New York City


'Late again. This has to be new record, late eight times in two weeks, better pick up before Aunt May takes an interest ' It was a beautiful morning in Brooklyn, New York , as beautiful as it gets with a city of 8 million people. Peter had missed the bus again and had taken the subway. 'just a few more blocks. ' and that's when a shower of dust and pieces of cement came crashing down on the people below and just as soon everyone started running for shelter. 'so much for my day ' Peter thought as he searched for a place to hide and change. 'Time for the blue and red ' and he disappeared. The culprit was none other than the Vulture blasting sonic sound waves at buildings ,he had new tech on him, a metal bird in the sky. He was about to blast again when something hit him in the face. "You do know it's not nice to destroy people's property or people, right? " Clinging on a building was Spiderman as he continued to blast more webs at Vulture. "I'll teach you a lesson you insect " and started blasting sound waves towards spidey. "Aw come on, we were just having a little conversation about destroying property. Which isn't really what vultures do. where did you get the new tech ,looks really heavy" Spiderman started swinging from one building to the other ,Vulture right on his tail ,blasting at him . "Do you never get tired ." He let go of his web, turned midair and blasted vulture with webs, getting him stuck on a nearby wall. "you won't get out of that one easily even with new tech. Another great days work. " Then he heard another boom " So much for a great day. " He swung into action a new villain on the scene. Task master and he looked to have new tech on him too. "Is there a party i didn't get invited to that gave tech out as favours? " Task master turned "You will not get in my way you annoying bug. " sending a blast of energy towards spidey "come on insect to bug you are really hurting my feelings. " he said swinging out of the way, only to have the previously webbed up Vulture pin him to a wall. Squeezing him. Spidey gave him a kick to the stomach, sending the villain back and punched him before he could react. 'That really hurt, alot. ' "He looked around but couldn't see Task master. "Where did he go? " He opened his com link," Guys i need help i just finished with the vulture and task Master's gone and there's something fishy going on, need help here. " "No can do" they responded at once. "Why what's wrong? " "We got our own bad guys to deal with. " White Tiger responded " How many bad guys are active right now? " "A little busy webhead. "Nova replied. Spidey turned up a GPS , showing how many S.H.I.E.L.D registered Villains were active and there were a whole lot. "What the heck is going?! "