I don't own wir. Lucy and Kevin belong to me, mocho belongs to my friend Mangle6, any other ocs will be given credit when they show up. This is an idea requested by my friend mangle, hope you like it.

It was a very slow day for sugar rush, and the racers were bored. For the arcade in general it was an average day, but for some reason there was little interest in sugar rush today. The racers were lucky to be alive and still around since the company that made their game went out of business years ago and a fan community kept their game updated with new characters and new tracks every now and then thanks to a computer installed into their cabinet, but nothing has come from the fan community in a while, and the racers could only wonder if people were losing interest in their game.

At the starting line of the Royal raceway, racers old and new waited in their karts, bored and doing random things to pass the time.

"I hate slow days like this" Said Vanellope

"Cute candy game ready to be played, no wait" Taffyta shouted to no one in particular

"Our days are numbered I fear" Said Candlehead

In one of the front rows, President Vanellopes twin kids Lucy and Kevin Fluggerbutter sat in their karts just as bored as everyone else. They were the only 2 newer racers on the roster today, at age 12 they were eager to race, but not being played was getting to them. Lucy was asleep from boredom while Kevin was talking to one of his friends on the phone, a fan added character named Madison who was somehow part mermaid, and she was hanging out at the castle

"Maddie, you put the bread in the toaster, push down on the lever, and then it becomes toast. This doesn't need to be a conversation we're having" Kevin Said into his phone

Kevin covered his phone for a second and said something to himself

"Mod I wish one of my other friends were here to talk to"

Princess Lucy was peacefully dozing off in her kart. The game hadn't been played for almost an hour, maybe 2. She just like everyone else feared of being unplugged if their game didn't make any money soon. Her sleep was interrupted when she heard a voice.

"Hello Lucy"

Lucy rubbed her eyes open to see her friend for 3 years now, Mocho Smoreline, a half rabbit half human hybrid character.

"Hi mocho, what're you doing here? Normally you don't come near the tracks" Said Lucy

"I was bored so I thought I'd visit you, I haven't heard any engines in a while, is no one playing?" Mocho Asked

"Would I be asleep if I was busy?" Lucy asked "We're all bored mocho"

Mocho sat behind Lucy on her kart, the sweet revenge.

"Do you ever get tired of racing Lucy?" Mocho Asked

"No one gets tired of racing here mocho. Nothing's more refreshing than the wind blowing in your face as you drive. You should try it sometime"

"You know I can't drive Lucy, plus racing scares me, what if I crash and hurt myself?" Mocho Asked

"Ok so you don't drive, what if you rode with someone you trust? Get that feeling that we all feel" Said Lucy

"You want me to ride with you?" Asked Mocho "I mean I'll do it, but what would the players think?"

"It's just one race, besides no ones gonna notice, what are the chances the next player will care if they see you?"

"Well, since it is just one race, sure why not? But where will I sit?" Mocho Asked

"Guess you can sit on my lap, I'll make sure you stay in" Said Lucy

Lucy scooted back as far as she could in her seat and mocho sat on her lap. Lucy could still see, reach her steering wheel and pedals surprisingly.

"You sure this is fine?" Mocho Asked

"It's just one race. Sorry I don't have another helmet, but I have some goggles for you." Said Lucy

Lucy adjusted her seat belt so mocho would stay secure and handed him a pair of blue goggles. Vanellope looked to her daughter and spoke

"Lucy, what are you doing?" Vanellope Asked

"Letting my friend join me for a race, I hope that's not a problem" Said Lucy

"Normally I'd be against this but we're not busy, so I'll allow this" Said Vanellope

(In the arcade)

A bored child, a young boy, maybe 7 years old, wandered the arcade, most of his favorite games were being hogged, while others were temporarily out of order for repairs. He made his way to sugar rush.

"Why not? Got nothing better to do" Said the child

The child sat in the drivers seat and inserted some coins into the machine. He looked at the racer select screen and thought who to pick. He went to Lucys picture, he was intrigued since not only was Lucy there, but this bunny looking kid standing behind her, since mocho was in Lucys kart his picture was on her selection picture.

"Guess I'll go with this girl, though who's that rabbit kid?" The child asked

The child selected Lucy.

"Lucy Fluggerbutter"

Meanwhile in the game, the racers were starting their engines, they were finally being played. Lucys kart flashed for a brief moment.

"I've been chosen, been a while since that's happened" Said Lucy

"Is that a good thing?" Mocho Asked

"I'm not completely in control of my kart, but don't worry, I got you" Said Lucy

Mocho grabbed onto whatever he could in the kart and watched as the starting lights flashed. Mocho drooped his rabbit ears down so Lucy could see a little better. Lucy revved her engine, she was ready. The light quickly turned green and all the racers sped off from the starting line. Lucy had an early lead, but since she was being played by a young child, obviously she fell behind a little.

"Why're we losing? Aren't you a great driver?" Mocho Asked

"It's not my fault, I'm not completely in control" Said Lucy

The young child playing was doing his best to catch up as he approached Gumball gorge. His older sister, a 13 year old girl, walked up to him.

"Playing some Sugar rush Toby? Which racer is that?"

"Someone named Lucy"

"Why are you playing as Lucy? She's just a vanellope wannabe. Hey what's that in her kart?"

"Some rabbit looking kid, that's why I chose Lucy, 2 characters in one"

"Well you're losing the race, better grab a power up"

The young boy drove through Gumball gorge, narrowly avoiding Gumballs rolling towards him, and managed to grab a powerup cube.

"Power up, Cappuccino calamity"

A cannon popped up behind lucys kart and fired hot coffee at the racers in front of her, which surprised Lucy and the girl.

"Now that's new" said the girl

"That's not one of my normal power ups, since when have you been programmed with personal power ups?" Lucy asked

"I don't know, it's in my coding maybe? Maybe I was designed to race I don't know" Said Mocho

"Well that power up's better than my sour rockets that's for sure" Said Lucy

The player drove Lucy through the rest of the track, making it to 4th place. Around the final stretch of the track, he picked up another power up. A catapult appeared on the back of lucys kart with a few melting marshmallows stacked on it. The catapult fired in front of the front racers, trapping them in a sticky mess. The karts came to a complete stop as a countdown timer counted down from 10. This was enough time for Lucy to pass the other racers and reach first place upon crossing the finish line.

"Yes, I won" Said Toby

A cutscene played of Lucy receiving her trophy. Mocho stood behind her, but Lucy grabbed him and showed him to the player. The boy was thrilled, the girl was intrigued.

"They like you mocho" Said Lucy

"They do?" Mocho Asked

"Just smile and wave" said Lucy

The 2 waved as the cutscene finished. The girl pushed her brother out of the seat.

"I want to give this girl a shot, those powerups looked cool" Said the girl

She inserted a few coins in the machine and selected Lucy, and before long Lucy and mocho were racing again. Gamers started noticing lucys different powerups as well as this new character. Normally gamers didn't think much of Lucy besides having mostly the same powers of vanellope, now she was different, did a fan make an update to the game? Did Lucy get altered? No matter what it was, gamers were curious and lined up to check out lucy and this new character who showed up.