For the next half hour, the family ate mostly in silence. Cinnamon came back down to grab her food before heading back upstairs, not saying a word. When all was finished, Lucy and Kevin hung out in the living room while Vanellope and rancis helped kit and fudge put away leftovers.

"You don't have to do this, you're our guests" Said Kit

"We insist, you're letting us stay here after all" Said Rancis

"Again sorry for how cinnamon acted earlier, she doesn't mean that stuff I'm sure" Said Fudge

The 4 heard a scream come from upstairs. They rushed up to Mocho's room where mocho was holding back a creature from approaching a scared Lucy.

"What is that thing?" Lucy asked

The creature was small, had beetle like wings, black eyes, and covered in flower petals.

"This is screwball, our family pet, one of my dads creations" Said Mocho

"Don't worry Lucy, she's harmless" Said Kit

"Keep that thing away from me, last time I trusted something weird looking, I went missing for a week" Lucy Said before heading back downstairs

Screwball was saddened hearing Lucy say such a thing, she looked at herself, wondering what frightened Lucy. Kevin scratched screwballs head.

"I don't think you're so bad" Said Kevin

Screwball purred and rubbed up against his legs before approaching rancis and Vanellope, doing the same. Both families headed back downstairs, minus cinnamon, and went to the living room. Everyone took seats and fudge brought in a book.

"While you're here, why not we look at some family pictures to help pass the time, after all we're not sure how long this lemonade storm will last" Said Fudge

"That's not a bad idea. I too have a lot of family pics on my phone" Said Vanellope

"You keep all our pictures on your phone?" Kevin asked

"I post a lot of family memories on the sugar rush social media, citizens like knowing what our lives are, sometimes. I also have physical copies of these pics in the castle library, but we're not in the castle library, so this'll have to do" Said Vanellope

Everyone gathered around each other on the smorelines couch and looked through fudges pics of the family.

"It's nice to finally show off these pics to someone, especially our leaders. Oh here's me and kit on our wedding day, and there's mocho and cinnamon when they were born" Said Fudge

"Aw you look so cute mocho" Said Lucy

Mocho blushed in embarrassment, while screwball rubbed against lucys legs. She was nervous seeing screwball, but she didn't dare move her legs. Vanellope showed everyone some pics of her and Rancis' wedding, as well as Lucy and Kevin's birth. She then proceeded to show them Halloween costumes of the twins

"The kids used to love dressing up, and Halloween was perfect for that, they used to plan ahead of time what they wanted to be." Said Rancis

Vanellope showed the twins dressed up as salt and pepper shakers as babies, another year they were a princess and superhero. Age 5 they were Optimus prime from transformers and fluttershy from my little pony, age 6 they were both stormtroopers, and at 7 they were their video game heroes, Samus Aran and sonic the hedgehog, and that was all Vanellope had posted online.

Fudge showed the family some birthday pics, mostly of her family eating cakes fudge made, and big ones too. One pic showed cinnamon with her most prized possession, a motocross bike, another had kit jumping into a cake. Another pic had Fudge reading a younger mocho a story. Vanellope showed off some of her birthday pics of the twins, sitting in front of their cakes, they started out big, enough for a lot of people, but by age 6, they got smaller, enough for a few people. What surprised the smorelines was how the cakes were made when they got smaller, they had pics of things the twins liked, but they were cut half and half, cutting off pictures in the middle. Fudge questioned them about this.

"The castle chefs made a compromise when making the twins birthday cakes, they decided to make only 1 cake and have half for Kevin and half for Lucy, they thought this would be creative. But the kids don't mind, they like it" Said Rancis

"Why did the cakes get smaller? Don't you have a lot of people show up to your birthdays?" Mocho Asked

Both twins looked down, a little sad after hearing that. Mocho figured he just asked a bad question.

"At one point we used to invite anyone who wanted to come to the castle for the twins birthdays, but for the most part not many people cared about them or their interests, so their parties were sparsely populated, maybe a few racers and the twins friends, but that was it. The kids didn't like seeing the citizens didn't care much for them, so I punished them by making a small tax they have to pay us. As for the kids, now their parties are exclusive to only those they invite, people they really trust" Said Vanellope

"It's not so bad, we got used to it" Said Kevin

"You should throw a big party again, we'll make sure people show up" Said Kit

"And how do you plan to do that?" Lucy asked

"When are your birthdays?" Kit asked

"July 15th, it's November now if you haven't realized" Said Lucy

"Well on your next birthdays, leave everything to us" Said Kit

"Sorry to hear not many people showed up to your parties, that's so sad, being the prince and princess of this game and all" Said Mocho

"It's ok mocho, we got used to it, and we still have mom and dad, we always do something together on our birthday, and we have fun" Said Lucy

"Let's move on from the birthdays shall we? Here's one of our favorite memories, the twins 6th Christmas" Said Vanellope

"Ah yes, I remember that, the twins didn't want to leave the throne room almost all day" Said Rancis

Vanellope showed a picture of the twins all bundled up, sleeping on their thrones. Another pic showed the Christmas tree, littered with tons of presents. The smorelines were in awe, but also guilt. Mocho didn't like looking at the picture. Vanellope changed the picture to some of the twins holding their favorite presents

"There's me with my reissue starscream and devastator gift set" Said Kevin "I still have them"

His picture showed a 6 year old him with 2 transformers toys in 80's inspired packaging, 1 was a jet, the other was 6 green and purple construction vehicles.

"There's me with my pony friendship castle" Said Lucy

Lucys pic had a 6 year old her with a big smile, hugging a box with a castle on it. The next couple pics showed the twins eating breakfast and playing with their toys. Vanellope landed on a video.

"Here's the kids playing, it was so cute. They made up their own little stories with their toys, and they played by the tree all day. Me and flugs here watched them most of the day, joined them a couple times" Said Vanellope

Rancis played the video. Young Kevin was combining his construction vehicles into a big robot.

"Constructicons, form devastator. Decepticons, destroy the castle" Said young Kevin

"You'll never destroy my castle, whatever your name is" Lucy Said

Kevin drove a small red truck in front of the castle and transformed it into a robot.

"Do not worry ponies, I am Optimus prime, leader of the Autobots, and I will protect you from devastator and starscream" Said Kevin

"We can take care of ourselves but thanks" Lucy Said as she set up some of her ponies

"One shall stand" Said Kecin

He brought his devastator and starscream toys closer to the castle

"And one shall fall"

Kevin moved his devastator in to attack, and Lucy had her ponies attack the robot. That was where the video ended. The next few pics were later that night, the twins in the library, drinking hot chocolate in front of the fireplace.

"Every year we end Christmas bundled up in the library drinking not chocolate, the end to a great day" Said Lucy

The smorelines didn't say anything, instead moving on to show them Christmas pics of theirs. It showed them decorating a Christmas tree, and taking a picture in front of the completed tree, with no presents underneath. The rest of the photos were of the family playing in the snow and eating dinner.

"Where are the presents? They're not under your tree" Said Lucy

Mocho looked down at his feet in sadness, fudge and kit looked guilty. Kevin hit his sister on the shoulder.

"Smooth move sis" said Kevin

"How am I supposed to know this stuff?" Lucy asked

"We don't have presents usually on Christmas, we can't afford them. Times are, tough for us. Maybe every couple of years we can get presents, but not very often. And before you say anything we don't want you buying us gifts all of a sudden" Said Kit

Mocho looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn't. Lucy noticed.

"Ok, well how about we just buy you one thing each, no harm in that right?" Lucy asked

"Will you drop the subject if we say yes?" Kit Asked

The family nodded

"Fine. I think we've looked at enough pictures for now fudgey. Its getting dark, looks like you'll have to stay the night" Said Kit

"You sure you don't mind?" Asked Kevin

"We got more than enough pillows and blankets for all of you. Hope you don't mind sleeping on the floor or chairs though" Said Kit

"We'll manage" Said Rancis

"Lucy you're welcome to stay in my room, if you want to of course" Said Mocho

"Thanks mocho, I appreciate that" Said Lucy

Mocho led Lucy upstairs.

"Dessert will be ready in half an hour kids" said Fudge