Sorry for not updating. I have started My Hero Acedemia a good time ago and I have more than 20 chapters written fanfiction in my folder.

It is not an excuse and I am a sorry excuse for a writer because I let you guys down.

Also I thought I have posted this chapter and one more but it turns out I didn't so I am also an idiot… I think.


Chapter 8 : Bed Rest

I woke up in a bed, feeling extremely drowsy. My head aches on every direction, making me wince. My throat is dry and I feel slightly nauseous.

Oh also I have numerious small metal bars shaping a dome around my head.

I tried to remove it but they were also fixed on the bed so I can't.

What the hell I have just got myself into.

Suddenly, the door opened and Alad V walked in with two more people that is wearing white with red stripes variant of Crewman outfit.

"Ah! Good to see you with the living again" said Alad V as he walked closer to me. The other two people kept their distance.

"What happened? I felt like getting hit by a truck" I said.

The two crewman in white looked at me slightly worried and confused.

"I don't know what a 'truck' is but you got hit by a Tenno in your face" said Alad V "That device around your head is the only thing keeping your head intact".

I felt a snowstorm pass through me.

"W-what?" I asked.

Alad V took a breath.

"When the Tenno punched you it almost shattered your skull. From what the doctors tell, the force from that punch has been absorbed by your skull rather than your head shattering which is the usual case" said Alad V "Good thing the latter happened and you are still alive but your skull is extremely weak and slightly deformed so the device is there to keep it intact untill it heals".

So basically I have almost died.

"Okay" I said. Not sure what I should have say in this circumstance.

We stood silent for a moment.

"Aside from that I have been executing your plan and so far everything is going fine" said Alad V "Sargas Ruk is being a dog but that's nothing I can't handle".

"Good" I said and forced a smile but stopped when I felt a throbbing pain on back of my head.

Alad V must have realised what happened and put a serious look on his face.

"You are not going to be up for at least a month" he said as he reached for something in his back "So I have brought you this".

The object he reached is a tablet some sort of. It is entirely transparent glass minus the metal frame around it. There are Corpus writings on it and also English words next to it.

"Uhh…thanks?" I said, trying not to be rude.

"What are you holding is a dictionary with a full translation to English and also has an alphabet" said Alad V.

I looked at him blankly.

He sighed.

"It is so you can learn Corpus language" he said.

I mouthed an 'Ohh'.

"Since you are working for me I cannot allow something laughable as language barrier to cause complications" he said "During your time in bed rest you will study this to learn our language while providing me help with your plan of yours".

1 month to learn a totally new language AND providing support?


He got up and walked out of the room.

The two crewman came with him left after they checked every electronic in the room.

After some time, the lights went out. Indicating night time.

Since I am already on a bed I closed my eyes.

I woke up to the lights of my room.

After what I think breakfast is brought by a crewman wearing a white jumpsuit with red stripes (Which I know think is a medical crewman) brought to me I have started reading the tablet Alad V brought to me.

Kekko(Hello). Huh.

Corpus words are really confusing.

My studying on Corpus language went not-so-smooth over two weeks. Aside from I had to get help to go to the toilet it was fine.

Utill Alad V came in a hurry.

"Iy pkepe a kpopkey(Is there a problem?)" I asked.

"Good to see you have learned a bit of our language" he said dryly "Grineer dogs taken a place where it wasn't supposed to be taken by them".

They did what?!

"How that ha- Did you insulted Ruk for no reason?" I asked.

Alad V loked at me in distaste.

"No. It is not about Ruk" he said.

Then he said two words that shocked me.

"It is Vay Hek" said Alad V.

After some more explanation on his part a full Picture of what is happening came in front of me.

A bad picture.

Appereantly Vay Hek, the scheming bastard(Which is almost everyone in this solar system including me) he is has been 'secretly' moving forces without Sargas Ruk knowing and done his first assault yesterday, to a place where is very important to my plan.

The place where I was going to pass the Tenno cryo-pods to Corpus space.

"Isn't our General Ruk supposed to do anything about this? I mean, it is not a problem from our side" I said in frustration.

"Grineer council supports Vay Hek and Ruk is getting more furious due to being over-shadowed" said Alad V.

Then he leaned a bit to me.

"Your plan of yours seems to be in need of improvising" he said.

I nodded because it is true.

"And make it quick because every cryo-pod isn't in my custody is a potential cryo-pod can be in Grineer custody" he said as he started to walk away then stopped for a moment.

"And every cryo-pod in Grineer custody is going to maket he board less willing to fund this invasion in which is going to make me less willing for funding you" he said coldly with malice in his voice then left me in sweat.

Good thing fear for my future is my best motivator!

After that moment I literally got in Corpus literature while trying to 'improvise' my plan. So far…


Well not exactly 'nothing'. I have came up numerious ways to get back the captured areas and cryo-pods without changing the plan too much and attracting attention of unwanted Tenno. Although in order for each of them to work I need help from someone whom is also the reason why the need of improvising the plan exists in the first place.

Vay Hek.

Don't get me wrong. Its not like I hate him(I do) but he made my barely-stable life into an unstable one.

And working for Alad V itself is unstable enough.

So in the end the only possible outcome is involving him into the 'Plan'. Every other outcome results in failure and there is no failure in Alad V's company.

The damn catchy catchfrase is effecting me.

My treatment is going better. After learning how to read on optimal level I understood the writings on medical devices around me. Also from the Medical Crewman tablets after I learned how to speak(Very hard and calling me Corpus would be an insult) in Corpus to request from them giving their tablets to me so I can understand.

I will be released three days later.

Then a Medical Crewman came and told me he is going to remove my headset so my skull can adjust the normal pressure.

At least I got the 'remove' and 'headset' so I think that's what he said.

After a slightly uncomfartable process my head was free again.

The Medical Crewman left the room after doing his job and after a short amount of time the lights shut off.

I finally had a peacefull sleep after a long time.