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"…but, Kagome?"

Inuyasha had been holding on to this bloody piece of paper for what seemed like an eternity. In crude handwriting, it read: Who do you choose? Right below were the names of the two women he loved, Kagome and Kikyo.

Over and over again he would answer the question out loud, each time with a different answer. As time went on, he continued to become more indecisive and unsure of himself. After a while, he started to doubt Kikyo's name, second-guessing himself. He'd go for Kagome but even her name sounded wrong on his lips.

Eventually, he stopped answering entirely for his muscles started to seize. Everything ached and his body acted on its own. Even his hand refused him and closed, wrinkling the paper. Blood poured from his hand like he wrung out the writing. Inuyasha looked out into the voice, hoping to seek help. If only he could scream.

The only thing in the darkness was that purple light with the amber and white halo. It had no familiar shape but he felt like he had known it his whole life. Though at the same time it was completely strange to him.

Inuyasha managed to shove the crumpled piece of paper at the light, wincing at the pain shooting across his body.

"What does this mean?" No reply came for him. "Who am I supposed to choose…" Instead of responding to his cries the light only moved away. Soon it faded, then another light appeared in the darkness. It was a transparent shadow of Kagome. She was doubled over and covered in blood. The girl was halfway facing him, struggling to keep herself steady on bruised knees. Her body was also covered in arrows, bright sacred arrows.

He watched as she struggled to hand on to a sword, the Tenseiga. Her hands holding it by the blade close to her chest. He watched as she collapsed from another arrow being shot at her but he couldn't see her attacker.

"Kagome, no!" He sucked in a painful breath and his body jerked, causing him to yell out in pain. Suddenly the scenery changed and he was looking at a disheveled Kikyo.

She looked upset and angry, had she an idea of what he dreamt about? Inuyasha struggled to wipe his face, tears were blurring his vision.

"Kikyo." He leaned into her, placing his head on her chest. She held onto him and rubbed his head. "Someone is playing with me, distorting my dreams."

She spoke with an icy tone. "It sounded like you were choosing Kagome over me. Each time you yelled her name you sounded so sure. But when you said my name… it sounded sad and indecisive." He didn't dare speak or look up. He was ashamed of course, he was with Kikyo and for her to hear him choose her copy, even in his dreams upset her.

"Kikyo… I have no control over my dreams."

She scoffed. "But you have control over your heart. Your heart knows what it wants." She pushed him away and stood. "I'm so tired of playing these games with you." He watched as her robes fell around her feet and drug the floor as she walked.

"Kikyo, can't you see? I want to be with you. If I didn't I wouldn't be here." She turned and scowled at him. Her eyes held a hatred he had only seen a few times in his life.

"You are poisoning out happiness with your doubt Inuyasha." He gave her a mortified look.

"Kikyo, I'm sorry. I'm trying. I never expected her to come back. I never expected this to happen." She eyed him. Kagome was going to ruin them if this kept up, but she wasn't going to allow it. She was angry, her heart burned with her hatred for Kagome.

"I'm going for a walk. I want you to stay here, Inuyasha." She turned from him and started to walk away but he grabbed her wrist.

"Please, Kikyo. We need to talk this out. Don't leave on a sour note." The angry woman snatched her wrist away and looked down on him.

"I do not wish to speak on the matter, Inuyasha." His heart ached at her cold voice.

"Don't you even want to hear about my dreams? Do you want to know what I'm going through?" She spun herself around and placed her hand on the sliding door.

"Do you even understand what I'm going through Inuyasha?" He sat back on his palms and watched her leave. He knew he was in the wrong but for her to just leave… it hurt him more than breaking Kagome's heart.

She stormed out of the hut, looking around to make sure no one was outside to see her. Kikyo never went outside of her home in anything other than a simple kimono or miko garb. She felt extremely uncomfortable being in her sleep robes. It was a gift from Inuyasha, a fine silk robe that she now drug across the ground. It was decorated with pink lotus flowers and many shades of blues and greens. Kikyo treasure it for it was the second gift he gave her, his mother's rouge lip paint being the first.

She picked up her skirts and walked behind her home into the dense mountain forest. Her feet quickly reminded her that they were bare but she managed to push the pain aside.

"I will rid us of that girl. I will do whatever it takes." She walked in a straight line up the mountain, she knew what she had to do. There was only one other person that might want Kagome gone as much as she did. She made that little discovery when Kagome was trapped by that barrier when Sesshomaru had called upon his mother. He said her name was Inukimi. Kikyo had heard rumors of the great dog demons but she had only been given the chance to meet the two brothers. Unfortunately, she was not able to get a complete look at her face through the murky water Sesshomaru used to expose her.

"I must find her, this woman it that only one who can really assist me," Kikyo spoke to herself. It was something she did often, causing Inuyasha and the others to give her sideways glances from time to time. She knew she was a little strange. She had been dead twice now, or was it three times? That had to make anyone lose a little bit of their sense. She kept walking through the forest, eventually losing track of time but it was no matter. Time was never on her side anyway. She just needed to reach the peak of the mountain and hope the stories of the dog demoness were true. She knew the queen lived in a castle high in the sky and could be summoned with desperate pleas.

Kikyo huffed as she cleared the top, she did not have as much stamina now that she was no longer a demon-slaying priestess.

"Lady Inukimi, I summon thee."

"Sesshomaru…" Kagome whispered from her bed in the shadows. Early morning light crept through the window, sliding across the floor as the sun rose. She snuggled her blanket and looked across the room. Sesshomaru was sitting there cross-legged with his eyes closed. She knew he wasn't asleep, he would always wake when she called out to him. "Sesshomaru…"

Her second call made him open his amber eyes. They shone with the reflection of the morning sun. "What is it, Kagome?" His voice was soft and gentle, he made her feel so safe. She listened to him, the sound of his breathing was quiet in her ears. She felt a deep want, a want to be close to him. To smell him and to hold him. Since the incident a few weeks ago, she hadn't dared get too close to him, even though he wouldn't do anything to harm her.

She spoke just above a whisper. "May I come to you?" She watched as he closed his eyes again and unfolded his arms, setting them to rest in his lap.

Since they had only been traveling together for a few weeks, there was still a lot of formality between them. They had only held hands that once and they did not do anything one would consider 'relationship' things. They did share a bed, just in the same room or space. She did not undress in front of him and him in front of her. They also hadn't bathed together since the hot spring and especially haven't seen each other naked. She made sure of that. Kagome would always leave him or ask him to step out when she needed to change to her sleep clothes. She made the choice of keeping a pair of shorts and a tank top from the modern era to sleep in, there was no way she'd sleep in a kimono in the summer.

As far as she knew, he hadn't even seen her in these revealing sleep clothes. Kagome took a deep breath and slipped from under her covers. She got on her knees then pushed herself up. The shadows hid her pale legs and arms, so she decided to stick close to the walls. Sesshomaru did not open his eyes to watch her, he only sat and waited patiently. She tiptoed on bare feet, trying not to make the floorboards creak.

"My Lord…" Her voice was quiet as she finally made it to him. He wore only his hakama and white hanjuban, along with his mokumoku. His armor and swords, along with obi sash and hankimono were stashed somewhere in the room. She had forgotten where for she had fallen asleep just as he was removing his armor.

Kagome reached a dainty hand out and touched his cheek with the tips of her fingers, eliciting a small smile from him. She loved it when he smiled. It was like a gift you always wanted but hardly ever got. She shifted in front of him, his eyes still closed. He could see her, of course. The sound of her steps and the way her scent changed let him know exactly what she was doing.

"Sesshomaru…" This time, he looked up, meeting her brown eyes. He held her stare for a moment before his gaze shifted down to her revealing garb. She was so petite and pale, her body looked so fragile. Her clothes held her curves in all the right places. The outline of her hip, her waist and breasts were beautiful. He took her all in, he loved how she looked, especially her face.

Kagome held out her hands and he took them, helping her balance herself and she awkwardly sat down with her legs around him. She slipped down to sit in his lap with her feet tucked against his backside.

"Kagome, are you okay like this?" She looked up to meet his gaze and nodded. It was still strange hearing him show concern for her. After a few moments, he leaned back again and she rested her head on his chest. In her own way, she was testing him, looking for him to seek her approval before he even touched her. Kagome gently pressed herself to him, snaking her hands around and placing her palms to his back. By gods, he smelt amazing, the overwhelming smell of cherry blossoms was all over him. His body also felt amazing. She had never taken the time or had the time to touch him. His muscles stood out under his clothes and he tensed under her touch. Seeing him half naked was one thing, touching, even over clothing was something entirely different.

She felt her face becoming hot. Sesshomaru still did not embrace her, he was waiting for her to give him a verbal consent. Kagome leaned up, straighten her back. The way they were sitting brought them almost face to face. They were close enough that she could feel his breath tickle her cheeks. He took notice of her flushed face and the sound of her heart in his ears. She was nervous, maybe even a little scared. He had not yet recovered her from pushing her too far. Sesshomaru brought his hand up and brushed the hair from her face, sliding the back of his hand across her warm cheek. She shivered with goosebumps. Kagome had a thought, a sudden impulse.

She leaned in and kissed his cheek, letting her lips linger, barely touching his skin. Something in her stirred. He did not move, his hand frozen in the air by her face. She kissed his cheek again, letting her lips graze his skin as she moved to kiss his jaw bone. He was the one who had goosebumps this time. Her lips trapped him, their softness calling him in. He rested his hand on her shoulder, slowly sliding his fingers over her bare shoulder.

Kagome brought her hands up and cupped his face. It was becoming harder to control her breathing. Their lips touched, making her press closer to him. She kissed him slowly while letting her arms extend over his shoulders. He tangled his hand in her hair and pressed the other to her back. She pulled at him but he didn't know what she wanted. He didn't want to do anything that would cause her to close up again.

She broke free from their kiss and whispered his name, making it hard not to take her.

"Kagome…" She heard a tone in his voice. It was raspy and wild, she figured it was because he was not in control. Which was partially right.

Kagome wanted to take baby steps, she had never done more than kiss a guy. She was a virgin, something she wasn't going to give up easily. She shook her head slightly. They hadn't known each other long enough to be doing those kinds of things…

"Sesshomaru…" She looked at him with red cheeks. He did not look at her but she knew he was listening.

"I want to take this slow… I mean." What was she saying? "I have never… done anything like this…"

He spoke softly. "You are not mated." The word shocked her. It was such an animal term.

"Uhm, no… I'm not." He looked up this time.

"That is fine Kagome, just know it makes it hard for me to do these simple things with you." He was starting to realize why he had become sexually attached to her. Her body was unclaimed by man nor demon. He could take her for his own, that was what made it so hard for him. He was a demon, a greater demon that took what he wanted, and he wanted her. He could smell the pure unmated smell wafting up between them. It was a smell that had caused demons to destroy villages and lay claim to their women. He clenched her waist.

"Kagome, you make it hard for me to stop." She looked down her lip in a small pout. Why were her feelings hurt? "Not you, but youKagome." She understood but she still felt down. She wanted to kiss him and have him hold her and kiss her but she not had a small fear in the back of her mind. She didn't want him to lose his control.

"Sesshomaru, will you lay down and hold me?" It was such an innocent thing but it was something he had never done.

He let her lay down and he did the same. Her back was to him and he scooted close to her until they were flush against one another. Sesshomaru propped his head upon his hand and elbow and pooled his mokumoku around her body. She nuzzled it, scooting even closer to him. His warmth made her sleepy. He let his hand wander under her shirt, up her side, and around her stomach. She did not stop him, it felt amazing. The feeling was one she never experienced. The tender skin of his palm was soft, surprising since he often used a sword. She felt herself drift off to sleep as he rested his hand under her breast and leaned into her, lightly kissing her head. If this was all she needed and wanted, then this is what he would do.

"Thank you, Sesshomaru."

It was midmorning when Anba set to work in the kilns. Sesshomaru, nor the young miko had emerged from the house beyond the lake he set them in. He sighed.

In his hands, he held a small box. It was an old, dirty clay box with a cracked lid. Time had not been kind to it.

"Inu no Taisho… what is your plan?"

He knew one day the young demon lord would come west in search for him, he would want the last heirloom his father left for him. It was destined that he only receives it if he learned to master and understand the risks of using Tenseiga. In Anba's hands lay the happy life or the horrid death of the young girl he had just met. A woman who wasn't supposed to belong to Sesshomaru and would have a terrible future should the wrong decisions be made.

He thought back to his meeting with Sesshomaru's father many centuries ago when Sesshomaru was still just a pup. It was right after word got out that the Inu no Taisho had fathered a half lord. He was in a panic, though, if one did not know him it would not show. Anba knew him though, and he knew something was very wrong.

Taisho approached the kiln house where Anba worked day and night. Those days the amber business was strong and he was always working. He could remember the tremble in his voice.

"I have done a terrible thing and my children will suffer for it." Anba had no idea what kind of terrible deed could be done that would frighten one of the most powerful daiyoukai so.

"My Lord?"

Taisho paced slowly. "I've angered our people. The honored Inu Youkai. They will seek revenge for broken bloodlines." This was a face Anba knew to be true. The great Inu Youkai did not break bloodlines, they only mated with demons of the same race and status to keep power strong. Mating a human and having a child was the ultimate taboo for someone of Taisho's rank.

Anba had heard of female Inu Youkai being banished from the realm to care for their unwanted half pup on their own. Back luck followed them, usually claiming their lives within the first year. Certain males who mated with humans or lesser demon women would have their manhood ripped away and be forced to live in the castles of Daiyokai as slaves.
He had no idea what would happen to someone of Taisho's rank and he didn't want to think about it.

"My male heirs… they will not be able to mate a human for fear of ripping them apart and killing them in a demonic rage." He paused and looked at the amber spotted man. "It is a curse, and like all curses, it can be broken."

Taisho disappeared and would not return for years.

"Anba, I will die soon. I can feel their anger upon me. I will suffer a horrid death for my sins. I have found these. Prepare them and give them to my children. The oldest first, he will seek you out. He does not know why he needs them, I have not told him. I don't even know if they will help, but it's worth a chance if he chooses my path."

Anba was stuck with a choice. Would he let Taisho's oldest heir make the same mistake as his father or rid him of the human woman? He set to work, might as well not anger the one demon left who mattered to him. He spoke quietly as he worked.

"Your father's curse is your curse, as well as his curse. The both of you have trials ahead. It's up to you if you want to enjoy what you have or drown in the sorrows of your father. Either way, you'll lose what matters most. To live alone for eternity is a demon's fate and no one can change that."

Sesshomaru stepped into the doorway. "I intend to change that fate Anba. Now tell me, what troubles an old demon so?"