Chapter Eleven - Olympus

The buried Ancient city ship was now completely unburied. The Replicators came up with a schematic of what the ship looked like before. She was the exact replica of Atlantis on the outside but she clearly had a different use. Lab after lab boasted of weapons research. This was strictly a military vessel, sent to the front lines to do battle with the Wraith. She crash landed after she was overwhelmed by an armada of Wraith ships. She had everything the Ancients could think of to wage war against the Wraith.

They had not gone far enough it seems. They still only powered the shields and star drive by a combination of three ZPMs. Though they were looking into alternative methods to power their technology, they never gave thought to how they could get the most of what they already had. They had a lack of vision. Sure, they had very strong shields and very powerful engines and very destructive drones, but they relied on these too much and in too little supply to be effective against an enemy such as the Wraith. Was it arrogance or simply a complete inability to think in such a manner?

Entire buildings had what were clearly meant to be hangar bays capable of maintenance, meant to store some sort of fighter. Other buildings held empty storage racks for drones in several of the lower rooms with exits towards the launchers on the three littler piers. Others still were retrofitted to make drones and vessels of varying sizes. Throughout the entire city, research labs were interspersed. Labs meant for R&D, labs meant to study the Wraith and the Iratus Bug, labs meant simply to study more ways to destroy. There were also rooms meant for training the body and others to train the mind. There were armories full of different kinds of weapons. She would be a playground to the Tau'ri soldiers and scientists alike.

Her quarters were smaller and were meant to hold more than one occupant. There was room for millions. It was unclear if the Ancients had soldiers meant to fight on the ground. They seemed more willing to let their technology do the talking for them. The extra quarters could have been for the fighter pilots. Otherwise, the vessel required a giant crew to be operated effectively. Or she might have been used to evacuate Ancients from all over the galaxy. All in all, the Tau'ri crew would still only take up about eight percent of her capacity starting out. In time she would become a travelling city with hundreds of thousands who would not only call it home but their place of birth as well.

She was clearly meant for battle, so we would take it from here. The Ancients relied too little on what they already had and never fully explored to what extent they could make use of their own technology. We would not make their mistake. The Wraith were not underestimating us in the least. We are forced to return the favor.

Her three main piers would see the installation of a ZPM control room each. Three would be interspersed among the buildings encircling the main tower. Plus one in the main tower would bring the ships total to twenty-one ZPMs whose power could be drawn on at any time. Like Atlantis and Utopia, she would be protected by a double shield, the second being three times as strong as the first.

Among these buildings and in the main tower itself would see seven back-up ZPM control rooms installed. Should any control room find its ZPMs depleted of power, anyone of the back-ups would automatically take over. The vessel would be better powered than even Atlantis and Utopia and would be able to hold out much longer than her predecessors. She would be a ship completely devoted to war.

Her sisters would get five back-up ZPM control rooms and the Tinkerer-class vessels would get four, so that neither vessel would ever wont for power. Those vessels meant to go directly into battle would be fortified as much as possible. Olympus would see fifteen Asgard Beam Weapons, along with three Neutrino-Ion Generators, would be installed on each pier.

Her piers would not be lined with Ancient Matter Creation Devices like her sisters. Instead, she would give space to more powerful weapons, ninety in total. Those buildings that had been used for the construction of vessels and drones would be repurposed. In their place, thousands of Ancient Matter Creation Devices would be installed to take over.

In the buildings surrounding the Main Tower, twelve Neutrino-Ion Generators would be installed to help power the AMCDs. On each of the three main piers, an additional five generators would be installed in the buildings to provide additional power to the AMCDs. Twenty-seven total; forty-five altogether.

Plans were found for a fighter interceptor. The city was meant to hold hundreds, we would bring that number to thousands by doing away with many of the labs. It was a sleek and quick vessel with an energy weapon on the front. The vessel had no shields because it was meant to rely on its speed to keep it safe.

To give these vessels an advantage, they would be piloted by a Replicator who would keep it safe primarily by phasing. They would be better able to determine the best moments to phase. Since the Replicators were programmed never to harm anyone, a human copilot would tag along to man the weapons.

These weapons would be different. Two wings would be added that would fold in and out to protect energy turrets, which would be able to fire at one hundred and eighty degrees. The wings would usually be folded in, preferring to use the fighter's main weapon. On the nose there would be an Ancient Bubblebeam Weapon. Like its name suggests, this weapon would a fire a beam that would create a bubble that would expand as it traveled. The beam would do damage to any enemy vessels while friendly vessels would be able to neutralize the beams affect. The farther out, the less damage the bubble would do to enemy vessels.

The beam was meant to be used against the Wraith Darts, thousands at a time. The buildings housing the fighters would look just like those on Atlantis as the fighters would exit by phasing out. They would fan out and, intermittently, phase in, fire and then phase out. A few dozen would phase in at a time across the line of fighters. In this way, there would be an almost constant barrage of waves causing damage to the Darts. In time, the Darts would succumb dozens at a time and explode.

The Replicators would time their phasing with the shots from the vessels behind her and in front of her. The fighters could easily survive an Asgard Beam Weapon so long as it is out of phase. Weapons fire from the enemy vessels would likewise be included with when the vessels would phase, as would their Darts. It would look like a whole herd of dolphins breaking the surface while firing a destructive wave. They could even do this among the darts.

The main towers on each pier would act as control towers, by tying together the sensor data from Olympus, any other vessel or satellite in range and each individual fighter. With the Replicators at the controls, their routes were planned out to ensure they would not be destroyed. All three towers would be devoted completely to aiding the thousands of fighters along with the Ancient Bombers.

This vessel would also have twelve labs installed meant to make ZPMs. She would have a reserve of hundreds of ZPMs during the war and would be able to replenish her own stocks even in the midst of battle. At least half of these labs would be repurposed after the war, as would some of her buildings housing fighters and Drones.

Spread out among the fleet numbered thousands of ZPMs. The fleet was still very small compared to her foe. We hoped to overcome this weakness on our part with superior technology strategically used.

Inside Ganymede, Olympus was being repaired in one area while in others fighters, bombers and Jumpers were being assembled. Once their respective building was completed, they would be piloted and parked by the Replicators. In another part of the shipyard, many of the city ship's buildings were being assembled on massive levels. The Replicators worked tirelessly to build, by hand, all of her technological components. This would include her stargate, which would be the same as on Atlantis and Utopia.

It wasn't too long ago, that just finding one ZPM would have been a godsend. Now they boasted of so many, they were starting to have trouble just keeping track of them. It was becoming something of an administrative nightmare. To help keep an eye on them, all stockpiles were put under the direct protection of the Replicators. They would keep them safe by storing them out of phase.

General Carter wondered if any structures might be hidden out of phase. The phasing technology seemed to be only used by Merlin. Was it his invention or had it been around for awhile? Morgan Le Fey was the one who set up the system that moved his body and lab intermittently. What else could Merlin have hidden?

Olympus would not have a complement of Battle Jumpers, with the fighters acting in her defense. So Olympus would have only its complement of forty Puddle Jumpers in the upper and lower parts of the main tower. To add to her firepower, she would have a wing of thirty Ancient Bombers.

The Ancient Bombers looked like a miniature Aurora-class vessel, but about a third shorter in length. She would be 75m high, 125m wide and 325m across, a little bit bigger than the BC-304s of which Olympus could house at least fifty, in place of the bombers. She would take up two floors in place of one for the fighters and would exclusively occupy the buildings on the main island.

She would emit a powerful blast of energy meant to be used against bigger vessels and structures. She'd also be armed with two APBWs. These vessels would have a hull made of the strongest materials in existence, five meters thick. Her shield, engine and weapons would be powered by three ZPMs, with a back-up. She was meant to go into the thick of it.

Thirty percent of the city was occupied by quarters. Twenty-five percent was occupied by the fighters and bombers, the Drones and AMCDs took up eighteen percent and ten percent was full of warehouses full of Ancient Drones, not including the subterranean storage rooms. More than half of her buildings were devoted to adding to Olympus' fighting power. She was originally built to take on a group of Hive Ships, five or eight. Now she'd be able to take on twenty times that.

She was redesigned with one thought in mind: would she be able to withstand the First's Hive Ship? Her design was meant to ensure massive amounts of power would always be on hand to power the vessel and her defenses. It allowed for a smooth transition during times when ZPMs would need to be replaced. She had an entirely different power source just for the AMCDs and the APBWs. The Neutrino-Ion Generators were also tied into Atlantis' power grid so they too could provide power in times of need.

But many worried it would still not be enough. In the final battle, only Olympus would be able to go against the First's Hive and hope to survive. During that battle, her fighters and bombers would be of little use. Only her shields, drones and beam weapons would have any effect and it is still unknown if Olympus will survive long enough to be able to destroy the ship.

To decrease their worries, a new type of ZPM interface would be introduced. It would feature the three ZPMs in the original places with a raised platform in the middle. In this platform another ZPM would be inserted, making their number four. One Control Room Type Two would be installed in the central tower of Olympus to bring her total to twenty-five.

Her destruction alone, or for that matter of any vessel in the fleet, would most likely end any battle immediately. Her destruction would easily span solar systems as more and more Tau'ri vessels would add their own stockpiles to the explosion, if they hadn't already phased out. To ensure this wouldn't happen, each vessel in the fleet would be installed with a failsafe device.

In the event of imminent destruction, this device would project a time-dilation field around the vessel. Everything inside the field would be slowed down as much as possible so their destruction wouldn't snowball. The field would extend outside of the vessel to 'capture' enemy fire. Should the Tau'ri be successful, the crew members could be beamed out after the battle. If not, they would remain there forever, stuck in their own deaths.

To ensure this nightmare wouldn't happen, a transmitter would be installed on Earth. Should it ever stop transmitting, any vessel who has enacted their fail-safe devices would self destruct by setting off an implosion device. In the event of their ultimate destruction, they didn't plan on taking a big portion of the galaxy with them. And they didn't plan on waiting around for some civilization to find it in ten million years.

After the war with the Wraith, Atlantis would return to its original planet in the Pegasus galaxy and from their help every man, woman and child. Utopia would return to Earth and Olympus would be our diplomatic vessel. The peoples of Pegasus would need a strong hand to ensure all were free from oppression, and not just from the Wraith. In the Milky Way, she would bring together whole planets into new alliances and help to settle the disputes of the galaxy. In the Alteran galaxy, she would act as our olive branch.

She would act as our flagship in times of need, whether by someone in the Milky Way, Pegasus or be it Destiny. She would periodically be sent to check on Destiny, mostly on account of her power reserves as well as her arsenal. Her girth alone would stun any who saw her. Truly a sight to behold.

After the war, those rooms with AMCDs would be used to create rooms fit for royalty, meant for foreign dignitaries. The military parts of the vessel would be off-limits to any without clearance. Extravagant conference rooms would also be created to offer a more conducive talking environment. They would be used by humans from the Milky Way, Pegasus, the Alteran galaxy and by any species that might be found by Destiny.

Several rooms would be retrofitted to act as holodecks. This would allow anyone on Olympus the chance for a respite or energizing workout. It would also offer a chance for the different peoples of the galaxy to learn about one another. Rituals, customs, traditions etc. would be performed on Olympus for any number of people.

Several of the rooms with AMCDs would remain empty so that they would be free to meet any need. They could act as shipyards or aid in construction just like the Copernicus-class vessels. Most importantly, these rooms would be available should Olympus need to offer medical assistance or evacuate a people. Entire buildings could be retrofitted to act as hospitals. She was built for peace as well as war.

She would be perfect during diplomatic missions, even in the middle of a war. Any representative and honored guest would be well guarded by her fighters and Olympus herself. Her presence alone would make any side want to talk. She could end any war, as she will prove when she goes up against the First. So she could easily withstand a barrage of any magnitude from either side, or both.

Merely with her ability to phase, no enemy could withstand her. Our Jumpers, fighters or any other vessel could land on any planet unobstructed and walk right into the office of their highest command.

She was a vessel of peace armed as a battleship.

To give our soldiers further protection on the ground, two more types of films were created. Type two would be the same size as the original and would create a transparent, ultra tough body armor that would encompass the head and neck. It would be absorbed by the dominant arm and would activate in response to the bodies release of certain chemicals.

Type three would be for specialists in the military, Navy Seals and the like. It would work with the first two by connecting the films with one long film that would span and absorb into the upper arms and shoulders. It would have dozens of miniature AMCDs so that they would never want for a weapon. They could also be used to build small explosives, like grenades or more like dynamite.

A note from the author: Sorry for the delay. I have started working on a new story, among many. Before Atlantis could fly she was a city on the very bottom of the ocean floor. She started out as a research outpost to study the very deepest part of the planet. She grew into a city, home to hundreds of thousands of Alterans. On their return from the Pegasus galaxy, they returned to the original Atlantis, their most guarded secret. It was meant to be the last place in the galaxy they could return to in their most dyer need.

To be honest, Earth has become overpowered and that was my intention from the beginning. It was meant to be a story about what could have happened if the Ancients had the military mind of an Earthling, rather than that of a hopeless explorer. Thinking of doing another story with one major difference: no Replicators.