Another chapter done! I just want to make a slight disclaimer stating that I only give minor edits to each chapter so there will most likely be mistakes. Since I am not focused on making this grammatically correct, I just wanted to share and give a heads up in case you run across any mistake. With that said, this story is more of my easy writing, fun story that I have been enjoying thoroughly for the last year.

Review shoutout from the last chapter goes to Camilla:

"Just a thought, but maybe Annalise can decide to become an author under a pen name, and start writing a story from home. That way she will be able to make some money, but still be at home with Sam (and their future children)."

As a writer, I love this idea! We will have to see if it makes it in further chapters;)

Make sure you leave a review for this chapter as I will post the best one in the next chapter. As always, I welcome any suggestions or ideas to make the story more enjoyable.

Chapter 15

I smile at myself in the mirror as I look at the finished look in the mirror. My chestnut hair is curled elegantly down my back as I pin a small part back behind my ear, showing off the hanging gold earrings near my neck. I am wearing a navy blue dress that falls mid-thigh with a tight bodice that hugs my curves. A pair of brown wedge heels are strapped over my ankles that make my legs seem longer than they are and I have a minimal amount of makeup on that highlights my eyes and lips.

None of that matters to me, however, for the part I admire the most is the beautiful ring that Sam placed on my finger yesterday that is now forever a part of me. Butterflies swirl in my stomach as I think about marrying Sam, walking down the aisle to see him standing at the end waiting for me. It brings a rush of euphoria that radiates from my very soul. I can't wait to be his wife, to be by his side forever, to never have to worry about being away from him.

I can't shake the smile that is on my face and it grows even wider as Sam walks up to me dressed in dark pants and a nice shirt, looking like the sexiest, most handsome man alive.

"You look beautiful, darling." He places a fiery kiss upon my lips and I respond instantly, wrapping my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

It takes several minutes for him to pull away, chuckling at my angry protests as he cups my face with his hands and places one last kiss on my forehead.

"We are going to be late for Bella's graduation, Annalise. As much as I'd like to forget everything today and stay in here with you, we'd probably get chewed out by your uncle and Bella."

I grin smugly, still giddy from his kisses. "I suppose you are right. Thank you for agreeing to come again. It means a lot to me."

I feel the tension breach his shoulder for a brief moment before he calms himself down. "I wouldn't let you go alone and the school is a safe ground to visit. I'm…trying, Annalise. I promise you I am, but I still don't trust them with you, and I don't think I ever will."

I bit my lip subtly in silence, knowing the effort he is bringing out.

The topic is already long forgotten by the time we get in the car to drive over to Bella's high school. I can't help but let my mind wander off to what could have happened if I didn't graduate early. I would be graduating with Bella now, getting my cap and gown on and thinking about what comes next in life. I sometimes forget that I am only eighteen and should still be young and naive to the world. Yet here I am engaged, going to my cousin's graduation whose boyfriend is a vampire accompanied by my fiancé who is a werewolf.

I giggle to myself, causing Sam to give me a curious stare but I keep silent to my thoughts.

As we approach the high school, Sam gives a tight growl as he spots the silver Volvo in the parking lot. Not knowing what to do, I place my hand over his and squeeze it tightly, waiting until he calms down to lean over and place a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Are you ready?"

He nods sweetly, his eyes softening as he focuses on me and his love radiating clearly throughout his face.

Leaning over, his lips capture mine in a heated embrace and I am in bliss once again by the man next to me. I have never felt so free and so sure of my life without him by my side.

"Then let's go, fiancé." I grin wickedly. "We have some important news to share as well."

We meet Charlie inside the gymnasium and Sam is able to relax when he sees Jacob as well on the bleachers. Esme and Carlisle are seated next to us which puts Sam at ease but at least he is behaving well enough.

. Edward walks first, earning a loud cheer from myself and his parents next to us. Bella walks across the stage in a beautiful outfit which I know is the work of Alice. Tears grip my eyelashes as I see her smiling proudly as she accepts her diploma. Soon, her high school friends follow and we all cheer as the valedictorian gives the final speech.

After the ceremony, we go to greet the new graduates and I rush forward to give Bella a giant hug and kiss in congratulations. She scoffs in mock disdain at the necklace Sam and I presented her but softened when I told her it was made by one of the women on the Rez. It was a dainty silver necklace with a circle in the middle to represent her total family and how it can all connect. Sam didn't understand the metaphor and I wink at Bella as we hand it to her signaling I'll explain later.

I also give Edward and the Cullens a big hug and he whispers in my ear congratulations, causing a faint tinge of red to come to my cheeks when I realize he's talking about the engagement. He briefly passes by Alice and whispers in her ear. In less than a second, her eyes meet mine and flash with a fierce determination that can only mean she needs major details about the event and I nod to her in response. Alice and I have previously talked and since apparently she cannot see the werewolves' future, she cannot see any decision I make with Sam which must irritate her.

As the merriment continues, Charlie pulls me and Bella aside and asks if we want to go to the local diner for dinner. We agree and I turn to Sam to tell him the news.

"Are you going to join me at Bella's graduation party?" I ask with hesitation.

He winces as if pain. "I need to be on the Rez tonight to run patrols. With the threat of loose vampires running around and the Cullens distracted…" he trails off.

I grip his waist tightly. "Don't worry, love. I will be missing you but I understand. Maybe we can have a celebration this weekend to celebrate our engagement with the pack and families?"

He places a lingering kiss on my forehead before capturing my lips with his for a fiery kiss. My stomach goes off in a frenzy of butterflies at the moment, and I mourn when he pulls away.

"I'll see you later then."

"Later," I whisper with a murmur of want.

Charlie drives us to the diner which is crowded with other graduates and their families. Securing a booth, we place our orders and talk about life.

"I need to make an announcement," I say happily.

Charlie looks suspicious and Bella happy.

Placing my hand on the table which I have been conveniently hiding for the duration of the day, they see the diamond ring.

"Sam and I are engaged!" My joy radiates on my face as my excitement grows. Charlie turns a shade of grey and Bella pales in comparison as well.

"Well," Charlie says breaking the silence. "Uh, congratulations, sweetheart. I mean, eighteen is a little early to get married, but you and Sam are practically joined at the hip so I guess I'm not surprised."

I look at Bella, who seems to be taking the news a little better. "I'm really happy for you, Annalise. My mind has been so focused on graduating and what comes after that I never stopped to think about your future." Her words held double meaning and a twinge of saddening guilt.

I grip her hand. "I know there's been a lot on your plate, but I hope that you could possibly be my maid of honor?"

She blinks, clearly stunned before she recovers. "I would love to! And I'm sure Alice would love to take care of any details you need as well, that is if Sam is okay with that."

"I'm sure he will be, especially if it pleases me."

We spent the rest of the meal catching up on other details and discussing college plans and such. Since Sam will have to stay on the rez, I don't see any need to go to college but Bella is pretty excited about her acceptance to the University of Alaska and other colleges.

"Do you want to come with me over to the Cullens?" Bella asks as Charlie gathers the bill. "Edward is going to pick me up now so we can help set up."

"I would love that. I hadn't planned on going back to the rez before the party anyway."

Edward is promptly waiting outside as we exit the diner. Bella embraces him fondly as Charlie coughs to remind them that he was still there.

We give Charlie a quick goodbye and thanks for the food and get in Edward's Volvo. The ride over to the Cullen's forest home is rather pleasant yet seeing Bella and Edward's fondness for each other makes me miss Sam.

"I'm sorry he couldn't make it," Edward said knowingly after hearing my thoughts.

"I'll be okay. He has his duties and I'm just grateful to have him and your family."

As we approach the house, I look in awe at the festive twinkling lights decorating the road leading up to it.

"This is so beautiful!"

Edwards laughs. "Alice did everything of course. You say the word party around her and she goes off on her own, no one can stop her."

I smirk at Bella's low groan of discomfort, she never was one for a big gathering.

As we pull into the driveway, I run out and give Rosalie and Emmett a big hug, moving next to Jasper and Alice before hugging Esme and Carlisle. It is so good to see them again especially amidst all the drama of the loose vampire running around.

"What can I do to help?" I ask Alice after the hellos.

They all laugh like I've said a joke.

Esme rubs my arm affectionately, "Like Alice would need anyone's help, dear. But we appreciate the offer. Why don't you come inside for some refreshments? You and Bella can make sure we have enough food for everyone coming."

"And how many people are coming exactly?" Bella grabs her shoulder awkwardly.

Alice smirks. "No need to worry, Bella. I'm sure you'll love it."

The inside of the house is completely decked out. The furniture is pushed away to create more space in the main living room. Decorative lights are strung everywhere to create a nightclub vibe and a giant table is one the side of the wall with every drink and snack food imaginable. Both Bella and my eyes bug out at the sight.

"Is it enough?" Alice asks innocently.

"More than enough to feed the whole town of Forks," I say with delighted humor.

The doorbell rings and I walk over to the door, opening it to see Bella's group of friends from school. I usher them in as the peer around curiously, obviously having never seen the Cullen's house before.

As they mingle with Bella and themselves, I set over to the side where Rosalie and Emmett are staying. It is clear that Rosalie doesn't want much interaction with the guests, judging by the look on her face.

"So I hear you're engaged to the big wolf?" Emmett asks sarcastically.

I playfully punch him in the arm. "Looks like it. As if you can't get rid of the stink on me, now it will be with me wherever I go."

Emmett pinches the bridge of his nose in mock disdain while Rosalie tries to conceal her smile. I reach over and grab her hand lightly, squeezing to show my friendship.

"Just promise me when you have kids, I get to hold them," Rosalie says lightly. I see a deep pain hidden beneath her lovely eyes.

"I promise."

I look back out at the party and to my surprise, I see Jacob, Embry, and Quil enter the house. They see me and quietly head over in my direction.

"Hey guys! What are you doing here?" I see Rose and Emmett shift uncomfortably behind me.

Embry gives me a big hug. "Bella invited us. Good to see you here, Sam was getting restless with you here. He felt better that we are here."

I give Quil and Jacob and a quick hug as well before they head over towards Bella who's on the other side of the room.

"I'd never thought I see the day when we had werewolves in our living room," Rose says with disgust.

Noticing my hurt expression, she sighs. "I'm sorry, Annalise. That was a careless comment. I'm not used to it, but I'm willing to compromise for you."

I slowly give her a hug. "Thanks, Ro. I know this is hard but I truly can't imagine life without the pack or without you. I need you both."

Emmett joins in on the hug, crushing us both against his chest which earns a round of laughter.

"Just wanted to share the sentiment, ladies."

I survey the room, noticing the obvious discomfort circling among the guests and the hosts. I hear a low growl coming from behind me. I am shocked when I turn around to see Rosalie baring her teeth.

"Rose?" I follow her gaze and look over by the stairs. I quickly survey the situation when I see Jacob, Embry, and Quil circling around Bella. Normally I wouldn't think anything of it, but taking a second look, I notice the intimidating stance the boys are taking and the look of fear crossing my cousin's face. Alice is pausing midway down the stairs, her face in an uncomfortable grimace as the boys now glance up to her.

I am on my way over when Jasper walks up, giving Jacob a firm push on the chest and the tension increases tenfold.

"Hey!" I shout. "What is going on here?"

I tug against Embry and Quil's arms, pulling them away from Bella as Rose and Emmett go to stand next to her.

"Annalise, it's best if you stay out of this," Embry says, pushing me behind him.

"What do you mean? The Cullen's would never hurt me."

"Oh ya?" Jacob's voice is two octaves deeper than usual. "Tell that to the pixie who's been keeping secrets from us. Apparently there's an army of vampires coming to Forks for you and Bella."

My face pales as I look to Bella for confirmation.

"Is this true?"

Her expression is one of guilt and shame. "Annalise, I didn't want to tell you unless we absolutely had to. I just found out myself."

Taking a deep breath, I calm myself down. "Okay," I say, cutting through the tension. "Clearly this is a real situation now that we need to discuss as a whole."

Alice groans. "Great, my visions disappeared. Looks like the werewolves have decided to invade the party."

"What?" Bella shrieks. "Jacob, you can't seriously be thinking…"

"Oh yes, we are. If there are vampires coming, you can bet we will be there."

Before Bella can complain any more, Carlisle cuts in. "Please, we are causing a scene. Bella, I agree with Jacob. I believe we will be better protected if we employ their help. Jasper here is an expert on newborn armies, which we believe is what we are up against. Can you arrange a meeting with Sam so we can go over the details? There are certain advantages the newborns have that you will need to know."

Jacob nods. "We will leave now to warn the rest."

"Let's meet at midnight tonight in the large clearing past the bounty line."

Jacob nods again, turning to leave. He grabs my arm on the way out. "We need to take you to Sam immediately."

"She should come to the meeting tonight," Jasper calls out. "They are hunting her as well as Bella. We need to discuss a safe strategy for both of them."

"I'll talk to Sam."

Before I can protest, Jacob leads me out the door, Quil and Embry following behind. I can only catch eyes with Bella before I am out of sight to see the same desperate plea in her eyes that is in mine.

"Can you ride on my back?" Jacob asks when we reach the driveway. "I need to contact Sam now and it will be faster to get back to the bounty line."

"Sure, fine."

I turn my back as the boys take off their clothes in the dark, turning around only when I hear the gruff breathing of a much larger being. Climbing on Jacob's wolf, I grab the reddish-brown fur tightly and lean in close as he dashes off into the woods. Far ahead, I hear a loud howl break through the silence of the night and I know Sam has heard the shocking information.

Review! Review! Review! What do you think Sam is going to do about the newborn army hunting Annalise and Bella? Also, Merry almost Christmas and Happy Hannukah!