[I have tranfered this from my wattpad account and had to change the summary to fit the word count on here. Now I know I over do time travel, it's a weakness of mine. You're also probably wondering why I'm starting another story when the others arnt finished...to be honest this idea wouldn't leave me alone when I was trying to write on the others so here it is. Anyway there wont be as much bashing of team cap but there will not be villian-ization of Tony... That means that he wont be out for revenge on ex-vengers. This is an ironstrange story. I will also be including Thanos in the story, the end of this fic will depend on what happens in Avengers End Game. However End Game wont be relevant until the end.]

The world's opinion on Tony Stark changed often enough that the more intelligent people tended to ignore the media on him.

Arms dealer turned hero, hero turned into a team of heroes, hero turned villian.

The truth is that Tony Stark is human, a sad and almost broken human who had no qualms over dying for another. Despite the confidence that shined from him, Tony's self worth had dwindled to near nothing.

He would willingly die for anyone else, even the world who couldn't make up it's mind whether to shun him or love him. No one in his life had chosen him first, not even his closest friends.


"Why would you do that?"

"There was no other way."


Tony shook himself from his thoughts as Nebula landed the slightly battered Milano onto the new planet.

"If this plan of yours is to work he cannot know you're here. I'll distract him while you find the gauntlet." She said as she drew her blade from it's sheath and walked out of the ship. Tony said nothing as his suit covered him.


"We're in the end game now."

"Why would you do that?"


Tony moved silently through the farmland toward the broken down shack ahead of him. The sounds the Nebula screaming at her father drowned out his steps. He could see it, the gauntlet was blackened and looked partially crushed, sitting on a wooden table. The stones still shined in their places on the metal glove.


"Stop! Spare his life and I will give you the stone."

"Why would you do that?"


Tony was close now, a hairs breath away from touching it. The sounds of the fighting were closer now too. Other voices, familiar ones, Nebula wasn't fighting him alone. They all crashed into the shack, Thanos growling as he pushed himself up. Nebula, a pissed off raccoon, and Thor ran in after him. Tony was at the other side of the shack, hand hovering over the gauntlet when Thor saw him.

"Stark no!" Thor yelled in horror as Tony's hand touched the glove.

His vision whited out.


"Spare his life."

"Why would you do that?"


"Why would you do that?"

"There was no other way."



Peter blinked in confusion as he looked around. He, Dr. Strange, and the aliens were still on the planet. Mr. Stark was no where to be found. Dread filled his heart as he looked toward Dr. Strange.

"Where's Mr. Stark?"

The man looked grim as he began to slowly make a portal. He looked at Peter with eyes that made the dread worsen.

"I'm sorry."

On the other side of the portal Peter could see Thor, the blue alien woman, and a raccoon with a gun. After stepping through the portal Peter and the others stared as Thanos himself turned to dust. Peter saw that Thor looked horrified but wasn't facing Thanos. He turned to see what he was looking at and his heart shattered. Mr. Stark's hand was on the gauntlet but most of him was already falling as dust.


Peter shook off Strange's hand, which had tried to grab his shoulder, and ran to his mentor. Peter skidded to a stop and tried to pull Tony's hand off the gauntlet to no avail. Tears spilled from his face as he began to hyperventilate while scrambling to pull the dust back together.

"No. No. No. No. No. Please no..."

As the last of the dust fell Peter broke, his head touched the dust covered ground as he sobbed loudly.

The others stood silently with grim faces. Mantis came up to him and touched her hand against Peter's back gently. She cried with him, feeling his pain and knowing how much he cared for the man.

Tony Stark was no more.

Dr. Strange watched it all with a sad expression on his face and whispered.

"Out of all the possibilities I saw. There was only one in which we succeeded from this point. The price for our success is his continued struggle."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Quill asked with a tired voice as he looked at the magician.

Strange didn't look away from Peter's sobbing form as he spoke loud enough for all of them to hear.

"Tony had to go back for this universe to win the war."

Thor turned toward the man, his one real eye held no emotion, nor any sort of light in it.

"Stop speaking in riddles and tell us what you've done."


Tony sat up in his bed and glanced around at his California home. Jarvis' voice named off the day, weather, and upcoming events scheduled. Tony blinked slowly and checked again. According to Jarvis, oh Jarvis his Jarvis, Tony should be twenty five now.

He blinked slowly once more but was still in his California home, which mean one thing.

Time travel.

He's going to go through his life again.

Jarvis ignored the frustrated groan from Tony.

"Not again!"

He just wanted to fix the damage Thanos made. Why the hell would he be back in his younger years?!

Tony got up and entered his bathroom. His hands clutched at the sink while he stared at his reflection.

Dark brown hair untouched by any sort of gray; a face erased of any wrinkles and clean shaven. With shaking hands he moved his shirt down and touched his chest. There were no scars, no pain, nothing of the man he used to be.

"Sir? Are...you alright?"

Jarvis' voice was hesitant, still so very young. Tony took a deep breath.


"We're in the end game now."

"Why would you do that?"

"There was no other way."


Maybe this was part of Strange's plan, being so far back in time would give him a chance to change so many of his mistakes.

"Sir, Mr. Stane is on the line for you."

Tony knew exactly which one he'd start with.


"In other news a shocking revelation has been revealed by Stark Industries as ex-chairman Obidah Stane was arrest this evening for fraud, money laundering, and selling to our nation's enemies.

Mr. Stark, CEO of S.I., gave a statment today."

The t.v. changed to show a young Tony Stark greeting the many news crews with a small smile before speaking.

"When I became CEO I began to comb through all past paperwork to see exactly what was done while I grew up."

A cluster of quiet laughs erupted before he continued.

"I was horrified when I discovered what Stane had done with my company. So I have decided to shut down all weapons manufacturing perminantly."

Questions were about to be shouted when the young man held up a hand to stop them.

"Before you begin your questions, I will tell you that this was always my plan. You see I discovered an alternative sorce of power as opposed to fossil fuels. It is clean energy that will be cheap for everyone's use. I already have a deal with New York city's mayor to power a few blocks with it as a trial run. If those using it agree that it is better than it shall be shared with the rest of the U.S. and maybe even the world if they make an appointment with me."

He gave a smile as he slid sunglasses over his eyes and gave a peace sign.

Pepper Potts, Mr. Stark's secretary turned off the t.v. and took a deep breath. She wondered to herself how she always manged to get the crazy bosses.