
This is the sequel to "A deadly Game of Hide and Seek" which I recommend you read to know what's going on

This has been in the works for a little while due to the fact that "War On The Race Track" has been my main focus

I hope you enjoy it

I know I enjoyed writing it

But without further ado

Let's jump right into this

Ch.1 Nightmares

-A week after the events of "A Deadly Game of Hide and Seek"-

Crumbelina would toss and turn in her bed

-In her dream-

She'd be back in the distorted and dark version of Sugar Rush

She'd see Candlehead curled into a ball on the ground crying

She'd approach her


Candlehead would suddenly pounce on her

Her eyes would turn crimson red

Her fingernails would grow and become sharper

Her voice would go demonic


-End dream-

Crumbelina would wake up sweating and screaming

She'd look around her room

She'd turn the lamp on beside her bed

She'd see a few framed photos of her and Candlehead

"I'm sorry…I'm so sorry…" She'd tear up and begin to cry


Minty would also be tossing and turning in her bed

-In her dream-

She'd be walking through the forest in the dark Sugar Rush

"Where's that exit? Where's that exit?" She'd tell herself

She'd hear demonic laughter

She'd look around seeing nothing but dark, dead, rotting trees

She'd turn back around and go back to walking

"…I see you…" She'd hear a demonic voice behind her

She'd turn around and see nothing

She'd take a step when Snowanna's hands would cover her eyes

"Guess who?"

Minty would tremble

"…Death…" Snowanna would state and bite into Minty's neck

-End dream-

Minty would wake up in a pool of sweat still trembling

"…Haven't gotten sleep in weeks…" She'd state


-In her dream-

She'd be running through the dark distorted castle of the dark sugar rush hearing Rancis close behind her

"Come here Sticky…I won't hurt you…"

Sticky would run into the throne room seeing the exit at the top of the stairs that would normally lead to the throne

She'd run up the stairs

She'd be a foot from it

Rancis would suddenly grab her back the neck

"Not so fast…"

Sticky would scream as Rancis would fly her over a group of zombie lollipops

"You're their main course!" Rancis would shout as he'd drop her right into the middle of the horde

-End dream-

Sticky would wake up kicking and screaming. "NO!"

Torvald would suddenly walk into her room

"Had the dream again?"

Sticky would nod trembling holding one of her pillows tight

"Crumbelina and Minty texted me saying the samething…" Torvald would show Sticky her phone

"H-H-How are you, Swizzle and Gloyd not suffering from these nightmares?"

Torvald would shrug. "These kind of things don't affect Gloyd…due to his Halloween theme…plus this is just normal to him…Swizzle…well I think Gloyd's just rubbing off on him…me…well I got no excuse…I only had 1 nightmare…and it was the night after we escaped that hell Vanellope created…"

"Well it's not fair…" Sticky would state


Gloyd and Swizzle would be at Gloyd's home with his ouija board on a small table between them

"Are you sure about this Gloyd? This is a game that doesn't work…"

"Correction Swizzle it does work…I've contacted many spirits…I'm trying to contact the 4 we lost a week ago…let me light a candle…" Gloyd would turn off the lights and place a candle and put it beside the board as he and Swizzle would sit across from one another

Gloyd would place a note pad and a pen beside him

"Ready Swizzle?" Gloyd would ask

"Ready as I'll ever be…" Swizzle would respond

Both boys would gently put one finger on the planchette and would cross the center of the board with an "X"

Both boys would take a deep breath

Gloyd would finally speak. "Is anyone there?"

Both boys would patiently wait

The planchette would suddenly move to "Yes"

Both boys would look at one another

Gloyd would shrug and ask another question

"Are you a good spirit?"

The planchette would move to yes

Gloyd would ask another question

"What is your name?"

Both boys would patiently wait as the planchette would move around the letters spelling out a name

Gloyd would keep his finger on the planchette and write with his free hand

After the planchette would finish spelling a name he'd look at the note pad


Swizzle would look at him shocked

"What did you do for a living?" Gloyd would ask

The planchette would spell out another word

Gloyd would again write it down

The planchette would finish spelling

"A-R-A-C-E-R…A Racer…"

Gloyd would ask another question. "Who was my partner?"

The planchette would spell out another word

Gloyd would read it out. "M-E…Me…"

Swizzle would look at Gloyd surprised. "It worked?"

Gloyd would look at him. "Yea…but shut up…I'm the only one who's supposed to talk…"

Gloyd would look back down at the board

"Are you alone?" He'd ask

The planchette would move to "No"

Swizzle would look at Gloyd who'd shrug again

"Who's with you?" He'd ask

The planchette would move around

Gloyd would again write down each letter

The planchette would stop moving and Gloyd would look at his note pad

"R-A-N-C-I-S-S-N-O-W-A-N-N-A…Rancis and Snowanna…"

"No Candlehead?" Swizzle would mutter

"Shut it Swizzle…" Gloyd would state

The planchette would suddenly begin moving in a figure 8 at the center of the board

Swizzle would get nervous as Gloyd would stop it.

"Oh no you don't…I'm ending this…GOODBYE…"

Both boys would move the planchette to "Goodbye"

Gloyd would flip the planchette over

"Why did you end it?" Swizzle would ask

"There's 4 signs that a spirit is either trying to take over the board or escape through it…1st sign is counting through the numbers either forward or backward…2nd sign is going through the alphabet…3rd sign is doing a figure 8 like they were doing…4th sign is if it makes the infinity symbol on the board…"

"Ok…I need a quick breather…"

Swizzle would get up and get a drink of water

Gloyd would twiddle his thumbs waiting patiently

Swizzle would sit back across from him. "Ok I'm ready…"

Gloyd would flip the Planchette back over and both boys would gently put a finger on it

Again they would cross the center of the board with an "X"

Gloyd would take a deep breath

"Is anyone there?"

The planchette would move to "Yes"

"What's your name?"

The Planchette would move

Again Gloyd would write down the letters

The Planchette would stop


"Are you alone?" Gloyd would ask

The Planchette would move to "Yes"

Both boys would look at one another

"Ok…what was your candy theme?"

The planchette would move

Gloyd would write down the response

The planchette would stop moving

"B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y-C-A-K-E-A-N-D-I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M…Birthday Cake and Ice Cream…"

Swizzle would notice the room growing slightly darker

"Uh Gloyd?" Swizzle would start before Gloyd would cut him off

"I said stay quiet…" He'd look back at the board

"What were your 2 nicknames?" He'd ask

The planchette would move again

Swizzle would notice a candle in the kitchen go out abruptly

His eyes would go wide

The planchette would stop moving

"D-I-T-Z-A-N-D-C-A-N-D-L-E-S…Ditz and Candles…"

Gloyd would look at Swizzle. "You alright?"

Swizzle would look at him. "This room got darker and I'm telling you I just saw a candle go out in the kitchen…"

Gloyd would role his eyes. "Need another breather?"

Swizzle would shake his head. "No I'm good…"

Gloyd would go to ask another when both boys would notice the room grow slightly darker

"What the…" Gloyd would state

"Candlehead…are you a good or evil spirit?"

Both boys would see a shadow moving across the room before vanishing

The planchette would suddenly move to "No"

Swizzle would gulp as Gloyd would notice multiple shadows move very briefly

"Are you alone Candlehead?" He'd ask

The Planchette would move to "No"

"Who's with you?" Gloyd would ask

The Planchette would spell out 3 words

"Y-O-U-K-N-O-W-W-H-O…You Know Who…"

Swizzle would grow nervous

"Are Taffyta, Rancis and Snowanna joining you?" Gloyd would ask

The planchette would move to "Yes"

"What do you want Candlehead?" Gloyd would ask

The planchette would spell out 3 words

"…Y-O-U-K-N-O-W-W-H-A-T…You know what…"

Both boys would look at one another

"Gloyd end it now…please…" Swizzle would state

"Goodbye…" Gloyd would state completely forgetting to move the planchette over to "Goodbye"

"Swizzle…put this away…I'm going to make sure nothing was damaged…"

Gloyd would get up and look over his house as Swizzle would put the Oujia Board in a closet but would make a grave error

He'd leave the Planchette on the board

He'd close the closet door

And the Planchette would begin moving on it's own

(Not to far away)

Vanellope would be watching the boys through a hidden camera

"…Idiots…broke 2 big rules…"

She'd check the code. "Hmm…well…time to give them a real haunting…" She'd laugh evilly

(A short bit later)

Swizzle and Gloyd would be playing Mortal Kombat XL

"I'm telling you I'm gonna kick your ass Gloyd…" Swizzle would state confidently as he'd choose Scorpion

"Nope…Sub-Zero is far superior…" Gloyd would choose Sub-Zero

The game would be loading preparing for the fight as both boys would see their reflections on the screen

They'd suddenly see Taffyta standing behind them

Her eye sockets would be hollow except for 2 red dots

There'd be 2 streaks of blood coming from each eye

She'd have a wide grin on her face

Both boys would look behind them

To find nothing

"Y-y-y-you saw her too right?" Swizzle would ask Gloyd

"I thought I saw something…but it wasn't a person…man that Oujia Board did a number on you didn't it?"

"I'm not joking Gloyd I swear I saw Taffyta standing right behind us…she had no eyes and was bleeding from her eye sockets!"

Gloyd would grab Swizzle's shoulders and shake him

"Snap out of it your dreaming…"

Both boys would go back to playing

(A few minutes later)

Swizzle would see something spying on them from the bathroom

It'd be Snowanna

But transparent

Swizzle would jump off the couch

"Gloyd look!"

Gloyd would look seeing nothing

"I don't see anything…"

"Snowanna was right there! She's was transparent!"

"Your seeing things…" Gloyd would state as he'd shut down his gaming system

They'd suddenly hear a familiar humming coming from upstairs

"Hum hum hum hum hum hum huuummmmm…"

They'd recognize it as Candlehead's

"Explain that!" Swizzle would demand

"J-j-j-just the wind?" Gloyd would respond

"You're not skeptic Gloyd! You're in denial!" Swizzle would shout

"Where did you put the Oujia board?" Gloyd would ask

"In the closet…" Swizzle would point to it

Gloyd would open it and look at Swizzle

"You left the Planchette on the board?! How stupid can you be?!"

"I didn't know this would happen!"

"You idiot!"

The mirror in the bathroom would suddenly shatter

"I'm out!" Swizzle would bolt out the door

"Wait for me!" Gloyd would follow

Both boys would run across the front lawn and across the street before stopping

"What the hell do we do now?!" Swizzle would ask

"Well…they can only haunt my house…so I guess we can leave it at that while I think of a way…"

They'd suddenly see 4 faint figures fly out of the house

"Ok Vanellope defiantly has something to do with this…" Gloyd would state

The 4 figures would fly towards the boys

"RUN!" Swizzle would shout as both boys would dart into the forest

Vanellope having watched the hold thing would laugh evilly

"Hahahaha boy am I going to enjoy tonight!"

She'd suddenly grin

"Oh and I just got an idea for afterwards…"

She'd laugh evilly

(A few minutes later)

Sticky would stare at the ceiling

She'd suddenly see an aspiration begin to form

"What the?"

It'd form into Rancis

Sticky would shriek

Not to far away Minty would be in the bathroom splashing some water on her face

"Fuck I'm hating these nightmares…"

She'd look in the mirror

She'd see Snowanna standing in the tub

Her eye's would be crimson red with 2 black dots in each of them

She'd sport a wicked grin blood streaking between her teeth and down both sides of her mouth

Minty would scream

Crumbelina would try going back to sleep

She'd suddenly see Candlehead standing in the corner of the room with her eyes closed

Crumbelina would sit up


Candlehead would open her eyes

They'd be black with only 2 small crimson red dots in the middle of her eye sockets

Crumbelina would grow nervous

Candlehead would take a step towards her

Crumbelina would run out of the room screaming

End Ch.1

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

So Gloyd and Swizzle unleashed 4 beings with revenge the only thing on their minds

What changes has Vanellope done?

What does Vanellope plan on doing in the morning?

Stay tuned to find out!