The Power of Touch

T/Z fluff need to touch

Chapter 1: It's Been a Day

Ziva walked in the front door at precisely 1916; it was a Thursday, which meant that she had worked at the Navy Yard all day. Today's work hours had been 0700 to 1530. Once her work day was completed, she had driven to campus to take a midterm exam for her Organizational Behavior class. The test had been three grueling essays about case studies covered in the online class.

No sooner did she get inside and hang her jacket on the coat rack by the front door than she was surrounded by children and pets. Asher pushed between kids to lean on his person. LJ was tugging at her shirt trying to show her something from his preschool. The twins were demanding attention to show their Ima a new gymnastics routine. Anthony had Daisy next to him and wanted his mother's attention to a trick he had taught his dog. Tali was trying to show her Ima her achievement certificate from her piano teacher. Ziva was about to throw her hands in the air when Tony came out of the kitchen.

"Hey, let Ima get inside before swarming her! Everyone back off for a minute," Tony could see the frustration on Ziva's face. "One at a time when Ima says it's okay, got it?"

"Yes, Abba," the kids chorused.

Ziva gave Tony a smile and mouthed "Thank you" to him as she gave Asher a pet on the head. "Okay, LJ, what do you want to show me?" she asked the little boy.

"I made this picture for you today, Ima. It is you and Asher going for a walk," LJ handed his picture to Ziva and she looked it over. The female figure had brown eyes and long curly hair; the dog had long, skinny legs and tail and brown, black and tan colors in his coat. LJ had drawn a very recognizable picture of his Ima and dog.

"I love it, LJ; toda," Ziva hugged her youngest. "I will hang it in my office after dinner. Would you put it on my desk please?" LJ grinned and skipped off to put the picture in Ziva's office.

Turning to the twins, Ziva nodded that she would watch their gymnastics now. She watched the two girls do the maneuvers they had learned that day and then smiled at them. "Very nicely done; you did a great job."

"Thank you, Ima!" both girls grinned at their mother and headed to the kitchen when Tony reminded them that it was their turn to set the table for dinner.

"Anthony, what trick did you teach Daisy?"

Anthony showed his parents how he had taught Daisy to dance on her hind legs. Ziva gave the dog a pet and hugged her son. "Nice work!"

She turned to Tali, holding her hand out to see the certificate, "Mazal tov Tali!" Her oldest grinned at her Ima and the two hugged. "I will put this on the fridge when I go to the kitchen," Ziva told Tali. Tali headed off in the direction of the family room and Tony grinned at his wife.

He held his arms out to her and she melted into his hug. "Feel better?" he asked as he wrapped her into the hug and kissed her.

"Mmmm," she murmured into the kiss. Once they broke for air she added, "Now I do. I just needed to feel your touch."