted, surprising some of the watchers. "Sure, he'll kill without hesitation, and has fought in wars his whole life, but he doesn't want things to end in bloodshed. Add to that the fact that there is a LOT of gray morality in war, and Snake learned all about that first-hand… probably from the one you'd least expect it from."

"Also, spoilers for MGS4: Guns of the Patriots." Boomstick quickly added.

"You… have been given freedom. Freedom to be… outside." A very sickly Big Boss weakly got out as he struggled to stand, eventually sitting down with his back against a headstone. "You… are nobody's tool now. No one's toy. You are no longer a prisoner of fate. You are no longer a seed of war. It's time for you to see the world with your own eyes. Your body… and your soul… are your own."

Vegeta felt like he had been punched in the gut, and he wasn't one hundred percent sure he knew why. Yeah, there was the obvious reason, but that simple statement felt like it had been written for him in particular, and that his father had said it… but he couldn't say why.

"Forget… about us… Live… for yourself…" Big Boss groaned weakly, putting a cigar in his mouth and attempting to light it before the lighter fell from his hand. "And find… a new lease… on life…"

Snake picked up the cigar and lit it, taking a drag off of it, then put it in Big Boss' mouth, letting him have one last smoke.

"This is good… isn't it?" Big Boss weakly asked, then his remaining eye shut, and finally, Big Boss was gone. Leaving Snake standing alone amongst a field of flowers and fallen comrades. Usually, the fighters would have questions or comments on the worlds they saw, but right now… they had nothing to say. It felt like silence was the best response to what they had seen. It felt like there was at least twenty minutes more to that conversation, and on top of that, they were missing the context that lead up to it.

"I thought Big Boss was the bad guy." Goten muttered.

"War screws with people." Vegeta answered. "Sometimes people do bad things for good reasons, or become the threat they fought. At the end of the day… never mind."

"Old and wrinkly or not, you can count on Solid Snake to see every single mission through. And be a badass the whole time! There's a reason he's known as the man who makes the impossible possible." Boomstick concluded.

"I'm no hero. Never was. Never will be." Snake remarked.

"You haven't changed at all, Snake." A red-haired woman replied as the doors closed and someone hit pause.

"He's interesting." 18 simply said. "I doubt this'll be a fight like most of the one's we've seen before. I think now it'll be who's better at not being seen." She then smiled down at her daughter, who was once again petting the unexpected Husky.

"If Snake's tough enough to survive radiation for three minutes, how come a shot to the head can kill him?" Roshi asked aloud, that having bugged him since it was brought up.

"The Otocon suit?" Krillin offered, getting the names mixed up.

"No, that thing got shredded during that." Yamcha shook his head. Unfortunately, even the resident scientist didn't have a solid answer. She had assumptions that the nanomachines might have held him together, or perhaps his training included some form of resilience endurance, but neither of those seemed completely feasible.

"So, if Snake has the Solid Eye, what does the other guy have?" Trunks asked. "Also, I thought the fighters couldn't have assistance."

"Hey, yeah…" Someone muttered. "I thought they couldn't have outside help."

"I think this might be the exception because of the tech they're using." Roshi admitted. "It kinda seems like the Solid Eye would be worthless without that Otter Dude helping him out. Besides, I doubt all four of them will be in the same room."

"Fair enou-hey!" Chi-Chi began but blinked in shock when she saw the slice of watermelon she had cut was gone, and now there was a Husky munching on said fruit. It looked up to her panting, seeming totally okay with what it had just done. "…Bad dog."


Across the ring, Cabba was stretching, trying his best to prepare for his upcoming fight. Skorch was sleeping, and floating in the air somehow, ignoring everyone, while Champa seemed to be trying to figure something out.

"Hey… Skorch?" Cabba awkwardly said as he approached the entity. Without warning, the skull snapped towards him and two green flames appeared in his eye sockets.


"Uh… can I ask you something?"

"I can't tell you about the future, so don't bother asking." Skorch remarked.

"No, it's… it's when I talked to those two from your world, Goku and Vegeta. They seemed really shocked I was a Sayian. Are there not many of us in your world?"

"Kinda." Skorch nodded "Where they're from, there's like… fifteen Sayians left." Skorch paused, thinking something over, then added: "Well, that might be an exaggeration, but the Planet Vegeta was destroyed a couple decades ago… I dunno what's happened to it recently, but things are weird, y'know? They're the only two pure blood Sayians I've met up until now."

"I thought you were part of their universe."

"Nah, not exactly, kid." Skorch remarked, his body twisting and controlling in an unnatural way until he was sitting on the air. "I'm a Watcher. I exist outside your world, their world, and all the other Universes in this realm. I come from a place none of you have ever heard of. I showed up in their world to make sure things keep moving… again, it's a long story."

"So, you know the future?"

"Ehh… kinda." Skorch replied. "Like I told purple Heathcliff, the future is in a weird place right now. We're at a Chronal Axis, meaning there's like, one small event that will determine if things will go one way or another, but I can't say which is gonna become the future."

"Is there anything you can tell me… about my future?" Cabba asked, and Skorch didn't answer. He seemed to be looking into Cabba, maybe even through him. The eye sockets conveyed a lot of emotions, and the green fire turned blue for a few moments, but no words were spoken until Skorch finally gave voice to his sight.

"I get your fears Cabba. They're real." Skorch said, somewhat softly. "But keep pushing through them, the other side is worth it."

Cabba blinked, bewildered by the Entity's statement, as it simply raised more questions than it answered, but there was something that felt nice about his words.

"Also, if you want a more explicit answer, you'll have to challenge me. But take my word on this, you'll need your strength when you go up against Vegeta or Goku."

Cabba wanted to ask what Skorch was talking about, but Skorch had seemingly dropped back to sleep. Back over with U7's squad, the episode continued.

Sam Fisher

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

"The legendary soldier, Samuel Leo Fisher, was born in Towson, Maryland in 1957." Wiz began.

"Woah, he's older than I thought!" Boomstick remarked as Sam appeared. He was an older man, not as old as Snake, but he had the similar 'experienced' look to him.

"After being orphaned at a young age, Sam spent his youth at a military boarding school. His goal was to join the C.I.A. and follow in the footsteps of his late father, becoming a legendary solider, protecting his country." Wiz continued.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

"Sam's career in government work was an impressive one, throughout it, Sam found himself joining both the C.I.A. and the Navy Seals. During this time, he found he had a particular knack for knocking up espionage and stealthy ladies." Boomstick said. "Wait… Never mind. See, on one of his missions, he fired off a few rounds into the wrong target, and knocked her up. So, he married her, they had a daughter named Sarah, and Sam Fisher lived happily ever after... No wait, he got divorced after three years, and his ex-wife died of ovarian cancer. Ouch."


Full Name: Samuel Leo Fisher

Born: April 17th, 1957

Height: 5'10" / 178 cm

Weight: 170 Lbs / 77 kg


Possesses the Fifth Freedom, The Legal Right to Break the Law in Order to Uphold the Greater Good (That surprised some of the fighters)

Proficient in Karv Maga (Contact Combat)

Apparently Owns An Elephant

"There's a law that allows you to break the law?" Goku asked. "Doesn't that defeat itself?"

"I think it's more to ensure that you can't be held at fault for doing something bad if you're doing it for noble intentions." Bulma explained.

"I feel like that's an oversimplification…" Vegeta said skeptically. "Granting someone the freedom to do whatever the hell they want has to have some restrictions on it."

"That just seems like a bad idea." Roshi shook his head.

"Left with no other family but his daughter, Sam retired at just 47 years old. This time, he'd spend the rest of his days in peace..." Wiz continued, trialing off…

"Right." Goten rolled his eyes.

until he and Boomstick started laughing.

"As if! We all know how this really goes." Boomstick laughed.

(*Cues: Splinter Cell - Main Menu Theme*)

"Sam was far too good to leave the agent's life forever, and if he did, the games would've ended there. So, he was recruited by Third Echelon, a top-secret sub-branch of the NSA. Third Echelon wanted Sam for their new Black Ops unit, focused on infiltrating impenetrable locations, extracting information, and escaping even the most impossible scenarios. They called it the Splinter Cell program." Wiz explained as Sam was shown gearing up for a mission.

"Oh yeah, let me come out of retirement and do that! The completely impossible!" Boomstick said sarcastically. "Except… he was really good at doing the impossible."

Without warning, Sam noiselessly appeared from behind an armed guard, grabbing him in a chokehold and dragging him behind a bush. If they were honest, the fighters were surprised at how quietly Sam had appeared.

"Talk, but talk quietly." Sam ordered.

"I'll tell ya anything, I'm the biggest coward you've ever met!" The guard whimpered out.

"That's quite a claim."

"I've already wet myself!"

"Well... then you've made the top ten."

That got a laugh out of some of the fighters.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme, Stealthy Boi Music*)

"Well luckily, like other agents of stealth, Sam Fisher didn't have to work alone while doing the impossible."

"His support comes from Anna Grimsdottir, or Grim, who communicates with Sam through subdermal implants in his ear."

"Ewww!" Boomstick groaned.


Name: Anna Grimsdóttir

A.K.A. Grim Reaper

Technical Operations Offer for Fourth Echelon ("Don't they work for Third Echelon?" Videl asked.)

A Master Hacker

Was Temporally the Director of Third Echelon

Acts as an Extension of Sam's Eyes and Ears on the Field

"It's not that bad, it's just a tiny earpiece which operates by directly vibrating the bones of his inner ear, so only Sam can hear her." Wiz shrugged.

"So… she's vibrating his bones, eh?

"What is with you today?" Wiz asked

"I don't know..."

"Grim is a world-class hacker who started as Third Echelon's lead programmer, and might be aging backwards..." Wiz continued as Grim was shown, and indeed she seemed to be getting younger as time moved forward.

Bulma felt her face flush red with fury as she clearly saw Skorch holding a sign that read 'ME TOO!'.

"…but that's irrelevant. Together, they are a formidable team. Although Sam and Grim have very different approaches to a mission and can sometimes butt heads. While Grim is very by-the-books, Fisher prefers to follow his instincts. For better or worse, he will completely abandon a well-laid plan over a mere hunch. Surprisingly, this works out better than you'd think."

"See? You don't always have to plan out every little detail about every little thing!" Boomstick remarked.

"I thought we agreed never to discuss that trip." Wiz said seriously, it clear from his tone

"I just wanted a churro, but nooo… it wasn't in the schedule! Bet it was delicious..."

"Oh, shut up, Boomstick."

"I'll kill you."

"Like you killed that bus full of orph-"

"That was your fault and you know it. Those faces follow you, you son of a bitch, not me! I don't wake up screaming because of it!"

There was a very tense, very uncomfortable silence that followed, as the fighters felt like they were in a conversation that they shouldn't be in. But to Wiz and Boomstick, it was clear something had happened, and whatever had happened had ended very poorly.

"Do they not realize that they're still being recorded?" Beerus asked.

"…Grim directs Sam's movements, keeping him invisible on the field, along with supplying him with the latest and greatest in stealth gear." Wiz finally spoke up after a few moments.

"He sports the Mark VIII Tactical Operations suit, a light diffusing black armor that's layered with Kevlar and RhinoPlate to help protect against bullets."

"So, he's already got a massive advantage over Snake."


Five-SeveN Pistol(Yes, it is spelt like that.)

Using armor-piercing SS190 rounds

SC-20K M.A.W.S

Can Switch Into an Assault Rifle, Shotgun, and Sniper Rifle Via Attachments

Deploys Miscellaneous Ammo Including Stick Shockers, Rubber Bullets, and Stick Cameras


8 mm Thich, Weighs 4 lbs.

Composed of Kevlar, RhinoPlate, and Gore-Tex


Capable of Night, Thermal, and Sonar Vision

"Along with a layer of Gor-Tex, a unique material that suppresses his heat signature to make him invisible to night vision. This isn't completely out of the realm of possibility, as some fabrics have been designed to suppress the wearers IR signature, and there is a device in the works that effectively makes the wearer invisible based on the surrounding weather. According to UCSD; '…To build the device, the team turned to a phase-changing material that's similar to wax but with more complex properties. The melting point of the material is 30 degrees Celsius (roughly 86 degrees F), the same temperature as the surface temperature of human skin," a UCSD press release explains. If the temperature on the outside of the device is higher than that, the material will melt and stabilize, insulating the wearer; if colder, it will slowly solidify, still acting as an insulating layer…' making the wearer disappear."

"…I didn't follow any of that." Trunks blinked.

"Agreed." Goku nodded.

"Speak. English." Boomstick ordered.

"Right, for those who are less informed, the device would be able to change its temperature based on the surrounding factors, making itself invisible to camera which use thermal tracking." Wiz admitted. "However, this device is both only a prototype, and only capable of making the wrist-device invisible. As well as being vastly inferior to mine." Wiz explained.

"Speaking of night vision, Sam has that, and so much more." Boomstick spoke up. "His Multi-Vision goggles come equipped with thermal vision, sonar, a zoom function, and even footprint tracking, to ensure that Fisher can see you, even if you can't see him. In fact, he's so stealthy, that while he can track footprints left behind by others, his own trail is completely undetectable, even by him! I'd say that he's the stealthiest man ever, if it weren't for the THREE GIANT GREEN LIGHTS COMING OFF HIS HEAD! Come on, dude!"

"I'll have to give Boomstick that one." Beerus admitted, somewhat begrudgingly. "Unless there's some sort of advanced aspect to those, how can he get anywhere without being seen?"

"Actually, that's a common misconception, as obvious as they may appear, those lights are actually invisible to a normal human eye due to the make-up of light being unrecognizable to a human mind." Wiz corrected as Sam lowered the tri-sight goggles.

"Fascinating…" Bulma muttered.

"Really? Well, that sucks for his enemies, because Sam excels at killing efficiently, and mercilessly." Boomstick said as Sam crept up behind a guard and stabbed him in the side of the head. "While lurking in the shadows, he takes aim with his favorite pistol, the semi-automatic Five-SeveN, a compact firearm that's perfect for silent, quick kills. Despite it's weird spelling…"

"That's going to bug me now…" No. 18 muttered.

"And if someone manages to spot him, unlikely as it may be, Fisher is more than prepared to take them head-on with his SC-20K Modular Assault Weapons System."

"This beaut is like the Swiss army knife of guns, it has an assault rifle mode, shotgun mode, sniper rifle, oh, she can be whatever you want her to be..." Boomstick moaned in a way that was very unsettling.

"Why do I get the feeling he's jacked off to a gun before… and more than once?" Roshi asked aloud, forgetting that No. 18 and more importantly, Marron, were sitting about six feet away from him. He realized this when he was hit by a very disgusted Chi-Chi.

"Um, Boomstick..."

"What! Whoa, yeah, *ahem* as versatile as she is, that's nothing compared to the number of things she fires." Boomstick caught himself and coughed awkwardly. "Aside from bullets, the 20K can launch gas and EMP grenades, sticky shockers, rubber bullets, and even cameras which attach to the wall. Keep in mind, Sam is capable of switching to any number of these forms within seconds of needing it, and switches to them by swapping parts on his gun. For context, let's take the Operator 1911 pistol as an example. Currently, it's possible to take apart and re-assemble one in fifteen to thirty seconds if you know what you're doing. Fisher can modify his weapon to shotgun, sniper or assault on the fly. While there isn't a clear way of timing how fast he does this, and because these guns are drastically different in style, we can't really compare the two logistically, but know that he's really damn fast when he does this. Did I need to talk about all this? No. But I did anyways."

"Right…" Wiz muttered. "After their titanium spikes anchor them in place, Fisher uses his built-in communications device, the OPSAT, to monitor them. These cameras have night, thermal, and electromagnetic field vision."

"Kinda seems like Fisher can see through anything." Goku said. "Not sure what electro… whatever that last one was, but if he can see through heat and night, what can't he see through?"

"Sure, but if someone opens a window, I'm pretty sure that removes that advantage." Vegeta answered.

"…fair point."

"Doesn't seem like Sam's much of a fighter…" Beerus commented. "He appears to have some talent in stealth… but it seems like if you took his gun away, he wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight."

(*Cues: Splinter Cell Conviction - Main Theme*)

"Sam's got so many ways to take on his opponents, it's hard to count all the impressive stuff he's done. He's carried out more than a dozen missions, went all Liam Neeson and recused his daughter from kidnappers, and has even infiltrated the CIA itself, which...probably isn't easy."

"I've had harder challenges." Krillin muttered.

"I thought we agreed never to speak of that." Hercule said bitterly.

"When did you do that!?" Goku exclaimed.

"A lot happened after you died killing Cell, Goku. That's all I'm gonna say." Krillin shook his head. "Also, no. I'm not talking about it."

It reaaaallllllyyyy felt like there was a bigger story there, but it was clear those that knew it weren't speaking.


Has Infiltrated Both the CIA and Third Echelon Itself

Evaded Four Snipers Looking for Him ("So?" Beerus asked, then saw a red dot aiming at his head. "If you do that, you will die painfully." He called, and Skorch seemed to reconsider his current time-killing plan, moving it towards Vegeta.)

Can Headshot Four People Before the Last Man Draws his Gun (That… did impress some of the fighters.)

Prevented World War III on Multiple Occasions

Completed a Training Course so Silently, his Superiors Didn't Realize he had Even Started

"For a guy trained in being quiet, he's done a lot of things that probably got pretty loud." Tien nodded.

He has single-handedly prevented a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, foiled terrorist plans to destroy the world's oil supply- all of it -, and when he discovered that Third Echelon was corrupt from within, he took it down by teaming up with Grim to create... Fourth Echelon." Wiz listed off some of Sam's feats before pausing at the end.

"Why would you name your organization after the people that turned out to be corrupt?!" Goten asked, and no one had a good answer.

"We said he's skilled in stealth, not in naming." Boomstick commented. "In combat, he's insanely fast and accurate on the quick draw, even when surrounded, he can put four bullets in four skulls in 3.2 seconds. He can literally take a life in the blink of an eye. Despite his age, nature hasn't slowed Sam down at all. But much like Snake, at the end of the day, he's human. One bullet or blade to the right place and it's lights out for Sammy boy."

"Also, one of his biggest faults it beyond his control, and ironically is one he shares with Snake." Wiz said. "Companies don't know what to do with him…"

"…I don't get it." Videl blinked.

"Still, I don't know about you, but I'll be thinking twice before stepping into any shadows." Boomstick concluded as Sam was shown climbing down a ladder.

"Fisher, it's starting to look like war is unavoidable. JCOS is asking all sources for current Division level intelligence." A man remarked.

"So, besides stopping World War Three, is there anything else I can do for you this evening?" Sam asked as the doors closed and the video was paused.

"I'll be honest, I'm a little disappointed." Vegeta finally said. "These fights are usually fast and frantic. If this is a battle over who can hide better, this will be a very dull fight."

"I'm with Vegeta on this one." Goku said in agreement. "All the other fights have had some huge spectacle to them, this just seems like two guys running around in the dark…"

"If you ask me, Snake's gonna win because he's actually been trained in combat." Krillin added. "Sam seems to be able to hold his own, but Snake was literally made for this stuff."

"Still, tech and weapon wise I think Sam outclasses Snake." No. 18 shrugged. "He's got that combo-gun, while Snake seems to only have a pistol and knife."

"But like they said, one shot and they're dead…"

"Well… let's see how this goes." Bulma shrugged.

All in all, it was a pretty even split. Those who voted Snake did so due to his advanced training and genetic creation, but those who voted for Sam cited his weaponry. A point which the Snake Squad couldn't disprove.

"Alright, the combatants are set. It's time to end this debate once and for all." Wiz stated matter-of-factly.

"IT'S TIME FOR A DEATH BATTLE!" Boomstick declared.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

As the doors opened, a helicopter was flying towards a building, and a series of notes appeared in the top left corner.

Secret Zanzibar Research Facility

Status: Abandoned

Target: Data files on Meta patients #05, #09, #13 and experimental human enhancement drugs, Classified 'Project Dawnbreaker' intel

Location: North Zanzibar forest

0400 Hours July 10, 2018

As the helicopter landed, Snake loaded a clip into his pistol as he jumped out, turning around quickly as he checked his surroundings for any nearby presence. Soundlessly, he approached the building and got to the door before a loud ring went off, and something appeared in the middle of the screen. It seemed like a video call of some sort.

"Ok Snake, I've finished uploading the building schematics to your Solid Eye." Otacon stated. "The intel we need is inside. Should be a piece of cake, but... there's one heat signature inside."

"Just one?" Snake asked skeptically.

"Yeah. Maybe everyone's out for a late-night dinner?"

"Hm… Thanks Otacon. Piece of cake…" Snake admitted before hanging up and slipping into the building.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Meanwhile, the camera panned across the floor, several guards or soldiers lying dead on the ground, either shot or stabbed. Over this, the clacking of a keyboard got louder and louder as the camera panned upwards, revealing Sam Fisher sitting at a computer. He seemed to be finishing uploading some data that it wouldn't be too hard to reason both he and Snake were sent out to retrieve. The words 'Project Dawnbreaker: Test Subject Beta-576' briefly appeared as the files were downloaded. However, the sound of Snake's helicopter leaving the area made him pause and look slightly over his shoulder. This clear wasn't something he had expected.

"Grim, we didn't have a chopper in the plan, did we?" Sam asked.

Up in the sky, Grim was monitoring Sam's progress on some computers while in a plane above the area of the base.

"Uh… No, the Paladin is your evac plan, why?" She asked cautiously.

"Hmmm, we got a party crasher in here." Sam muttered, removing the flash drive and leaving the computer. Activating his Multi-Vision goggles as Grim looked at her map cautiously. "…I got a weird feeling about this." Sam muttered, mostly to himself as he slowly approached the nearby wall, on the other side, Snake was slowly approaching the door.

"Your new friend won't last long, there's only one way into that room."

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

"Don't lecture me, he's mine."

"Snake, he's in the room...!" Otacon exclaimed.


The two soldiers point their guns at each other and were surprised to see the other. Inexplicably, a '!' appeared over their heads. Immediately, they snapped back to cover, then Sam returned back and tried to shoot Snake. Unsurprisingly, Snake countered the incoming attack and knocks Sam's gun out of his hand before managing to deal a few blows to the old solider Snake takes his gun out and looks at the computer Sam was using. Sam however, proceeded to shoot the computer and destroy it in a shower of sparks.

"Where's the data?" Snake demanded calmly.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Sam retorted.

"Clever." Snake deadpanned sarcastically.

The two ran at one another again, and the Z-Fighters had to admit, it was impressive to watch a gun-and-fist fight. Sam and Snake were already locked in a martial arts style fight, trying to trip up or disarm the other, but all the while they kept firing their weapons, while the other managed to deflect or re-route the attack, causing the bullets to shot past them unharmed.

"I'm surprised Sam is still this fast." Piccolo commented. "It's not hard to believe he's still this strong, but to have reflexes like that? It's impressive."

"That always will be the folly of humanity." Beerus remarked dryly. "No matter how skilled one is, age is a battle that is lost the second you try and fight it."

"Unfortunately, you're not wrong." Roshi conceded. "Still, gonna be awhile before I'm down for the count! Heh… wonder if I'm in one of these…"

Across the ring, Skorch smirked in his sleep.

Sam decided to try another tactic, continuing to fire his gun, but not even trying to aim it at Snake, he kicked the other solider in the chest, causing Snake to be knocked back out into the hallway. Crashing into a wall, Snake growled in agitation, but didn't have time to plan a counter attack as Sam whipped the SC-20K out and cocked it, keeping it in its assault rifle mode, he unleashed a barrage of bullets through the wall. Snake dashed away jumping and flipping in-between the literal bullet storm as he seemed to be retreating down the hall.

"Snake's more athletic than I expected." Beerus admitted with a raised brow.

Sam rolled out into the hall, crouched down with his pistol drawn, only to see a cardboard box shuffle away.

"…seriously?" Sam muttered, not sure if what he had just seen was real or not, he tapped his ear and spoke in a low tone. "Grim, did you get that?"

"Sam, what's going on!? Are you all right?" Grim demanded in a somewhat panicked tone.

"I'm fine. New guy is after the data too…" Sam answered, creeping along the wall, keeping an eye out for Snake.

"Just our luck, I'll bring the plane in for you. Head towards evac point 725 and-"

"Don't. This guy's gonna be a problem if I don't take care of him now." Sam cut her off. "I've got him running, I need to put him down."

"Sam, the studies on that data… it's more important that-"

"No!" Sam snapped as he quickly aimed and then shot two cameras into the ceiling to monitor his enemy. "Trust me, Grim."

Sam snuck down the hallway as the ringing went off again and the screen changed back to the video call.

"Not gonna lie, that's kinda distracting." Krillin said. "I mean, I get they need to communicate, but that really breaks up the flow of the fight."

"And considering how little there was to begin with…" Trunks muttered, and Vegeta nodded in agreement.

"Still, the technology intrigues me." Bulma said.

"Of course, it does." Yamcha shrugged.

"I'm not alone. Somebody beat me to the intel and destroyed the source. Think he's with Praying Mantis? Raven Sword?" Snake asked, sounding disappointed in his failure.

"If they're operating out here, it couldn't possibly be anyone we're familiar with…" Otacon remarked. "Even those Dedsec guys from Chicago and Medici assholes from New Meridian don't come out this far... I'll start scanning radio frequencies to see if I can find any comm lines, but Snake... Until we know what you're up against, I suggest you keep yourself out of sight. But don't forget, we need that data. Be-" Otacon said in one long breath until Snake cut him off.

"I know. I already got it covered Otacon." Snake said coolly.

"Please tell me it's not a cardboard box…" Otacon groaned as the call ended, revealing Snake in the bathroom with a cardboard box.

"I think he should see a doctor about his obsession with those things." Chi-Chi admitted, unsure if Snake had some sort of tactical plan, or was more obsessed with them than Goku was with fighting.

"Do I need to go over this again? The cardboard box is a very important tool for infiltration missions. It's ideal for fooling the enemy." Snake's voice was heard over the shot. Outside, the hallway had darkened, and three green lights cut through the night. Sam was following a set of footprints left behind leading down the hall. Casting a glance to one side, there was something written about… Rainbows? Six of them? The fighters couldn't tell, and on the other side was a crude cartoon character no one recognized, but were disgusted by.

"Is that a… shaftbutt?" Vegeta muttered.

Entering the bathroom, Sam looked down, seeing the cardboard box and seemed taken aback. It was clear he wasn't sure if Snake was in there or not, but after firing a camera into the wall… Snake didn't appear anywhere.

"Oh, I think I see where they're going with this." No. 18 remarked, the logic of Snake's plan unfolding in front of them, then the codec call started once more.

"Snake, this is insane…" Otacon remarked, seeming genuinely nervous. "This dudes with the Splinter Cell! They're trained to deal with threats similar to some of the ones you deal with!"

"Otacon, I'm not exaggerating when I say the success of my mission hinges on how I use this cardboard box." Snake spoke as Sam raised his pistol and fired four shots into the box. "But in the end, a cardboard box..."

Slowly approaching it and kicking it over, Sam seemed taken aback where there was nothing but a stuffed rabbit with weird eyes and an eternal scream for its mouth sitting under it.

(*Cues: Metal Gear Solid 3 - Main Theme*)

From the shadows, Snake de-cloaked the OctoCamo and approached Sam who was oblivious to the incoming attack.

"...is only made of paper." Snake finished, then drove a knife into Sam's side, keeping him in a headlock as he did so. Unfortunately for him, Sam's Mark VII Tactical suit seemed to be better equipped for such an attack, and while Sam did cry out in pain as the blade stabbed him, it went nowhere near as deep as Snake had intended. When Snake pulled back to try and stab Sam again, Sam began to aggressively elbow Snake in the ribs, striking him at different locations on his ribs, looking for a nerve. He found one and Snake let go, backflipping away to put distance between himself and Sam.

"Kinda surprised Sam didn't see that coming." Goku said, not sure if that was tactical brilliance on Snake's end, or stupidity on Sam's end.

"I think that's the point." Roshi added. "Sam probably knew it was a trap, but he didn't know about Snake's camo-suit. So even if he ignored the box, Snake still would've got the drop on him."

Once again, they partook in a dance of fists and bullets, but Snake spun low this time, coming up and catching Sam off guard before slamming him into the floor. The USB drive Sam had taken slid out from his jacket, and Snake grabbed it without a second thought.

"Otacon, I've got it." Snake said quickly, but this time, Sam was quicker. "AGH!" Snake screamed in pain as a bullet went through his gut. Looking at his blood-covered hand, Snake jumped back as Sam ducked into the shadows and Snake activated his OctoCamo.

"Wait, why didn't Sam kill him then and there?" Vegeta asked, somewhat annoyed. "Snake was staggered, if he shot him in the skull this'd all be over."

"Sam just got stabbed and slammed into the ground, I think survival is what he's more focused on right now."

"Yes, but survival would be guaranteed if he shot Snake a few more times." Beerus countered. Admittedly, he had voted for Snake to win, finding his advanced training and genetic creation to be something that Sam simply wouldn't be able to handle. On top of that, Snake destroyed metal gears while Sam… didn't.

"Sam, I'm sending you a camera feed. Whatever suit he's wearing is powered by electricity, I think you know what to do."

"Perfect." Sam nodded. Grabbing something off his belt, Sam throws an EMP grenade into the room, the small device beeped frantically and a bright white flash took over the room, and then Snake's OctoCamo was fried.

"Hey, would that damage his Solid Eye? Or the stuff inside him?" Krillin asked, looking to Bulma who shrugged.

"Unlikely, a. typical EMP is designed to damage electronics using similar waves to microwave radiation. If Snake pulled through a hallway for three minutes and was fine, there's no way a small EMP would damage the stuff inside his body. But his suit? Yeah, that's busted, and I doubt he'll be able to fix it in the field."

"Agh- damn it!" Snake cursed, clearly not having planned for this. His wound didn't seem lethal, but it most certainly was something to be cautious of. Looking into the room, Snake pointed his gun but found no one there. Looking down at his wound, Snake opened a stall and smashed open a dispenser, grabbing a roll of toilet paper. The camera moved up into the ceiling, then into the vents, where Sam was currently making his way through them.

"That was close. You're welcome by the way." Grim remarked, semi-sarcastically.

"Not the time Grim! I lost the data!" Sam growled.

"Oh, wonderful. Well, without his suit, he's not hiding anywhere, so he shouldn't be much of an issue." Grim sighed. "Still, I'm not finding anything about this guy anywhere…"

"Honestly, I think he and Fuze would get alone great… well, either Fuze or Tachanka…" Sam muttered, the tone of his voice making it clear whoever he mentioned he didn't hold in the highest regard.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Sam dropped out of the vents and approaches a door, the buildings power seemed to flicker somewhat, but this was no hinderance to Sam.

"He's just behind that door. Go get it back old man." Grim ordered.

"This is too easy..." Sam began but grunted in pain when loud, electrical static started ringing in his earpiece. "Ugh! Grim! What is that?!"

"I don't know! Somebody's interfering!" Grim yelled, her computers suddenly on the fritz.

"Hello? Is this thing on?" Otocon's voice was heard over the speakers in the plane.

"Who is this?! Identify yourself!"

"Oh, hey. I'm Otacon." Otocon introduced himself, seeming rather casual. "I'm impressed! Your security's pretty state of the art. Not good enough though, sorry…"

(*Cues: Divine Identity - Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga 2*)

During their conversation, Otacon is hacking all of Grim's computers. The technology was now sparking and some of it was catching on fire.

"…how does that work?" Goku asked.

"To grossly underexplain it, you can push a computer so far it'll eventually break. Like pushing yourself in training until your body physically can't take it anymore." Bulma answered.

"I still don't get it…"

"Never mind."

"What? How long have you been listening in?" Grim demanded.

"Long enough. But right now, Ms. Grim, I've got to shut you down." Otacon continued. "I promised a friend of mine that the information on those computers wouldn't be taken by anyone but us, if that info ends up in the wrong hands, there'll be a lot of bloodshed. After what we've been told… I can't let you take it. Good-bye."

The technology in the Paladin starts going haywire and exploding and clearly the plane was beginning to go down in flames.

"She'd dead." Krillin blinked. "Like, she's just straight up dead."

"Yup. Sucks to be her…" Roshi nodded.

"Ahh! Sam?! Sam, do you copy? SAM?!" Grim shouted.

"Grim? Are you there? Are you ok?" Sam replied, genuinely panicked. As if to make things worse, all the lights in the facility start shutting down one after another, prompting Sam to put on his goggles. He kicked open the door and ran into the room, but the view didn't change to his goggles. In fact, everything was dark, until a small flame appeared, and Snake's face was slightly illuminated, as he lit and began smoking a cigarette.

"You're pretty good..." Snake said in a deep voice, then the Solid Eye flashed red, and the whole screen went black and silent. But before anyone could ask what was happening…

"Snake?" Otacon's voice spoke up.

Then, in a flurry of gunshots, the room was ever so slightly illuminated as Sam and Snake fought, firing pistols at one another once more, the muzzle flair illuminating the battle.


Several more shots, several more muzzle flares, and the sounds of both sides crying in pain. A number of the fighters had tensed without even knowing it. It was impossible to tell what was happening…

"SNAAAAAAAKKKKEEEE!" Otacon shouted. Then the silence returned, followed by magazine being dropped and reloaded.

"Pretty good…" A voice said quietly, and no one had any idea who was talking. Then Sam lit up the room with a barrage of machine gun fire from his weapon. Snake dove forward, rolling out of the way, keeping low to the ground, but still visible to Sam's night vision.

"I think Sam's got him." Yamcha remarked.

"Eh, I wouldn't bet on it." Piccolo shook his head.

However, Sam's rapid firing did cause an issue, he shot out several windows, and sunlight poured in, completely blinding him. In a matter of moments, Sam flipped his goggles up, and didn't see Snake run past behind him.

"Not bad." Snake remarked, Sam turning around, aiming his gun and looking for him. "But I'm better."

(*Cues: Divine Identity - Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga 2 again*)

He didn't speak loudly, but Snake spoke confidently, which was volumes if used properly. Without warning, Snake appeared as he ran into Sam, then spun around him and suplexed him into the ground. The impact was hard, but not too damaging to Sam… however, his gun slid away from his grasp, leaving him and Snake both unarmed.

"This isn't going to end the way you think it will." Sam finally spoke, as he and Snake both pulled out their knives. Snake's was a straight and simple one, while Sam's was curved, almost like a Talon. "Hand over the data, and I'll let you leave alive."

"You're as stupid as your security was weak." Snake coldly replied, this clearly getting a rise out of Sam. "Besides, you don't know what this data really is, do you?"

"Advanced human experiments, new compounds and drug testing, meta-human research. Am I wrong?"

"No, but you're missing the main factor in all of it." Snake shook his head.

"Which is?"

"It's mine."

"Nice." Trunks nodded.

"Why would Sam offer to let Snake go?" Goten asked, somewhat confused. "Isn't the point of a Death Battle that they fight until one of them is dead?"

"The rules said something about any limitations on killing would be removed, but the characters would remain the same." Vegeta answered. "I take it Fisher would make that offer either way, and Snake would refuse it either way."

Then the two ran at one another. Their fight was faster than before, as now it seemed like both men were nearly at their abelites' end. Their blades sliced against one another as they went back-and-forth, approaching and retreating with neither side gaining any real ground. Snake came in for another high attack, but this time, Sam predicted that and finally got a hit on Snake, a long bloody cut ran deep across his chest as the solider stumbled backwards, breathing heavily.

"Gotcha." Sam remarked, now holding the flash drive. "Last cha-"

Snake didn't even wait to hear the offer, he now seemed to understand Sam's tactics, and their fight was somehow even more aggressive. After a few more slashes and cuts, it appeared they were once again approaching the stalemate, when Snake suddenly threw his knife into the air, and then gabbed Sam's arm by the wrist, keeping his blade in the air. Catching his own blade, Snake stabbed Sam three times in the gut, and then once in the chest before unleashing the power of his taser-blade.

"Ouch." Goku winced.

Snapping Sam's wrist with a sound that made some of the fighter's cringe, Snake kneed Sam in the chest, sending the thumb drive into the air, then spun around and drove Sam's own blade into his head form under his chin, the blade going through the head and coming out at the top. The music stopped and a sickening gurgle could he heard as Snake backed up. Sam's lifeless body fell to the ground, both blades being pushed deeper into his body. Snake meanwhile seemed fine despite the multiple wounds, and lit a cigarette with one hand, and caught the drive with the other.

"Piece of cake." He remarked as he walked off.


Snake rides off in his helicopter as the Paladin crashes down into a large building, presumably killing Grim as well. A few of the fighter paused when they saw a sign reading 'Orphanage for the Deaf Blind and Quadriplegic Children'. (I'm sorry. Actually, no I'm not.)


(*Cues: Metal Gear Solid 3 - Main Theme again*)

"Holy Hell!" Boomstick exclaimed. "I was NOT expecting them to be that combative!"

"Neither was I." Goku shook his head.

"Eh." Vegeta shrugged. The fight was interesting, but there wasn't as much fighting as he had expected (or wanted).

"Well, both Snake and Fisher were experts in their field. Snake may come second to Fisher's skills of silent assassination, but he far exceeds him in close quarters combat thanks to his specialized training." Wiz explained.

"Even though Sam was a master of blending into the shadows, Snake's Solid Eye had no trouble tracking him down." Boomstick continued. "Plus, when Sam lost his gun, Snake had a massive advantage with the electro-knife alone."

"If Sam was as skilled as they made him out to be, he wouldn't have needed his gun." Beerus remarked, satisfied with how the battle ended.

"Actually… yeah." Goku said, realizing something. "Sam's chances of winning kinda hinged on being able to grab that gun should he need it."

"So, once he lost it, Snake pretty much had him beat." Goten added.

"What's more, Grim's comm line has a history of being hacked into while Snake's codec does not." Wiz continued.

"Oh yeah. I guess she's dead." No. 18 said, realizing something.

"But what about Snake's nano-machines and Solid Eye? Wouldn't they be disabled by the EMP blast?" Boomstick asked. "Well…"

"No." Wiz answered as a diagram appeared. "See, EMP's are comparable to microwaves in how they affect electronics. When Snake was bombarded with microwaves, his Solid Eye survived for 2 minutes of non-stop radiation. While his nano-machines remained intact throughout the entire experience. A single EMP grenade doesn't quite stack up to a hallway of microwaves. But it was what Sam needed to take Snake's OctoCamo away, which was a big step towards beating him."

"There's your answer." Bulma remarked.

"But even if he did lose his nano-machines somehow, he didn't need them to beat Sam." Boomstick said. "Also, keep in mind while Sam dealt with terrorists and wars, Snake dealt with superhumans and giant death robots."

"Overall Snake has a counter for anything Fisher could throw at him and had the edge in close quarters combat, leaving this victory pretty straight forward."

"Poor Sam. This loss just kinda snuck up on him. Yeah, from the start, it was lights out for Sam." Boomstick joked.

"The winner is Solid Snake." Wiz concluded.

"Well, that was interesting." Krillin remarked as the episode ended. "Wasn't what I was expecting, but that was certainly different."

"Going from Guts to Sam was a pretty huge shift." Goku agreed. "Still, it's better than that last one…"

"So, how long until the battles start up again?" Vegeta asked, looking to Beerus.

"FIVE MINUTES!" A ref shouted.

"Five minutes." Beerus repeated.

"All right, let's go get ready." Vegeta nodded. The fighters who were gonna fight got up and stretched to get ready, while the preview for the next battle played. It showed a city bathed in moonlight. Suddenly, four black flashes shot past, jumping and flipping off of rooftops and water towers. Moving with the precision of a fighter trained in martial arts.

"First one back gets the last slices!" One of them shouted.

"There ain't a chance I'm losing to you Mikey!" a gruff voice laughed.

"You already have! You just don't know it…"

"C'mon guys. Let's get home."

The four figures jumped off of a rooftop, and began falling to the streets.

"COWABUNGA!" One of them yelled as they all fell into a sewer hole. The Z-Fighters were confused, and that confusion continued as the manhole flipped up in the air like a coin and fell back down over the sewer hole. A green shell painted on it with 'TMNT' written on it.

"…TMNT?" Someone finally asked.

Across the ring, Skorch had headed off to a bathroom, and kicked open a stall, sitting down, he picked up his tablet.

"Annnddd… that's a wrap!" Skorch grinned. "Sorry if you wanted more for the backstory on Snake and Sam, I don't know these games, and there was way, way, way too much to go through… So, I tried to work in the stuff that was important. Lets get to the reviews! First, we have one from 'Skull Flame'… I swear, I'm not posting reviews on my own story. Anymore. Wait. Anyhow, they write…

Thanks. This is one of my favorite Death Battles. And nicely portrayed too. Although I wonder why they overlooked the part when they mentioned Guts killed a Sea God. Just something that got me curious. Lord Death? Is that a Soul Eater reference?

"So… first, there was a LOT to go through with Guts already, espically with my bad habit of not shutting up when I write about a fighter. The whole 'Sea God' thing, I guess just got over looked… also, yes. Next up is one from '3 Question Marks' and they write…

Does Grand Zeno know of your existence? what do you think will be his reaction to people like you?


"…uh… let's move on. Next is one from 'SinisterMagik' and they write…

I'm jealous that you had McDonalds. I'm craving for some fried chicken here! Anyway, thank you for the new chapter! It's been a rough month for me. I enjoyed reading through your fic

"I hope things are better for you now. We're all in his together! Next is one from a 'Guest' who wrote…

One fight I'm looking for to is Deadpool vs Deathstroke.

"Did someone say my name?!" A figure appeared in the mirror.

"NO! PISS OFF!" Skorch yelled throwing a fireball at the mirror. "No… not him… not now…"

"Aw… I know you're just DYING to introduce me SK! Don't worry, I'll stop by REAL SOON…"

"Uh… ugh… next… next is one from 'Azure Dragon of the East' who wrote…

When you get to Dante vs Bayonetta, how are you going to defend the outcome?

"Genuinely curious. Is this one people don't like? What's wrong with it? Second last review is from a 'IdontWriteGoodStuff' and they wrote…

Love the chapter but I always thought the reasoning with "Guts have done this type of stuff everyday!" Kinda stupid. What are your thoughts?

"I think the idea was more 'Guts fights every day, while Soul Edge has had long periods where he didn't have a body.' But I like the sentiment, however, I can get why some may not agree with that. Speaking of Soul Edge, out final review comes from another 'Guest' who wrote…

A bit late for this, but oh well. Despite Soul Edge's invincibility, there are actually a handful of ways to work around it, most notably when Taki and Sophitia shattered half of it in their fight against Cervantes. (Soul Edge at the time took the form of twin swords to better match the pirate's fighting style) There are even a number of times when a shard of Soul Edge was purified or even outright destroyed by a power other than Soulcalibur's.

"Thanks for the information. Like I said, I don't know Soulcalibur or Berserk that well, so I was having to take a crash course in both franchises as I wrote them. There were going to be issues with it and I apologize. Also, two things once again. If you leave a review with a question or critique, I do PM most people, so check your inboxes. Secondly, Goku vs Superman. Vote in the poll on the front page. And because I finally got to watch some of the more recent fights, let's talk about the past five! In no particular order! First up, Winter Solider vs Red Hood. I loved it! Fast, fun, thought the costumes look great. I was rooting for Red, but that's more because I've read more Red Hood comics than Winter Solider ones. In the end, I do think Solider would win either way. Flash vs Sonic, this was WEIRD. If/When we get to it… I'll have lots to say. Either way, there are a lotta salty Sonic fans, but the truth is, Wally would win. Zuko vs Shoto Todoroki… didn't watch it. I'm watching Last Airbender and reading the My Hero manga right now, so… spoilers, y'know? As for Beerus vs Sailor Galaxia… It was definitely my favorite of the past five. Not just because it's another DB character, but because the characters were so much fun to watch in the fight. It reminded me of All Might vs Might Guy. But rather than respecting one another, it was a battle of egos. The fight, the voices, the animation, I loved all of it! And finally, Venom vs Crona… I didn't like this one. There's the argument that "Death Battle doesn't research their fighters!" and I've had a number of reviews saying I put more time and effort into these chapters than DB puts into their battles. I'll keep it real with you chief… I don't know how I feel about that. But that's not important. I'm kinda annoyed that they're using the Venom archetype which hasn't been prevalent for nearly a decade. I understand back when Venom vs Bane was made, that the more recent Venom comics written by Donny Cates were beginning or hadn't begun yet, which if you aren't reading GO DO SO RIGHT NOW! But Venom is both immune to sound, fire, and even some types of magic. He's not invincible, and I do believe Crona might be able beat him, but Venom really should've been better portrayed. The dude is kicking Carnage's ass, an army of Carnage-ified heroes' asses, and even the literal God of Symbiotes ass. Sorta. Also, despite the fact that I'm helping co-write a SE/SG fic, I really don't know much about Soul Eater… because it doesn't look interesting to me. It seemed like a show I should watch while high, and I didn't enjoy it then, or when I was normal. Sorry Soul Eater fans, you guys enjoy your show! And to everyone else, keep your light's shining bright and I'll see you all around!"

As he left, Skorch blinked as Chi-Chi passed him, and then he noticed he was in the women's bathroom. Looking around awkwardly Skorch wordlessly left, ignoring the judgmental look Chi-Chi was giving him.

Okay, this is bugging me. The Anime, Manga and Wiki's all use different spellings for characters' names… So, I'm just gonna roll with what I have, and I apologize if it's not the same to whatever version of Dragon Ball you enjoy the most. For the record, I'm going mostly off the manga and show in equal parts. Yes, I know the Manga isn't exactly 'canon' but this story is meant to focus on the Death Battles rather than the storyline of Super.

Also, I realized there's a continuity issue with Android 17 showing up in the Ragna vs Sol battle, as he hadn't appeared in the manga until after this whole tournament thing. On top of that, he and Goku hadn't genuinely met yet. I don't feel like this is something we need to panic over, but I do want to address that I've probably made a number of canonicity flubs in this story, and I apologize.