Hi again! Final chapter for ya, I hope you like it!

Little resistance stood between her and the building, which meant that perhaps there weren't that many smaller demons yet – the redhead though – making Elsa's job easier. Thoughts of the blonde brought Anna's mind back to the kiss she'd given her and the warmth it brought to her chest; bringing a soft smile to her face. However, she suppressed her giddiness. She needed to focus.

Finding a stairwell, Anna set off running up the steps.

Elsa set off in the direction of the behemoth. Though not intending to get its attention, she knew that there would be more demons closer to it; if there were focused on her, they wouldn't be able to cause as much damage.

The demons in question were small – about two thirds her own height – and weak; their strength came in their numbers.

A large horde ambled about in front of Elsa, slowly wandering further into the city.

Correction: they were, as now they enduring a torrent of ice shards as a sword-wielding blonde set upon them.

Anna hadn't been counting, but the building had to be at least ten stories tall. Though, despite this, the redhead was barely out of breath by the time she burst through the roof access door. Running to the edge of the building, she looked down, spotting Elsa amongst a horde of demons, effortlessly dispatching them.

Reassured that Elsa was doing alright, Anna looked up at the behemoth, slowly moving through the city.

Anna readied her bow.

"Okay," She muttered to herself, taking deep steadying breaths, "You can do this, Anna; just shoot it in the neck."

Drawing her bow, she nocked one of the green arrows. As the two met, both glowed slightly; the bow the same blue as Elsa's eyes, the arrow a light green. The two auras merged, forming a teal glow – the same teal as her own eyes, Anna noted.

Drawing her bow, she could feel the power that she wielded.

She took aim and fired, the arrow loosing in a powerful burst of light.

The arrow struck true, piercing into the behemoth's neck. It recoiled with a pained roar and focused it's gaze directly on Anna, advancing on her.

"Oh no... That's not good!" Anna cried, fumbling the draw the next arrow as the beast drew ever closer.

Slightly shakier this time, Anna shot another arrow through the behemoth's neck. This shot stopped it in its tracks; though still alive, the behemoth was in great pain, blood gushing from its wounds – which were made larger by the enchantments on the bow and arrows.

Anna readied her last arrow, waiting for it to make another move.

It swayed, probably delirious from blood loss, before taking another slow, earth-shaking step towards the building. Anna – allowing no leeway, as she was almost within the reach of its claws – shot her final arrow through its eye.

The gargantuan beast let out a dying gurgle, before falling to its death.

Right into Anna's building.

With an anguished cry, Anna set off running to the other edge of the roof right as the beast impacted, the sheer weight of the behemoth ensuring the building was barely an obstacle to its fall.

Thinking fast, Anna pulled out an arrow tied to a rope with a large hook head. She leapt off the side of the building, turning in mid-air to fire the arrow at the ledge of the roof.

The arrow caught, the tension slowing Anna's descent. Using the rope, Anna abseiled down the building in great leaps. However, as the behemoth's body crashed through the walls, the building started to crumble, and the windows shattered in explosions of glass.

Blinded as she was by the debris assaulting her body, Anna didn't see exactly what cut the rope.

She only felt the tension release as she plummeted towards the ground.

A streak of teal light thundered above Elsa's head, followed immediately by a deafening roar.

The former princess cut down the last of her assailants before turning her attention to the scene unravelling above her.

"Was that Anna?" Elsa muttered, watching as the behemoth recoiled in pain.

Panic filled her when she saw it start to move towards Anna building. Elsa broke into a sprint, running through different streets to get to Anna as two more bolts of light shot overhead.

As she approached the building, she heard a crash, closely followed by a figure jumping off the roof.


Fear paralysed her long enough to watch the ill-fated descent, dread chilling her being as Anna's rope was cut.

Elsa ran, planting herself next to where Anna would fall. She channelled her fear and pain and worry and... love. She channelled all of her emotions, drawing on her power. Raising her arms, a giant pillow of soft snow materialised on the ground under Anna.

Not a millisecond later, the redhead landed in a poof of snow. Elsa quickly constructed a shelter of thick ice over the pillow, deflecting any debris that might rain down upon them.

"Anna!" Elsa called, running through the snow towards the depression in the middle. Fear gripped her insides, what if the pillow wasn't deep enough?

Bounding through the snow, Elsa caught sight of the redhead, lying limp in the snow. Glass and debris had torn her tunic and cut her skin.

Elsa dropped down beside her, afraid to touch her, "Anna, can you hear me, are you alright!?"

A few impossibly long seconds passed before Anna's body shook in a cough.

Elsa gently cupped her face as her eyes opened, "Anna?"

Dazed from the fall, Anna was confused as to where this bright blue haven was. Though she was confused to see Elsa gazing down at her, concern in her eyes.

"Elsa...? Are we... alive?"

The blonde chuckled, tears streaming down her face. "Yes, we're alive." She said, gently hugging the redhead.

Anna returned the hug with one hand, the other exploring the cold powder around them. "Snow..." She muttered, realising what had happened, "Elsa, you saved me?" Pulling her other arm around the blonde, she squeezed her closer. Whispering through her own tears, Anna thanked her softly.

They stayed like that for what felt like hours – whispering words of reassurance and relief – before Elsa pulled back slightly. They locked eyes, their eyes saying things their mouths were not yet ready to say.

Affection for the gorgeous blonde swelled in Anna's heart. Lost in her loving blue eyes, a question passed her lips before she could stop it.

"Elsa, can I kiss you?"

The blonde's eyes widened in shock, she hadn't dared hope that Anna could think of her that way. Her heart fluttered, warmth bloomed in her chest.

"You may."

Anna gently pulled Elsa lower, bringing the blonde's warm lips to her own as their eyes closed in anticipation. Their lips met, a passionate fire burning through them – warming their souls in the cold embrace of the snow.

When they separated, they both wore matching grins.

"You're amazing..." Anna muttered.

Elsa chuckled, affectionately rubbing Anna's cheek with her thumb. "Well, you're pretty great yourself."

Anna's grin settled into a smile, a hint of worry in her eyes. "It's just... you're kind and funny and oh so beautiful and..." She shook her head, in an attempt to clear her thoughts. "Elsa..." their eyes locked. Anna spoke in a whisper, worried at the blonde's reaction. "I think I'm falling in love with you."

"An-And not like a 'you're my best friend' kind of love – not that you're not my best friend; you are – but..." She trailed off, trying to gauge the blonde's reaction.

Elsa felt as if her heart was about to explode, Anna's confession shocking her into silence; how could this amazing redhead who captured her heart possibly feel the same way?

At Elsa's silence, Anna panicked. "I-It's okay if you don't feel the same, I'm sorry I forced this all on you; I shouldn't ha-"

Elsa cut her off with a short kiss.

As she pulled back, Anna looked adorably confused. Elsa simply smiled.

"Anna, I think I'm falling for you, too."

Anna's eye's widened, then she squealed with joy, pulling the blonde into another embrace.

They stayed, led in the snow, until strange high-pitched noises filled the air. Figuring that – if this was indeed the future, and not some strange land they've never heard of – they should probably learn as little as possible about how the world advances, so they hastily returned to the sanctuary. They quickly became the centre of attention when they returned; everyone wanting to know about the future or how they'd managed to take down a behemoth.

They told everyone what happened, then went about their evening as normal – albeit, with a closeness they didn't have before their kiss and a trip to the infirmary that Elsa insisted on – until they met with Kristoff and everyone else.

"Well, if it isn't the saviours of the world, back from slaying a behemoth." Kristoff called as they approached the group after dinner. His face held a grin of amusement, but his eyes showed a hint of concern – a look mirrored by the whole group. He spoke again in a more serious tone, "Are you two alright?"

They both sat in their seats, giving Kristoff a tired smile. "We'll be alright, just a bit tired." Anna was touched by the concern of their friends; when her previous partner died, they helped comfort her – that they recognised that another behemoth encounter would bring up old fears and memories made Anna appreciate them that much more.

Elsa gave Anna's hand a reassuring squeeze, which drew Olaf's attention to their adjoined hands. His barely concealed gasp of delight was not unnoticed by Kristoff, who was also beginning to connect the dots.

"So, you finally figured it out, huh?" Kristoff said with a sly smile.

The duo blushed, but feigned ignorance. "W-what do you mean?"

Kristoff gave her look that screamed 'are you kidding me?' "Anna, from the moment I saw you two playing chess on Elsa's first day – the way you two looked at each other – it was obvious that you two had a thing for each other; I'm just surprised it took you so long."

They both blushed deeper, Anna nervously rubbed the back of her neck. "I didn't realise I was that obvious..." she mumbled.

The group simply laughed, drawing the redhead's attention to the rest of them. "Wait, you guys knew too?!"

"Well, yeah." Olaf said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, while Sven and Marshmallow simply nodded.

Anna groaned and buried her face in the crook of Elsa's neck. The blonde – who was sat silently, her expression somewhere between shocked and amused – gave the redhead a reassuring pat on the back.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Olaf cheered, shooting up to pull the two into a hug.

The group continued their night normally after that – bar Kristoff's teasing – playing board games until it was time to retire.

Anna and Elsa walked to their rooms in a comfortable silence, holding hands as they went. Usually the one to dominate the conversation, Anna was contemplative. But, as they arrived at Anna's door, she spoke.

"Elsa, I..." she trailed off, unsure how to breach the subject.

Alarmed by her severe tone, Elsa turned fully towards the redhead, grasping both of her hands. "What's wrong, Anna?" She asked softly.

Without speaking, Anna opened her door and pulled Elsa in. Shutting the door behind them, she led them both to sit on the bed. They sat cross-legged, hands linked between them.

They sat for a few moments in silence, Elsa waiting patiently for Anna to say what she needed to say. Then, without warning, Anna let go of her hands and pulled the blonde into a tight hug.

"I was so afraid, Elsa... I though one of us was going to die, I thought..." Elsa could feel the redhead's tears on her shoulder. "If you weren't there today, I would have died."

"Hey," Elsa reprimanded softly, "you're okay; we look after each other, right? That's what partners are for." Anna was usually so unshakable, but the events of the day had clearly gotten to her.

"My last partner was killed by a behemoth, a few months before you arrived. He was kinda rude, and really cocky but he was sorta like an older brother, you know?" Anna sniffed. "Fighting a behemoth again reminded me of it and I couldn't shake the felling that one of us might not..." Anna's voice caught in her throat.

Not knowing what to say, Elsa simply held her as her tears subsided. Eventually, Anna pulled back, giving the blonde a small smile.

"Thank you, Elsa, I think I just needed to get that out of my system."

Elsa smiled back sheepishly, "Anytime, Anna. I'm just sorry I couldn't be more... reassuring."

Anna's teal eyes – still puffy from crying – shone with affection. "You were perfect."

A moment passed before Anna spoke again, "Elsa?" The redhead fidgeted. "Would you... stay with me tonight? I'm not sure I want to be alone..."

Elsa kissed her softly on the lips.

"Of course."

After getting ready for bed, the two held each other, falling into a peaceful slumber in each other's arms.

Well, I kinda feel like that ended rather abruptly, but I didn't know how else to end it. I hope you liked it despite that and - though I feel like parts of this story were shorter or less fleshed out than they should have been - I'm still happy that I could put this story out into the world and prove to myself that I can start writing and finish a story; hopefully that will give me more confidence in writing in the future.

Anyways, thank you for reading this story and thank you for any reviews or favourites or follows or even views you may have contributed to, it's made me happy to know that people have even considered reading this story. I'd love to hear if you thought it was any good or not and I hope to see you again should I write anything else in the future.