AN: This is my third FBI story, and this one is going to be a longer one. I'm not sure how many chapters yet, and you will have to be patient with me because I am a busy teacher, but I've got 6 chapters already written (or mostly) and more on the way. This takes place after "The Armorer's Faith." I want to keep things pretty accurate character wise, but will need to move beyond what we've seen so far in the limited number of episodes in order for this story to go where I want it to. Be kind, but honest, and let me know if there is something that seems completely unbelievable. The chapters so far are pretty short, and I think they will mostly stay that way. Also, feel free to ask questions if you feel like I've missed something. I love feedback. I hope you enjoy!

I couldn't help but sign in relief. Despite the incredible challenge and unlikelihood of success, OA was standing in front of me, breathing. Of course, I knew he could do it, knew he could stop Ari and Martin Vickers. I didn't doubt him, and I was be there to help if things went awry. But still, it's always a relief to have your partner home.

Even with Quinn safely in the hospital and stable, and the team back at the JOC, it is easy to see we still have a lot of work ahead of us. The Zetas have just tried to get their hands on those Javelins. There is no way they would simply shrink back into their hole and lay off the black market power weapons. They have a plan and we need to stop them. Even so Dana sends us home with the promise of free drinks and a solid three days of rest. I can't lie, it feels good. Great, even.

If I'm honest, I'm slightly bummed OA isn't coming with us to McSoreley's, though I'm not all that surprised. When he says he has an errand to run it's not hard to figure out he's going to see Quinn. There is still a lot of unresolved anger and bitterness there. I hope they take this chance to get past it all. OA deserves answers, the truth. He's an exceptional agent, and from the sound of things, has been the whole time.

When I get to McSoreley's, I find Kristen, have a few drinks, and call it a night. I'm exhausted, not having slept well the last few nights with the critical work and worry about the case. I'm sure I'll sleep a solid 12 hours, an unusual occurrence for me, and I'm grateful again to Dana for the opportunity.

I flag a taxi as I make my way through the door when a hard mass slams into my shoulder, setting me off balance and knocking my phone from my hand and my bag from my opposite shoulder. I realize it's a man when he bends down to grab my phone and he hands it out to me.

"Sorry," he says sweetly, a kind smile on his face as he releases the phone into my hand.

I instantly relax, give him a careful smile, and stand up, bag in hand.

"Thanks," I respond, already heading again toward the cab.

As I give my address and we pull away from the curb, I briefly see the same man turn around and head back in the direction he originally came from before running into me. 'Strange,' I think momentarily before my thoughts again drift toward the restful sleep coming my way.


The man gets back into his black sedan and pulls the wallet from his pocket. He's proud of how easily it was for him to pluck it from her purse while she was grabbing her phone from his other hand. Luckily for him, she had obviously had a few drinks and was slightly buzzed. He had been following her for hours since he saw her exit the van outside the hotel where the Vickers' were staying. He saw her take in Ari and had to know what he was dealing with. Was she a threat to the Zetas? He had to know. This information could get him a promotion or at least a good bonus. Two things that would make his life significantly easier. He was willing to do whatever he had to, and maybe even have some fun along the way.