(Mochos rabbit hole, candy cane forest)

Lucy was showing Mocho some of the things people said about him, he was surprised.

"They like us as a team?" Mocho Asked

"Apparently. But this is great. Not only do fans like us, they're making fan art of us, I've never had fan art of me made" Said Lucy

She showed him pictures on her phone of drawings kids and adults made. He smiled.

"I must say it feels nice being appreciated like this" Said Mocho

"Guess we're now an unofficial team. Hopefully the fans don't start shipping us as a couple. No offense you're cute and all but I like you as a friend" Said Lucy

"I think it's too late for that" Said Mocho

"What are you talking about?" Lucy asked

He showed her pics on her phone fans made of them holding hands, kissing, some had hearts around them.

"Why am I not surprised?" Lucy asked herself

"Fans ship weird things" said Mocho

"Believe me mocho I know. I've seen the shippings made for the other racers. You don't wanna know." Said Lucy

"I don't think I wanna know" Said Mocho

Mocho looked at different articles and looked at something that got him interested.

"I'm getting merchandise? Does anyone here get their own merchandise?" Mocho Asked

"You're joking right? All the racers have merchandise, even I have merchandise" said Lucy

"You do?" Asked Mocho

"Yeah I get t shirts, action figures, my kart is a toy, I have a plush doll, all the racers get this stuff" Said Lucy

"Really? I want to see that now" Said Mocho

Lucy went to another website on her phone and showed him plush toys and action figures and karts of all the racers for sale. Mocho was surprised, he didn't know these existed. All the plushes had little black eyes instead of their normal eyes, which he didn't understand. His eyes fell on lucys plush, he was embarrassed to tell Lucy he wanted one, thinking she'd find it weird he wanted a toy of her, he'd have to ask someone to get it for him somehow. Mocho handed Lucy back her phone.

"I must say, I'm really surprised the gamers found us so interesting" Said Lucy

"So am I. Does this mean we're a team?" Asked Mocho

"I guess we are. This doesn't bother you does it? Having to race with me?" Asked Lucy

"No of course not. I love having the opportunity to hang out with you." Said Mocho

"Well if we're gonna be a team, I guess I'm gonna need to bake a new kart" Said Lucy

"Why what's wrong with your old kart? I love your old kart" Said Mocho

"I love my kart too but I can't have you sitting on my lap all the time. You need your own seat" Said Lucy

Mocho dropped his ears, he actually liked sitting in lucys lap. But if this was what was necessary to Lucy, then so be it.

"Very well. By the way if you're gonna make a new kart, all I ask is a nice soft seat, oh and I'm gonna need a way to have food during racing" Said Mocho

"No problem I carry small candies in my kart anyway it shouldn't be hard to-

"That's not gonna be enough. Lucy you know how much I need to eat to stay healthy" Said Mocho

"Are you serious? How on earth am I supposed to fit that much food in a kart? I can't exactly put a fridge in there Mocho" Said Lucy

Mocho pointed to Lucys purse which sat on a chair

"I'm not holding that much food in my purse" Said Lucy

"No not that, you have that thing of yours that lets you hold lots of stuff, why not make another one of those?" Asked Mocho

"I suppose it is possible" Said Lucy "Id have to modify it for food but I can do that"

"Great. So when will all this be ready?" Asked Mocho

"I'll have everything ready tomorrow. I got a lot of work to do, be by the track at 9 am tomorrow because that's when we open" Said Lucy "I gotta go bake a kart, I'll see you later"

Lucy grabbed her bag and climbed out of mochos hole. Mocho grabbed his phone which sat on a charger in a corner filled with books and a bean bag chair. He dialed his sister, Cinnamon.

"Hey Cin, it's me. This is gonna sound weird but can you do me a favor? I want a plush doll of Lucy. No this is not a joke, stop laughing I'm serious" Said Mocho a little angrily

Mocho didn't see Lucy for the rest of the day, she kept herself busy in the castle, working. It was not 8:55 the next morning, the arcade was about to open, and Lucy was nowhere to be seen. Mocho tapped his foot wondering where Lucy was. Not a moment later, Lucy appeared in front of him in a kart very similar to her old one, nearly identical except this one was slightly longer to have an extra seat installed.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Mocho, I overslept, had to skip breakfast just to make it on time" Said Lucy

"You gonna be ok without food?" Asked Mocho

Lucy clutched her stomach as it grumbled weakly, she was a little hungry, but chose to ignore it.

"I'll be fine. Anyway, this is the sweet revenge 2.0. Same as my old kart just bigger. Got you a nice soft seat as requested, it's adjustable, so you can be closer to me if you wish. Also made a modified version of my storage device from my purse, it'll keep hot food hot and cold food cold. It took forever to figure out how to modify it to do that. It's Freshly stocked with food from the castle kitchen, by the way if you grab a burger time burger bag, throw it back in there, that's my lunch. Also have a special cup holder installed, you have a special cup that'll sit securely in place so you can drink without worrying about spilling" Said Lucy "oh, also got you this, for protection"

She pulled a helmet out of mochos seat. It was brown with 2 holes on the top for his ears to fit through and a yellow visor. Written on the back in gold lettering was mochos name. Mocho took the helmet Nd hopped into the kart.

"Before we begin, my parents and sister are watching me today, they have a couple requests of you" Said Mocho

"What requests?" Asked Lucy

"Just keep me safe. And if you get me injured cinnamon will rip you to shreds" Said Mocho

"That doesn't surprise me" Said Lucy

The arcade soon opened, and it was only a matter of time before sugar rush was played. Players were excited to see mocho and Lucy as playable characters, and with a new kart to go along with it. Gamers liked mochos coffee cannon, which messed with other racers karts much better than his s'mores catapult. That's not to say they didn't enjoy lucys sour rockets when they got activated, which were filled with acidic sour sparkles which slowed karts down a lot. By noon it seemed to slow down a little with players, so some racers went on a lunch break, Lucy intending to do the same, she was hungry.

"I can't wait to taste that burger" Said Lucy

Mocho pulled out lucys burger bag which she took from him in an instant. She pulled her burger out and was about to take a bite when she saw her kart flash, she was about to be played, she couldn't eat and drive at the same time, not with a burger anyway.

"Aw man" said Lucy "I hope this doesn't take long"

She put her burger back in her bag and gave it back to mocho, who was scarfing down on his own food Lucy had prepared for him. He felt a little guilty that he could eat but Lucy couldn't. Lucy started her engine as the game started up again. He could hear her stomach grumble a little louder over the engine.

Meanwhile eating their lunch on the sidelines, was Kevin's friend Lodhi Jr, and his brother Norville. Norville was growing jealous of Lucys popularity.

"How is it zat Lucy of all people is making our game be played? Last week she was a nobody to players" said Norville

"Don't take it too seriously bro, we still have our loyal fans" Said Jr

"If anyone should be getting respect from ze players, it should be us" said Norville

"Again, don't take it too seriously" Said Jr

For the next 2 hours, Lucy didn't have a single break to eat her lunch, her stomach was grumbling louder, and it bothered Mocho. He could tell Lucy was feeling pain from hunger. Mocho couldn't stand this any longer. He pulled out lucys burger.

"That's it Lucy, you're gonna eat even if I have to hold this burger in front of your mouth" Said Mocho

He adjusted his seat so he could get closer to her and held the burger in front of her mouth.

"Eat it, now, you need it" Said Mocho

Lucy didn't hesitate and scarfed down her burger. Mocho was a little afraid Lucy would bite his fingers so he constantly moved them as Lucy ate. He wiped her face up and she gave a small burp.

"Excuse Me" said Lucy

"All better now?" Asked Mocho

"Much" Said Lucy

Lucy then began rubbing her back against the seat.

"Uh mocho, odd little request, can you scratch my back for me please? It really itches and I can't scratch it, I need both hands on my wheel" Said Lucy

Mocho nodded in agreement and leaned towards Lucy. He pushed her a little forward and began vigorously scratching her back.

"Oh yeah that's the spot, a little to the right, that's it. Now I can focus on winning again" Said Lucy

Lucy felt mocho start to massage her shoulders, she didn't ask for him to do that.

"Your arms must be getting tired from having to hold the wheel all day so maybe this'll ease you a little" Said Mocho

"Uh thanks mocho, wow this feels good. You don't have to-

"I insist, I got nothing better to do but eat and watch the scenery go by" Said Mocho

"Well thanks mocho, I really appreciate that" Said Lucy

Racing went on as normal for most of the day, with small breaks in between. Lucy and mocho proved to be popular again, and fans were excited for the upcoming new track, whatever it may hold. By the end of the work day and after the random roster race, Lucy hugged mocho goodbye before speeding off with her family.

Mocho went to his family, who gave him hugs and congratulated Mocho for racing with Lucy.

"Oh before I forget, stopped into the internet, got you this as requested" his sister Cinnamon Said before giving him a bag

Mocho opened the bag and saw a bagged plush of Lucy. It was around 13 inches tall, had her outfit look just like lucys. It had black eyes instead of her brown eyes for a reason he didn't know, it even had lucys gold ring bracelet on its right arm and little plastic dangling earrings to represent lucys cherry earrings. He ripped it out of the plastic bag and hugged it tight

"Remind me why you asked me to get you that and not your friend the princess? Surely she could've gotten you one" said Cinnamon

"Well, it'd be a little embarrassing of me asking, she'd think it's weird if I wanted a toy of her" Said Mocho

"You sure you don't have a crush on her? You're always saying she's cute" Said Cinnamon

"Yes she's cute, I do like her, but I only like her as a friend, you know I'm not into girls like that" Said Mocho

"Yes I know, I've met your boyfriend" said Cinnamon

"Lucy doesn't like me that way either, I'm pretty sure of it" Said Mocho

"If you say so" Said Cinnamon