Hey everyone, this is Musikman50 with a new story just for you! A few months ago a read a manga called Yumeiro Choice, I didn't like the story, (because the childhood friend is an asshole who constantly punches him), but I liked the premise of it. And so I thought maybe I can do that story but better and so here we are.

If you want to read the manga Yumeiro Choice go on ahead, although you'll probably not like the stundere chick who constantly hits him. Funnily enough they make reference to Spider-Man in the manga. Anyways I hope you enjoy this new story.

Disclaimer: Spider-Man and other characters used in this story are all owned by Marvel.

Chapter 1

New York, home to many superheroes, has been destroyed. On the streets below were the dead bodies of men, women, and children with a girl walking the piles of corpses. She wore a a full blue costume with a black belt and dark blue gloves and boots. She than entered into a building where he was met by a blonde women. "Did you get it?" the women asked.

"Yes I did", the girl said as she showed a device.

"Good, then we have hope that this will work", the woman said as she took the device and placed it into a belt like device.

"Mother are you sure this will work?" the girl asked.

"I honestly hope this works", the woman said as she continued working on it. Soon enough the two heard large foot steps. "Oh no, it's here". Outside was a large robot that looked exactly like Captain America.

"Mother we have to go now", the girl said just as her mother finished the device.

"No you go, I have to stay", the woman said.

"What?! No! I can't lose you too!" the girl said.

"Listen to me, there's no other way", the woman said with a tear going her face. "I wish there was way but there isn't. You have to go back and stop this from happening. More importantly, you have to make sure you save your dad. Do you understand?"

The teenage girl wanted to say that her mother could be saved and that they can save her dad together but she knows that the robot was coming for them. So had no choice to agree. "Yes, I understand".

"You'll need this too just in case", the woman said as she handed over a flash drive. "When you get there, give this flash drive to your father. He'll know what to do with it, understand?"

"Yes, I understand. I proise won't fail", the girl said.

"I know sweetie and I'm so proud of you", the woman said. Soon enough the ceiling opened up and the robot appeared. "You have to go now!" the woman said.

"I know!" the girl said as she started the device and light appeared around her. "I love you mom".

"I love you too", the woman said before the robot shot a beam at her. The girl never saw what happened to her mother as she began to teleport away.


"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Just the Facts by yours truly J. Jonah Jameson. Ladies and gentlemen of New York, I'm can't believe I'm saying this but, Spider-Man did a good job today saving those people from the Rhino. Reports say that the Wall-Crawler fought against Rhino and led the large Russian brute into a secluded area to do battle before using something to melt the Rhino's armor off. Nothing was destroyed and no lives were lost, so for once I'll say thank you Spider-Man. But just because you did something right for once, doesn't mean that I'll easier on you Web-Head. I'm watching your every move and you mess up, I'll report it, understand me?"

While Jameson spoke, a figure swung through the city of New York. It was Peter Parker aka the Amazing Spider-Man who was listening to Jameson. "He actually said something nice about me for once. Aww, I should give him a gift for Christmas", Peter said.

"In other news, as of today the divorce between Fantastic Four members Sue Storm and Reed Richards has been finalized. Sue Storm had filed for a divorce with her and Reed stating irreconcilable differences. In addition, Reed has entered into a relationship with his ex-girlfriend named Alyssa Moy. Reports say that Sue has taken a leave of absence from the Fantastic Four alongside the Human Torch and the Thing while there replacements, Black Panther and Storm will take over for them. All I can say is Mr. Richards, this Alyssa Moy had better be worth agreeing to divorce someone as smart and beautiful as Susan Storm".

Peter sighed as he continued swinging when he heard that. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with Jameson", Peter said. "Was giving up Sue really worth it, Reed?" With that, Peter continued swinging to Avengers Tower.

Avengers Tower

Peter had arrived at Avengers Tower and landed on a platform. As he arrived he was met by Tony Stark (Iron Man) and King T'Challa (Black Panther). "Hey guys, what's up?"

"Oh nothing we were just on our way to find you", Tony said.

"Really, why?" Peter asked.

"Captain Rogers says you have a habit of being late for these meetings and asked us to come get you", T'Challa said as he and Tony walked with Peter into the Tower.

"While I don't disagree about being late, It's not because I want to be late. There has been a recent rise in gang activity and I've been trying to stop these gangs from going into a gang war with the mafia", Peter said.

"Funny Natasha said the exact same thing. Either way you're here early", Tony said as they walked into the meeting room where Steve Rogers (Captain America) was. "Hey Steve, guess who came here early?"

Cap turned around surprised but glad that Peter was there. "Nice to see you got here early", Steve said.

"Well aside from Rhino trying to cause trouble, it was a pretty peaceful day today", Peter said.

"Alright then, the is about to start to come on in", Steve said.

With Peter arriving, all the members of the Avengers were present in the media room. While Steve stood in front of everyone, Peter, Tony, and T'Challa sat on one side of a table while Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel), Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk), and Thor Odinson sat on another side. With that, Cap began to speak.

"Alright everyone, it's good to see you all could make it today", Steve said. "Before we get started I'd like to say that we will be having returning member coming back the Avengers".

Soon enough, the doors opened and a woman walked into the room shocking them all. This woman had long red hair, orange fur with black stripes, a prehensile tail, and wore and a black short sleeved body suit. This look was fitted with a necklace of animal teeth. This was Greer Grant aka Tigra.

"I'd like to welcome back Tigra. It's good to have you back". A round of applause was made for the newest members to the team.

"It's good to be back Captain", Greer said as she and Steve shook hands.

'It's nice to see Greer join the team again although, I wonder what it was that convinced her to rejoin. Last I checked she didn't want to be an Avenger anymore. Guess she had a change of heart', Peter thought to himself. Soon enough Tigra sat done in a seat and waved at Peter. Peter waved back with a smile under his mask causing Tigra to giggle lightly.

"Alright, the next thing to talk about is the main topic", Steve said. "As of recently we have been tailing crimes committed by Hydra agents".

Soon enough, Tony stood up and activated a device that showed a hologram with red dots. "As you all can see, Hydra has been stealing technology from these specific areas", Tony said. "As it turns out, the tech they were stealing were advanced robot tech".

"What would they want tech like that?" Carol asked.

"Let me guess, they're trying to use that tech to create robotic soldiers or graph that tech to themselves, aren't they?" Peter asked.

"Good guesses Webs, but unfortunately no. It looks as though they are trying to create their own Iron Man armors", Tony said. This got everyone's eyes to widen.

"By my father's beard!" Thor exclaimed.

"Great Hydra with Iron Man armors, just what we needed", Jen said sarcastically.

"Wait, how would they know how to create them?" Peter asked.

"Last week, Stark Industries was hacked by an expert hacker and stole the info to my armors. I was able to find the hacker by reverse tracking him and stopped him but the info was copied by a Hydra agent and sent to a secret base".

"A base we can't find right now", Steve said. "However, we do have a few choices to where their base is. All we have to do is locate it and stop it. Until then, we have to come up with a strategy for when we encounter them". With that, Steve began to explain the plan to them.


It had been some time since the meeting and everyone had been talking, going home, or going to their other jobs. Peter went to Cap and asked him a question. "Hey Cap, is Sue here by any chance?"

"She's on the next floor in Room Three but I don't think she's in a good mood, so be careful", Steve said.

"Gotcha", Peter said. With that Peter made his way to the next floor by using the elevator. He began walking until he made it to Room Three. He knocked on the door and after a few seconds the door opened to reveal Sue Storm wearing a red version of the Fantastic Four suit.

"Hey Peter, it's been a while", Sue said.

"Hey Sue, I came by just to see how you were doing", Peter said as he hugged her. Sue hugged him back and smiled brightly as she was embraced by Peter.

"Thank you Peter, I haven't been in a good mood as of recently", Sue said.

"Understandable", Peter said. "So how is it living in Avengers Tower?"

"It's been alright living here", Sue said. "Cap is truly a sweetheart plus Jen and Carol are really dependable with helping me. I'm glad everyone is helping me but I'm thinking about leaving the Tower".

"Wha-why?" Peter asked.

"Well I like it here but I don't want to live in the Tower. Besides, I'm not Avenger anymore and I honestly am thinking about leaving New York", Sue said.

"Well would you go?" Peter asked.

"Well I've thinking about going to Latveria or Atlantis. Then again I'd have to deal with either Doom or Namor and really don't need that right now", Sue said.

Peter didn't like either of those options either. Dr. Doom would probably get under Reed's skin by boosting that he had Sue with him. Namor would do the exact same thing and both and Reed would fallout leading to Atlantis declaring war on the surface. Peter didn't like these options so he thought of a third option.

"I'll be honest I don't like those options", Peter said.

"I understand", Sue said.

"So how about you stay with me instead?" Peter asked causing Sue's eyes to widen and Peter realizing what he just said. "Well obviously that's if you'd want to stay with me, I mean I understand if you don't want to I'm just-"

"Peter relax will you? And well I'd actually appreciate that a lot but I don't want to be a burden for you", Sue said.

"No, no, no, you wouldn't be a burden at all", Peter said.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Trust me, you'll be fine with me. Besides my Aunt May would love to see you again", Peter said.

"Well alright then if you insist", Sue said.

"Great", Peter said.

"But only until I can find a place to stay", Sue said.

"Alright then", Peter said. "Now then, let me tell about something cool that happened today: Jameson actually acknowledged that I did something good today!"

"No way!" Sue said shocked at this. This led to Peter and Sue entering into a new conversation full of laughs and smiles. Elsewhere, Jameson couldn't help but feel angry as he felt as though he was being talked about.


An orb of light appeared in an alley way. Soon enough, the light began to dissipate and a blonde teenage girl appeared crouched on one knee. She soon began to stand up on both feet and spoke. "It looks like I made it. There isn't much time I need to find mom and dad".

Peter's harem: Sue Storm (Invisible Woman), Greer Grant (Tigra), Silver Sable, Theresa Cassidy (Siryn), and Umar.

Next time Sue moves in with Peter and the heroes fight against Hydra.