Settings - 2001 Attitude Era.

DISCLAIMER - I don't own any of the characters or anything to do with the WWE. Vince McMahon does.

So I've been watching lots of old school wrestling recently (WWF Attitude Era) and I really miss it.

This story will start from when Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin joined forces early 2001 but the Invasion will defo be a massive part of the story line as well. I know WWE is fake and scripted but I'm setting it as a sort-of reality show. I will probably continue to write the story whether people review or not but it's still nice to see if people like it or read it? The main characters will be Jeff Hardy and Trish Stratus however it will include many different superstars.

Trish Stratus has not long been in the wrestling industry and in less than a year she's been involved in one of the most infamous, outrageous and biggest scandals in wrestling history. Her affair with CEO Vince McMahon made headlines. "she's sleeping her way to the top" "she's a gold digger" "she just wants his money" these are some of the stereotypes that Trish had to deal with. It's hard to believe Trish actually did fall for Vince McMahon. "He's the devil" "He's sick" "He's a psychopath" but despite all this Trish only ever met the charming side of Vince. Some could call her stupid or naive but she genuinely believed he fell for her like she fell for him.

When his wife Linda found out about the affair that was when the true colours of Vince came out. It was all good for the first few weeks but when it sunk in that Linda was really going to divorce Vince and take half of his money - Vince kicked Trish to the curb. He humiliated her and degraded the blonde beauty before declaring his everlasting love for Linda. The two soon got back together working on their marriage once more.

So where does this leave Trish? Currently alone in the women's locker room receiving the cold shoulder from most WWE superstars. How will she ever be taken serious now?

Trish ties up her boot as she prepares for her match again Vince's daughter Stephanie. The billion dollar princess who just so happens to be around the same age as Trish. Steph never liked the idea of Vince and Trish together - Trish couldn't blame her. At the end of the day Trish is just a human being and despite the opinion people may have off of her she is still just a women who succumbed to her feelings. She made a mistake and now the McMahon family won't let her forget it.

Trish sighs as she walks down the corridor - she hears the whispers, she can feel the eyes of fellow superstars burning holes into her skin, she acts like it doesn't bother her but it really does.

As her music goes off, she leaves her doubts about herself behind, faking a confident smile. She puts her hands on her hips and struts her way down the runway making her way to the ring.

Trish is in the middle of her match with Steph, it's clear Stephanie is a McMahon. Her family lives and breathes and bleeds professional wrestling and despite Trish performing the bulldogging headlock she wasn't prepared for the counter that Steph hit her with.


The bell goes off. Trish knows she should've just put her shoulder off of the map but she had nothing left to give. Would there be any point in trying to win the match? The McMahon's had already won and no match is going to stop that.

Trish gets herself up before Stephanie slaps her one more time and begins assaulting her despite the match clearly being over. Stephanie rips Trish's bra off and as Trish tries to get herself up she notices Vince come down to the ring.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Vince screams down the microphone "I said Stop it, God damn it"

Stephanie looks confused as to why her dad is demanding her to stop and lets go off the blonde who is on her knees in front of her ex lover.

"I've seen you in this position before Trish and now the whole world has too!" Vince chuckles down the microphone as he circles around the topless Trish. "That's not enough…"

Trish watches as Vince signals his daughter to bring over a mop bucket that was filled with a stinking, sluggish and brown coloured liquid. Trish looks confused. Telling her ex-lover she's sorry but with no microphone her voice isn't very loud in this situation.

Vince mocks the blonde. "You're sorry? I'll show you sorry…"

Stephanie swirls the mop in the bucket filled with disgusting sludge. Trish attempts to ask for their forgiveness for one more time but is soon shut up when the stinking mop head is wiped and rubbed all over her beautiful face, her hair and her mouth.

Trish chokes and coughs as Stephanie continues to violate the blonde in the centre of the ring before completely throwing the whole bucket over Trish. Trish wipes her eyes but still struggles to see as she tries to get herself out of the ring and into the locker rooms. Vince and Stephanie sneering at the blonde as she struggles down the ramp.

Jeff and Matt Hardy are in their locker room stretching out their limbs as they prepare to defend their Tag Team Titles against unknown opponents. They watch the show on the TV as they get ready to go out there themselves.

"That's rough man…" Jeff announces feeling quite sorry for the blonde superstar.

"Rule number one - don't screw the boss…" Matt shrugs unsympathetically.

Amy better known as Lita bounces through to the Hardy's locker room as a big ball of energy, skipping upto her boyfriend Matt and kissing him on the lips. "You ready?"

"Hell yeah I'm ready!" Matt roared, spanking Lita on the backside. "C'mon Jeff!"

"I got a bad feeling man.." Jeff rubs his multi-coloured hair on his head listening to his intuition and the butterflies in his stomach.

"What do you mean… We're the best in the business… It doesn't matter what Vince has planned or who he puts against us." Matt cheers enthusiastically. "We're the Hardy Boyz."

Lita coughs.

"We're Team Xtreme!" Matt corrects himself. "Now let's go!"

The Hardy Boyz music plays as the brothers and Lita jump down the ramp.

"Being accompanied by Lita…They are the World Wrestling Entertainment Tag Team Champions Matt and Jeff… The HARDY BOYZ!" Lillian announces down the microphone.

The cheers fill the arena as the tens of thousands of fans all scream for the Hardys' and Lita. The signs that fans have made showing appreciation and their love for Team Xtreme. Jeff and Matt enter the ring, bouncing around before standing on top of the ring buckles flashing their championships.

Suddenly - Vince McMahon's music plays.

The Hardys look confused in the middle of the ring. Jeff knew something wasn't right.

"Now to introduce to your opponents. The next World Wrestling Entertainment Tag Team Champions… My Son-in-Law The Intercontinental Champion Triple H and The WWE Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin." Vince howls down the microphone.

The new tag team emerges. Jeff looks at Matt and Matt looks at Jeff. Jeff was right. This wasn't good, they call the tag team "2 Man Power Trip" since they screwed the Rock out of the championship at WrestleMania. They caused havoc over the WWE ever since and they obviously have their eyes set on the tag titles.

"We got this…" Matt whispers to Jeff, an uncertainty surrounds his voice as he watches Stone Cold, Triple H, Vince and Stephanie make their way to the ring.

The 2 Man Power Trip waste no time as they slide into the ring and start throwing punches into the young Hardy Boyz evidently dominating them and throwing them over the ropes.

The match continues as Stone Cold and Triple H have definitely got the momentum on their side. The momentum begins to shift when Jeff knocks Triple H on the mat while his brother and Stone Cold fight on the outside. Jeff climbs to the top rope going for The Swanton Bomb when Stephanie pulls his leg while the referee isn't looking and causes him to lose balance.

Lita pulls Stephanie on the outside and the two begin fighting.

Triple H takes advantage of his wives interference and hits Jeff Hardy with the pedigree.

"1… 2… 3…"

The bell goes before Jeff even knows what's happened. Matt's on the outside. Triple H grabs Lita by her fiery red hair detangling her from his wife. Stone Cold hits Jeff repeatedly with a steel chair as he tries to get up to help his brother's girlfriend with no success. Stone Cold drops Jeff before hitting Lita with the Stone Cold Stunner and laughs cruely while she drops onto the mat. Her boyfriend Matt jumps into the ring with a steel chair but Triple H grabs the chair off of him and starts hitting him repeatedly while Stone Cold continues to kick into Jeff. Stephanie grabs Triple H's favourite weapon - a sledgehammer and hits Matt in the face. Lita regains consciousness to see her boyfriend getting hit in the face with the hammer. Crying with fear over her boyfriend, she throws herself on him hoping the evil power trip will leave them alone. They have the championships after all - they've won.

Stone Cold laughs at Lita, trash talking her before hitting the young women repeatedly with a steel chair to protect her love. Both the Hardy Boys lie lifeless in the ring with a bruised and broken Lita lying on top of her better half.


Trish watches as the other superstars laugh while she gets out the shower. It doesn't matter how long she tried to get herself clean - she just feels dirty and ashamed. It's late at the arena and the show was done ages ago, she missed the mini bus back to the hotel and she's just reflecting on the past few months. What is she supposed to do? This is her job…. It's what she gets paid to do. It was always a dream to be in the WWE but it's like she's living in a nightmare at the moment.

While lost in her thoughts Trish bumps into somebody and drops on the floor. "I'm sorry…" Trish looks up to find a battered Jeff Hardy holding his ribs from the chair shots he had received in his match before. "Jeff… I'm sorry last thing you need is me running into you after that match…"

"I could say the same about you, guess we've both had crappy days." Jeff chuckled slightly trying not to show the pain he's in. "Why aren't you back at the hotel?"

"I was showering…" Trish murmured.

"For 3 hours?" Jeff questioned raising his eyebrow.

Trish nodded. "You didn't smell the mop… Why are you still here? Or not in the hospital?"

"I've took worst beatings they're not as tough as they think they are…" Jeff laughs off proudly. "Well maybe we could grab a cab?"

Trish nods reluctantly. As they both leave the arena.

Trish and Jeff arrive at the hotel and despite what they've both been through in the night they're laughing about the events.

"You're crazy you know?" Trish giggles. "Thanks for getting me back safe."

"You're welcome." Jeff grins back at the blonde. "Thanks for taking my mind of the beating I just took… I mean I may have a concussion but at least we can laugh about it."

"Thanks for taking my mind off being mopped in the ring, being the most hated women in the wrestling industry and being humiliated in every aspect of my life…" Trish chuckles trying to make light out of her life even though she is obviously feeling down about it.

"You know what Trish, you don't deserve all the things that The McMahon's are doing to you." Jeff pushes pack a piece of hair from Trish's face. "And not everybody hates you… I don't anyway."

Trish looks up at the 6ft multi-coloured haired wrestler smiling a genuine smile for once. For once she feels like a human being. Jeff locks eyes back with the blonde finally removing his hand from her face.

"Thanks Jeff… I'll see you around."

Stephanie and her husband Hunter (Triple H) sit in a club in the VIP Area with Steve and his wife Debra.

"You knocked the drink out my hand you dumb woman!" Steve screamed at his wife. Debra jumps slightly.

"It was an accident Steve." His wife rolls her eyes.

"It was an accident Steve." Steve mocks Debra's voice. "Don't roll your eyes at me woman, you're ruining my buzz. Get me something to clean myself up."

Debra sighs. "I'm going back to the hotel… I suggest you do the same."

"I'm Stone Cold Steve Austin woman! I don't deserve that tone of voice. I'm the WWE champion. I'm one half of the tag team champion." Steve starts to get irritated and smashes his beer can on the side of the table. "Did you hear the way she spoke to me then? She must have lost her damn mind."

"Chill Steve… We're here to celebrate." Hunter laughs menacingly. "We're on top of the WWE, The Rock has been suspended indefinitely and nobody can mess with us."

Stone Cold nods his head in agreement. "I'd like to see any son of a bitch that could try."