Louvien was known as a quiet planet, the inhabitants kept mostly to themselves. They worked only in the mornings to avoid the heat of the day and took refuge in their homes as the afternoon sun burned bright. The natives of the planet, Obi-Wan Kenobi noted while studying the mission notes, had the build of humanoids. Their average height seemed to be about five foot tall and their skin was a bright pink color. As he flipped through the notes he realized that the planet did not have any known defensive measures. According to all known history there had never been a disturbance here so they felt no need to be prepared for one. The Padawan sighed heavily, trying to ignore the feeling of apprehension settling in the pit of his stomach as he and his Master exited hyperspace.

The Master Padawan team had been on their way back to Coruscant when the Council had commed to inform them of a disturbance they needed checked out on Louvien. "Master, how do you think they will feel about us showing up unasked?"

"The Louvien's history indicates that they are a nonviolent race so I suspect that while we may not be warmly welcomed they won't mind a great deal that we are here. If anything they may inform us that our assistance is not needed and send us on our way." Qui-Gon reassured his Padawan, knowing that Obi-Wan had felt something off with this mission from the moment the Council informed them of it. At fifteen years old Obi-Wan was quite in tune with the Force and Qui-Gon was learning to trust the boy's instincts. Though he too could sense something in the Force warning them, he could not pinpoint what it was warning them against. Seeing the planet come into focus ahead Qui-Gon braced himself for whatever the future held, trusting the Force to guide them with whatever was to come...