Epilogue: Ten Months Later

"Just one night, right?" Draco asked as they walked up the front steps of the Burrow, hand in hand.

"One night," Harry promised. "We'll leave tomorrow after lunch. And I promise you, it won't be as bad as last year."

"Oh, I don't know," Draco said, squeezing Harry's hand. "Last year wasn't all that bad, all things considered." He cringed as Mrs. Weasley flung open the door and waved enthusiastically at them. "Here we go," he muttered ominously, and Harry grinned.

"Harry! Draco!" Molly called, beckoning them inside. "You're here just in time for dinner. How was the trip from Hogwarts?"

"Not bad," said Harry, grinning as she kissed Draco on the cheek and exclaimed over last year's bright green Weasley scarf. "Came from Draco's flat in Hogsmeade, actually—easier to Apparate from there than Hogwarts."

"Wonderful, wonderful," she said, beaming at them. "How nice that Draco can be so close to Hogwarts." It was nice, Harry thought, one of the nicest things that had happened all year. Draco had taken a flat in Hogsmeade in the fall, ostensibly to set up his own potions lab, but Harry suspected it was primarily to be closer to him. With Draco in Hogsmeade, it was easy to meet up at the Three Broomsticks for a pint, or for Draco to walk over to the castle in the evenings to spend time with Harry once the students were all in bed.

In the months between quitting Auror training and beginning at Hogwarts, Harry had been nervous that he'd made the wrong decision, but all his doubts vanished as soon as he settled in. He delighted in teaching the younger students to fly, and now that he was spending the bulk of his time coaching the house Quidditch teams, he wondered how he'd ever done anything else. Not only that, now that he was no longer immersed in chasing Dark wizards and studying the Dark Arts, he was finally sleeping through the night. It was hard to believe how many things had changed in the past year, and just about all of them were good.

"Well, it's wonderful to see you both," Molly said, hugging Harry enthusiastically. "We'll have a house full like usual, of course. Even more this year than last. Angelina's here this year, and Charlie's coming with his boyfriend tomorrow, though just for the day."

"I heard he was seeing someone," Harry said, finding Draco's hand and giving it a squeeze. "It's wonderful that they can make it."

"Is that Harry and Draco I hear?" a voice called from the hallway. Molly beamed at Harry as the kitchen door opened and a flurry of additional Weasleys tumbled in. Draco took a step back as Harry found himself being hugged by Ginny and a very pregnant Hermione, and clapped on the back by Ron. George slipped in behind them, giving Harry a wave. He glanced somewhat uncomfortably at Malfoy, but didn't say anything. Harry supposed this was somewhat of an improvement over last year, at least.

"We were just talking about you two," Ginny told Harry and Draco. "Quidditch tomorrow morning? Same teams as last year."

"I don't know," Harry said, glancing at Draco. "We probably won't be staying long tomorrow. We're having dinner with Narcissa in the evening."

"We should have time for a game in the morning," Draco said, squeezing his hand. "We need a rematch after last year."

"Brilliant." Ginny grinned at them. "Ron and Hermione have to leave tomorrow too. Ron's got to work now that he's a junior Auror and very important."

"I am very important, thank you very much." Ron turned to Harry and Draco, hand on his hip. "And don't think for one instant that you'll be able to beat us this year just 'cause Harry's coaching Quidditch at Hogwarts now. We've still got Ginny. And me and George," he added as an afterthought.

"We'll see," Draco told him. "But speaking of Quidditch, you should come to a game at Hogwarts sometime. Hufflepuff flattened Gryffindor in the last match." Harry cringed, and Draco grinned. "It was a bloodbath."

Ron rounded on Harry. "Is that true?" he demanded. "You're the flying teacher! Can't you do something about it?"

Harry glared at Draco. "I'm a teacher now, I can't play favorites," he protested as Ron shook his head with dismay. "Hufflepuff's just better. Gryffindor's got a good Keeper, but their Seeker can't catch worth a—"

He was interrupted by a rush of cold air as the front door opened and a small blue-haired boy burst into the crowd. "Merry Christmas!" Teddy shouted. "Are Harry and Draco here yet?"

"We are!" Harry shouted back, picking Teddy up and whirling him around. "Merry Christmas, Ted,"

"I'm too big for that now," Teddy told him, wiggling to put down. "I'm seven ."

"You're enormous," Draco told him. "At least a head taller than when I saw you last month."

"Very funny," Teddy announced. "Did Harry tell you I'm coming to Hogwarts after Christmas? For a whole week!"

"He did tell me," Draco said. "And you'll spend some time with me in Hogsmeade when he's busy working."

"Really?" Teddy clapped his hands with excitement. "I'll bring my broom and everything!"

"Come to the shop," George said suddenly, speaking for the first time since Harry and Draco had arrived. The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at him. His ears turned red, but he kept looking at Draco. "When you've got Ted in Hogsmeade. He can test out the newest batch of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes—don't look at me like that, Andromeda, they're perfectly safe these days."

"Really?" Draco said in surprise, and George nodded. "That would be great, George," he said gratefully. "Really."

They exchanged a brief, awkward smile before Molly burst back in to usher them all into the other room. Harry hung back for a moment, sliding an arm around Draco's waist.

"Sounds like George might be coming around after all," he said, watching Teddy take George's hand and pull him in to dinner, chatting rapidly about the joke shop and all the things he planned to buy.

"Yeah, maybe," Draco replied, looking pleased. He closed his eyes for a moment and leaned his head against Harry's. "Merlin, I'm exhausted already, and we've only just arrived. Think we have time to sneak up to our room before we eat?"

Harry laughed, thinking of the last time they'd been in the little room with the twin beds. "After dessert," he promised.

They followed the others in to the dining room, and as Harry took his seat between Draco and Teddy, his closest family and friends gathered around him at the table, he felt his heart soar with happiness and gratitude. Finally, all was well.

A/N: And that brings us to the end. Thank you so much for reading! I've enjoyed not just writing this, but reading your reviews and messaging with you, too. Thank you!