Thank you to all the people who read this story! If it was your second time reading I hope it was as good as the first :D And especially thank you to all the wonderful people who took time every chapter to review. Blessed are the reviewers.


Christmas Eve

Edward Cullen

I adjusted my glasses as I peered out the window. The trees were swaying slightly in the wind. The day was hazy, the silver-gray clouds making sure that no sun poked out. It wasn't really perfect weather for a wedding, but it would have to do. I watched as the family members began to file into the chapel, filling it to the brim with people. I would have stood there all day people watching if I could, but I knew I had to finish getting ready.

I went over to the mirror and tried to tie my necktie but wasn't having much luck. Looking at it just made it harder. I still had to close my eyes to get some things done. It was just easier. I was so used to it after all these years that it just came naturally.

Jasper and Emmett moved about around me, trying to get ready as well. Though I had gotten used to my friend's appearances they still teased me about staring at them. I supposed it was fair. It was hard to get used to how unique everyone was. It was even harder to get used to my appearance. I didn't know what to make of it but Bella seemed to think I was handsome, so I couldn't complain.

I pushed my hair out of my face and groaned at how messy it was. Nothing I seemed to do could fix it. It used to not bother me that much but now that I could see it was a different story. It was driving me up the wall.

"Relax, man," Emmett laughed as I ran my fingers through my hair several times quickly.

"How do you deal with this?" I muttered.

"Stop looking at mirrors. That's what works for me," he laughed. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

Bella Cullen

I looked into the mirror and sucked in my stomach. I turned around to examine the back of my dress. I sighed. I wish I could look perfect for Edward, but no matter how much I dressed up it didn't seem to matter. Even six months after his surgery he still claimed that he hadn't found anything more beautiful than me. I couldn't help but blush at the thought.

"Thinking about Edward?" Alice teased as she began to work on my hair. She had already done her own and insisted on helping with mine.

"When am I not?" I asked with a sigh. I wrapped my arms tightly around my waist.

"You okay?" Alice asked as she twisted my curls into a bun. I already had a headache and it was not helping.

"I'm fine. It's just nerves," I answered softly.

"Don't worry. Everything is going to be just fine!" She giggled. She placed a final clip in my hair and smiled at her work. She then bounced in front of me. "Now that you're perfect... How do I look?"

"Beautiful, but when are you not?" I smiled at my best friend and gave her a little hug. Today was going to prove to be an interesting one for everyone.

Edward Cullen

I fidgeted as I stood next to Jasper. It was hard to stand still. I was so nervous being up in front of all these people I didn't know. I adjusted my tie a little bit and tried to take a deep breath to calm myself.

As soon as the music started, watching as my bride walked towards me, my heart began to thump wildly in my chest. But, it always did that when I saw Bella. She was the most beautiful creature in the world and I loved her dearly. I had seen many a lovely thing since my surgery but nothing could or would ever compare to her.

She looked lovely in her snow colored dress and it took everything I had not to wrap my arms around her at that moment and kiss her as she deserved. Her hair was pulled away from her slender neck, exposing her creamy skin to me. I sighed as I saw her. How did I deserve such a beautiful woman?

Bella Cullen

It was so hard concentrating on not falling in the nasty heels I was wearing, especially when all I wanted to do was run up to Edward. He looked so dashing in his tux. I had never used the word 'dashing' to describe anyone before, but if it would fit anyone it would be Edward.

I almost didn't notice when the ceremony itself started. I bit my lip and lowered my eyes to the floor when the preacher started the pray. I blushed at how obvious I was. I couldn't help it though. Who wouldn't want to stare at him?

"Dearly beloved we are gathered today to join this man, Jasper Whitlock and this woman, Mary Alice Brandon in holy matrimony..."

My eyes never left Edward's the entire ceremony.

"Ugh, When she gets back from her honeymoon I'm going to kill Alice for picking these heels out," I told Edward as I kicked my shoes off underneath our table. The reception hall was decorated to the nines in beautiful blues, like the ones that matched our bridesmaids' dresses and silver to that match the groomsmen. And even then as things were starting to be put away it looked breathtaking. Edward and I, along with Rosalie and Emmett were the last to go of the one hundred fifty plus people that showed up. We promised to get their gifts for them and drop them off at their new house.

"Do you think you can handle one more dance or will your feet object?" Edward teased as he offered me his hand. The cleaning crew had put on a radio to listen to while they worked.

"Edward..." I whined a little bit and pouted but he gave me his most charming smile. I sighed in defeat and took his hand. "One dance. That's it."

"That's all I'm asking for," he told me as he twirled me towards the center of the floor.

"It was a lovely wedding," I commented, one of my arms wrapping around his neck.

"I liked ours better." He leaned in and gave me a smiling kiss


"That's because there were only fifteen people there," I laughed.

"Oh, and I thought it was because I was marrying the most beautiful woman in the world." He dipped me back. He brought me up quick and I felt my stomach twist into a knot.

"Hey guys, we've stuck everything we can fit into the jeep. Do you think you can handle the rest of it?" Rose called from the doorway.

"Yeah, we got it. See you at the house," Edward answered back. I laid my face on his chest, closing my eyes as I tried to soothe my stomach. He, of course, noticed and lifted my chin so that I would look into his piercing green eyes. "You still don't feel well, do you?"

I nodded my head slowly, not really wanting to speak. He sighed heavily, "you need to go to a doctor. Better yet, have my father take a look when they get here tomorrow."

"Edward, I went to the doctor," I said slowly, my eyes falling to the floor. My stomach twisted harder and I felt for sure that I was going to be sick. I took a deep breath and swallowed the bile in the back of my throat.

"And?" He motioned for me to continue, concern coloring his every perfect feature.

"I kind of wanted to talk about this after Christmas..." I tried to stall.

"Bella, this is important. What's wrong?" He pulled back and placed his hands on my shoulders. "You know I'll be here for you no matter what and everything is going to be alright."

Edward Cullen

Though I had trouble picking up on other people's expressions, I could always figure out Bella. When her face pressed into my shoulder, her nose smashed deep into the fabric as she took in long deep breaths, I knew something was wrong. She had been feeling ill the past couple weeks and refused to do anything about it, claiming it was just nerves from finals. Finals were over though and she had no reason to be nervous.

"You need to go to a doctor. Better yet, have my father take a look when they get here tomorrow," I told her, knowing how she hated doctors. She only seemed to trust my father, though I understood the feeling.

"Edward, I went to the doctor," she said, her face first flushing before it turned a pale white. Her eyes fell to the floor before she swallowed hard. Bella seemed to have a hard time spitting it out. I was starting to get very frightened. Was something really wrong? Did she have cancer or something like that?

"And?" I pressed, unable to say anything else.

"I kind of wanted to talk about this after Christmas..." She said, her tiny hands wringing as she took a ragged breath. She looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"Bella, this is important. What's wrong?" I pulled back to examine her and even when she seemed so nervous and worried, I was taken aback by her beauty. "You know I'll be here for you no matter what and everything is going to be alright." I tried to reassure her.

"Oh, nothing is wrong," she mumbled.

"Please, Bella, you're killing me here. What is it?" I pulled a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Nothing is wrong, so what is it?"

"I'm pregnant."

"What?" It felt like my heart stopped. Bella had tears running down her face and I wasn't exactly sure why. Was she worried I would be angry? How could I be? I could never be upset with Bella.

"I... I... I don't... " she began to stutter but I covered her mouth quickly with mine, kissing her passionately. I gripped the back of her neck with one hand, the other resting on the small of her back as I twirled her around the room.

"You're pregnant! That's... Oh, my god! I'm going to be a dad!" I laughed and spun her around again.

In my excitement, I kind of got carried away and I realized how green she looked. I practically picked her up and carried her to a chair. I handed her a glass of water which she gulped greedily.

"You're not mad?" She panted.

"Mad? Why the hell would I be mad? Oh, this so amazing!" I lowered my face to her stomach and kissed it repeatedly. "How far along? Do you know?"

"Well, do you remember that Halloween party that we had? And, how we were dressed up like..." She paused, a small smile on her face. "Um, well, trick or treat," she giggled.

I counted on my fingers like an idiot. The numbers didn't seem right in my head. "Really?"

"I just thought it was my new birth control I started taking that was making me miss my period and making me sick. I'm kind of stupid for not figuring it out sooner. I didn't want to bother you with my 'woman problems' so I went to the doctor yesterday with Rose," she said, a watery smile on her face as she began to cry again.

Bella Cullen

I went on with my little rant, only to be shut up by Edward's kisses. He covered my face in them, his expression more excited than I had ever seen it before. He picked me up again and kissed me wildly. "I'm going to be a daddy!" He said proudly. "I can't wait to tell my parents," he said with a little laugh.

"Oh, I can just see it now. First, Esme has to plan the nursery and then the baby shower. She's just going to stay. You know, they just need to buy a house down here and retire. They're never going to want to leave this baby." I rubbed my hand over my stomach carefully.

"Our baby! I wonder if it's a boy or a girl. It doesn't matter. As long as it's strong, healthy, and beautiful like you I don't care! Oh, my lovely beautiful Bella. You're going to be such a good mommy," he gushed happily. He looked like a kid in a candy store who was just told he could get whatever he wanted.

I ran my fingertip carefully over his lips, smiling as I went. "Well, Mr. Cullen, I think you're going to make an amazing father."

"Mrs. Cullen, I think you're going to be the most beautiful mother on the face of this planet." He kissed my fingertips before kissing my wedding band. My sweet husband was crying a little, too.

"I have one request, though," I said, pushing a lock of hair out of his eyes.

"Anything," he said dreamily.

"Can we not tell my mother until after the holidays?" I asked in a sweet of voice as possible. It was almost too amusing watching his expression go from completely overjoyed to completely terrified. Though Renee was civil to Edward, she was still not his biggest fan even after the surgery.

"She's going to kill me," he muttered under her breath with a sigh. Edward shook his head, probably trying to clear the murder scene in his head. He picked me up, bridal style, and walked me toward the door.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm going to take my beautiful sexy pregnant wife home and make love to her," he said with a bright smile.

"What about the rest of the presents?" I asked as I looked at the pile.

He placed me down for a second and pulled his cell phone from his pocket. He dialed a number quickly before bringing it to his ear. "Hey Em, it's Edward, I really hate to do this but Bella isn't feeling well again and I was wondering if you could get the rest of these gifts. I know, I know. I'm sorry. I just really need to get her home and into bed." He winked at me playfully.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing, my face blushing a deep red. He picked me up again as soon as he hung up.

"Edward..." I sighed, finding it hard to chide him. We were being bad, leaving the presents there. But Emmett was probably only five minutes away.

"Yes, my love?" He said cheerfully. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as he picked me up again to carry me to the car. "He'll understand. We'll explain it to him later. Though we better wait until Alice gets home or we'll never hear the end of it."

"Actually, she already knows. She kind of figured it out. Sometimes I wonder if she can see the future," I said with a little sigh, thinking back to a conversation we had a week before.

"Well, if she can see the future, I can read minds," he teased, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, and what am I thinking right now?" I laughed as I adjusted his glasses. They always seemed to slide down his nose. For some reason, him wearing glasses was extremely sexy. Though, anything could look sexy if Edward was wearing it.

"Mm, not sure. Though, I'm pretty sure it's something along the lines, 'why aren't I in bed yet?' or 'Where are my pickles and ice cream?'" He teased, scrunching up his nose playfully. He carefully slid me into his new car, a beautiful shiny silver Volvo.

I watched as Rosalie's car came rolling into the parking lot with Emmett driving. Luckily Alice's new home was close to the church. He waved at us both and I waved back. He was smiling so Rose must have told him.

"Ugh, let's not talk about pickles. I don't want to ruin your new interior." I joked, sticking out my tongue in disgust as soon as Edward got into the car as well. For the second time that night he looked terrified.

I couldn't help but laugh and he pouted a little bit. I slid my hand over onto his lap, gently rubbing his thigh.

"Thank you," Edward whispered, his eyes never leaving the road as he drove us home. He was a surprisingly good driver and he enjoyed it greatly.

"For what?" I asked, letting my head rest against his shoulder. When he got to a traffic light he came to a slow stop. Edward turned to me and rested his hand against my cheek before kissing me softly on the lips.

"For giving me such a wonderful Christmas gift. I couldn't ask for anything more."

To be continued…

And, that's it! That's all of Blind! If you enjoyed please review and let me know! (It would be really cool if this story could make it to 500 reviews eventually.)

Also, let me know if this is your first time reading it through or if you read it when it was first posted in 2008.

If you want to see more please do all the alerts and faves! The sequel, Pieces of Time, will be posted starting on the first of February!

You can also follow me on twitter kinda_randompic and on Facebook- Jeska Elizabeth! Come say hi and give me encouragement to keep working on all this!

Thanks for reading!