
The goshawk is a peculiar, opportunistic hunter. During the nesting season, if predators approach the nest, it will abandon its young, leaving them exposed and vulnerable, and circle around the intruder in order to attack from behind.

Madara doesn't play favorites with his birds of prey. Or so he says.


Two months have passed since they parted ways.

He sees Madara's face in the curve of the distant mountains and the curling mist on the surface of the river at his feet. Madara is in the gilded green leaves hanging over the riverbank, in the squares of setting sunlight blazing against the floor from the window, in the shadow of the waning moon. He is the sound of cicadas and the blink of fireflies; he is the taste of summer berries on Hashirama's tongue; he is the rush of chakra as Hashirama coaxes green wood out of barren rock. He is the flickering candle on Hashirama's windowsill, bobbing and sparking; he is autumn's first chill and summer's last sultry breeze; he is miles of bruised cumulus clouds hanging heavy over the land, threatening storms.

As autumn wears on and frost glitters on the forest floor surrounding the Senju compound, Hashirama sneaks out before anyone else is awake and climbs to the cliff where he and Madara had once rested, and reaffirms to himself the promise he had made there. The weeds that had grown tall and persistent during the summer have shriveled, each one draped on the ground, coated in frost. Hashirama rests one hand flat on the clifftop, a peculiar feeling settling in the area of his chest. Was this the exact spot where Madara's hand had once connected with the earth, months ago? He had curled his fingers in the dirt and promised to protect his little brother at any cost and Hashirama had watched him, watched his thin face contort into a look that belonged on a jaded old man, not a scrawny young teenager, and silently promised himself that he wouldn't let anything happen to Madara or his little brother. Madara was too important. Is too important.

Hashirama feels the sun coming up on his back. If he's away from the compound much longer they'll send Tobirama out after him. Everyone has probably already eaten. He should go. He should have done a lot of things.

His birthday is in two weeks. He wonders if Madara remembers.