Flash || ColdWaveFlash || Phoe's Tumblr Drabbles – A Rogue Christmas || ColdWaveFlash || Flash

Title: Phoe's Tumblr Drabbles – A Rogue Christmas

Fandom: Flash | Arrow | DC Comics

Disclaimer: All rights concerning the show reserved to Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim and Andrew Kreisberg. The Green Arrow comics are copyright by DC. This fanfiction on the other hand is entirely mine. No money is made with this, though reviews are more than welcomed.

Warnings: m/m, fluff, protectiveness, m/f

Main Pairings: Mick/Leonard/Barry & Oliver/Felicity

Side Pairings: Roy/Dick, Cisco/Lisa, Ray/Caitlin, John/Lyla, Joe/Cecille

Arrow Characters: Oliver Queen | Green Arrow, Felicity Smoak | Overwatch, William Clayton, John Diggle | Spartan, Lyla Michaels, Quentin Lance

Flash Characters: Bartholomew 'Barry' Allen | The Flash, Lisa Snart | Golden Glider, Cisco Ramon | Vibe, Caitlin Snow, Ralph Dibny | Elongated Man, Cecille Horton, Joseph 'Joe' West, Iris West

Legends Characters: Mick Rory | Heat Wave, Leonard Snart | Captain Cold, Sara Lance | White Canary, Raymond 'Ray' Palmer | Atom, Zari Tomaz, Nathaniel 'Nate' Heywood | Steel, Martin Stein | Firestorm, Jefferson 'Jax' Jackson | Firestorm, Amaya Jiwe |Vixen

Teen Titans Characters: Wallace 'Wally' West | Kid Flash, Thea Queen | Speedy, Roy Harper | Arsenal, Richard 'Dick' Grayson | Nightwing

Summary: In an attempt to bring some normality into their lives, Felicity throws a huge holiday party. Oliver is along for the ride, mainly because this way he finally gets to give the Protective Big Brother Speech to Rory and Snart. The real surprise is when Roy, Thea and Wally join the party.

Phoe's Tumblr Drabbles

A Rogue Christmas

Part 3: Arrow

Prompt: "This bath is too damn hot." - "This is why we can't do cute things. You complain too much." (Olicity)

Hosting a huge holiday party for not just Team Arrow, but also Team Flash and the Legends had seemed like an absolutely insane idea. But there was no way Oliver could say no to Felicity, especially not when she teamed up with William to use the puppy-dog eyes. Sometimes, it still threw Oliver for a loop that he now had a family – a wife and a son. A... good and happy family.

So, in a way, it felt very right to have this huge get-together. Their team was their family. Diggle and Quentin definitely, especially after the fallout with the others. Barry and his team slash family. The Legends too. Granted, Felicity had dropped an invite at the Danvers sisters' place too, but they hosted their own little family gathering so they had declined. The others however – Team Flash and the Legends – gladly came. In a way, Oliver guessed, Felicity was trying to make up for the big wedding that had been crashed. Their big wedding. And while, sure, the two had made up for it, it had still been more smaller scale. Many of the people they wanted at their wedding hadn't been invited, mainly to avoid another disaster like the sudden Nazi invasion.

So Oliver Queen was one hundred percent prepared for someone to crash this party. He had weapons systematically stowed away and was completely prepared to fight off demons from hell.

What he did not expect was for Thea and Roy to crash the party. Yes, he had wanted to invite them, but they had not yet called them with an actual address. He missed his sister dearly and wished she would be there. After all those months sitting next to her at the hospital, having her back had been such a relief. To see her go with her ex-boyfriend though... But he understood it. Even after the separation, they were still close. And there was something that Roy had offered her. Oliver wasn't sure what it was but Felicity had assured him it was not a relationship. Whatever that meant.

"It's so good to see you, Speedy", smiled Oliver as he welcomed Thea into a hug.

"Roy! You're looking good!", exclaimed Felicity, hugging the air out of Roy.

Oliver blinked a bit surprised and looked at his wife. "Weren't you just... all the way over there?"

"Mh? Oh. Yes", nodded Felicity. "But then Lisa stole Cisco and Nate placed mistletoe over the table and... uhm... I left because I started feeling like an intruder."

Oliver, Roy and Thea all turned to look at the table she was motioning at. Ray Palmer was half laying on the table, with Caitlin essentially tackling him onto it, the two heavily making out.

"...Were we gone that long?", asked Thea surprised, eyebrows raised.

"No, actually, that's a development of two hours and four eggnogs ago", replied Felicity. "Now, who's brooding, dark and handsome? I don't remember having another one of those in this cave."

Oliver frowned at that and glared at her, at which Felicity simply smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek. Honestly, he kept being undermined in his own home. The brooding, dark and handsome one stepped up between Thea and Roy, clearing his throat. He was wearing an azure-blue shirt under a black suit, dark hair falling into his face as he glared up at Oliver wearily.

"Dick", stated the young man and thrust his hand out before being elbowed by Thea.

"Manners, you forget them in your cave", grunted Thea and rolled her eyes. "Ollie, this is Dick. Dick, Ollie and Felicity. He is a... friend and... team-mate."

"Boyfriend", corrected Roy awkwardly, cheeks red as he clipped one hand into Dick's free hand.

"Oh. Oh!", yelped Felicity before eagerly shaking Dick's hand. "How did you meet?"

"When I was in Bludhaven. And we kinda... started going out... and stuff", shrugged Roy.

Dick rolled his eyes though his cheeks matched Roy's. Felicity's smile brightened. So that was where the broodiness came from. Oliver and Thea were the closest to family that Roy had, so this was essentially a bit of a 'meet the family' situation for Dick, which seemingly made the boy more than uncomfortable. He very subtly leaned into into Roy and stood a little behind Thea, but in a way that tilted his body so he could easily defend Thea from attacks from behind too.

"Pleasure to meet you", nodded Oliver and shook Dick's hand.

He squeezed more than necessary and even Felicity could see that this was like a dick-measuring contest. She smiled amused. No, no, Oliver had given more than enough shovel-talks for one holly celebration. Hooking her arm with his, she pulled her husband closer and off of Dick, who immediately stepped back to taking Roy's hand, his eyes wandering the bunker. Mapping it, counting the exits. Felicity had spent enough time with guys like that to notice.

"Hold on. You said team-mate", pointed Oliver out with a frown. "What team?"

"Our team. We formed a team. That... That's why we left", admitted Thea and tucked her hair behind her ear. "I love you, Ollie. But... Team Arrow was nearly an all-archer team. There's little point to that and... it was time I find my own path. So when Roy came back to Star City and told me about the team he founded with his boyfriend and Wally-"

"Wally?", echoed Felicity surprised, raising her eyebrows. "Barry and Iris' brother Wally?"

"That's the one. That's me!", declared Wally as he suddenly zapped up right behind the other three.

Oliver startled a little and frowned. Speedsters. Moments later, Wally was followed by his family. Joe and Cecille, Iris, Barry and his two boyfriends, Mick and Leonard flanking him from either side. Joe looked about as doubtful as Oliver felt – overprotective, at all times.

"A team?", asked Iris this time. "So that's where you went?"

"That's where I went", declared Wally, wrapping one arm around Thea and one around Roy (after Dick dodged him expertly). "I spent some time at a temple to meditate, then kind of... roamed the world because I grew restless. Ran into Roy and Dick in Bludhaven and, I don't know, we kind of... formed our own band. Calling ourselves the Titans."

"So you left one superhero team to... join another...?", asked Diggle with a frown.

The others had also gathered around them. The new arrivals were the most interesting thing to happen right now and considering Diggle and Lyla had been in a conversation with Joe and Cecille when Wally had barged in, it figured their interest would be piqued too.

"In a way. I mean, look, at Team Flash I was just one of two speedsters. I was Kid Flash to the actual Flash. I was a sidekick", pointed Wally out with a shrug. "And I mean, that's alright. Barry was there first, he was the OG Flash. It's his team. I just... never really found my place there. And that's nobody's fault. But with the Titans? I am the speedster."

"Same here", agreed Thea with a smile. "I mean, it's also a new leaf. A new start. A city that needs protectors of its own. Where we do not stand in the shadows of the heroes of our home cities."

"Whose shadow were you standing in?", asked Lyla as she looked at Dick.

"Let's not talk about the old men", suggested Roy, wrapping one arm around Dick's waist and pulling him close. "We had a long drive, so... food would be great."

"Food actually is great, kid", grunted Quentin, motioning at the buffet.

Oliver narrowed his eyes though. That had not been an elegant evasion of the topic. Though he did understand that the kid didn't immediately want to reveal his superhero identity to a bunch of strangers and potentially expose whoever was his mentor to them either.

"Dad, can we get to the presents already?", asked William hopefully. "Now that aunt Thea's here?"

"Presents sound like a good idea", smiled Oliver, resting a hand on William's head to annoy him.

Oliver's smile brightened some more as he looked at the crammed bunker. All the happy faces. Cisco and Lisa were sitting on an arm-chair together, whispering and giggling with Ray and Caitlin, who were... dancing... next to them, twirling around and laughing. Wally, Thea, Roy and Dick were busy getting food, chatting with Sara, Nate and Zari over there. Amaya was sitting down with Iris, in the middle of a conversation too. Oliver found Barry's eyes before the speedster tugged his two boyfriends along toward the couch to sit and eat some more. Heightened metabolism and all.

"It's... nice", noted Diggle as he stood next to Oliver and observed what Oliver was looking at.

"It's more than I ever imagined having, John", agreed Oliver, voice low, squeezing Felicity's hand.


"My back is killing me", sighed Oliver as he stretched some.

"No one said that getting into a competition with an actual rubber man was a good idea", pointed Felicity out as she turned off the hot water. "Come on. A bath will do you some good."

Grumbling softly, Oliver got into the water. "This bath is too damn hot."

"This is why we can't do cute things. You complain too much", huffed his wife as she got in too.

"No, we can't do cute things because we have too many intense friends", countered Oliver.

"You'd just have to be a little less... competitive", smiled Felicity sweetly and turned enough to kiss Oliver's cheek. "Limbo with Ralph, that... dart-competition with Thea, Roy and Leonard..."

Oliver grumbled and sank deeper into the water, closing his eyes and sighing contently. It had taken until far past three AM to get the last ones out of the bunker. The Diggles had been the first to go, to bring baby John to bed. Ray and Caitlin had been drunkenly passed out on the couch for two hours at that point, so their teams simply had to gather them up. Only that for that, they'd have to animate the Legends into leaving. And free booze and Mick Rory were not the best combination. Not that Sara was that far behind, really. They had a drinking competition that the speedsters had won, in the end. Somehow, Oliver doubted that the Legends would be taking off into saving any kind of history any time soon. The way he had understood it, they'd be crashing in Central City for the night, while Sara had decided to stay behind in Star City to spend some extra time with Quentin.

"It was exhausting, but... worth it, wasn't it?", asked Felicity softly, turning a little in the bathtub to look at Oliver from beneath her lashes. "I know you were against the party at first but-"

"You were right. As you always are", interrupted Oliver with a smile, leaning in to kiss his wife. "It was a truly good idea. It was... It was nice to actually get together without the world ending."

"It's what our wedding was supposed to be, only this time without getting crashed. Even supervillains take the holidays off, or so it seems. How nice", grinned Felicity.

"It seems even we get lucky every now and again", chuckled Oliver.

He started running his fingers gently through Felicity's hair as she rested her head on his shoulder. "So, how did that shovel-talk go that you gave to Mick and Leonard?"

"Better than expected", mused Oliver. "Snart's a big brother himself. He apparently gave the shovel-talk to Cisco just before they got to us. But apparently, I'd have to fight Kara and Iris for the honor of beating them up if they ever break Barry's heart."

"Sounds like a Last Man Standing fight I'd watch", nodded Felicity amused.

Oliver grunted in agreement, a small amused smile on his lips. "What do we think about Thea and Roy's new... team? And did you know about this?"

Felicity only feigned innocence for a moment. "Okay, fine, yes I did. I installed their security system to have their hideout be up to date. Though now they have a tech-guy of their own on the team, apparently. A guy called Victor. Stop looking judge-y. Roy and Thea are well-trained and I get why they would want to step out of your shadow. You can start tracking the news about the Titans, if you want and if it'll help you stop worrying so much."

Oliver wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He loved how much Felicity understood just what Oliver needed and how he was. But yes, he would be tracking that.

~*~ The End ~*~

Author's note: Aaand the final part of the special little Christmas-y treat. I hope you enjoyed it. ;)