"It's getting stronger. It won't be much longer." A serene voice responded.

"This is too cruel!" A childlike voice cried, "What about his friends and family?"

"One life to save all lives. It is what must be paid to stop the Dark God." The serene voice soothed.

"Why him though? Didn't you say that the bald grey guy was a threat?" A calm male voice asked.

"Jiren the Grey. He is a threat, yes, and will be dealt with when the time comes. I chose the Sayian because he has someone who has an ability I need, and who will want to save him." The serene voice answered.

Again, he stared at the carnage he caused. Goku stifled a sob. He was coated with blood, and it made his clothes stick to his body. He sat on a rock. At his feet lay the head of Vegeta, the single eye still staring accusingly at him. He choked back another sob.

"Damn, you were brutal this time!" Black walked toward him, "Stop crying. I hate to see myself cry."

"You're behind this!" Goku roared, lunging at Black, and going right through him.

"Nigen! Calm yourself!" Black roared back.

"Why can't I damage you?" Goku continued his attack.

"Stop, Nigen!" Black ordered, knocking Goku's fist aside. He sent an upper cut to Goku's jaw, knocking him back. "Calm yourself, and think for once!"

"Think?" Goku stepped back.

"Seriously, do I have to spell it out for you?"


"Come on, I know you are thick, but this is getting ridiculous!"

"Think? I don't get it."


"Is beating your head against a rock necessary?"

"Zeno dang it, Goku! None of this is real! You are dreaming!"

"I know that."


"I'm in a coma. I figured that out when I started hearing everybody's voices."

"Why didn't you say that?"

"Oh that's what you meant by think."

There was a nervous excitement in the air. Universes 13 through 18 had finally been settled and their G. and Angels would be sworn in soon. Meda darted about, asking questions a mile a minute about the brothers, sisters and mother she would soon meet. She was just a week old when Zeno had erased the six universes, the Angels mother with them, when she tried to stop him.

"So, father, hoping mother isn't carrying a certain cooking utensil?" Sour winked.

"Why do you lot insist on bringing up that skillet?" Kasai sighed.

"Remember what mother called it?" Marcarita called out.

"Her husband trainer!" Vados giggled, "I'm surprised father doesn't have a concussion from the number of times mother whacked him with it!"

"Can we all forget about the skillet? My head hurts just remembering it!" Kasai snapped, "I don't want to hear another word about it! All of you need to settle down! I expect proper behavior from you all! That means staying in line, no rushing forward, and waiting patiently! You all can meet AFTER the ceremony! Did I make myself clear?"

Twelve heads nodded.

"What about Whis?" Mojito broke the following silence.

"Is he still unconscious?" Awamo asked.

"He is." Sour answered, "Zena is watching over him. That means Meda will be standing in for Whis."

"Do I need to do anything?" Meda asked, her tone nervous.

"Nope. We just stand there looking pretty and smile." Marcarita said.

In another room, the G. had gathered.

"You know, this means Shines back." Rumush grinned, watching both Beerus and Champa turn white.

"She's not that bad, you two. It will be nice having another Goddess around. I'm tired of being the only one." Heles replied.

"Attention, everyone." Iwen floated above everyone so they could see him. "We are welcoming back our lost members, lost courtesy of Beerus." He made a point to glare at Universe 7s G.O.D, "There's going to be a lot of catching them up to do, so I've decided to pair us up with one of the returning G. . Find your counterparts, an-"

The door flew open to reveal a panting frost demon.

"Lord Champa!" The frost demon panted, "It's gone!"

Champa rushed over, "Ize! What's gone? Take your time."

"Dark God is free!" Ize cried, "It has left the ethereal realm where you sealed it!"

"Track it! I want to know what it's doing before it does!" Champa ordered.

"My people are on it!" Ize caught his breath, and turned to Belmod, "Permission to request a team of Pride Troopers?"

"Permission granted." Belmod didn't hesitate, "I'll handpick a team and have Marcarita deliver them to you."

"We should each have a team on standby to pitch in if necessary." Giin responded, "Dark God is a very serious threat."

"We all should be prepared to fight together against Dark God if it comes to it." Rumush nodded.

"We should prepare ourselves too. It may come down to all 18 of us G. using Hakai as one." Heles shuddered.

"If we do that, we destroy the Multiverse." Belmod whispered, "I hate having to destroy lives as much as Sidras."

"Will the Radiance finally act for once?" Sidras asked, "Zeno erases six universes, they don't even bat an eye. The T.O.P? Nothing! Champa fighting Dark God? Not. One. Crap. Given! They supposedly protect the multiverse, but where are they when we need them? To they even answer when called anymore? I'm beginning to think they are a myth, and I know I'm not the only one!"

"They are real." Iwen responded, "Like us, their hands are tied in certain situations. Recently, two of my stars in my universe collided. I couldn't interfere because it was a natural event. Before the collision, I got bombarded with prayers to destroy one of the stars. I wanted to, but I couldn't. I believe it is the same for the Radiance."

"But Dark God is a multiversal threat! They should deal with it!" Beerus snapped.

At this, the Angels, minus Mojito, entered the room, each one going to their respective G.O.D. Hushed conversations rose. After a few moments, Kasai cleared his throat.

"This is a bad development. Zeno will explain things, but it is time we gather in the throne room. Remember, you will get to socialize AFTER Zeno welcomes them. I know about Dark God before anyone asks." Kasai turned, "Whis, what are you doing out of bed, and Mojito, why did you even listen, let alone allow it?"

"Sorry, father. I tried to talk him out of it, but he refused." Mojito apologized.

"I know...where Dark God…has gone!" Whis rasped, "The Sayian…Son Goku!" He sagged against Mojito.

"Where's this guy at?" Giin asked.

"Universe 7, planet Earth, Satan City Providence Hospital, in a coma." Ize said at once, "Aunt Glacia is a doctor there, and Son Goku is under her care." He filled everyone in, "Something tells me the 'Rage' my aunt described was Dark God beginning to consume him."

It went silent.

"Could Beerus use Hakai on him?" Meda asked.

"Unfortunately Dark God is too strong. Only Son Goku would be destroyed." Rumush answered.

"Mojito, get your brother back to bed, and tie him to it if you must." Kasai ordered, "The Radiance will act. They have a plan."

"Will they actually execute it?" Iwen sighed.

"They better." Champa grumbled, "All I could do was seal that thing away. It shook off my Hakai like it was nothing! It laughed at me!"

"All I know is that they have a plan. Now. We have a ceremony to attend. Again, no rushing forward and stay in line!" Kasai responded.

"Father's nervous!" Sour cackled.

"Totally nervous!" Marcarita high fived Sour.

"Okay, you two." Vados cut in, "Wait until mother finds out about what you two did."

Both brother and sister went white.

"You wouldn't dare!" Sour sputtered.

"For the record, it was his idea!" Marcarita snapped.

"Still, turning Universe 2 pink was hilarious." Mojito entered the room.

"I found it funny." Heles said.

Glacia was exhausted. Goku was deteriorating, and there was nothing she could do. He needed blood, but she had none to give. Only her and Broly were in the room, the Sayian Titian looking just as exhausted as she was.

"He will be my first loss." Glacia whispered softly.

"It happens. You can't save everyone." Broly soothed.

The monitor trilled again. Glacia lugged herself to her feet. Broly began chest compressions. Glacia prepared another injection of epi. The monitor quieted.

The door flew open. Shin rushed into the room, already rolling his sleeve up, "Take what you need!"


"Do it!" The supreme Kai ordered.

"A direct transfusion will be faster!" Broly quickly prepared Goku's left arm. Glacia set up Shin. She fastened a line between them. Within moments, blood was flowing into Goku. Slowly, he began to stabilize. His translucent white skin began to pink up. He began to look more like he was sleeping instead of on deaths doorstep. Glacia looked questioningly at Shin.

"I do not have a true blood type." Shin explained, "Think of my blood like the human blood type O-. Only in my case, I can donate to everyone regardless of species. You can thank Vegeta for getting me."

A glow filled the room. Within moments, Vados appeared with Champa, Beerus, Meda, and Whis, who was slumped against Beerus. Glacia rushed to Whis's side.

"He insisted on coming." Vados said, "I'm Vados, his sister. I assume you've met Meda, our baby sister, and Lord Beerus. This is Lord Champa, Beerus's twin brother. That's Whis by the way. We came here at Ize's direction."

"Bring him here." Glacia ordered, "I'm Glacia, Ize's aunt. Let's see what we got."

"I'm Broly by the way. Whis and I have met. He was totally holding way back when we fought in Antarctica. I wasn't in my right mind." Broly said, "He's pretty dehydrated. I'm going to go ahead and draw some blood. Glacia, I leave getting an IV in to you."

Whis let the Frost demon and Sayian titan work on him without any fuss, not even flinching as the IV was set up.

"I'm flying blind with this one. No baseline to refer to here." Glacia responded.

"Just use the general baseline, and adjust as needed." Broly responded, "I want a monitor on him. Heart sounds are sketchy, and I'm pegging that as abnormal. Breath is heavy and moist."

"Pulse Ox is low, 89%. Heart rate is 120. Pressure is 92 over 60. I'd like that number to be a bit higher." Glacia turned, "Blood?"

Broly held up a tube of blue violet blood, "I see normal characteristics. I'll do the tests personally. It looks like we got a case of an upper respiratory infection."

"For this, I would treat with a bacteriophage and fluids. First we need to isolate the virus and type cross it to a bacteriophage. I leave that to you."

Goku's head shot up. His senses snapped to high alert, his Ki in a roiling boil just under the surface. Something was coming, something very dark. Instinctively, Goku knew this darkness was there for him. He knew he was not going to win, but he would not roll over and die. He shifted into Super Sayian.

Listening, waiting. Shadows fell. A glance to the left revealed Black in his Super Sayian Rose form, his face wreathed with anger. A roar sounded within the shadows. Day darkened rapidly into night; even the sun was afraid. Goku considered briefly going into Super Sayian 2, but decided to wait. He wondered if he could go Ultra Instinct if it came to it. The thing in the darkness let loose with a very human like scream.

"It's coming." Black whispered, "I'll help you fight it. You must resist it."

"You're not really Black, are you?"

"I am Black, but not the one you know. I'm from the Xenoverse. The Xenoverse is a place that exists between the 18 Universes. It is not a true Universe. I see you are clueless. Think of the Xenoverse as a failed Universe."

Another glow appeared to reveal two more familiar faces. One was Trunks, but he looked to be 10 years old. At his side, in a wheelchair, sat none other than Zamasu. He wore the outfit of a Kai while Trunks wore the outfit of a student of the Kai.

"Father, is that Dark God?" Trunks asked.

"It is." Zamasu confirmed. "We must help Goku fight. Don't be scared." He noticed Goku's look.

"Are you from the… Xenoverse?" Goku asked.

"No, we are from a timeline that was destroyed by both Lord Beerus and Lord Ramush. I was on Earth of Universe Seven at the time. I had just become a Kai. Trunks here, he was only three weeks old when I adopted him. Both of his parents were murdered by the Androids, and I was attacked by 17. I managed to destroy him, but I ended up paralyzed from the waist down after he put his fist through me as he died. Beerus had Whis take both me and Trunks to the Xenoverse, where we've lived since"

"I'm not scared. I'll help fight too!" Trunks said, "I'm the Prince of the Sayians after all!"

"Yep, definitely Vegeta's son. Get ready. Here it comes!" All four combatants charged forward.