Kuroko no Basuke belongs to Fujimaki Tadatoshi and co. only.

The title of this story, 'Way of Flowers', came from the Japanese art of arranging flowers, Ikebana, which is also known as Kadō (華道 , 'way of flowers').

This story is also divided into three parts, based on the three-stem system or elements of Kadō: shin, soe, hikae. Kadō will soon be shown in the future chapters.

Part 1: shin (真 , 'heaven') - the longest stem

Part 2: soe (副 , 'man') - the middle-length stem

Part 3: hikae (控 , 'earth') - the shortest stem

"You got asters for today."

I am in a garden of asters- white asters.


The garden is beautiful-as usual. I'm not sure how long have I been in this garden, but it seems like I've been here forever. The flowers seem to change every day-or was it every hour? I'm not so sure. It seems like time has stopped here. Am I dreaming? Is this what they call an eternal dream? Am I de-


This must only be a dream because sometimes, I hear voices of people that seem familiar yet distant. Where are these voices coming from, anyway?

The flowers change and yet I remain. The colors around me change and yet I remain white.



I look up. I see a rainbow. Although I don't recall any rain, I feel something wet roll down my cheeks.


Am I crying? Why?

A knock.

Where did it come from?


Once, twice-

I run.

I search for the source of the noises. The noises intensify. The noises are like from a door being forcefully opened by someone.

Who? Where? Why?

As I chased the noises, the flowers change, and the colors change.

The rainbow fades and all I see is white, bright light.


Hi everyone! This is my first fanfic so please bear with me.

I got this idea way back in 2014 but I couldn't properly make a story due to school. Now that I'm better at managing my time (I hope so), I decided to finally work on it.

This is just the prologue. I'll be uploading the first chapter later! [edit: already posted]

Please look forward to it.
