Greeting to the lovely people reading

I don't own Merlin or Grimm. I just like the shows.

Hope you like the story.

Onwards and upwards!

A long time ago I was something more than a wanderer. I had a purpose. A mission. There was something I needed to do, someone who needed me. In the end, I failed. My destiny died when he did. After he died, everything I had done seemed to be for nothing. The only thing he knew for certain wasn't a waste of time was his one creation. The Grimms. Wesen had always been there however, under the rule of Uther Pendragon they had kept hidden. Lived under the radar. But with the death of Uther Pendragon, they no longer feared the king and I created the Grimms to keep the magicless humans safe. Back then I needed to focus on the prat we called our king and that I called my best friend. After Arthur's death, I waited for his return. Years and then decades went by and nothing changed. There was no sign of my friend returning.

Then one day I remembered the Grimms when I saw a naiad swimming in the river. Because of the magic that soured through my body, I had always had the ability to see Wesen. That was also one of the reasons I was able to create the Grimms. With that, I realized that I still had a mission. A different kind of mission but a mission none the less.

After that, I started traveling the world. I noticed that things had changed and decided not only to keep the Wesen I came across in check but to study them and learn about them.

Drop a review if you want to. Hope you enjoyed the story for now.

See you later