Hi guys, I'm here again! So, I know It has been a lot of time between this chapter and the first one, I'm brazilian, I don't know if I say this before, but if u see some mistakes in writing is because that and I'm at college, so the classes kind of takes all my time, but now I'm at vacation so I will try to write the most that I can.

This is my first story so I don't know if is going like I want to, but I'm looking for a beta who can speak english better than me so if anything happens I will let u all know.

"I'm the great Uzumaki Naruto" - Speak

I'm the great Uzumaki Naruto - thoughts

I'm the great Uzumaki Naruto - Bijuu Speak

I'm the great Uzumaki Naruto - Bijuu thoughts

(I'm the great Uzumaki Naruto) - Author thoughts

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."
Sun Tzu

Forest of Death, second day of Chunin Exams

Sakura Haruno was never the strongest physically or even the best in jutsus, but she always had a great intellect, so after the battle against Orochimaru, when she saw Uchiha Sasuke unconscious and Naruto probably dead after falling several meters, she did her best in such a situation and drag the unconscious Uchiha under a hollow tree in a nearby clearing.

Leaving Sasuke lying under the tree, Sakura wet a piece of cloth with the last water left in her canteen and placed it over the boy's forehead as an attempt to lower the fever in his body.

I can't stay here like this, if any enemy team finds us I can't defend Sasuke-kun Sakura thought before she started to set some traps she learned at the academy around the perimeter.

At Shinju's tree

The moment Uzumaki Naruto ate Shinju's fruit, the thick roots of the tree completely enveloped the boy's body forming a cocoon and in the cracks between the roots of this cocoon anyone could see three different chakras mingling, one silver like moonlight, one red as blood and one blue as the sky.

Inside young Naruto, a nine-tailed fox stared in despair as the sewage in which it had been imprisoned for twelve years was filled with the same roots that formed the cocoon in Uzumaki's body.

Shinju... Naruto what did you do? The kitsune wondered when started to feeling something he hadn't felt in a while, fear.

The fox only had time to widen his eyes before the roots entered the bars of the cage that held him and enveloped his body just as they had with their host.

With Sakura

Sakura was scared, in her months as Genin she realized that things didn't happen like the books at the academy said, being a Shinobi was dangerous. Lee was unconcious in front of her after battling the sounding ninjas that attacked her, her pink hair was scattered around the clearing after she had to cut it in an attempt to break free of Kin's grip, team 10 was scattered watching intently. The sound team.

All these people, Ino, Lee... They all came to protect me... I'm so weak... thought Sakura clenching her fists tightly as she tried to keep the tears in the corner of her eyes from falling.

Team nine had been looking for their lost mate a while ago and when they came across the situation in the clearing they were prepared to take action against the sound team, not for some sense of Konoha genin companionship, but for the simple fact of avenging they teammate who had been injured while defending Sakura.

Hyuga Neji was prepared to move against the sound village genin named Dosu when his eyes widened. "This chakra ..."

In the hollow tree where Uchiha Sasuke was resting a purple chakra with vile energy emerged, the purple chakra gave goosebumps to everyone in the place and in the center of that chakra was a silhouette of the last Uchiha.

"Sasuke-kun you woke u-" Sakura's words and smile died in her throat the moment she clearly looked into Sasuke's face.

Everyone in the clearing looked at the figure of Uchiha Sasuke with fear in their eyes, black flame-like marks rising halfway up his face, his eyes were red, showing the famous Uchiha clan doujutsu to everyone.

"Sakura ... who did this to you?" Sasuke's voice was thicker than usual, he has a annoyed stare in his eyes while he looked at his teammate. "Who was?"

The marks.. are all over his body. Dosu thought, his body was unable to stop shivering as he watched the demonstration of power before his eyes.

"Sasuke-kun ... What happened to you?" Sakura asked worried about her crush.

"That power ... Don't worry, I'm fine, it's just the power flowing through me. In fact I've never felt better, that man... he gave me this gift, made me remember what I really am, I'm an avenger. " Sasuke spoke with a tone of resolve in his voice.

Now I understand, those marks on his neck that the girl said are the marks of Orochimaru-sama's curse, but who could survive them, rather than survive ... If this is Orochimaru-sama's mark then... Dosu thought taking a step back.

"Sakura, tell me, which of these people did this to you?" Asked the Uchiha again looking at everyone in the clearing.

"I did it!" Zaku stated with a confident smile. "I liked to hurt this pink bitch, she was so weak."

Zaku, you idiot! Dosu's gaze flicked to his mate quickly as did Sasuke's.

"Shikamaru, what is going on?" Choji asked Nara as they hid with Ino's body behind a thicket.

"Ino get back to your body!" Shikamaru exclaimed to Ino who had transfered her mind to Kunoichi of the sound. "I don't know, Choji, but whatever it is, we better get away and watch from afar."

Shikamaru's eyes drifted to the tree and hollow that was now empty thanks to Sasuke's absence. Naruto... Where are you? Nara wondered having noticed the blonde's absence a long time ago.

The black marks on Sasuke's body spread further as the purple chakra around him intensified.

"Dosu, I hope you're not afraid of this guy now." Zaku spoke pressing one hand against the other while preparing his jutsu.

He ... He's getting even more powerful. We can't fight against him! "Zaku, wait, you don't understand!" Dosu turned quickly toward his mate trying to stop him.

"Heh, I'll take care of it with one move." He extended his hands toward Sasuke. "ZANKŪKYOKUHA"

A gust of biting wind blew out of the holes in Zaku's hands toward Sasuke, cutting everything in its path forcing even those not in the jutsu's path to protect themselves by the force of technique.

"Heh, who would say, they were all blown away." Arrogantly stated Zaku

"Not exactly." Uchiha's voice behind him was the last thing Zaku heard before being struck by an elbow to the far end.

"How fast, he still managed to get the girl out of the way." Dosu said noting that the Uchiha beyond getting out of the way of Zaku technique had taken Sakura too.

Rat, tiger, dog, ox, rabbit, tiger... the seals flowed through Sasuke's fingers quickly. "Katon - Housenka no Jutsu!" With an exhalation small fireballs flew from Uchiha's lips flying toward the ninjas of sound.

Zaku reacted quickly by raising his hands and sending a gust of wind stronger than fire to extinguish them, only to widen his eyes as he realized that inside the fireballs were shurikens spinning toward him as he tried to protect his torso and head hiding behind his arms.

"Zaku, get down!" shouted Dosu trying to alert his mate.

When Zaku opened his eyes was too late, Sasuke in the short time when the sound ninja had looked away to protect himself from the shurikens had come close and was now behind Zaku firmly holding both arms with one foot pushing the torso of sound genin against the floor.

"You seem very proud of those arms." Sasuke stated with a mischievous smile on his lips, his eyes staring at the ninja of sound as if it were just an insect in front of him. "You must be very attached to them, don't you?"

"No! What are you doing?" Zaku shouted as Sasuke's pressure increased and the pain in his arms began to become unbearable.

The smile on Sasuke's lips just widened, he really seemed to be enjoying the pain of his opponent. That power is exactly what I need to defeat that man. Sasuke thought excited by the power that Orochimaru's seal gave him. Putting even more pressure on the key that held Genin's arms from Sound Village.

A snap, that was the only noise before a loud scream erupted from Zaku's throat signaling that his arms had been broken, Sasuke just looked disdainfully and pushed the ninja away before his red eyes turned to stare at Dosu.

"Looks like you're the last one left, I hope it's more fun than your friend." Sasuke said starting to walk towards the sound ninja who took another step back in pure fear of the Uchiha.

Sasuke-kun... This is not you. Sakura thought thinking of the boy, she knew Sasuke-kun wasn't like that, he wasn't that bad thing, this one in front of him couldn't be the boy whose one she loved. Sakura held out her hand in preparation to stop the Uchiha from continuing to fight.

"Sasuke-teme ... What do you think you're doing?" Uzumaki Naruto's voice surprised Sasuke and everyone in the clearing who turned in the direction the voice came from.

Whatever people were expecting, it wasn't that. The Uzumaki Naruto whose everyone knew before entering the forest of blond death, short with a goofy smile on his face, was gone, the only similarities of the boy who entered the clearing with confidence and the goofy who had entered the exams were the orange pants torn at various points, the konohagakure bandana on the forehead and the blue eyes and even those blue eyes that once looked like a blue sky on a summer day now seemed colder, like the sky hiding lightning before a storm.

Her once blond hair, as bright as the sun, was now pale, a shade even lighter than Ino's being more like silver than yellow, also was longer than before falling below his shoulders still spiky as before, his pale dark blue eyes stared at those in the clearing with an expression of boredom. Before entering the forest of death, Uzumaki Naruto was one of the lowest genins in the village, now his height reached 5'4, the baby fat that once filled his cheeks had now almost completely disappeared, the birthmarks that before and the three streaks on her cheeks were now thick stripes (as in Kyuubi's shippuden cloak) and the black shirt with a red spiral he wore clung perfectly to his body demonstrating the definition of the muscles hidden behind.

With each step of his bare feet toward the shinobi in the clearing it seemed that the evil pressure of the purple chakra faded further, the pressure of the Uzumaki's presence seemed to dispel the fear that the evil seal chakra had installed in place.

"Naruto!" Exclaimed the Uchiha with the smile on his lips widening even more as he faced his lost teammate. "You'll be a good test of this power. Show me that power of yours from before!"

The Uchiha stared at Naruto with a crazed smile before running toward Uzumaki faster than anyone present could react. Behind the konoha bandana a silver glow shone for just a second before Naruto disappeared and appeared behind Sasuke.

"Sasuke ... you're so annoying." Naruto murmured, those words were the last Uchiha heard before he felt a twinge in his neck and his vision darken.

The marks on Uchiha's body disappeared until only left the three-tone mark on his neck while the boy became unconscious. Naruto picked up the Uchiha and threw it over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes before facing Dosu, who was trying to catch his teammates and leave during the mess.

"You there! This whole mess is your fault. Leave your scroll." The Uzumaki spoke in a monotone tone staring at the shinobi of sound. "Unless you wish to continue the fight."

After those words left Naruto's lips, Dosu felt a murderous intent greater than anything he had ever felt before, his body started to shaking violently as he stared at the owner of those blue eyes. He is dangerous ... We have no chance! Thought the genin of Sound Village.

"I ... I'll leave the scroll, we don't want to fight!" Said Dosu quickly hoping the other one would accept his words. The sound's genin removed the scroll with the sky symbol and set it on the floor. "Please let us go."

"Go away! Quick!" Uzumaki spoke and he didn't have to repeat twice before Dosu caught his teammates and started running for his life.

After the sound village's genins left, a moment of silence affected the entire clearing only to be broken with Ino running towards Sakura to take care of her injuries, followed by her hesitant teammates.

Neji and Tenten also came out of their hiding place to catch the unconscious Rock Lee in the corner, Hyuga looking cautiously towards Naruto. It seems that this team is more dangerous than imagined. And that chakra... Neji thought staring at the unconscious Uchiha on Naruto's shoulder.

Naruto was actually confused, since eating that strange fruit he felt stronger, faster, an energy throbbing in all his veins and his memories were confused, trying to organize. He felt different, it was as if he had lived thousands of lives. Who was Tenji? Why did his name irritate him so much?

The main thing now is to get out of this forest, I don't know how, but I feel like I know this place completely. Naruto thought feeling his head hurt, his movements were strange, it was as if his body were different. He opened his eyes and faced his fellow villagers gathered in the clearing.

"Well guys, looks like you went through a war." Commented Uzumaki with a small smile appearing on his lips.

So that's it, left some reviews and say what u think about it, the next chapter will explain some more of shinju, the new memories of Naruto and the preliminary stage.

Katon - Housenka no Jutsu - Fire Style - Phoenix Flower Jutsu

ZANKŪKYOKUHA - Extreme Decapitating Soundwaves