Easy to love with those qualities

Leonard came home to find their three-bedroom home in darkness. Penny should be home by now; it was nearing 10 pm. Her car was parked outside. Leonard had to work late and rushed home to be with the love of his life. They had been married for over four years now, and life was good without the constant interruptions from Sheldon. A year ago Leonard and Penny had moved into a semi-detached house in a nice area. It was Christmas Eve, as Leonard entered their home, the only light was coming from the Christmas tree they had both decorated together. This brought a smile to his face as he remembered how they fought over where the tree should go. Leonard wanted it to the right of the living room with tinsels and white lights so as you come in the front door, the first thing that greets you is the tree. Penny wanted it to the left-hand corner of the living room and wanted ceramic ornaments with yellow and red lights, she wanted to skip the white lights and use fiery colours to make the occasion more romantic, but Leonard was having none of it. In the end, Penny got her way by seducing Leonard with little kisses and those amazing hazel green eyes which ended with them abandoning the tree temporary for the living room floor. He had a small victory though as he got to keep the tinsels. To him, that was a win. It took them three days to finish putting up the Christmas tree, as flirting got hotter. Leonard and Penny ended up making love leaving the tree half decorated. He turned on the living room light and saw her bag on the sofa. Her phone was on the coffee table. Penny would never go anywhere without her phone. Leonard wondered where Penny was? Something was up with Penny. Leonard headed for the bedroom climbing up the stairs. He turned right and entered the bedroom. It was in darkness, except for the dim moonlight shining through the pine. He saw the faint shadow of a figure laying on the bed and facing away from the bedroom door. He quietly moved towards the bed, taking off his shirt and pants and climbed into bed. He put his arm around her waist and snuggled into her. He moved a string of blond hair to reveal her ear and whispered. "Are you okay honey." He knew she wasn't sleeping, this was her default position, laying in the dark away from the bedroom door when something was bugging her.

Penny didn't answer at first, she pretended to be asleep. She felt his cold skin against her warm body and inhaled silently. Penny was glad he was home, she wanted to talk to him about something that has been on her mind for a while now. She wondered how he would respond, she didn't want to push him, but this is what she wanted and was sure Leonard wanted the same as well. She knew he loved and will do anything for her, but this was a big step. "Hey, you." She finally replied.

"Penny is everything okay." He asked again, kissing the back of her neck.

This sent a sweet sensation through her body. She loved it when he did that, and he knew it. She needed to stop him before they went too far; Penny needed to talk to him.

Leonard was the love of her life; He was smart, kind sincere and caring. He was also ambition, courageous, caring. One of the things she loves about him was his growing maturity and loyalty; He had always been there for her, Leonard was honesty, fair, straightforward and dependable, he possesses all the qualities she needed in a man.

"I want a baby." She blurted out.

Leonard stopped what he was doing as he took in what Penny just said. Did he hear her right or was this some kind of joke. Leonard let Penny words sink in. He was dumbstruck as an overwhelming emotion came over him.

Penny could tell he was thinking as he had gone quiet, she patiently waited for his answer.

When he finally found the power of speech again, Leonard lightheartedly said: "Penny, you do know that I can't give you a baby right now."

"I know that silly." She smacking his bum.

"Ouch that hurt, Leonard grinned. "But with lots of sex and I mean lots of sex, we could be pregnant in 3 months." Leonard carried on kissing her neck.

"Really we can have a baby." Penny turned to face him with a loving expression on her face. "Oh and I'm cool with the lots of sex part. You sure you will be able to keep up. Mister." Penny said with a grinned. Penny couldn't believe how easy the conversation about having babies would be. She knew Leonard wanted kids someday but didn't think he was ready.

Leonard smiled. He had always wanted to have babies with Penny, but whenever he brought it up, she just shrugged her shoulder and said maybe someday and changed the subject. He thought she didn't want to have kids and was kinda fine with it because he loved Penny so much and hoped one day she would change her mind. "What brought this on Penny."

She rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I don't know; I have been thinking about it for a while now, maybe it's my hormone. Whenever I see someone pushing a pram with a baby, I feel happy and sad. Happy because they are so cute and I want one, and sad because I don't have one."

"You do know they grow up and you are stuck with them." Leonard teased.

"Yes, I know that, and I still want a baby with you," Penny said sincerely.

"Well, we are financially secure and own our own home with plenty of rooms, I guess we are ready for those smart and beautiful babies."

"Yeah, we are Leonard and I can't wait to be a mom."

"You will make a wonderful mom. I'm sure of it."

"Thank you, and you will be an awesome dad, with your qualities," Penny assured him.

"We better start now, tonight I'm going to rock your world." Leonard looked into her green eyes and was lost in them.

"Oh baby, I have three inhalers here just in case. Penny grinned.

Leonard and Penny laid in bed panting and breathing heavily. "That was awesome Leonard. Penny said between gasping for breath.

"You were pretty good yourself." Leonard teased and reached for his inhaler to regain his breath.

"Just good? Happy Christmas Leonard." She kissed him with so much passion.

"Okay, it was amazing and Merry Christmas to you too. I love you, Penny."

"I love you too my husband of the year." She kissed him passionately again. Thinking how easy it was to love Leonard with those qualities.