Please excuse any historical inaccuracies.

I do not own Pokemon. That belongs to its respective owner

Thanks to beta readers for helping with this fic!

Crane's hands started to cramp up as he held tightly to the rails at the side of the aircraft, Staring at the floor trying to keep himself relaxed.

"Calm down man, we're going to be fine. Just because this is our first jump doesn't mean we are any worse off than the others." the man beside him declared with a chuckle.

Crane loosened his grip slightly and looked at the man.

"You seem confident, Mike. Got something up your sleeve?"

Mike smiled.

"Yes, I do."

Crane raised his eyebrow.

"Okay, what do you have up your sleeve, then?"

"A piece of chocolate." Mike reached up into his sleeve, pulled out some chocolate, and ate it.

"Screw you, Mike," Crane said smiling, his nerves relaxing slightly.

"SHUT IT! WE'RE NEARING THE DZ!" A man shouted from the front of the plane, "GET READY!"

"Brace yourselves!" The voice of the pilot echoed through the plane. Tracers of the flak rounds rose up from the sky, leaving a hail of shrapnel rounds wherever they exploded. The aircraft started shaking violently from the force of the explosions.

A red light lit up near the entrance.

"RED LIGHT! STAND UP!" The paratroopers immediately got on their feet and awaited orders.

"HOOK UP!" Everyone simultaneously hooked up their static lines to the railing above their heads. The captain looked out the door and down at the ground, waiting impatiently for the LZ to get close enough.

"WHAT THE HELL'S THE HOLD-UP?!" An AA round burst right next to the plane, making Crane's right ear ring and knocking the paratroopers off their feet. The paratroopers yelled at each other in panic. Shards of shrapnel lit up the engine on the right side of the plane. The engine was engulfed in flames as the fuel inside ignited, and with the engine no longer functioning, the propeller struggled to keep spinning. A loud shuddering noise blared through the plane as it started descending.

There was a sudden lurch to the side as the craft started to lose attitude, swooping the troopers onto the right side of the plane. The captain struggled to his feet, desperately holding onto the railing for balance. The blinking, malfunctioning light finally turned green as the plane fell over the LZ.


Another AA round erupted near the plane's entrance, launching shrapnel into the plane and incapacitating the captain. Crane watched on in horror as the captain was launched to the back of the plane with a huge piece of burning metal lodged in his head.

"CAPTAIN'S DOWN!" Crane heard screams and yells from every direction as more explosions rocked the plane, throwing the paratroopers around like they were toys. " LET'S GO!"

Nobody protested and they started jumping out of the plane one by one. While in the air it seemed almost peaceful until Crane noticed that his parachute had failed to open. He yanked his reserve chute. To his relief, it opened perfectly, slowing his descent. His relief was cut off almost instantaneously as Nazis opened fire on him, tearing his reserve chute apart. He plummeted to the ground. Crane screamed and flailed through the air as the ground approached. It didn't take long for him to collide against the ground. An audible crunch could be heard as all of the bones in his body were broken simultaneously. The world cut to black as his lifeless body rolled onto the ground.

Crane opened his eyes found that he was standing in what looked like an office. He looked around to see a pale white deer with golden semicircles attached to its sides towering over him.

"Crane, you should not be here yet." The animal spoke in an authoritative voice.

Crane instantly shouldered his M1-Garand, pointing it at the creature and pulling the trigger. The bullet tore through the air and harmlessly turned to dust as it hit the creature.

"Excuse my manners. You humans call me Arceus," the creature answered. Arceus nodded towards Crane, and his gun turned to dust in his hands.


The animal sighed.

"You should not have died yet. You should have landed safely, helped break through the beaches and went on to fight in-"

The creature stopped and looked at Crane who stood completely still, most likely from shock. Arceus paused as if thinking.

"I have an offer for you, human."

"And why would I take an offer from you?" Crane asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I will give you a second chance at life in a different world. In exchange, you will help me," Arceus answered.

"What you mean by different world?" Crane asked, Confused about how another 'world' could exist.

"You would be put in a world where humans live alongside animals called Pokémon."

"Okay...and what are Pokémon?" Crane asked.

"Pokémon are creatures of all shapes and sizes that have extraordinary powers and abilities. You will soon learn firsthand."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"You will become a Pokémon."

"W-wait what?"

"You will become a Pokémon," Arceus stated again.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I will turn you into a Pokémon. I will not tell you this again. It's getting very annoying."

"Okay, a few questions. How will you turn me into a Pokémon?" Crane asked.

"I cannot tell you that."


Arceus just looked at Crane obviously becoming annoyed at his constant questioning.

"Okay, you said that there are a lot of them. Which one will I become?"

"I... didn't think of that," Arceus said as he turned away to think.

Crane sighed and put his head down for a few seconds, trying to come to turns with his supposed death. Crane looked back up after a few minutes only to see what looked like a ball hovering close to him.

"What is that?" Crane questioned.

"This is a die with all of the Pokémon that exist. Each Pokémon species has their own number."

"Do I roll it?"

"Do you accept my deal?"

"One more question," Crane announced.

"What will I be helping you with?" Crane asked Curious to what a god-like being could ever need help with.

"I don't know at this time, but if you accept I will call on you when necessary."

"Then why make the deal at all?"

"So you would rather not get a chance to live again?" Arceus inquired.

"I want to be able to live again, it's just a lot to take in. Though can I sweeten the deal for myself?" Crane asked.

"No. Do not get greedy, human," Arceus said, looking at Crane.

"Okay. So after I do the things I owe you, can I go back to my home world?"

"Yes. If you accept my offer." Crane said sighing, as it seemed he had no real choice.

"Good. Now roll the dice to find out which Pokémon you will become."

Crane rolled the die and looked at the number. "Okay, so I will be Pokémon number 493."

"No. No, you will not. Roll again," Arceus said.


"I am Pokémon number 493," Arceus sighed.

Crane shrugged and rolled again. "Okay. So Pokémon number is 58. What does that mean?"

"That means you will become a Growlithe," Arceus said.

Crane looked around awkwardly.

"Okay, so what do I do?"

Arceus nodded to a door behind him.

"That is the door that will lead you to a new life."

Crane walked slowly to the door. He placed his hand on the handle nervously, hesitant to turn it. Whatever was behind there was alien to them, and there was probably something that could kill him behind there. He didn't want to die a second time. Suddenly, he felt nausea smack into him like a hard ocean wave, making him dizzy and fall flat back on his back.

"Oh and Crane, this will hurt."

"You sneaky...little..." was all Crane was able to get out before his vision blurred and went black, and he slipped into unconsciousness.