I'm unsure where this came from. It had been sitting in my WIP for a while or the idea had been for well over a year. I guess I finished it finally because one lovely reader started rereading and reviewing and well…. I present this. See what you make of it.

In case you can't really remember what happened… They met when Elizabeth was SOS and Henry was an advisor to the President. They fell in love. The end (with a few bits in between like a break up, gas leak, make up, attempted coup and Elizabeth sworn in as President) Anyway… There is no more just FYI

4 years later

They nervously undressed each other that night. Unsure if they really should go ahead with this. A huge weight pressed down on them both and it made their actions laboured and clunky. Elizabeth shook her head and tried to come to her senses. They had sex plenty of times before this but this was different, this was unprotected, this had a different meaning. This had the real possibility of producing a baby and that was a huge difference.

She wrapped her fingers in his hair and bought his head down to her lips then and captured him with a kiss, hopeful that it would distract her enough to melt into the pattern of sex. It didn't and she felt his hesitation too. He pulled back first and deflated against her forehead and stayed silent.

"Henry" she whispered softly. "We don't have to do this"

He sighed and took her hand and led her to the bed. Pulled back the covers and slipped underneath them holding his arms out open wide for her. She climbed in after discarding her underwear on the floor, settling into his arms her back against his chest.

"I want to though. Are you having second thoughts?"

"No, not really. It just seems monumental and odd somehow. I've spent all my adult life preventing pregnancy with the coil and now it's been removed and well, pregnancy is a suddenly a real possibility"

Silence settled over them, her words echoed around Henry's mind.

"Babe, are you scared?"

"A little" She admitted. She felt his lips in her hair pressing a kiss to the top of her head and his hands moved constantly, trying to ease the stress out of her.

"Hey, we have a good life here at the farm. You have a steady job at UVA, as do I. We are in the best position we could be to start a family"

"Ok, Captain Sensible" Her joke made him smile. "But it just feels massive"

"Well, you do have that effect on me" She laughed loudly at his response and turned towards him, meeting his lips again. This time she wasn't worried, she loved him with all of her being and she did want to have a baby with him.

The kiss intensified quickly. Tongues melded together and it was deep and sensual.

Henry loved the feeling of her skin on his and moved his palms down her back and across her hip slowly savoring every curve and dip her body had to offer. He repositioned her in the bed so they were laying flat next to each other, he caught her eye and smiled at her, reassuring her that everything would work out. Her smile back was easy, free, one of pure love and happiness.

Moving his hand up her body, he brushed her hair away from her face and leant in again, kissing her softly. There was no haste in his actions; it was all about building her up, every action sure and sensual. His hand lightly moved back down her side and around to her breast. Her dark nipple, soft and warm. He made sure to brush the entirety of her breast with his fingertips moving slowly across the swell, tracing the circle of her areola. He broke the kiss and pressed her backwards on the bed and climbed over her.

Leaning down again he brushed his lips along her jawline and down her neck towards her collarbone. Elizabeth felt every touch of him echo throughout her body, her skin felt like fire and he was only intensifying the feeling that throbbed between her legs. She shivered when he nipped at the pulse point on her neck, unconsciously opening her legs to him wider so he could have more room. She knew she was in for a good night when he worked her over like this, the anticipation was almost too much to bear.

As his lips moved down her chest to her breasts she couldn't help but move her hips with each lick of his tongue. She was well aware of how wet he was making her, she could feel her arousal pooling at her entrance, waiting to be touched, waiting to be used, waiting for him. Her hands idly moved against the skin of his back, lightly tracing patterns causing goosebumps to erupt over his skin.

She gasped loudly when he finally took her sensitive nipple in his mouth, he wrapped his lips around the pointed peak and sucked on it in a long hard motion, slowly moving his head away from her body, his teeth grazed it as it slipped from his mouth and she grunted at the sting.

He didn't give her time to recover and moved his mouth to her breast again. Flicking his tongue against her nipple, she squirmed and needed him to do that somewhere else. She pressed against his shoulders showing him where she wanted him to go. He smirked against her skin and obliged.

Henry kicked the covers to the bottom of the bed moving down with them, he settled between her legs. He could smell her arousal from here, he looked up at her and she was lightly tracing the curve of her breasts with her hands, circling her nipples with her fingertips. This won't take long he thought to himself.

He laid his hands on her inner thighs and pressed her legs further apart and used his fingers to manipulate the skin of her pussy. He could see that she was ripe and ready for him to fuck her. His already swollen cock pulsed at the thought of being buried in her warmth and he couldn't help but rub himself against the mattress, desperately needing friction.

Henry bought his head down to her entrance and dipped his tongue into her, she instantly arched her back at the feeling. Her arousal flooded his mouth and he greedily lapped her up not wanting to waste a single drop. He couldn't help but groan and the vibrations that flowed through her made Elizabeth growl and press her hips up into his face. He pulled back slightly and pushed the point of his tongue against the hood of her clit, moving around and around it never quite touching it. He knew that if he were to suck on her now she would most likely come so he moved his face away and began to slip two fingers into her.

She opened herself to welcome them, pressing her hips higher and higher to take them deeper until she remembered the bigger picture. Sitting herself up on her elbows she whispered "We won't make a baby that way" and pulled his fingers from her. She pulled them towards her mouth and licked them clean making Henry groan. His cock pressed against her entrance then and once she released his fingers from her mouth he wrapped them around himself lining himself up before moving it through her folds and up into her.

Elizabeth and Henry both groaned, sighing as they were joined. The feeling of her warmth surrounding his sensitive cock was like heaven and she welcomed the pressure his shaft provided within her, feeling full and so very wanted.

He began moving inside her, slipping in and out of her as far as he dared. Feeling the cool air around himself as he withdrew before bringing it back inside Elizabeth. She found his lips as he moved, captured them and tried to kiss him however, she found it hard to concentrate. He was moving a little more erratically now and she knew he was close, the sound of them joining was loud and intense. It was erotic to her to think of how wet she was for him and equally how hard he was for her. It was testament to their feelings, to their love, to their passion.

He pulled away and sat up then kneeling in between her legs, pulling her hips up with him. Changing the depth of where he was able to reach. With his hands supporting her body he was able to manipulate her enough that his cock would press up inside of her, like he knew she liked. With every thrust her breasts moved in time. Her eyes slipped closed and she began to bite her lip. He was close and he moved his fingers to her clit and began to move against it. Letting her grind against his fingers until her eyes flew open and her pussy began to flutter and contract around him. He stuttered and groaned, low and deep. His orgasm pulsing out and into her. Hers taking over her body making her body react from her head to her toes.

He fell on top of her then, both panting yet still joined, basking in the afterglow of their pleasure.

"See, that wasn't too bad was it?" He murmured against her skin.


Pregnancy didn't happen that easily for them and it was a gruelling 6 months before a positive pregnancy test showed up. It was quicker than others but still every month that passed was a mixture of heartbreak and frustration. They were both results based people and to keep getting negatives was harder than they cared to admit.

Elizbeth had once again thrown herself into her work. She was appalled by the current President who had been sworn in after Conrad and found herself unable to stay silent. She had written several papers and published research on effective leadership in forgeign policy. She taught that mostly in her classes at UVA and she enjoyed it, she was happy with her life, with Henry. Buzz had started about Elizabeth potentially running for President after a small group of Women's rights activists started a petition online calling for her to lead. Elizabeth had brushed off the interest and of course the day she got the positive pregnancy test did she also get a visit from Mike at the farm.

"Mike! What are you doing here?"

"Well, nice to see you too. Eurgh you've been here all this time? How do you stand it?" His nose was wrinkled in disgust, his tailored suit looking very out of place against the backdrop of the farm. "And what is that smell?"

"Non polluted air and horse shit probably!" she laughed.

"That is disgusting" He mocked feeling sick and then motioned her to come with him. "Listen I need to talk to you, I have a proposition for you"


Elizabeth sat on the steps to the farmhouse that day and waited for Henry to get home. She was itching to tell him the news of the pregnancy. She had debated whether to call him earlier but decided against it wanting to see his reaction in person. As soon as she saw his car approach down the lane she jumped up and shielded her eyes against the setting sun. She waved when he was visible and as soon as he had parked up she was at his door trying to open it.

He opened his door looking a little concerned and she just couldn't wait. "Henry I'm pregnant, we are having a baby"

"What? Elizabeth, that's incredible news!" He tried to get out the car to her and to his unborn baby that was nestled safely inside his wife's body, but in his haste he forgot to undo his seatbelt so was restrained in the car.

Elizabeth couldn't help but giggle at him "Your seatbelt, Henry!"

Feeling a little silly he unclicked it and jumped out the car and swept her up in his arms. "I am so unbelievably in love with you and with our little baby already"

It wasn't until much later that night did Elizabeth tell Henry about Mike's visit to her, they had just turned the dishwasher on and were heading up to bed when she told him.

"Mike came to see me today"

"Barnow?" He asked in surprise.

"Yeah" She suddenly felt nervous, her stomach tying in knots. She picked at the hem of her t-shirt instead of looking at Henry directly.

"What did he say?"

"Other than the farm is disgusting and that he can't believe we live here? Well… he said there is serious underground talk in DC about me and how unofficially campaign donors have assured Mike that if I was to run for President then they would favor me… unofficially, of course"

Henry was shocked, this was the last thing he expected her to say. He moved closer to Elizabeth and leant against the countertop next to her. "OK" he breathed. "What does this mean?"

"Well, he asked if I would consider throwing my hat into the ring. He said that my approval rating is building every day and that I would be stupid not to do it. Henry, you know I have always considered it at the back of my mind but I never thought it would happen. I didn't really ever seriously think I would be in that position… really."

"Did you tell him you were pregnant?" Henry asked gently.

"Eurgh, no of course not. I couldn't quite believe it. It makes it almost impossible to say yes to it. The campaign schedule is so intense I couldn't do it pregnant or do I really want to?" She stayed silent, letting her mind reel through the possibility of a very public pregnancy.

"I'll be here to support you."

"I know," she admitted.

"Sooo…. Why don't you call Mike and tell him that you are pregnant and see what he says? If I know anything about you Elizabeth is that you would make a fantastic leader and one that our Country needs right now"

"Ok, I'll call him… So I am really seriously thinking about doing this Henry?"

"I think we have always known it was a real possibility, Elizabeth"

Mike was delighted at the news surprisingly, the image of Elizabeth pregnant at the podium almost made him giddy. He cited that people would be able to fall in love with the 'Golden Couple' all over again securing a place in Americans hearts. He reminded her that they were still in the early stages and that the election was still over a year away. The baby would be here by then and 'they would have staff to palm the child off to anyway' Mike got the sharp side of Elizabeth's tongue then and she got a smart assed retort in reply.

Brushing her teeth later on that night Elizabeth stared at her reflection in the mirror. So much was about to change. It was almost like she felt as though she was next in line at the roller coaster about to be strapped in and sent flying off into the unknown. She thought about her pregnancy, the tiny little ball of cells within her that were multiplying and growing with every passing second, she thought about her parents. How she wished they were here to see her both pregnant and finally taking a chance and running for the Presidency. She thought about Henry's mom too, who sadly passed the year before. She thought of Henry, her Accomplice, her lover, her husband - the father of her child and she smiled.

She was ready.

She was ready to become a Mother.

She was ready to run.

She was ready with her Accomplice by her side.