AN: Hey all, so yeah this is a new story. I honestly have no idea where it came, I had a flexi day off work and nothing else to do because most everyone else I hang around is at their own work, plus it was raining. So anyway I got bored of Netflix, then kind of just thought of this and said to myself, yeah that sounds like a good idea, and well a few hours later here we have it.

That being said I literally have only the barest of plans for this story so far, but I do like the idea and think it would be fun to explore, so I thought why not, and posted this first chapter, just to see the reaction, and hope there are others who like the idea.

This will have a slightly darker Izuku, and the MC will be slightly older than canon, just because I decided I wanted him to be a few years older.

So yeah anyway, here is the first chapter of the story, I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia, though I do love the anime.

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Chapter 1

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It was a dark and stormy day, with sheets of rain driving downwards drenching anyone foolish enough to be outside on a day like today, and the wind whipping around fiercely, driving the heavy rain onwards, making it an all round miserable day to be out and about.

Despite that though a tall, athletic looking man of about eighteen was standing outside, the man in question ignoring how the rain drenched his short, dark green hair, and rivulets ran down his face and neck, before trickling down onto his battered, brown leather jacket, and soaking the grey hoodie beneath, and the black tactical trousers and leather boots he was also wearing.

No, the man in question was uncaring of all of this, as his green eyes were instead fixed forlornly upon the weathered ceremonial stone in front of him, upon which the name Inko Midoriya was written, the formerly white, clean cut text, having turned a darker greyish colour with age.

Five years, it had been five years since his mother had been killed in a home invasion gone wrong. Five years since his life had been turned upside down, and he, Izuku Midoriya, her son, had been left alone in this world.

It was all a bit unfair really, Inko Midoriya had been a kind and gentle woman, and hadn't deserved to die, not like she had.

She had worked hard as a single mother to raise her son, taking up the position of both the bread winner and the home maker as she did so. A duty that had been foisted upon her, when her son's father had disappeared on her days after Izuku was born, leaving her with a squalling new-born and little to no support.

Despite that though she had raised her precious son, Izuku, and had done a damn good job at it as far as he was concerned.

Of course it hadn't always been easy for her, after all her son had always been a little different. He had always been too mature and perceptive for his age, breaking down anything and everything around him, from other people's Quirks, to their actions and intentions, as he sought to understand everything he could. Which had been something that had led to him not having many friends growing up, and often alienating people.

On top of that she had not only had to see how her son was alienated for his strange social quirks, but she had to watch how he was looked down on, like she herself was, mainly for Izuku being born out of wedlock, and having an absentee father, something which was still seen as shameful by some of the more conservative people, even in this day and age.

On top of that he was also judged for seemingly not having a Quirk, though the doctors claimed he should as he had only one joint in his pinkie toe, as oppose to two, which was apparently a sign that he should have either inherited Inko's Quirk of limited Telekinesis or his father's Quirk, whatever that might have been.

However despite this he had shown no signs of any abilities, and so had been considered Quirkless by many, which had hit Izuku very hard, especially since he had, at the time, had such an obsession with becoming a Hero.

Suffice to say her life had been difficult, as had her sons, but despite that she had made do, and she had built them a nice home, where they lived a mostly happy and peaceful life, just the two of them.

Or rather they had, until one night when a criminal broke in, a Villain, one who used their Quirk to enrich themselves at the expense of others.

The Villain in question had had a pyrokinetic Quirk, which had allowed him to create and manipulate fire with his hands, and had been on the run at the time. Apparently some Hero had dropped the ball and had let the Villain, a hitman for hire, escape after he had burned down an apartment building, massacring at least a score of people within. The Hero in question having held back, so that he could capture the Villain alive, which had given said criminal an opportunity to escape.

With him having then gone on the run, which had led to him using his Quirk to break into the Midoriya's two bed flat, likely so he could hide and lay low for a while. Though just why he chose to target the relatively poor family of two, as oppose to one of the many, many better targets out there, was unknown, even to this day.

Either way he had broken in, and run into Inko Midoriya, who after a brief tussle had been killed, her neck broken when she was blasted in the chest by a gout of fire and sent hurtling into the wall behind her.

A single selfish action from a Villain, and stupid error in judgement from a weak willed Hero, and her life had been stolen, and her son's life had been ruined.

That had not been the end of the story though, because Inko's thirteen year old son, Izuku had been there that night, and had witnessed his mother's death. The traumatic event in question having been enough to cause him to have a severe emotional response, as he lashed out in fury, pain and anguish, releasing a Telekinetic blast as he did so, that had slammed the Villain against the wall and knocked him out.

What happened next after that no one knew, save for Izuku himself, as when the police had arrived at the house a day later, checking in after an anonymous phone call. They had found the corpse of Inko Midoriya lying peaceful on her bed, with her having been covered in a bedsheet. After which they had then found the twisted, and mutilated dead body of the Villain, his face contorted in a rictus of agony, and the top of his head completely ripped open, his brain having been exposed to the open air, lying on the living room floor.

As for the son, Izuku, he had never been found. The police and a number of Heroes had searched for him for weeks, but the only sign that could be found of the teen was of a green haired kid at nearby dock, who had been caught on camera as he stowed away on a ship.

That being said no one thought the boy guilty of the Villain's death, after all the boy's Doctor had reported him as being Quirkless, and it had been assumed that one of the many people hunting the Villain, who was apparently some bigshot hitman with a lot of kills under his belt, had caught up to him and killed him.

Either way the tragic case had been closed and Inko Midoriya had been buried, whilst her son had been reported as missing, and put on a missing person's list, where he would remain for many years to come.

A sigh left the green haired man's lips as he thought back on everything that had happened since then. It had been five years since his mother had died and he had fled the country, partly in fear of the consequences of his actions following him, and partly because he wanted to run away, away from the memories of his mother, and the memories of the life he could have had here.

Five years and this was the first time he had been back to Japan. After all for the last few years he had been travelling across mainland Europe and Asia, with him initially having had no real destination or purpose, as he just went from city to city on a whim, taking any transportation he could, either from stowing away on trains or hitchhiking.

Or at least that was what he originally had done for the first year or two of his self-imposed exile.

After all over the years he had begun to get used to his nomadic lifestyle, and had even got a purpose of sorts. With him identifying himself as a Vigilante, an illegal Hero, or rather an unregistered/ 'untrained' one.

With a Vigilante being one who is willing to use lethal force and break the law if necessary in order to put down Villains and safeguard the vulnerable. After all that was the reason his mother had died wasn't it, a Hero had failed in carrying out his duty, and his sweet, innocent mother had been the one to suffer for his failure.

Izuku swept his hand up through his short green hair at that, pushing the water out of his eyes as he looked down as his mother's headstone. "I'm sorry it's been so long mum. I'd like to say it was because I have been busy, but that would be a lie. I mean, I'm not really sure why I stayed away for so long, but, well I'm here now, and I just wanted to say, I love you, and I miss you."

In response to his quiet words the winds merely whistled around the headstone, and the driving rain continued to fall.

"I'm not sure whether you would be proud of the life I have chosen, as I know I am not an entirely good person, I have taken lives, over a dozen of them, but all of them were criminals or Villains, those who abused their powers at the expense of those weaker than themselves. And in doing so I have saved hundreds, if not thousands. I know it is a fine line I walk, and I know it will be difficult for many to understand, but I really believe I am doing the right thing." Izuku continued on, his tone soft as he continued talking to his long deceased mother.

Izuku then raised his hand into the air after he said that, with the rain in a six foot wide area around him suddenly no longer falling, the raindrops instead pattering away on a dome like shield of telekinetic energy, before they ran down the sides. "And look, I've become so much stronger than I was, and I have finally discovered what my Quirk is."

Izuku smiled as he said that. "I've called it Intuitive Aptitude, and it gives me the ability to instantly learn and understand the complexity and exactness of organisms, objects, and other stuff like that, without needing education or anything like that."

Izuku's smile widened after he said that, a slight chuckle leaving his lips. "I know it doesn't sound like much, but what it also allows me to do is to take other people's Quirks. All I need to do is find out exactly how their abilities work and understand them, and understand what makes them tick and I can take it. Though so far I can only do it being ripping open their heads and examining their brains, which I know, you don't have to say it, is hardly heroic."

Izuku's smile faded at that, remembering as he did the first time he had learned what his Quirk enabled him to do. It had been after his mother had been killed and he had knocked out the Villain, he had felt angry and confused, his mother had been murdered in front of him and he wanted her killer to suffer.

As such he had then gone towards the fallen man, drawing on his sudden ability to use telekinesis as he did so, to freeze the man in place. After which Izuku had gone to work, initially he had found himself compelled to work out just why this man had done what he had, which had later turned to wanting to know what made the man tick, and well several hours later Izuku had his answer, and on top of that had forcibly taken his first Quirk, a pyrokinetic one.

"The thing is I know I can replicate Quirks without killing the person, the fact I have yours is evidence enough of that. But I don't understand how I did it, which is why I only do it to Villains, I know it is a bit messed up, you know the whole killing people and taking their powers, but you should see how strong I have gotten, and how much I have been able to help people with that power." Izuku continued, knowing as he did that his words felt hollow now, even to him.

After all he had taken eight Quirks already, seven of which had come from seven terrible human beings, yet still he hungered for more. It had almost become an obsession by this point, as he continued to prey of Villains, taking their Quirks when he could, and if he could, after all he couldn't take mutation Quirks. Still, he was strong enough already, and didn't need any more power, but despite that he still did it, he still gave into the nearly all-consuming hunger within him.

"Well anyway, I just wanted to drop in and say hi." Izuku sighed after a few moments, an uncomfortable feeling in his gut now after he had admitted to his mother that he had taken lives, and that he was a killer. "I'll be back to visit you soon mum, but just know I, well I am going to try to become a better person. I'm not going to stop helping people, but I'm going to get more control, and learn how to really use my Quirk, and how to take Quirks without hurting the other person."

Once again he received no answer, not that he really had expected one to begin with.

"So I'm going to head off now, I'll visit again soon." Izuku said, nodding his head as he did so, after which he reached out and patted his mother's gravestone once, before he turned away.

His green eyes looking out calmly over the nearby city, before he reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and pull out a red, full face mask, one with two white lens which acted as eyes, allowing him to see out of it, but his distinctive green eyes to not be seen.

Pulling the mask on, Izuku, his identity now once again hidden, cracked his neck to the side, after which he rolled his shoulders, before he then disappearing in a cloud of black mist, using his line of sight, Teleportation Quirk as he did so to vanish from the cemetery, only to reappear over a mile away on the top of a skyscraper, the wind whistling around him now.

It had been five years since he had been in Japan, five long years, but now he was home, and no longer was he the weak, Quirkless and awkward Izuku Midoriya. No, now he was the infamous Vigilante, the scourge of the Underworld, the Shrike!

( - )

(A few days later)

Walking through a dark, slightly secluded alleyway a few days later, his grey hood up and his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket, Izuku couldn't help but look around in curiousity.

It had been a few days since he had come back to Japan, and it had been quiet, as he used his time to rent himself a pretty nice, spacious apartment in the city, one which was fully furnished and had a handy hot tub on the attached balcony.

It was all pretty plush, but Izuku had gotten used to a high standard of living over the last couple of years. Though that might also be due to him trying to over compensate for the couple of years of rough sleeping he had had after his mother died.

Either way he had a pretty nice apartment, one that was only a block or so away from U.A. Academy, one of the most prestigious Hero Academies in the world, and a school that Izuku had ironically once wanted to attended, though that had been back before he realised how limited Heroes were, both by the government and by societal pressures. After all they had to be seen to act in a certain way, and had to show restraint, even when it would be more efficient not to.

Yeah, Izuku didn't think he could deal with that. That's not to say he was some murderous psychopath who killed anybody and everybody he found who broke the law, no, it simply meant that Izuku knew that it was sometimes necessary to put a Villain down permanently, or cripple them gruesomely, in order to ensure that they don't escape and hurt another innocent person.

It came down to personal judgement really, in Izuku's opinion the punishment had to fit the crime. If a person was a rapist and/ or a murder then Izuku would kill them or permanently cripple them depending on the circumstances around their crime. If it was just some punk kid causing trouble or committing petty robbery, then he would rough them up a little and then leave them to be found by the police. The punishment he distributed to Villains and criminals, all came down to how Izuku judged the crime committed.

Yes, that did mean that he saw himself as a judge, jury, and where necessary an executioner, and yes it was possible he might make mistakes. But for the most part he was confident that his actions, although harsh, benefited society as a whole, and safeguarded the most vulnerable in society. And is that not the whole purpose of being a hero?

Either way Izuku had now rented himself an apartment, near to the school, more for his own amusement at the irony of a Vigilante setting up his home within spitting distance of a Hero Academy, than anything. After which he had scoped out his new area for potential trouble. Which meant that now he had some time on his hands, time to both patrol the city, and time to check out his old stomping ground as he headed over in the direction of where his and his mother's apartment used to be.

There was no real reason for this other than curiousity really, his old apartment and the contents had been sold off after all, the proceeds seized either by the government or the few members of his mum's family still around.

With his mum's parasitic family having probably leapt at the chance for a bit of cash from the sale of the apartment, as although they might have shunned her in life for her life choices, like having Izuku out of wedlock, they likely had no qualms rootling through her stuff after she was dead.

That was of course if they had even bothered to claim it, or had a choice, as it could have been that the government just sold off the Midoriya family's assets and used the proceeds for his mum's burial and then kept the rest.

Izuku wasn't sure what had happened, nor did he really care, after all he had never been a materialistic person, and had taken the few valuables that they had possessed with him when he had run off. So in the end it didn't really matter.

Shaking that thought out of his head, Izuku carried on his journey, his hands still stuffed in his pockets as he looked around at the underpass he was walking through. Apparently there had been some incident nearby here just a couple of months ago, as some sludge Villain had robbed a bank and then fled down the high street, only to be one of the most unlucky sods in the world when he then ran slap bang into All Might, one of the strongest Heroes in the world.

Suffice to say the Villain had been defeated and captured in moments, but it had still caused quite a stir, after all it is not every day that Japan's number one hero walks around your neighbourhood.

Since then there had been a sudden decrease in crimes in the city, as the Villains and criminals ran scared, with All Might having been spotted several more times across the city over the last few months, leading to the common believe that he was now living in the area. That and there was also the rumour that All Might was supposedly teaching at U.A. this year, thought that had not been confirmed yet as the class had only just started, and no journalist had been able to get any solid evidence yet.

Still, for Izuku All Might's presence was both good and bad news. Good in the way he had once idolised All Might, and still had a healthy respect for him even now, and bad in the fact that All Might could and probably would be a pain in Izuku's arse if he ran across him whilst crime fighting, as the Number One Hero would try and stop him from dealing out true justice.

Which All Might would almost certainly succeed in doing, after all Izuku knew he was pretty strong, but he also knew that All Might was likely much stronger and much more experienced. In fact if it wasn't for the nostalgia factor of coming back to his old home, then Izuku would probably have moved elsewhere, that or just turned around and head back to mainland Europe or Asia.

But no, he had decided to stay, in part so he could continue to help people and progress his Quirk until he no longer necessarily needed to kill people to take Quirks, but also so he could settle down and start a real life. After all the nomadic lifestyle had been alright for a few years, but Izuku wanted more than that, he wanted to settle down and have a real life.

It was all pretty complicated really, and for someone who's Quirk allowed him to inherently understand most things, it was especially so. After all he both wanted to continue to be a Vigilante, whilst also setting down roots.

"Hey you, what are you doing down there?" A loud voice suddenly called out, distracting Izuku from his inner thoughts as he looked up, his gaze landing on a uniformed police officer a couple of metres in front of him.

Izuku's brow furrowed as he saw this, even as he activated another one of the Quirks he had harvested, a Telepathy Quirk which allowed him to hear the inner thoughts of those around him, though unfortunately it was only a one way street, as he couldn't put his own thoughts into other people's heads or manipulate minds and what not, just hear what they were thinking at the time.

Still it was a handy Quirk, and one he had taken from a rather nasty Mafia Boss in Italy, who had been using his abilities to slowly take over the many different crime families in Europe and expand his criminal empire, or at least he had been doing so, until Izuku had ambushed him and his goons in a 'safe house'.

Tilting his head, Izuku was instantly reassured when he realised that this police man didn't know who Izuku was, which is what had first worried him, though the man was still suspicious of Izuku for some reason. "Just taking a short cut, why is there a problem officer?"

The police office paused as he heard that, his eyes narrowing for a moment as he eyed Izuku up and down, judging his words and his appearance, before his suspicions were somewhat assuaged. "Yes, we've had a few muggings and killings around here recently, so the police presence in the area has been ramped up a bit. Plus we are keeping an eye out for suspicious behaviour, and people…"

"Ahh ok," Izuku nodded as he walked up to the police officer, hearing the officer's mental discomfort and cautiousness as he did so, which caused him to stop a comfortable distance away from the man, after which he slowly took his hands out of his pockets and revealed he was holding noting, certainly not the knife the perpetrator apparently used, according to the police officer's thoughts as he eyed Izuku up and down, looking for a concealed weapon. "Well as I said, I am kind of new to the area. I moved into an apartment not far from here a week or so ago, and have been wandering around, you know, so I can get to know the area a bit."

The police officer nodded at that, relaxing slightly as Izuku's willingness to share titbits about himself, put the man at ease.

"Well, I would be careful in your wanderings. This place has been pretty safe for the last few months, but as I said some nasty piece of work has been taking advantage of that, and there have been quite a few muggings and casualties, two deaths too." Police office said with a grimace, before he nodded at Izuku, not as suspicious as before, but still slightly wary.

"Thanks officer, I appreciate the help." Izuku replied with a smile and a nod, one that the policeman briefly returned before he turned and walked off, with Izuku not moving from his spot as he watched the policeman walk around the corner and disappear.

After which Izuku continued on, pulling his hood down, even as he looked around at the area, after which he headed over to the park, the one which was just in front of his old apartment. His gaze somewhat melancholy as he saw the park was still busy, as too was the main high street, despite the recent spate of crime there were still people out and about enjoying themselves. Though that might have also been because of the noticeable police presence in the area.

Heading along the park, Izuku reached out and absentmindedly trailed his hand along the cold metal railings that ran along the park, taking in the laughter and chatter of all the innocent people around him as he did so.

Some people may call him a monster because of what he did, but Izuku didn't think the same. Only those willing to be killed should kill, and he was willing to be killed and to kill if it meant that families could go out and enjoy a day in a park like this.

In fact the only thing he really regretted was his own lack of understanding in regards to his own Quirk, which led to him having to kill the people whose Quirk's he wanted. It was especially annoying as his Quirk allowed him to breakdown and analyse other people, their Quirks and their fighting styles with ease. But when it came to understanding himself, and his own original Quirk, he was lost.

"Oi, gormless!" A loud obnoxious voice suddenly shouted from in front of him, catching Izuku's attention as he looked down only to see a teenaged boy who looked a couple of years younger than him, maybe around fifteen, or possibly sixteen. With the kid in question, having spiky blonde hair, red eyes and a scowl on his face. The kid looked familiar, very familiar. "Watch where you are fucking going! You damn dipshit! Get in my way again and you'll regret it!"

'Katsuki Bakago.' Izuku thought instantly as he recognised the kid now, his lips twitching up in amusement as he activated his Telepathy Quirk and read the boy's surface thoughts, all of which were angry, arrogant and aggressive.

Bakago had been Izuku's childhood friend, of sorts, though whether you could actually call them friends was debatable. After all Izuku had been an awkward and off-putting kid, and Bakago had been a hot-headed little shit, one who came into his powerful Explosion Quirk early, and due to the adulation of both his fellow students and teachers, quickly became arrogant and conceited about it.

In fact their entire friendship had consisted of Izuku, who was a couple of years older than Bakago but still knew him due to both of their mother's being very good friends, trying join in with Bakago and his friends, only to be berated by the hot-tempered Bakago. It hadn't been much of a friendship really, and Izuku honestly hadn't spared the younger boy a thought, not since he had learnt the extent of his own Quirk, and how much better it was that Bakago's.

"Fucking punk! Don't you know who I am! I just started U.A. and am already the top of the year! Plus I'm going to be the next Number One Hero, so have some fucking respect!" Bakago shouted loudly, his voice attracting the attention of some of passer-by's as he glared at Izuku.

"U.A. eh," Izuku replied in amusement, before he moved to onside, and gave Bakago an obviously exaggerated bow of deference. "Then please don't let me get in your way."

"Hn." Bakago grunted obliviously, before he shouldered past Izuku, ignorant of the amused looked on Izuku's face as he watched him pass. Five years may have changed Izuku a lot, but Bakago was the same arse he always was. Still it was good he was at least putting his effort towards doing something good, like becoming a hero. Sure they may be limited in just what they could accomplish, but Izuku wasn't about to deny that they did do a lot of good too.

That being said, Bakago could definitely do with an attitude adjustment. Though that was something for his teachers to deal with, as oppose to Izuku, however if he came across the kid causing trouble whilst out on patrol, he would not be opposed teaching Bakago some humility.

Shaking his head at that, Izuku continued on way, as he confidently walked past the park, a slight smile playing around his face as he saw how little things had really changed.

It was both gratifying to see things were still so pleasant, but also a bit depressing that his and his mother's absence had changed so little. Still they had been a quiet family for the most part, with only a few close friends, so maybe the lack of impact their loss had had on the area wasn't all that surprising.

( - )


Heading back through the same underpass as before, and out of his old neighbourhood about an hour or so later, Izuku slowed his pace slightly as he noticed that evening was closing in, though more importantly because he was able to pick up on a nearby presence.

Coming to a stop, in the middle of the dimly lit underpass, Izuku shifted left and right as he tried to focus in on the nearby presence. However as he did so he found himself looking at nothing, there was seemingly nobody around him.

Twitching the fingers of his right hand, a slight smile spread across Izuku's face as he shifted his positon slightly. "Nice try."

What followed next was as swift as it was brutal, as Izuku twisted around, his right arm up and at the ready, drawing on another one of his stolen Quirks as he did so. This one being a handy Bone Manipulation Quirk that he had gotten from a street thug/ murderer in Germany. With this one being perhaps his favourite Quirk of all the ones he had harvested thus far, save for his mother's Telekinetic one of course, as it allowed him to create, manipulate and outwardly project the bones in his body at will.

Which is why as he twisted around, a spike of bone erupted from his arm, before it detached, creating a dense, three foot spike which Izuku gripped tightly in his hand. One which was now stained red as it was impaled through an invisible body, one that reappeared moments later as the person in question let out a low moan of pain, even as the knife in his hand clattered to the floor.

Wrenching the spike of bone out of the man's gut, Izuku's other hand whipped up and smashed his would be attacker in the throat, sending him crashing to the floor, blood now gushing out of the bloody wound in his gut, even as he gagged and choked, grabbing at his now crushed throat uselessly.

"An Invisibility Quirk eh, that seems pretty useful. Unfortunately for you though it didn't hide you from me." Izuku said calmly, as he spun the spike of bone in his hand, before kneeling down and wiping the blood off of it on murderous mugger's clothing. All the while he kept on listening to the man's pained thoughts in interest, as the man tried to work out what had happened, incidentally giving away certain aspects of his Quirk as he did so.

"Interesting, so you can only make yourself invisible to one person at a time, and you have to be looking at that person to do so." Izuku mused, as this Quirk, like quite a few of the ones he had come across, in that it had an odd weakness, and was not perfect.

"Harghhoow."The murderer gargled, one hand clenching the bloody wound in his gut, whilst the other clutched his throat.

"How, well you could make your body invisible to me, but not your mind." Izuku replied pleasantly, before he crouched down next to the murderer. "But anyway, I think that's enough talking for now. As I am curious about just how exactly that Quirk of yours works."

The murderer's eyes widened at that, recognising the murderous look in the still pleasantly smiling Izuku's eyes as he did so, even as he tried to get away, only to find himself frozen as Izuku dropped the bone spike and telekinetically held the murderer still with one hand, even as he raised his other hand into the air, his first two fingers extended as he began to draw it through the air.

If the murderous mugger were able to, he would have screamed as he felt the agonizing pain of the flesh and bone of his skull being sliced through by a telekinetic blade, unfortunately though he couldn't.

In fact all he could do was stare in pain and horror as blood down his face and obscured his blurring vision as Izuku continued to rip his head open.

( - )

AN: So yeah as I said it is a bit rough, but I thought I would post it as I had finished it, and I was curious to see the reaction and whether anyone liked the idea, as I know it is somewhat darker than most My Hero Academia Stories are.

That being said the Midoriya in this story is partially based off Sylar from Heroes, though I have of course edited the personality and the back story, in the hopes of making the character my own. So kind of like a combination of Red Hood from DC, Sylar from Heroes and Izuku from My Hero Academia all rolled into one. So yeah should hopefully be a fun character to explore if I continue the story.

For those interested here are the list of powers Izuku has, and he is a powerful character, but is not in the same league as All Might or One for All:

- Original Quirk: Intuitive Aptitude (Is the power to instantly learn and understand the complexity and exactness of organisms, objects, etc. without the need of long-term or special education.)

- Manipulation (Can make his bones denser or lighter, can extend them from his flesh and grow and mould them at will.)

- Telepathy (One way, can only hear thoughts, can't manipulate or push thoughts on other's minds. Can't see memories either.)

- Cellular Regeneration (Can heal on a cellular level)

- Telekinesis (Limited, he can only control things within six feet of him, or extend his ability that far.)

- Pyrokinesis (Extends from his hands, he can create and manipulate fire at will.)

- Alchemy/ Chrysopoeia (He can turn any metal he touches to gold.)

- Fear induced superstrength. (He can convert the fear of those around him into physical strength.)

- Line of sight teleportation. (Warping quirk, disappears in a black mist and reappears in the same black mist.)

- In the first chapter he gains a new ability, invisibility, which allows him to make himself invisible to those he is looking at, can only be used on one person at a time.

So yeah as I said I kind of sketched this all out today, but for he first chapter I am pretty happy with it, even if it is just a tester of sorts, to see the reaction.

Thanks for reading and I hope you all leave a review.

See you later.
