Deadly Desire


Kenshin sighed heavily. He felt as if his heart was going to jump out of his chest. He had never been this scared before. Except for only once, and it was a different type of scared. He wanted to fall down and faint right then and there, but that would be a coward's way out.

And Kenshin Himura was not a coward.

He would just have to face this like a man. Huge beads of sweat ran down his back as he silently waited.

It took all that he had to stay focus and to not let his mind wander as he waited. Why did things turn out this way? He had so hoped with all of his heart that things would have turned out a little differently. Just as he was starting to have a panic attack yet again and thought that things could not get any worse, Aoshi quickly slid back his door and entered.

"It's time Kenshin."

Kenshin rolled his eyes. "You are enjoying this aren't you Aoshi?"

Aoshi genuinely smiled at Kenshin as his eyes lit up with mischief. "Hell Yeah! It's not everyday that you get to see the Legendary Battousai a nervous wreck. What I don't understand is why you are so nervous. You *have* done this before."

"True, that I have, but I have never had to do *it* in front of so many people before. The first time was special but this seems even more so. Why couldn't we do this in private as I had suggested?"

"Well, it will all be over in a while, and as your best man, I have come to tell you that it's time to meet your doom," said Aoshi seriously before he started to laugh.

Kenshin rolled his eyes again. "We will see how you fare when it's your turn."

Aoshi sobered immediately. "Well, that's a while off and we are discussing you today, not me."

Aoshi and Kenshin left his room to proceed towards the grounds of the mansion.

********* ************** ************** ************* ********************

Kenshin immediately felt a panic attack seize him as he looked outside to the grounds of the mansion and froze. Who the hell were all these people? He had never seen so many people before.

"You know what Aoshi, I think that I forgot something in my room," Kenshin said as he turned to leave. Aoshi caught him quickly and shoved him out of the door.

"Quit being such a baby, it's not as if you are giving your life away. Oh, wait, you are," said Aoshi as he continued to shove the reluctant swordsman down the aisle.

********** ***************** ************* ***************************

Kenshin sighed heavily as it felt as if he were waking from sort of heavenly dream. He felt warmth consume him all over and he looked down and saw the most precious thing in the world resting within his arms.


They were now husband and wife. She belonged to him truly and he belonged to her.

He gently traced the scar on her upper back as his mind flashed back to what happened several months before.


Kenshin had left the mansion grounds after his fight with Shishio and walked towards the mansion. His feet felt like they had been laden with lead and his heart felt hollow as he entered the mansion.

"Kenshin!" Okina yelled at him as he entered the mansion.

"Kaoru's upstairs in her room. She's still alive! Your cousin, Megumi is here and she is upstairs now with her!"

Kenshin felt his heart soar again and he used his god like speed to carry him quickly up the stairs to Kaoru's bed chamber. He immediately flung back the door and saw Kaoru lying weakly on the floor as Megumi was packing her futon with ice.

Megumi looked up to see her cousin Kenshin standing in the door way. "Kenshin. She's still alive. Thank God that the wound was not fatal. It nearly missed her vital organs. I have taken care of the wound and applied stitches so everything will be ok. She is having a slight fever, so we are not out of the woods yet, so that is why I am packing her down with ice. I sent Misao to go get some more ice. She was very upset as well and I figured she needed the distraction."

Kenshin saw the steady rise and fall of Kaoru's chest and breathed a sigh of relief. Never before in his life had he been as happy as he was then. Kaoru was alive. He immediately fell upon his knees at her side and bowed deeply.

"Thank you cousin, I am truly in your debt, forever."

Megumi smiled and stood up. I will leave you two alone. I will come back in thirty minutes to check on her. I have set up a futon on the side of her so that I may check her condition through out the night."

Megumi left the room silently.

Kenshin stared at Kaoru constantly watching her breathing to make sure that she was still alive and that he had not been dreaming.

"I love Kaoru," he said as tears escaped his eyes. "I love you, I love you."

************END FLASHBACK*****************************************

Kaoru stirred and opened her eyes. She yawned, looked up and saw Kenshin staring at her.

She smiled and rose up to kiss him sweetly on the lips.

"Good morning husband."

"Good afternoon wife," he said with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Kaoru frowned. "Afternoon? It's afternoon?"

"Yes, my love."

"I slept the whole morning?!" She asked.

"Well, you were tired," he said with male pride.

Kaoru blushed three shades of red. It was true, she and Kenshin had made love all night. She had lost count.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled closer.

"I can't believe that we are married. I wonder how Aoshi and Misao are? I hope Aoshi is feeling better now," said Kaoru with concern as her mind flashed back to the BEST day of her life.

***********FLASHBACK******************************************************** ***

She and Kenshin were getting married! She could not believe it! She had survived what happened to her and she and Kenshin were finally going to be man and wife. What excited her even more was the fact that Aoshi and Misao were also going to get married as well. Except that Aoshi did not know that.

Okina had set up the whole thing. He was tired of Aoshi procrastinating. He knew that Aoshi loved Misao deeply and just needed a little push.

Kaoru walked down the aisle first with Okina giving her away. Kaoru smiled the whole way down the aisle as she looked at Kenshin. Kenshin smiled back in return and Kaoru saw the love in his eyes. Once she reached him he took her hand from Okina and whispered to her how much he loved her. Okina then went back down the aisle to get Misao. Misao came down the aisle with Okina and Hanya. Kaoru looked over to see Aoshi's face completely filled with shock as he watched Misao being brought forward. He turned to bolt but was blocked by Beshimi, Hyottoko, Shikijou along with the other Oniwabanshuu members.

Kaoru and Kenshin both laughed at his expression. The poor guy fainted twice during the exchange of vows. Everyone just laughed heartily because no one had ever seen Aoshi Shinomori lose his composure. Afterwards he seemed to be ok during the celebration.

***************************END FLASHBACK*******************************

Kenshin started to laugh again. "I will be teasing Aoshi for years to come over that."

Kaoru laughed again. "That was hilarious! I must admit that I was expecting the same from you."

Kenshin looked wounded. "Why did you think that?"

"Because the other day, right before the wedding you were so nervous that you couldn't stand up straight without tripping over your feet."

Kenshin smiled shyly and then his look turned serious as he flipped Kaoru over onto her back and positioned himself between her legs as he looked down upon her.

"I love you so much Kaoru. The thought of marrying you did not make me nervous. It was the thought of all those people that were going to be there. But, when I thought about it, I realized that I wanted the whole world to know that you belonged to me and I wanted to show them how much I loved you. Once I realized this, the only nervousness that I felt was that I was not good enough for you."

"Oh Kenshin. You are the *best* thing that has ever happened to me. I am so glad that you decided to make me yours. I will love you for always," Kaoru looked up at Kenshin with tears in her eyes.

Kenshin kissed the tears away and then started to kiss Kaoru tenderly.

Kaoru laughed suddenly as Kenshin looked at her confused.

"You think my kisses funny?" He asked playfully.

"No, I was thinking about Kamatari. You know when I first came to the mansion I met her, I mean him. I thought that she was your girlfriend at first."

Kenshin's look turned serious. "You did?"

Kaoru laughed again at his facial expression. "Of course during that time I thought that *he* was a *she.* Now look at him. I must say that he did make quit the dashing gentleman with his lady friend."

"Yeah. I'm still trying to believe it myself. I owe him a lot for saving me. I can't believe that Shishio did not know that he was a man. I should have recognized him when he saved my life by killing Shishio, but I didn't. I knew that I knew him from somewhere but without the makeup and clothes, I could not determine who he was."

"I am happy for him. I think that we will be attending another wedding pretty soon," said Kaoru as she remembered how Kamatari looked at his lady friend with love in his eyes at the wedding celebration.

"I am just glad that he got over his crush with me," said Kenshin as he shivered. He was not going to tell anyone that Kamatari had kissed him. He truly liked Kamatari, but not in that way. Kamatari was a loyal friend.

"Me too," said Kaoru as she pulled Kenshin down for a long passionate kiss.

"I like Kamatari too, but if it came down to it, I would fight him over you," she said playfully.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that," said Kenshin. "I'm all yours forever and ever."

Kaoru looked deeply and searchingly into Kenshin's eyes as he did the same.

"Forever and ever," she repeated.

*************************** *********************** ***************************************

I can't believe you guys thought that I would kill Kaoru! I hate sad ending too but I wanted to add that extra edge to keep you all on the end of your seats. I know, I know, BAD SHADY!! BAD!!

But seriously, THANK YOU THANK YOU for the reviews. I have never gotten this many reviews before on any of my fics and I really appreciate that you all took the time to read and review. Thanks. I read all of your reviews and I really and truly thank you. I hope that you have enjoyed the story as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

Thanks once again.
