Yu-Gi-Oh! Rise of a Legend

Chapter 1

Two teenage boys, one with blonde hair and another with tri colored spiky hair that had a pendant in the shape of a upside down pyramid called the Millennium Puzzle around his neck that was dressed in blue school uniforms sat across from each other at a desk with cards in their hands.

The teen with blonde hair had his brown eyes narrowed in focus, trying to decide which card to play. Finally have decided, he placed down a card with the image with a spear and dagger called "Kagemusha of the Blue Flame." Atk: 800.

"Pretty good move eh, Yugi?" the blonde asked with a huge grin, proud of his decision as he ended his turn.

Yugi Muto couldn't help but smile at his best friend. As much he admired his spirit, he wasn't about to go easy on him.

"Pretty good Joey," he complimented as he selected one card from his hand, "but I got a better one."

Without any hesitation he placed down a card of green dragon called "Blackland Fire Dragon" on the table in attack position, Atk: 1500. His grin grew ever so wider as he finished off the last of his friend's life points, winning the duel.

Joey Wheeler stared in shock, glancing between the two cards in disbelief, grasping the comprehension he had just lost. Finally after a few seconds, he snickered with his hands resting behind his head.

"Seems I still got a lot to learn when it comes to Duel Monsters." he commented.

"Duel Monsters, don't think I heard of that game before." a teenage boy with brown pointed hair piped up as he leaned on Joey's shoulder, "Though from the looks of it, you don't seem very good at it."

With twitching brow, the blond-haired teen replied "Nyeh, shut yer trap Tristan." whilst shoving him away.

Yugi couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, "Well in order to play, you need a deck of at least 40 cards and then you also has 4000 life points, and once they reach zero, you win the duel. Also the game Duel Monsters has three different type of cards, monster cards, spell cards and trap cards, of course there is different types of monsters, spells and traps".

Yugi held up his Blackland Fire Dragon card so the ones around him could see it before he continued with a smile, "Monster cards are divided into normal monsters, effect monsters, Fusion monster and Ritual monsters, Ritual monsters needs a special Ritual card in order to be summoned, and Fusion monsters needs a card called Polymerization in order to be summoned by fusing two or more monsters together".

Yugi placed Blackland Fire Dragon back in to his deck along with his other cards before he shuffled it, "Spell cards normally are meant to help you, like increasing your monsters attack points or defense points, increase your life points, there is also Quick-Play spell cards that you can activate during both player's turn that can in some cases turn a battle in your favor".

Yugi then placed his deck back in to his deck box, "And then there is trap cards which is meant to cause trouble for your opponent, like destroying their monsters, weakening them, inflict effect damage to them.

Yugi then got shocked when he received compliments for not only knowing so much about the game, but also being very skilled. He couldn't help but blush a bit out of flattery. He didn't see himself as a skilled duelist. He just only saw himself as a regular kid just having fun.

He tried to downplay the praise he was receiving but immediately heard a female voice tell him otherwise, "Oh come on Yugi, you're always selling yourself short, I know that I don't really know much about it, but based on what I saw, you're quite good".

His purple eyes glancing upwards, he saw a girl with brown hair and blue eyes smiling at him, reinforcing the praises.

Out of reflex, the teen immediately glanced downward with a bright blush on his face. He knew the girl, Tea Gardner, was always trying to boost his confidence since they were kids. It was an attribute he admired in her; the ability to see the best in people. It was because of this he carried a strong crush for her. Even when he was at his lowest point, he knew he could always count on Tea to help him straight back up.

"So Yug, where did you learn to play like that any way?" Joey questioned, snapping the teen out of his wistful thoughts.

"Oh I guess I should explain myself. See my grandpa owns a game shop." Yugi began to explain, "I was curious about the game and he taught me how to play. He's a really great teacher. I've learned about all sorts of cards. He even has a special rare card."

"Rare, how rare are we talking?" the blonde replied out of curiosity.

"Pretty rare, if you like, I can ask him if he wants to show it to you guys." the tri-colored-haired teen replied.

Excitement clearly shined in the three teens' eyes. They didn't want to pass up the opportunity to see such a rare item. But unknown to them, they weren't the only ones interested.

Sitting across the room with a book in hand was a fifteen year-old with brown hair. His icy cold blue eyes slightly shifted toward the direction of the group. His eyes narrowed when he heard the talk of a rare card. He found it hard to believe an owner of a small card shop would be in possession of something so rare. Yet no matter how much he tried, he couldn't demolish the curiosity lingering in his mind.

Once the school day had end, Yugi and his friends didn't waste any time making their way to game shop. Upon arriving they were greeted with the sight of an old man with spiky gray hair and beard, dressed in brown overalls. He was struggling to carry a large box. It was Solomon Muto, Yugi's grandfather.

Noticing this, Yugi quickly ran over, helping lift up the box and carry it over to the counter.

"Oh Yugi, you didn't need to do that." the old man stated.

The sixteen year-old simply smiled as he replied "It's no trouble at all, Grandpa. Besides, I enjoy helping out with the shop."

Yugi's grandfather chuckled before finally turning his attention to the rest of the teenager's standing in the room.

"Now I recognize Tea, but not the other two. Yugi, are these friends of yours as well?" he asked to confirm his thoughts.

The teen nodded his head in response before introducing Joey and Tristan, explaining how they were curious to see his rare card.

Yugi's grandfather couldn't help but smile. It was heartwarming to see his grandson make friends, especially when Tea was his only one for the longest time. Deciding to fulfill the young teen's wish, he walked around to the back of the counter and pulled out a small wooden box.

"Now I just want you all to know that this card is truly special and that I wouldn't part with it for anything in the world. So don't be disappointed when I don't wish to sell it to you." he stated in a stern tone.

He watched as the three teens nodded their heads in understanding before opening up the box. Inside was a single card featuring a drawing of a white dragon with blue eyes.

Joey's eyes practically lit up in amazement. He had thought the cards Yugi had used during their match were powerful cards, yet they were nothing compared to the one before him.

"Do you have any more cards like this one? I would love to buy them!" he asked eagerly.

"I do not, this my only copy of Blue-Eyes White Dragon and as I said I don't intend to sell it, card collectors would pay a fortune for this card since it only exists four copies of it in the world." Yugi's grandfather replied, but upon noticing the small disappoint on Joey's face continued "But I can show you what I am selling, we can see if there's anything you like."

At that instant, the blonde immediately sprung up in excitement.
The group of teens got ready to start browsing the selection of cards the shop had to offer. Yet before they could start looking, they heard the door open. Turning around, they saw standing in the doorway was none other than the brunette with icy-blue eyes. The group of teens was immediately taken back in shock. They knew the teen as Seto Kaiba, CEO of Kaiba Corp.

Kaiba glanced around the shop with clear disinterest painted on his face. He knew the shop certainly wouldn't be high standard or glamorous, but he considered its appearance below his expectations. Not even bothering to speak to the teens, he made his way to the counter, shoving Joey to the side slightly whilst doing so.
Joey snarled in anger, he most suddenly would've lunge at at the young CEO if it weren't for Yugi holding him.

Deciding to shatter the deafening silence, Yugi's grandfather spoke up "Is there anything I can help you with young man?"

The brunette did not reply; having no interest in speaking to those beneath his level. His eyes careful scanned the counter, searching for the supposed rare card. It only took a few seconds for him to spot the Blue-Eyes White Dragon card. Upon seeing it, he inhaled sharply and lost control of his calm and stern composure.

It's true! This old man has a Blue-Eyes White Dragon card! He thought in disbelief, Why is it in a dump like this?! Ugh, that doesn't matter! Right now I need to get it!

Brushing aside his shocked thoughts, Kaiba finally uttered his first words by exclaiming "How much are you willing to sell that card for?"

Solomon furrowed his brows together in concern. While the teen seemed harmless, he felt worry over the teen's reaction to a single card. Deciding to give him an answer, the old man closed the box and placed it back in the counter.

"I will tell you the same thing I told my grandson's friends. This card is not for sale and I will not part with it no matter what is offered to me I got this card from a very dear friend of mine, and so to me, this card is almost as valuable to me as my friend is".

Solomon looked at Kaiba with a smile, "I have other cards available for sell if you're interested. But if this is the only thing you want, I'm afraid you'll have to take your business elsewhere."

Kaiba couldn't believe what he was hearing. His teeth clenched together in frustration. No one in his life had denied him of anything and he wasn't about to let an old man to be the first. Without another word, he stormed out of the shop, slamming the door loudly behind him. If he couldn't gain the card through purchase, then he would resort to other means, anything to get the job done. With this in mind, a dark and slightly sadistic smirk formed on Kaiba's face.

Later that evening, Kaiba was sitting in his office at Kaiba Corp waiting, then a man with brown hair with the shape of a spike in front came in to the office, Kaiba looked at him, "Did you find the cards?" He asked with a serious tone in his voice, hoping for the man's sake that he had good news.

The man nodded his head and held up three cards, "It was not easy to find them, however we managed to find them and get our hands on them, not only that, but we also found a few support cards for them".

Kaiba got a cruel smirk on his face, "Good, which means that the only one left is the old man, well, I have something special planned for him, a little punishment for refusing selling the card to me". Kaiba let out a chuckle.

The next morning, Yugi's grandfather had just opened the shop and was cleaning the desk when he heard the door bell ring as the door opened, "Good morn…"

However he got quiet when he saw two tall men in suits with a smaller butler looking bald man with small glasses in front of them. The smaller man took a step forward, "My dear sir, my boss, Seto Kaiba has challenged you to a duel, so I would like you to come with us, and also bring a certain card with you".

Solomon narrowed his eyes slightly, "And if I were to… refuse the challenge?"

The short man chuckled, "I'm afraid that refusing is not acceptable, you will come with us willingly, or we will bring you by force". Solomon looked at the men behind the shorter man, he then sighed tired, knowing that he had no way out of this challenge.

"Fine, I'll come with you, and I'll show that young man a thing or two about the Heart of the Cards". Solomon went behind the desk and grabbed his deck as well as his Blue-Eyes White Dragon and put it in to his deck before he followed the men in to a limo that drove towards Kaiba Corp.

Later that day, Yugi and his friends was walking towards the Kame game shop, Joey and Yugi had dueled in school again, and while it had gone a little better for Joey, he still lost pretty easy to Yugi, which is why he wanted more cards and maybe a few tips from Yugi's grandfather.

Yugi opened the door to the game shop, "I'm home grandpa". However to his shock he didn't receive an answer since the shop was empty.

Joey looked at Yugi confused, "Do you think he went out to buy something?"

Tea however shook her head, "I don't think so, he would never forget to close the shop and lock the door if he went out right Yugi?" She turned towards Yugi while she asked that.

Yugi had a troubled expression on his face, "You're right Tea, he would never forget to close the shop if he goes out to get something, this is unlike him and that makes me worried".

Tristan placed a hand on Yugi's shoulder with a reassuring smile on his face, "I'm sure that he's fine Yugi, I mean he must just have forgotten to lock the door for once, that happens to everyone right?"

Yugi nodded his head, but he still wasn't fully convinced. However at that moment so rang the phone in the shop.

Yugi walked over to the phone on the wall and picked it up and held it to his ear, "Hello, this is the Kame game shop".

Yugi's eyes when widened in shock when he heard the voice on the other side of the line, "Ah, Yugi, I'm glad I got a hold of you". Yugi didn't like the cruel tone he heard in Kaiba's voice, "Kaiba?"

Tea, Joey and Tristan got shocked and then suspicious expressions on their faces when they heard Yugi say Kaiba's name.

Yugi then listened as Kaiba continued with a cruel mocking tone, "You're grandfather came to Kaiba Corp for a friendly duel, however the old man isn't feeling well right now, so please come by and pick him up".

Kaiba then hung up before Yugi could ask what he meant, Yugi looked at the phone with a worried expression on his face, Yugi then hung up the phone before he looked at his friends, "Grandpa is at Kaiba Corp, according to Kaiba, they dueled against each other, however something is wrong with grandpa".

Tea got a worried expression on her face while Joey clenched his fists while Tristan turned towards the door again, "Then what are you waiting for? Let's get to him fast". Joey and Tea nodded and all four of them ran out of the game shop in order to get to Kaiba Corp.

A while later, the gang had reached the Kaiba Corp headquarters and ran over to the elevator and got in to it and then it brought them all up to the top of the tall Kaiba Corp building.

Once the doors to the elevator opened up the gang got horrified at the sight of Solomon lying on the floor groaning in pain.

Yugi quickly ran towards Solomon, "Grandpa, Grandpa! What's wrong grandpa?" Yugi went down a knee in front of Solomon with a worried expression on his face.

Solomon looked up at Yugi with a pained expression and barely managed to speak, "Y…Yugi… I lost… I was forced to duel that Kaiba kid and wanted to teach him to duel with the heart and to trust your deck, but I lost… a… and then…" Kaiba then groaned in pain while he held his hand over his chest which made Yugi even more worried.

Kaiba then appeared out a door opening, "How is the old man feeling?" Kaiba had a smirk on his face as he said it.

Joey, Tea and Tristan glared at Kaiba with disdain, "Kaiba you damn bastard! What did you do to gramps?!" Joey screamed while it looked like was holding himself back from running over and punching Kaiba in the face.

Kaiba chuckled while he closed his eyes while the smirk on his face grew bigger, "All we did was duel in the virtual stadium my company has been developing and we also betted our best card, however the old man no match for me and of course received a punishment because of it which seemed a little too much for his old heart".

Tea pointed at Kaiba while Tristan was forced to hold Joey to prevent him from attacking Kaiba even though he wanted to do so himself, "I beat you used dirty tricks during that your match!"

Kaiba looked at her with a slightly insulted expression on his face, "No way, when it comes to Duel Monsters, I always play by the rules". He then got a smirk on his face again as he took out a card of his pocket and then revealed it and the gang gasped when they saw that it was Yugi's grandfather's Blue-Eyes White Dragon card.

"And look at the nice prize I won, now I wonder what should I do with it?" He then turned the card over on side before grabbed both ends of the card.

Yugi's eyes widened in fear and horror when he realized what Kaiba was about to do, "Kaiba, don't do it!"

Kaiba who was about to rip Blue-Eyes White Dragon in half stopped and looked at Yugi while his smirk grew bigger, "And why should I listen to you? After all I won this card from your grandfather, which means I can do whatever I want with it?"

Yugi looked at Kaiba with an angry expression on his face while tears threatened to appear in his eyes, "How can you be so cruel? That card is irreplaceable for grandpa so how could you take it from him and then threaten to destroy it?"

Kaiba let out a cruel laugh, "You mean that Heart of the Cards nonsense your grandfather said he would try and teach me? Don't tell me you actually believe that nonsense".

Kaiba held up Blue-Eyes, "Power is all that matters in Duel Monsters, which is why a monster as powerful as Blue-Eyes White Dragon is wasted on a fool like your grandfather".

Yugi gritted his teeth, Kaiba then lowered his arm that held Blue-Eyes White Dragon, "I asked you to come so I could tear this card in front of you before you took your grandfather to the hospital, however I got a better idea now, duel me Yugi".

Yugi widened in shock when he heard that, "Duel you? Are you crazy? I need to take grandpa to a hospital, I can't waste time dueling you".

Kaiba chuckled, "Your friends can take him to the hospital while we duel, and as a bonus…" Kaiba held up Blue-Eyes White Dragon again, "If you manage to defeat me while believing in your grandfather's philosophy, I'll return this Blue-Eyes White Dragon".

Yugi got even more shocked when he heard that, he then narrowed his eyes, "You're really that confident that you'll win?"

Kaiba nodded his head, "Of course, and once I've defeated you and proven that your grandfather's believes are nothing but nonsense, I'll tear this Blue-Eyes apart in front of your eyes, then you're going to have to tell your grandfather how you failed him".

Yugi gritted his teeth, however he then noticed how his grandpa held out a deck towards him, "Grandpa?"

Solomon's hand was shaking as he held out his deck towards, "Take it Yugi, I put my entire heart in to making this deck, my soul is inside of it, and I taught you everything I know about Duel Monsters and you have since a while ago surpassed me, so please, use this deck to teach that boy Kaiba a lesson about believing in your deck".

Yugi looked at his grandpa while he hesitated, he didn't want to disappoint his grandfather, but he knew that he needed to get his grandpa to the hospital.

However Yugi then heard Joey exclaim, "Take him down Yugi!" Yugi turned his head around shocked and looked at Tristan and Joey who looked at him with determined expressions on their faces while Tea was talking in her cell phone.

Joey then continued, "We'll make sure that gramps gets to the hospital, so all you need to focus is to teach that arrogant rich boy a lesson by using gramps deck".

Yugi looked at Joey and Tristan who looked at him with expressions of total faith that he would be able to beat Kaiba, "You guys…"

Tea came towards them while she put away her cell phone, "I just called for an ambulance". She then looked at Yugi with the same expression as Joey and Tristan, "Joey is right, let us take care of grandpa and just focus on defeating Kaiba, for your grandpa's sake Yugi".

Joey nodded his head and got a smile on his face, "We know you can do it, after all you're more amazing that you know, after all, you managed to change me and Tristan who was nothing but troublemakers and made us better people, so defeating Kaiba should be easy for you, especially since your grandpa told us yesterday that you're good enough to participate in the Regional Championship and would most likely win the whole thing".

Yugi looked at his friends for a few seconds before he got a determined expression on his face. He turned towards his grandpa and took the deck, "Alright grandpa, I'll defeat him for you by using the deck you built".

Solomon got a weak grateful smile on his face, "Thank you Yugi, I know you can do this my boy".

Tea then took out a marker, "Guys, gather together and hold out your right hands". Yugi, Joey and Tristan looked at her confused but did as she told them, she then held out her hand too and then drew a smiley that covered all of their hands.

The three boys looked at the pieces of the smiley they had on their separate hands confused, "What's this? Why did you draw a smiley on our hands Tea?"

Tea held up her right hand and showed her part of the smiley, "This is the symbol of our friendship and the bond between the four of us, the ink will fade away eventually, but its meaning will never as it will remain in our hearts forever". The boys looked at the parts of the smiley on their hands again before they looked at Tea with smiles on their faces and nodded their heads.

Tristan then bent down while Yugi and Joey carefully placed Solomon on his back. Tristan then got up and walked hurried towards the elevator while Tea looked at Joey, "Joey, leave grandpa to me and Tristan, stay here and support Yugi". Tea herself wanted to stay to support her childhood friend that had always been there for her, but she also wanted to make sure that grandpa would be okay which is why she decided to ask Joey to stay.

Joey got a shocked expression on his face for a second before he got a serious expression on his face and he nodded his head, "Alright, just take good care of gramps Tea". Tea nodded her head and ran towards the elevator where Tristan was waiting.

Kaiba chuckled, "Your friendship sure is touching, however I'm getting bored here watching you guys, so how about we get started?" Joey turned around and growled while he glared at Kaiba.

A man in a suit then came up next to Kaiba and Kaiba gave him the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, "Take this to Mokuba and tell him to give it to Wheeler over there if I lose this duel". The man nodded his head before he left.

Kaiba then turned towards Yugi who was looking at him, he looked at the deck Yugi was holding in his hands and a mocking smirk appeared on his face, "If you think you can beat me with that pathetic deck then please just try it, now follow me". Kaiba turned around and walked through the door opening with Yugi and Joey not far behind him.

A little while later Joey was standing in front of spectator seats while he was standing next to the railing while he looked at a large stadium room and saw how Kaiba and Yugi appeared on two platforms.

Kaiba looked at Yugi, "I've personally designed this virtual stadium, this system will make the game of Duel Monsters more interesting". Kaiba then placed his deck down on its spot, "Are you ready to play, shrimp?"

Yugi placed his deck down on its spot, "The time for games is over Kaiba". The Millennium Puzzle around his neck then began glowing and a bright light appeared out of it. Once the light disappeared, Yugi had grown gotten a head taller, three of his blonde locks was standing up against the black spiky hair like lightning bolts, his usually half round eyes was more narrowed now and the confident expression on his face was not usually on Yugi's face.

Kaiba's eyes widened in shock, at the same time, next to Yugi so appeared the normal Yugi, "Yami, why did you take over?" The one called Yami looked at Yugi, "I'm just worried Yugi, it's not that I don't think you're not good enough to defeat him, I just have a bad feeling".

Yugi looked at Yami who looked at him with a concerned expression on his face. Yugi's grandpa had given him the Millennium Puzzle 8 years ago to see if he could complete it since no one had been able to put it together since it was found, it had taken him 8 years, but he had managed to finish it a few months ago.

Yugi then had noticed that from time to time, he had gaps in his memory, he eventually suspected he had another self inside of himself due to the Puzzle that took over at those times, and eventually, he managed to contact his other self, he then learned that his other self was a spirit inside of his Puzzle that had no memories about himself, so since he was like a more confident version of Yugi, they decided to call him Yami.

Yugi nodded his head, "I understand Yami, I'll leave this duel to you". Yami smiled at Yugi before he turned towards Kaiba and both of them drew their first five cards.

Kaiba placed his fingers on his deck, "The first move is mine". He drew his sixth card and looked at it, a smirk appeared on his face before he placed it on the display table in front of him, "I summon Ryo-Kishin Powered in attack mode".

A green light appeared in front of Kaiba and inside of it a purple fiend creature appeared, Atk: 1600.

Yami got a shocked expression on his face, "What? You brought the monster to life?" He narrowed his eyes, This isn't a Shadow Game, so how did Ryo-Kishin Powered appear like that? He wondered.

Kaiba chuckled, "Yeah, thanks to my virtual simulator which turns the monsters in to holograms with life imitating abilities, also the effects of spells and traps will also appear as holograms as well".

Kaiba looked at his hand, "I end my turn now, so make your move Yugi".

Yami narrowed his eyes, "So this is how you defeated my grandpa". He then placed his fingers on his deck and drew his sixth card and looked at it. He then placed it in his hand and grabbed another card in his hand, "I'll start by summoning Breaker the Magical Warrior in attack mode". A green light appeared in front of Yami and a magician in red armor with a magical sword and a red shield, Atk: 1600.

Yami then held out his hand, "And now, Breaker the Magical Warrior's special ability activates, when he's normal summoned, he gain one spell counter as well as 300 attack points". Breaker the Magical Warrior, Atk: 1600-1900.

Joey couldn't believe his eyes as he looked at the monsters standing on the field ready to battle against each other.

Yami then grabbed another card in his hand and revealed it to be a spell card with the image of a book, "And next, I equip Breaker with the spell card Book of Secret Arts, now this card will increase the attack and defense of the spellcaster it's equipped to by 300 points". Breaker the Magical Warrior Atk & Def: 1900-2200/1000-1300.

Yami then pointed at Ryu-Kishin Powered, "Now Breaker, attack his Ryu-Kishin Powered!" Breaker's sword began to glow and then he swung it at Ryu-Kishin Powered and sent a slash of energy towards him and destroyed him, causing Kaiba to shield his face, Kaiba LP: 4000-3400.

Yami looked at Kaiba, "That ends my turn, your move Kaiba".

A small boy with long black hair appeared next to the railing and looked at Kaiba worried, "Seto! Are you okay?" It was Kaiba's younger brother, Mokuba Kaiba.

Kaiba didn't answer Mokuba and just placed his fingers on his deck and drew his next card. He got a smirk on his face and looked at Yami, "Not a bad move for a rookie, however now since my field is empty, I can special summon Kaiser Vorse Raider from my hand". A green light appeared in front of Kaiba again and a blue skin creature with purple armor clothes and a giant axe in its hands appeared on the field, Atk: 1900.

Yami narrowed his eyes, "Kaiser Vorse Raider huh? That's indeed a powerful monster, however it's still not strong enough to take down my Breaker".

Kaiba's smirk grew bigger as he grabbed another card in his hand, "It's true that your Breaker the Magical Warrior has 2200 while my Kaiser Vorse Raider only has 1900, however…" He revealed the card he had grabbed and it was a spell card with the image of a goblin shrinking to half of its original size, "By activating the spell card Shrink, I can cut your Breaker's original attack points in half".

Yami got a worried expression on his face when he heard that, Breaker the Magical Warrior, Atk: 2200-1400.

Kaiba then grabbed another card, "And next, I summon Peten the Dark Clown in attack mode". A green light appeared next to Kaiser Vorse Raider and a clown with the red hat with purple hair on it in a yellow and green strip suit appeared on the field, Atk: 500.

Kaiba then pointed at Breaker, "Now Kaiser Vorse Raider, attack Breaker the Magical Warrior now". Kaiser Vorse Raider ran towards Breaker while he raised his axe before he swung it down at Breaker and slashed him with it, destroying Breaker and causing Yami to shield his face, Yami LP: 4000-3500.

Kaiba then held out his hand towards Kaiser Vorse Raider, "And now Kaiser Vorse Raider's special ability activates, when he destroys a monster in battle, he also gains 500 more attack points". Kaiser Vorse Raider then roared, Atk: 1900-2400.

Yami gritted his teeth while Yugi who was in spirit form looked at him worried, "This is bad Yami, we need to destroy that Kaiser Vorse Raider before he becomes too powerful" Yami looked at Yugi and saw that as he was as worried as he sounded, and to be truthful, he was just as concerned as Yugi was.

Kaiba then pointed at Yami, "Now prepare yourself Yugi, because Peten the Dark Clown will now attack your life points directly". Peten then chuckled as he spun around on the spot and vanished before he appeared behind Yami and pulled out a dagger and stabbed Yami in the back, causing him to gasp, Yami LP: 3500-3000.

Peten then reappeared on Kaiba's field while Kaiba looked at his hand before he looked at Yami, "I end my turn, make your move Yugi".

Joey had a shocked expression on his face, "Wait, he's just gonna leave his Peten unprotected like that? I'm sure that Yug has something that can easily blast it to pieces".

Yami however narrowed his eyes, he knew why Kaiba had left Peten unprotected on the field, Yugi looked at Yami while he narrowed his eyes, "He's baiting us, he want us to attack his Peten so that when he attacks, Kaiser Vorse Raider will not only gain more attack points, Kaiba will also deal battle damage to us". Yami nodded his head since he knew that Yugi was right about that, Kaiba wanted them to attack Peten.

Yami placed his fingers on his deck, "It's my turn". He drew his next card and looked at it and then turned it around and it was a spell card with the image of a jar with a grin on it, "Now I activate Pot of Greed which means I get to draw two cards".

Yami drew two more cards and looked at them, he narrowed his eyes frustrated when he saw that he had drawn a monster card with a chained left leg in front of the part of a circle called Left Leg of the Forbidden One, he already a similar card, only it was a chained right arm called Right Arm of the Forbidden One.

These cards are not useful at all right now, I'm sure that grandpa gathered them for a reason, but right now, I need to defend myself with another monster in order to defend my life points, Yami thought to himself troubled while wondering what he could do. He then noticed the other card he had drawn and his eyes widened in surprise.

Yami looked at his hand a smirk appeared on his face, he then placed the leg card in his hand and grabbed another card in his hand and revealed that it was a spell card with the image of an ancient scroll, "Now I activate Ancient Rules, which means that I can now special summon a level 5 or above normal monster from my hand".

Yami then turned around the card he had just drawn and revealed it was a magician in purple clothes with a long green staff, "Now I special summon my Dark Magician in attack mode". A green light then appeared on the field and Dark Magician appeared out of it, Atk: 2500.

Kaiba gritted his teeth, he hadn't expected Yami to summon a monster with 2500 attack points, which meant that his Kaiser Vorse Raider couldn't defeat it.

Yami pointed at Peten the Dark Clown, "Now Dark Magician, attack Peten the Dark Clown with Dark Magic Attack". Dark Magician held out his staff and a green blast was fired from the top of it and it hit Peten the Dark Clown and destroyed him, Kaiba LP: 3400-1400.

Mokuba got a worried expression on his face, "Seto!" He couldn't believe what he was seeing, his brother was down to less than half of his life points because of just one attack.

Joey on the other hand had a happy expression on his face, "Alright, go Yugi! Just a little more and gramps Blue-Eyes White Dragon will be back where it belongs".

Kaiba looked at Yami with a smirk, "I knew from seeing you duel in class that you were good Yugi, but you're even better than I thought".

Kaiba then held up Peten's card, "However, since you sent Peten the Dark Clown to the graveyard, you activated his special ability which allows me to remove him from the game in order to special summon another Peten from my deck or hand".

Kaiba grabbed his deck and looked through it before he grabbed a card and placed it on the field, another Peten appeared on the field on his knee while he chuckled, Def: 1200. Kaiba then shuffled his deck and then put it back down on its slot.

Yami looked at his hand, he then looked at Kaiba, "I end my turn now Kaiba".

Kaiba placed his fingers on his deck, "My move then". He drew his next card and looked at it, "This card should look familiar to you Yugi, I activate Pot of Greed in order to draw twice more". Kaiba revealed his Pot of Greed as he said that before activating it and drawing two more cards.

Kaiba looked at the two cards he had drawn, "I summon Enraged Battle Ox in defense mode". A large humanoid ox with red armor and an axe in his right hand appeared on the field on a knee, Def: 1000.

Kaiba looked at Yami, "And with that I end my turn, so make your move Yugi".

Yami narrowed his eyes, Yugi looked at him troubled, "All he did was summon a monster in defense mode, he didn't even switch his Kaiser Vorse Raider to defense mode, he must be waiting for something, also do you think he's not worried about losing life points because it's only 100 difference between Dark Magician and Kaiser Vorse Raider?

Yami looked at him out of the corner of his eye, "I don't know Yugi, maybe Kaiser Vorse Raider has another ability that we don't know about yet". Yugi got a worried expression on his face when he heard that and both he and Yami looked at Kaiba, wondering what he was planning.

Yami placed his fingers on his deck, "I'll draw". He drew his next card and saw that it was a chained left arm, he narrowed his eyes, he looked at the other two in his hand, he wondered why the name Forbidden One sounded so familiar.

Yami placed the left arm in his hand and grabbed another one, "I place one monster face down in defense mode". The monster zone to the right of Dark Magician began to glow green.

Yami then pointed at Kaiser Vorse Raider, "Now Dark Magician, attack his Kaiser Vorse Raider with Dark Magic Attack". Dark Magician unleashed another Dark Magic Attack at Kaiser Vorse Raider and destroyed him, Kaiba LP: 1400-1300.

Kaiba got a smirk on his face and held up Kaiser Vorse Raider, "Now the second ability of Kaiser Vorse Raider activates, if it's destroyed in battle, the monster that destroyed it loses 500 attack points". Dark Magician, Atk: 2500-2000.

Yami gritted his teeth a little when he saw Dark Magician lose attack points, however he still had 2000 which was good. Yami looked at his hand, he had three Forbidden One cards in his hand which he didn't know what purpose they had.

He had also just placed a monster in defense mode which would be able to protect him if Kaiba summoned a monster with high attack, also he have the spell card Multiply in his hand which he couldn't even use right now.

Yami looked at Kaiba, "I'll end my turn, now make your move Kaiba".

Kaiba chuckle, "Now I'm going to make to experience true terror". Kaiba drew his next card and looked at it, he then placed it in his hand before he grabbed another one while his smirk grew bigger, "Now I sacrifice both Peten the Dark Clown and Enraged Battle Ox, so that I can summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

Yami's and Yugi's eyes widened in shock when they heard what Kaiba had just said, they then saw how both Enraged Battle Ox and Peten disappeared and the majestic white dragon with blue eyes appeared on the field with a mighty roar, Atk: 3000.

Yami looked at the Blue-Eyes White Dragon with disbelieving eyes, "But… but how?" He just didn't know how Kaiba could have summoned Blue-Eyes since Kaiba's brother Mokuba should have his grandfather's Blue-Eyes right now.

Joey looked at Mokuba just as confused as Yami, "That's impossible! You should have that card right?" Mokuba didn't answer Joey's question and just took out Solomon's Blue-Eyes and revealed it to Joey who got even more confused when he saw the card.

Kaiba laughed when he saw Yami's expression, "Don't tell me that you don't know that there exist four copies of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in the world?" Kaiba asked with a smug tone.

Kaiba grabbed his deck with a smug look on his face, "And since Peten the Dark Clown was sent to my graveyard, I can special summon my third and final Peten the Dark Clown in defense mode". He looked through his deck and then grabbed his final Peten before he shuffled his deck and placed it down and then his final Peten then appeared on a knee on the field, Def: 1200

Kaiba then grabbed another card in his hand and revealed that it was a spell card with the image of a warrior riding towards a monster, "Next I activate the spell card Back-Up Rider".

Yami widened his eyes in shock and worry when he heard the name of the spell card, "Back-Up Rider?"

Kaiba's smirk grew bigger, "Judging by the expression on your face you know that this card increases the attack points of one monster on the field by 1500 until the end phase of this turn, and of course I choose Blue-Eyes!" Blue-Eyes let out a roar, Atk: 3000-4500.

Yami looked at Blue-Eyes with fear in his eyes, "It… it has 4500 attack points?" Sweat started to form in Yami's forehead since he knew that once Blue-Eyes destroyed Dark Magician, he would lose most of his life points.

Kaiba pointed at Dark Magician, "Now Blue-Eyes, attack Dark Magician with White Lightning!" Blue-Eyes opened his mouth and white lightning gathered in his mouth before he unleashed a stream of white lightning towards Dark Magician and destroyed him, forcing Yami to shield his face from the shockwaves, Yami LP: 3000-500.

Joey got a worried expression on his face, "Yugi!" He screamed, he couldn't believe his eyes, he had never once seen Yugi's life points go below 1000, as much as he didn't want to admit it, Kaiba was seriously good.

Yami gritted his teeth as he looked at Kaiba, Thanks to Back-Up Rider, he wiped out almost all of my life points in one hit, if I take another hit from Blue Eyes then I'm done for, he thought as sweat was starting to run down his face.

Yugi appeared next to him, "Yeah, grandpa gave us a few copies of it, while he has taught us that our deck will help us if we believe in it, he also taught us that it's not bad to have a back-up plan just in case".

Yami nodded his head when he heard what Yugi had said to him. He and Yugi had barely used the Back-Up Riders that their grandfather had given them, however they still had one in their deck most of the time and sometimes two, but never all three since they rather outsmart the opponent than use raw power to win

Kaiba crossed his arms with a confident smirk on his face, "I end my turn Yugi, which means that the effect of Back-Up Rider ends now". Blue-Eyes, Atk: 4500-3000.

Kaiba looked at Yami, "It's your turn now, but it doesn't matter what you draw, you will fall to the might of my superior monsters Yugi, just like your pathetic grandfather, and then you'll face the same punishment game as he did".

Yami narrowed his eyes, "You mentioned earlier that you put him through a punishment game, what does that mean Kaiba?"

Kaiba chuckled, "That's right, I never told you did I? Well then, let me show you". Kaiba snapped his fingers and static appeared on the monitors that showed both of their life points and then a video appeared on them.

Yami then saw to his horror how Solomon got surrounded by a glass cage while he was standing on the platform and some sort of gas appeared in it and then what looked like monsters appeared in it and Solomon screamed in fear as the creatures closed in on him. The one in front of him then opened his jaws and leaned in towards Solomon's head.

However at that moment so did the video stop and their life points reappeared on them. Yami clenched his right fist which started shaking because of the rage that was building up inside of him.

Yami looked at Kaiba with rage visible on his face, "Kaiba, how could you do something that cruel to my grandfather?"

Kaiba shrugged his shoulders, "He lost so it was only natural to receive a punishment for it, now draw Yugi".

Yami gritted his teeth and drew his next card, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Kaiba, "I summon a monster in defense mode". Another one of Yami's monster zones began to glow green.

Yami looked at Kaiba, "With that, I end my turn Kaiba".

Kaiba chuckled, "You just summoned another monster in defense mode? That won't save you Yugi".

Kaiba placed his fingers on his deck and drew his next card, a smirk then appeared on his face, "Just what I needed, I now activate the spell card White Dragon Ritual". Kaiba said with smug tone as he revealed a spell card with the image of a green skinned warrior with white armor and a cape that held up a sword to the sky.

Kaiba then grabbed a card in his hand and revealed it to be a card with the image of an old man with a white beard with a red armor that had dragons horns and wings on it that sat on a rock, "Now by sacrificing the level 4 Keeper of the Shrine, I can summon Paladin of White Dragon from my hand".

Keeper of the Shrine then appeared for a moment before he disappeared, and then the warrior who had been on the Ritual spell card then appeared on the back on a small white dragon with yellow eyes, Atk: 1900.

Kaiba then pointed at the second card Yami had placed face down, "Now Paladin of White Dragon, attack his face down monster". The dragon the paladin was riding roared and flew towards it so fast that it became a beam of light and crashed down in to it.

Yami gritted his teeth and placed his face down monster which was a magician dressed in dark blue robes with an hat with yellow spikes with two red orbs and had two wing like blades coming out the back of its robes called Maha Vailo in his graveyard.

Kaiba then pointed at his other face down, "Now Blue-Eyes White Dragon, attack his other face down monster". Blue-Eyes then unleashed another White Lightning and hit the other face down monster.

Kaiba had a smirk on his face until he saw a elf warrior in green and grown armor with a purple cape sitting on a knee with his sword in front of him after the White Lightning disappeared, Def: 1200.

Yami looked at Kaiba, "Sorry to tell you this Kaiba, but my Obnoxious Celtic Guard can't be destroyed in battle by a monster with 1900 attack points or more".

Kaiba narrowed his eyes, "I guess I should've attacked him with my Paladin of White Dragon then since he would've been able to destroy him since he was face down". Kaiba had a bitter tone in his voice when he said that.

However he then got a smirk on his face, "However, since he can't destroy him anymore, I'm going to use him the way I originally planned, now I activate his special ability".

Paladin of White Dragon then shattered and Yami looked at Kaiba shocked as he grabbed his deck and looked through it, "By sacrificing Paladin of White Dragon, I can special summon a certain monster from my deck or hand".

Yami got a bad feeling from the cruel and amused tone in Kaiba's voice. Kaiba then grabbed a card in his deck and shuffled it before he placed it down again.

Kaiba then held up the card and looked at Yami, "The Goddess of Victory is on my field Yugi, now I summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon in attack mode".

A second Blue-Eyes White Dragon appeared next to the first one and roared, Atk: 3000. Yami stared at the two dragons that glared at him, "A second one?"

Kaiba then grabbed a card in his graveyard, "Also since I sent Paladin of White Dragon to the graveyard due to his own ability, Keeper of the Shrine's special ability activates and I can special summon him to the field". Keeper of the Shrine then appeared on the field in a sitting position, Def: 2100.

Kaiba looked at Yami, "I end my turn, however why don't you just admit your defeat Yugi? I mean there is no way you can defeat my two Blue-Eyes". Yami gritted his teeth and looked at his deck, he knew that it was only a matter of time before Kaiba drew something that would be able to beat Obnoxious Celtic Guard, which meant he needed to draw a card that could protect him.

At the same time,

Tea and Tristan was waiting outside of the Emergency Surgery room where they were treating Solomon with worried expressions on their faces. Tea looked up at the ceiling worried, "Yugi, please be careful".

At the same time, Yami placed his fingers on his deck, Alright deck, grandpa put his whole heart in to making you so I believe in you, I know you will help me out of this situation.

Yami drew his next card and looked at it and his eyes widened when he saw that it was a spell card with the image of swords of light that fell from the sky.

Yami placed the spell card in one of the spell and trap card zones on his display table, "I activate the spell card Swords of Revealing Light, now this cards will prevent you from attacking me for three turns". Then dozens of swords of light fell down from the sky and trapped the two Blue-Eyes that roared in anger.

Kaiba got a shocked expression on his face for a second before a confident smile appeared on his face, "I'm actually surprised that you managed to draw a card like Swords of Revealing Light, however what do you think you can accomplish by prolonging this duel by three turns?'

Yami gritted his teeth and looked at the four cards in his hand, He's right, none of the cards in my hand can beat those two Blue-Eyes, am I going to lose this duel?

However at that moment he heard a familiar voice behind him, "Have you already given up Yugi? That's not like you". Yami looked behind him and saw the spirit of Solomon behind him with a smile, he turned towards it shocked, "Grandpa!"

Solomon smiled at him, "Do you remember? When I first gave you the Millennium Puzzle, you were so excited about the thought that you might solve it while many others had failed, and while it took you a few years, in the end you managed to solve it".

Yami and Yugi both looked down at the Millennium Puzzle around Yami's neck, they both knew that Solomon was right, despite how difficult it had been, Yugi had never given up on solving the puzzle and in the end, he had completed it.

Solomon spoke, "And just like the Millennium Puzzle, there exist a puzzle inside of the game of Duel Monsters that no one has managed to put together, but Yugi, you have access to all the pieces, and if you manage to gather them all, then you can win this". Solomon's spirit disappeared.

Yami and Yugi looked at the cards in Yami's hand, then both of them gasped in shock and Yugi looked at Yami, "These Forbidden One cards, do you think… could it really be… those cards?" Yami could hear the disbelief in Yugi's voice and it was understandable, but it was the only possibility.

"It must be it Yugi, these cards, they must be the legendary Exodia cards". Yugi gasped in shock, a while after his grandfather had started teaching him about the game, his grandfather had told him about an unbeatable monster called Exodia the Forbidden One, the only problem was that his body was split into five pieces, and the only way to summon him was to gather all five pieces in your hand, which would give you an automatic victory.

Yami looked at the three Forbidden One cards in his hand, he had both the arms and the left leg of the Forbidden One, and if it was the legendary Exodia cards, if he managed to gather all five of them, he could defeat Kaiba and win back his grandfather's Blue-Eyes.

Kaiba looked at Yugi with an impatient expression on his face, "What are you waiting for? Just end your turn Yugi or just surrender!" He was getting tired of waiting for Yami to finish his turn since he wanted to crush Yugi as soon as possible now that he had gotten Blue-Eyes on the field.

Yami looked at him, "I'll never surrender Kaiba, especially not against someone like you! I end my turn".

Kaiba placed his fingers on his deck, "Finally, I draw". He drew his next card, "Now I sacrifice my Peten the Dark Clown to summon Swordstalker in attack mode". Peten disappeared and a purple fiendish warrior with a large yellow sword appeared on the field, Atk: 2000. Kaiba closed his eyes with a smirk, "And with that, I end my turn, make your move Yugi".

Yami placed his fingers on his deck, "I'll draw". He drew his next card and gasped in shock when he saw that it was the Right Leg of the Forbidden One, he now had four of the five Exodia cards in his hand.

Yami narrowed his eyes and then looked at Kaiba while he placed the right leg in his hand, "I'll end my turn Kaiba". He could feel his heart beat fast in his chest, he just needed to draw the last Exodia card in order to win.

Kaiba placed his fingers on his deck with a smirk on his face, "So you couldn't draw something that could help you huh Yugi? Well I didn't really think you would".

Kaiba then drew his next card and looked at it, he then got a smirk on his face and looked at Yami, "Well Yugi, time to ensure my victory completely".

Kaiba held up the card he had just drawn, "Now if Keeper of the Shrine is sacrificed in order to summon a dragon type monster, he can be treated as two sacrifices".

Yami widened his eyes in shock when he heard that, "A dragon that needs two sacrifices? It can't be…" His face was now covered in sweat since if his suspicion was correct, then he would be in trouble.

"Now I sacrifice Keeper of the Shrine…" Keeper of the Shrine disappeared, "So I can summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Then a third Blue-Eyes appeared on Kaiba's field and let out a mighty roar, Atk: 3000.

Kaiba laughed as he saw the expression on Yami's face, "That's right Yugi, be afraid, nothing in that pathetic deck can defeat my three Blue-Eyes White Dragons, your grandfather couldn't do it, and you won't either, I end my turn".

Joey looked at Yami with a serious expression on his face, "Don't give up Yugi! You can still turn this around". He had faith that Yugi would be able to win, however even a rookie like him could tell that the odds were bad right now for Yami.

Yami looked at his deck, The only way I can win now is if I draw the final piece of Exodia, but will I be able to do it in time? I mean the Swords of Revealing Light will disappear when Kaiba's next turn ends, and if he draws something that can defeat my Obnoxious Celtic Guard, then I'm done for. Yami thought to himself while he placed his fingers on his deck.

Yami drew his next card and gritted his teeth when he saw that it was a spell card called Wonder Wand, This spell card can only be equipped to a spellcaster monster in order to give it 500 attack points, also if I sacrifice the monster equipped with this card, I get to draw two cards, it could've been a great card to use right now, however since I don't have any spellcasters in my hand that I can use, it won't help me now, Yami thought to himself troubled.

Yami placed Wonder Wand in his hand, "I… I end my turn now".

Kaiba just looked at Yami with a smirk and placed his fingers on his deck and drew his next card and looked at it, he then laughed like a maniac before he looked at Yami, "This card I just drew will ensure my victory on my next turn".

Yami got a worried expression on his face when he heard that and then saw how Kaiba turned the card around and it was a spell card with the image of Blue-Eyes charging up an attack.

"I activate the spell card Burst Stream of Destruction! I can only use this if I have a Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the field, now this card will destroy every monster on your field, of course the drawback is that I can't attack with my dragons but with your swords of light I couldn't anyway".

One of the Blue-Eyes on Kaiba's field charged up an attack and fired it at Obnoxious Celtic Guard and destroyed him. Kaiba's smirk grew bigger when he saw the worried expression on Yami's face, "Now I end my turn, which means that your swords of light have expired". The Swords of Revealing Light then disappeared and the three Blue-Eyes roared at Yami.

Kaiba pointed at Yami, "Well, what do you say Yugi? How is your faith now? In my next turn, all three of my Blue-Eyes will be able to attack you, this match is over, but if you wish to struggle in vain, then draw your next card".

Yami looked at his hand while the sweat was running down his face, This is the last chance I have, I need to draw the fifth piece of Exodia this turn if I'm going to defeat Kaiba, but the odds are against me, can I really do this? Yami thought to himself while his heart was beating like crazy in his chest because of the fear he was feeling while he reached out with his hand towards his deck.

However, it felt like the deck was moving away from him, Yami's eyes widened in shock, The deck, it's sensing my fear and my doubt, it knows that my faith is wavering.

However Yami then let out a shocked gasp when he saw the piece of the smiley on the back of his hand, "Our friendship symbol!"

Yugi then pointed towards the deck, "Yami, look". Yami looked forward and his eyes widened in shock when he saw spirits of Tea, Tristan and Joey standing with their hands with the other pieces of the smiley over the deck while all three of them looked at him.

Tea gave him a kind smile, "We're always here by your side Yugi". Tristan nodded his head, "Yeah so believe in yourself and your cards Yugi".

Joey then held up his left hand and gave him a thumbs up, "You got this, kick Kaiba's ass".

Yami got a smile on his face as he once again reached out towards his deck and placed his fingers on his deck, "They're right, we need to believe in our cards like our friends believe in us".

Yami then looked at Yugi, "Let's win this together partner". Yugi got a smile on his face when he heard that the confidence had returned to Yami's voice and nodded his head. Yugi then placed his spirit hand over Yami's and the two of them drew their final card together and looked at it.

Kaiba chuckled, "Play your last pathetic card so I can end this Yugi".

However he got shocked when he saw the confident smirk on Yami's face, "My grandpa's deck have no pathetic cards Kaiba, but it does contain…" Yami turned the card he had just drawn and it was a large orange monster, "The unstoppable Exodia!"

Kaiba got a shocked and horrified expression on his face, "What the… impossible!"

Yami then placed the legs, the arms and the head on the display table in front of him, "I have gathered all five of the cards, all five pieces of the puzzle, now appear before us, Exodia the Forbidden One!"

A green hexagram appeared on Yami's field and Exodia then appeared out of the hexagram and towered over the three Blue-Eyes White Dragons that roared at him, Atk: ∞ (infinite).

Kaiba took a step backwards in shock and fear, "No way, that's Exodia, it's not possible, no one has ever been able to summon him!"

Exodia then began to gather energy in his hands, "Exodia, Obliterate!" Yami exclaimed before Exodia unleashed a blast that destroyed all three of Kaiba's Blue-Eyes as well as his Swordstalker, causing Kaiba to scream in fear, Kaiba LP: 1300-0.

Kaiba was left speechless, a mixture of emotions flowing throughout him. Defeat shouldn't have been in the realm of possibility for him. He had never lost a duel until now. He clenched his teeth tightly; his blue eyes glaring daggers over at the teen with tri-colored hair.

"You know I can't accept this defeat. If I accept this defeat I might as well be dead!" he snarled.

Yami did not reply as he stared at Kaiba. He could practically see the darkness from his heart seeping through the cracks and consuming his mind. A darkness he could see was formed through years of pain and hatred. He knew if the young CEO continued on such a hateful path, it would end up destroying him in the end. But despite this, he could still see a way for the brunette to be saved. Lying deep within the darkness was a small glimmer of light that continues to burn strong. It was clear what he needed to do. He inhaled deeply as he closed his eyes.

Realizing what his spiritual companion was up to, Yugi began to object "Wait, Yami don-"

But he was unable to get the last words of his sentence out as he heard the familiar chant of "The door to darkness has been opened."

Kaiba's body tensed when he heard this chant. He wouldn't admit it, but the atmosphere the teen before him was giving off was unnerving. His jaw tightened when he saw Yami reopen his eyes with the glowing gold symbol of an eye appearing on his forehead. He didn't dare to speak as the silence made the atmosphere only more tense.

Finally, with the lift of his hand, Yami shouted "Mind crush!"

The last thing Kaiba experienced was intense pressure on both his mind and heart before his whole world fell into darkness. In that instant, his body slumped over his platform.

Mokuba, horrified by the scene he witnessed quickly dashed over to the controls for the platform. Once the platform was lowered, he ran over to his old brother. But once he was there, he froze at what he saw. His brother's face was frozen in shock and his wide open eyes held absolutely no life in them. Tears began to form in the child's eyes, his heart ached out of sadness. He did his best not to cry as he heard footsteps approaching him. Spinning around he could Yami standing behind him, giving him a look full of remorse.

"What did you do to my brother?!" he demanded as he struggled to fight back his tears, "Whatever you did, undo it! Bring Seto back!"

Yami remained silent, closing his purple eyes briefly with a sigh.

Choosing his words carefully, he finally replied after a few seconds "What has been done cannot be undone by me but rather your brother himself. I shattered his heart to free the light trapped within the darkness. But for him to reawaken, he must reassemble his heart himself. All you can do is watch over him till then."

Mokuba was left speechless by this response. He couldn't understand what the teen meant with his claim. But despite that, he could agree on one thing and that was he needed to watch over his brother. Pulling the Blue-Eyes White Dragon card out of his pocket, he hastily shoved it into the teen's hands.

"You got what you wanted, now don't come back here ever again." he stated in a bitter tone.

Without another word, he turned around to move his brother's body off the platform.

But before he could take a single step, he heard Yami spoke up "Mokuba, know that this decision wasn't one I was happy with. Your brother was headed on a path of destruction and this was the only way to save him. If there was another way to save him, I would have done so. I just hope in time you'll come to understand my actions."

The child didn't respond as tears started to stream down his face. He didn't want to admit it, but deep down he knew the teen with tri-color hair was right.
Seeing his business was done, Yami relinquished his control back to Yugi. The sixteen year-old couldn't help but frown out of sympathy for the Kaiba brothers. He could only hope Kaiba could reassemble his heart quickly so Mokuba could have his brother back. Without any words, he left the stadium with a dash, fully intent on checking up on his grandfather.

Author's Note - So this is the end for now. But if you enjoyed what we have shown here, we'll continue this story. This is a test to see if anyone is interested in the idea of a retake on the original Yugioh series.