
Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and feared reputation that I am bound to uphold. In the worst conditions, the legacy of my teammates steadies my resolve and silently guides my every deed. I will not fail. – Navy SEAL code

We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us. – Winston Churchill

The room was bathed in semidarkness, but the heat could be felt. The humidity made sweat cling to the skin and everything felt sticky. It certainly wasn't the paradise that Jackson Bennett imagined when he went in on this assignment. He certainly didn't expect to run into an unexpected snag. Now, he was sitting in a rickety chair and being yelled at in what he assumed was Arabic.

His interrogator was glaring at him, literally growling. And all because Jackson refused to give the information that was being 'asked.' Jackson shook his head with a wry grin on his face as he looked up at his interrogator, "You know mate, hitting does not get the results."

The response was a punch across the face. Jackson moved with it to disperse the force of the blow but wasn't going to break. He chuckled and looked at the man that just punched him. He was vaguely amused when his chin was grabbed, and he was forced to look at his captor as he said, "You will tell me everything you know."

Jackson glanced over at the other person that had been interrogated huddled against the wall, arms raised above their head and tied up. He turned his eyes towards the man glaring at him and his gaze became hard. The timing had to be fucking right. He said, "As I said you wanker, fuck off." He continued before the man could say anything. "Of course, you're gonna be in trouble in about a good solid minute… maybe sooner."

As soon as he said that, there was an explosion and the wall blew inward, creating a hole. The guards in the room were disoriented. One may have popped off a couple of rounds, but they were taken out with precision. The interrogator pulled out a pistol and put it against Jackson's temple and all he could do was taunt, "Your doom buddy."

Sure enough, the men that entered were ready to kill. They stared at the situation with an impassive look. The interrogator must have thought that they would hesitate. The leader didn't. He raised his gun and fired a single shot, a head shot. The interrogator fell over and Jackson looked at it like it was nothing new to him. He looked back at the team that entered and was finishing clearing, his sights centering on the leader and sighed in annoyance, "You sure took your sweet time." He grinned when the team leader came forward and revealed his face. "Next time you be the bait, Section."

A/N: A little teaser of what to expect on a new mission for Section and Torres. Stay tuned for next time on Unfailing Precision...