"Dude what was that?" Nino, along with the rest of his classmates had been pestering Adrien since gym.

"It was a sparring match. What's the big deal?"

"You went toe to toe with Marinette and won," Kim said. The rest of the group heading to Magical Theory nodded.

"I'm sure any of you could do it."

"No we can't. Marinette has been the undisputed best fighter in school since she took down Nino in one blow," Max said. Adrien looked to Nino, rubbing the back of his head.

"I thought we weren't going to talk about that ever again," Nino hissed.

"Basically, you are boy vampire Sarah Connor and you just took down the pink terminator," Alix said.

"Come on its not a big deal."

"Do you not get what you did? You and Marinette were fighting for real, full strength, full speed. You were holding back just enough that you wouldn't kill each other if you got in a hit, that's it," Nino said.

"I thought I saw some flames coming from Marinette, but I'm not sure," Nathaniel said.

"The thing is you two were going all out for ten minutes. I think you just became the only person Marinette is going to spar with," Nino said as they reached the Magical Theory classroom.

"On the bright side, you found a way to get to know Marinette."


"Magic is a natural part of our world that everyone has in side of them. While everyone has magic to some extent only a few creatures can actually access it and manipulate it. When it comes to magic there are five elements, fire, water, earth, air, and spirit. Four elements you find in nature, these are physical elements, spirit is what is inside every living being, humans call this the soul. The use of the spirit element is dependent on how strong your 'soul' is. Witches and warlocks for example always use the spirit element, but their power is dependent on how much of their personal element they can use," Mr. Marcellus said.

"So the strength of a witch's magic is linked to the strength of their connection to the spirit element, good or bad?" Ivan asked.

"Precisely. Take Merlin and Morgana for example, Merlin was good and had an extremely strong connection to spirit magic and Morgana was evil but also had an extremely strong connection. Now many people wonder why a 'good soul' isn't stronger than a 'bad soul' and the answer is because at its core magic is neutral. A creature's use of magic is what makes it good or bad. Does that make sense?" The class nodded.

"Good. A witch's or warlocks magic lies in their ability to use the spirit element but it is not limited to that. Any witch or warlock with a strong container of spirit magic can influence other elements in small actions they could light a candle, manipulate a gentle breeze, or make water in a glass shake. That is the limit though. Controlling the other four elements falls to nature spirits. Unlike witches, nature spirits can control their one physical element but are severely limited in the use of the spirit element. A nature spirit's connection to the spirit element shows itself more in the form of control, the more of their element they can control the stronger their spirit element is. Take a fire spirit for example, any of them can control a candle flame, but to exert their will on a wildfire or lightning takes more control. The fae or fairies settle somewhere in between nature spirits and witches. They have a certain amount of control over both a physical element and the spirit element. While they have control over both it isn't a very strong connection. To make up for their ability to use both spirit and a physical element both are weak in comparison to a nature spirit's control of the physical or a witch's control of the spiritual. This is because too much power is not meant for the hands of a human or a creature, ultimate power lies with the deities, that power is for gods not people.

Now witches and warlocks are very commonplace, unlike the more elusive fairies and nature spirits, and use their gifts on a daily basis making it seem like they are more approachable, less dangerous, shall we say, than fairies or nature spirits. This is not true. Fairies, nature spirits, and witches can cause great harm. If you hurt a fairy they can manipulate you into servitude for the rest of your life or can make sure you live out the rest of your days inside a tree or an ice sculpture. They can use either nature or spirit to screw you over so to speak." The class laughed.

"If you anger a nature spirit they can destroy an entire ecosystem making it uninhabitable for anyone else; tsunamis, earthquakes, famines, and wildfires can all be caused by nature spirits. As you can see they affect the natural world. A witch or warlock on the other hand affects the human and creature element of this world. A witch with enough power can influence entire countries to do their bidding, can cause plagues to wipe out thousands of people, and they can cause people to go insane by creating illusions. What I'm saying is that those with magic have great power and you need to understand it and how it's used even if you can't use it yourself. Now for the next class I want you to give me a page about how your species shows it's own form of magic. Remember magic is in every being so how is it in you?"