Flash || ColdWaveFlash || Phoe's Tumblr Drabbles – A Rogue Christmas || Olicity|| Arrow

Title: Phoe's Tumblr Drabbles – A Rogue Christmas

Fandom: Flash | Arrow | DC Comics

Disclaimer: All rights concerning the show reserved to Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim and Andrew Kreisberg. The Green Arrow comics are copyright by DC. This fanfiction on the other hand is entirely mine. No money is made with this, though reviews are more than welcomed.

Warnings: m/m/m, m/f, fluff, protectiveness, Christmas Party

Main Pairings: Mick/Leonard/Barry & Oliver/Felicity

Side Pairings: Roy/Dick, Cisco/Lisa, Ray/Caitlin, John/Lyla, Joe/Cecille

Arrow Characters: Oliver Queen | Green Arrow, Felicity Smoak | Overwatch, William Clayton, John Diggle | Spartan, Lyla Michaels, Quentin Lance

Flash Characters: Bartholomew 'Barry' Allen | The Flash, Lisa Snart | Golden Glider, Cisco Ramon | Vibe, Caitlin Snow, Ralph Dibny | Elongated Man, Cecille Horton, Joseph 'Joe' West, Iris West

Legends Characters: Mick Rory | Heat Wave, Leonard Snart | Captain Cold, Sara Lance | White Canary, Raymond 'Ray' Palmer | Atom, Zari Tomaz, Nathaniel 'Nate' Heywood | Steel, Martin Stein | Firestorm, Jefferson 'Jax' Jackson | Firestorm, Amaya Jiwe |Vixen

Teen Titans Characters: Wallace 'Wally' West | Kid Flash, Thea Queen | Speedy, Roy Harper | Arsenal, Richard 'Dick' Grayson | Nightwing

Summary: In an attempt to bring some normality into their lives, Felicity throws a huge holiday party. Oliver is along for the ride, mainly because this way he finally gets to give the Protective Big Brother Speech to Rory and Snart.

Phoe's Tumblr Drabbles

A Rogue Christmas

Part 1: Legends of Tomorrow

Prompt: "Luck? Nope. Skills." - "If it's skill then do it again." (ColdWaveFlash)

"Either you're cheating or you're insanely lucky", accused Nate with a glare.

"Luck? Nope. Skills", declared Snart smoothly, smirking.

"If it's skill then do it again", demanded Zari and gathered the cards together again.

Jax huffed and leaned back on his chair, watching Snart count his winnings. From across the room, he could feel Grey's eyes on him, giving him a pointed look – what was he doing playing poker against not one but two criminals. And Stein had a point there. Playing poker with Snart and Rory was never a good idea. The thing was, for the past couple of days, it had been intensely dull and boring on the Wave Rider, so it was either playing poker with Snart, Rory, Nate and Zari, or watching Sara and Amaya spar and risking being forced to join them, or listen to Grey and Ray nerd-babble two tables over. He was honestly looking forward to the holidays at this point.

"And you're sure you don't want to go to the Queens' holiday party?", asked Nate curiously.

Jax shrugged. "Grey invited me along to go celebrate with his family. And I gotta gather some extra points as favorite uncle with Ronnie already, don't I? Besides... that party sounds like a mess."

"Why? Just because the big wedding you guys went to attend turned into a total disaster featuring Nazis from an alternate reality?", drawled Zari. "I mean, that was an unforgettable wedding."

Everyone at the table grunted at the memory of the fatal failure of the first attempt at a wedding between Oliver and Felicity. It had been supposed to be a grand beautiful event, but got kind of hijacked by the Nazis. Definitely unforgettable though.

"You will not be a bad influence on my grandson, Jefferson", called Martin out pointedly.

"Wha—at? Never, Grey", called Jax back with a broad grin.

"And let's not forget the part where touching down in 2017 is going to mean having to watch Mick and Len make out with Barry", tagged Nate on and made a face.

"It's like a rite of passage to walk in on them having sex at least once", offered Jax to Zari.

Zari raised both her eyebrows and shrugged at that. She had a pretty good grasp on what she would be walking in on considering she had read Mick's polyamorous erotica novel and she figured he drew a lot from his own life and relationship with Snart and Allen. Her eyes found the two former – well, mostly former – criminals who had kept uncharacteristically quiet during the conversation.


Sara was sitting with Len in the library, supposedly researching. The two had grown to become an odd pair of friends ever since joining the Legends. After Snart had sacrificed himself to save them and they only barely managed to rescue him, the two had grown even closer. He had died, technically, but timey-wimey mumbo-jumbo had led to them bringing him back nonetheless because his conscience had still been around, haunting Mick. At first, Mick had thought he was going insane, but that was by far not the case. It took them some time to figure out a way to actually grow Snart a new body with Gideon – but hey, she made full limbs, she could do this – and move his consciousness into it. At the end of the day, both of them had died and come back.

"Do you ever regret joining the Legends?", asked Sara curiously.

"Mh? I don't think me and Mick would have returned to the Wave Rider after the disbandment if we would regret joining, don't you think?", countered Leonard.

"You rejoined the crew again because you two were going crazy in Aruba, mourning Barry. But they managed to free him from the Time Prison", pointed Sara out. "If he had never been in there and you two would have gotten to return to him, heroes and saviors in your own right, redeemed from the deeds of your past... would you have truly left him again?"

"You're not the type to get lost in what ifs", mused Len thoughtfully. "I can't attest for potential pasts, Sara. He's safe and alive now and he has his own calling. Here, we get leeway. We're not heroes. We will never be. In Central City? Have you met the Wests? They're a bunch of goodie-two-shoes. One false step and the Detective will be willing to throw us back into jail. The really scary one in that family is and always will be Barry's sister though."

"Iris?", asked Sara confused. "Why? She seems... very harmless."

"But fiercely protective of her brother", countered Len and grimaced. "If she thought me and Mick were still criminal enough to lead to a heartbreak for her brother then she would most likely tear us apart all on her own. No. That entire team? Too many goodie-two-shoes for us to be comfortable."

"Your boyfriend is a goodie-two-shoes", argued Sara amused.

"Yes, but he vibrates in bed", replied Len with a dirty grin. "And does entirely different things in bed too. For him, the whole innocent puppy-dog eyes is quite... charming. And redeemable."

Sara snorted and shook her head in amusement. She shouldn't have asked.


Mick had been polishing his gun for the past two hours. And it was not a euphemism. Amaya and Zari exchanged a look over their breakfast. Mick was humming. In lack of a better word, one would describe him as happy. Which was wildly concerning, really. The last time he had looked that happy, they had just heard the news of vampires in Victorian London.

"Hey, buddy. You looking forward to seeing Barry again?", asked Ray with a carefree smile as he entered the kitchen and sat down opposite Mick. "Got a Christmas present for him?"

"Yes", replied Mick with what could only be described as an unholy smile.

"Oh, wha-", started Ray interested.

"No", interrupted Amaya rather firmly. "No need to spoil the surprise."

"But... it's not like it's for me... so it's not a surprise", frowned Ray confused.

"But you'll babble it on", countered Amaya pointedly, though the real reason was a different one.

Mick's grin widened even more. Still humming, he got up to return to his and Lenny's cabin. Today was the day. They were going to the Queens' party and they would get to spend time with Barry again. It had been far too long since they last got to be with their speedster.

"You're in a good mood, Mick", observed Leonard when Mick entered their room.

"Mh. Can't wait to see Scarlet in our present", grinned Mick.

Leonard huffed at that though the grin on his lips matched Mick's. "Christmas is all about unwrapping presents after all, isn't it?"


"Merry Chris—Woah, okay. Stand down, boys."

Barry was staring wide-eyed, lifting his hands up in the air as both the Cold Gun and the Heat Gun were trained on his head suddenly. As soon as Lenny and Mick realized who had just broken into their room and woken them up, they dropped their weapons.

"Scarlet, how often have I told you not to sneak up on us?", growled Mick annoyed.

"I wanted to surprise you", huffed Barry with a pout, crossing his arms.

"You... couldn't wait to see us, mh?", asked Leonard knowingly, a smirk on his lisp.

Barry's cheeks turned red to match his suit as he averted his eyes. "I mean, it's... Christmas. And after waking up, I had to watch Joe and Cecille be all sweet and in love."

"Ah, future stepmom", teased Leonard amused. "She seemed impressive, during the Nazi-fight."

"She is impressive", grunted Barry softly. "I really like her, I like how happy she makes Joe."

"So seeing your old man be all lovey-dovey made you wanna be lovey-dovey too", accused Mick.

The grin on his lips matched Lenny's as the arsonist reached out to wrap an arm around Barry's waist and pull him down onto the bed. Barry yelped a little as he collapsed against Mick's chest. Mick smiled pleased and tucked the speedster beneath his chin.

"How long do you think we have?", asked Barry as he snuggled up to Mick.

"Don't know. Don't care", grumbled Mick.

"Sara said something about landing early to drop off the professor and Jax", offered Leonard as he laid down behind Barry, gently kissing the back of his neck. "So I'm positive we have some more time. You know how long Nathaniel takes to get ready in the morning."

"Hair too", grunted Mick pointedly.

"Yes, Raymond too", agreed Leonard with a laugh.

"I live with Iris and Cecille. I know about having to wait my turn for the bathroom", huffed Barry.

"You do know you're old enough to get your own place, right?", teased Leonard amused.

He trailed kisses along Barry's shoulders, while Barry cuddled up to Mick some more. The large man was perfect for cuddling, warm and soft and comfortable. Barry sighed contently as Len spooned him from behind. With a very pleased smile on his lips did Leonard lean over to properly kiss Mick good morning too. It was downright endearing how pleased Mick looked, with their third tucked against his chest like that. Though Leonard couldn't deny that he too was happy to have Barry back with them. What Sara had said, it rang true. If they hadn't believed Barry to be locked away forever, they might have thought twice about leaving Central City.

"Have you missed us, Scarlet?", asked Leonard teasingly.

"Obviously", grumbled Barry pointedly. "Joe's been... kind of frustrated ever since Wally left."

"Why'd your brother leave?", asked Mick confused.

Both Mick and Leonard had spoken with the kid before, worked with him. He was amusing.

"Too many speedsters around", offered Barry with a sigh. "Got tired of being in my shadow, I guess. Being Kid Flash on Team Flash... Yeah, I get it."

"Mh, and is your brother going to join us for Christmas?", wondered Leonard.

"I have no idea. He's barely been in contact with us since he left", sighed Barry, pulling Lenny closer against himself. "I hope? But... your sister is going to join us for Christmas."

Leonard raised his eyebrows curiously at that and exchanged a look with Mick. "She is?"

"You're going to have so much fun with that", chuckled Barry teasingly.

"Scarlet, what are you keeping from me?", asked Leonard, nipping Barry's neck.

Barry laughed and swatted at him. "Cisco and Lisa got back together a little while ago."

"Mh. We get to threaten the pipsqueak some more", grumbled Mick very pleased.

Leonard raised both of his eyebrows. "Now how did that happen?"

"After you... died, she started... coming around occasionally. Guess she was a bit... lost. And after you came back from the dead, well...", shrugged Barry. "Turns out while you two were in Aruba and Wally was posing as me, apparently... they asked for her help and the Golden Glider became Miss Midas, a young upcoming hero."

"How have I not heard of this before?", grunted Leonard pointedly.

"It's not like you drop by with a lot of social calls", muttered Barry.

"We're literally saving all of history, Scarlet", defended Mick gruffly.

Barry laughed softly and leaned up to peck first Mick on the lips and then Leonard. "You can get all caught up on the party. But for now, you're all mine."

Author's note: Day two of my Advent Calendar Project this year holds the first part of a three-shot. I figured turning it into a "crossover event", with an "episode" taking place in Legends, Flash and Arrow respectively would be fun. ;)