"Sailor Scoot. Boop them on the Sailor Soot."

- anonymous Tumblr post

The planets were captured in the gravitational field of a cosmic abomination. Madameer was a massive, bulbous, bloated, quasi-aquatic. She was a quarter cephalopod and a quarter walrus with half of a voluptuous sea siren growing on top. She was fifty inches around the bust, forty inches around the waist, and eighty miles across the hips. Her all-consuming body expanded infinitely through the darkness, forming an umbrella of wide round curves that exuded seductiveness and ooze.

Dark luminescence gently pulsated from underneath her spongy and oily lower portions. Where her tangled forest of quivering leg appendages ended, glimmering female figures were slumped in the light. Flesh vacuoles on Madameer's underside kept the figures stuck in place, engulfing their heads down to their necks like shapeless lumps of moist clay. She'd conquered all the bodies of the solar system with the inescapable corpulence of her own.

The Sailor Senshi sat on their knees with a pool of shallow muddy water trickling around their thighs. Steam slowly wafted up around them and soaked them in a powerful aroma of sulfur and sushi. Their arms were slumped at their sides with their limp fingers brushing the beds of silt underneath their hips. They vocalized their helpless state of being with frail "Ahh"s and "Mmm"s through the dripping blubber pouches smothering their heads while their minds drowned in slimy dreams. Their bodies were in different stages of changing to a dark greenish-brown hue, while their planetary uniforms showed various degrees of battle wear. Some only sported a few tears on their gloves and along their suits. Others had their skirts reduced to a couple of colored threads clinging to their hips. They had been stripped down to their base leotard and left looking like they were wearing grimy one-piece swimsuits in the dark bog. A few had the front of their outfits torn open with their naked globes sagging out as they changed to an unearthly color. The rate the Senshi transformed depended on how well their bodies got along with the billions of foreign bacteria contaminating them through their pores.

Every inch of every Senshi was slathered in Madameer's natural slime and specks of black mold. The fabric of their magical uniforms was stained all the way through from days of soaking in disrepair. Drenched formfitting fabric was indistinguishable from nude skin in some places. Everything glistened with a damp and dirty sheen.

From time to time, Madameer would slither her torso downward on her rotund tentacles and hover behind of one of her paralyzed Senshi prey. She'd wrap her scheming fingers around their hip to judge how they were filling out since yesterday, or she'd playfully rub her long nails under their armpits to make sure the corrupting gel was reaching every corner of their body. She would brush her hand through the shallow pool, lift a handful of the toxic amber-umber water in her palm, and let it pour down one Senshi's torso to keep the body moist. She'd lovingly kiss others on the shoulder as the mass of alien flesh encasing their heads quivered. Two enormous waterbed melons with big, luscious, blatant, green female presenting nipples flopped from her bosom as she loomed closer to each Senshi. When she was leaning near one of the ones who had the top of their costume torn open, their soggy gray-green breasts would look like a smaller daughter pair next to the mother's. Jupiter and Neptune were the biggest of their team, yet even they were nothing when placed directly next to Madameer's voluptuous grandeur.

The bodies of the Sailor Senshi were gradually adapting as they were saturated in the enemy of all things clean, tidy, and sterile. They were being grown and cultivated in-house by an experienced farmer, pigs thrown in a mud pen together so they were domesticated. Every once in a while, swarms of eel tendrils would reach out from a deeper part of the murky pool and do something around the Sailor Senshi's waists. The small appendages micromanaged the various biological functions of their bodies so they remained stationary and focused on evolving the way Madameer desired.

They had been condemned to this lowly state of existence for days, sitting in the vile pond with their heels tucked under their softening rears. The bags of blubber and ooze enveloping their heads kept them in hibernation so they were simple to manage and their minds were unaware of how their bodies were being utilized. The abundance of alien nutrients seeping into their pores and the lack of physical conditioning were causing their bodies to lose some of their slender shapes and turn moist and juicy like Madameer. Their physiology was becoming rounder and luscious where they were once narrow and springy. The slimy water their bodies absorbed over the endless days contained so much raw and pungent virility that some of them even formed round little guts. The swelling would go away when the eel tendrils finished wiggling discretely under their plump thighs and retreated sightlessly back into the murky pool with something small, dark, and alive in their grasp. Mars was surprisingly the best at sustaining life, but the hybrid byproducts of her body and the alien microbes she was bathed in were becoming increasingly less human.

The fate of the Sailor Senshi was as hideously degrading as it was astounding. They were vessels of flesh being revised into a new life form of life that combined their own traits with Madameer's. With their grimy skin tones, jelly-covered bodies, and faceless blubber-covered heads, they could have passed as giant slugs trying to pass as human women trying to pass as overgrown moldy pears.

Madameer nestled her chin on one of her fatter tentacles as she smiled. Her eyes gazed down contently toward the slimy drenched figures trapped by her underbelly.

"Look at you now, you awful Earth mammals. You try to fight me with your corny heroic speeches and your uncontaminated human genes. Now you're almost ready to serve as my pod."

Madameer purred as she stretched her tentacles. The slithering undulations made the Sailor Senshi's bodies perform a small puppet dance as they swayed on their hips and jiggled under the pouches of flesh covering their heads.