Prologue: What the Fuck? …No, Really, What the Fuck?

Right, so this story is one of the few of its kind that's going to be on this profile of mine… And as far as I can tell, it's also the first ever fanfiction to be written about this game. Though considering said game, that's understandable. After all, writing a fanfiction for "Forest of the Blue Skin" is kinda difficult, what with there being no real plot to the game itself besides "collect monster girls to have sex with in game"…

With that being said, making a full on story for the game and writing it out is going to be interesting… And depending on how the game develops as Zell continues to work on it, this may be the only story on this profile that I actually return to on a regular basis to update previous chapters. These first few chapters in particular will most likely end up going through multiple revisions depending on how the game develops over time…

Anyways, all this being said, I suppose I should actually explain my plan for this story, so you can see whether or not you'll want to read this in the first place or not:

Essentially, within this story, it'll be a mix between actual plot, a lot of "plot" (Considering the game, I figure that this would be a given), and just a bit of "crack"… Because let's be honest, writing out an actual story for this, it would be nigh impossible to write out a serious story for the premise and situations this game gives us. (Especially since for certain game mechanics, I will be using them.)

The main focus will essentially be split into two parts. The first is probably the obvious one: The "plot" and the "crack" portion, which will be focused on the "collection" of the girls. Yes, this will be a thing in this story, and a rather big part of it as well. After all, this account is one that was made to focus on Lemony stories for reader's enjoyment. However, the second focus will be more oriented to the actual plot, but I'll leave that to be revealed in the story itself… Unless you're just here for the Lemons, and essentially skim through trying to find them so that you can only read those…

Anyways, that's about it for this introduction. I'm gonna see about playing through the game again to get a better idea of how I'll be going about writing this story. So just give me a couple hours to replay all the levels and figure out how exactly I'll be doing this… Or a few… Yeah, give me about three… or four… XD

(Okay, so for those of you reading this solely for the Lemons, feel free to skip this chapter, it's basically just an introduction meant for those who want to actually read the STORY. For those of you that DO read this chapter, thanks!)

(IMPORTANT INFO: For those of you who randomly found this story and decided to give it a read for one reason or another, and are NOT familiar with this game, some fair warning. There WILL be certain scenes present in this, both near the beginning and later on in certain chapters, with scenes that COULD technically be considered "Reverse Rape", or may even begin as OUTRIGHT "Reverse Rape". For those of you who would NOT be comfortable reading these scenes, I'll give warnings at both the beginnings of chapters that will include such scenes, as well as right before writing them out.)

Inside of what appeared to be a wooden shack, a young man looked around the structure he was in with confusion clear in his red colored eyes. He had slightly tanned Caucasian skin, and brown unkempt hair. At the moment, he was wearing black combat boots, blue jean shorts, and a grey T-shirt. He appeared to have a bit of muscle mass, but not too much, and his facial features would make him appear handsome to most girls, not that he ever really realized this. The young man's name was Alex, a 21 year old male, who's confusion came from the fact that he was certain that he'd just died moments ago.

"How the hell…?" He mutters to himself in shock, looking himself over and patting himself down when he saw that nothing was wrong with him. No broken bones, no cuts or bruises, no damage done to his clothes, nor were they covered in any blood. It was utterly baffling to him, especially since he was completely sure that he'd been run over by a truck just a few seconds ago. Shaking his head in an effort to clear it from the confusion swimming around his mind, he looked around his surroundings to get a better grasp on whatever situation he now found himself in.

There were no windows set into the walls around him, but candles that had been set up and were currently burning provided the young man with more than enough light to see. There was also a small clock hanging on the wall, the hands showing that it was currently 3:00. But Alex couldn't tell if it was in the morning or the afternoon. At the moment, the young man was sitting on a twin sized bed with orange covers, a white pillow, and a small, wooden bedside table. Pressed against the wall next to the bed was a bookshelf, which held a good number of books, while also having some open shelving that could be used for other items.

On the wall across from the bed, a small kitchenette could be seen, including cabinets, a relatively small fridge, and an oven, along with a counter. In the center of the room was a small table, with three stools around it. The only other noticeable thing about the shack was the last wall, which was noticeably bare, with the exception of a single door in the middle of it. Pushing himself up and off the bed, Alex took another glance around the room he was in, but saw nothing else that really drew his attention. With that in mind, his gaze turned to the room's single door.

"Well, might as well see where I am…" He mutters as he makes his way over to the door. When he got closer to it, he reached out towards the handle to pull it open, but hesitated a bit. After all, he was still a bit confused about what was going on since he was quite sure he'd died. After a few seconds, he shakes his head in an attempt to clear it, before grabbing hold of the handle, and pulling the door open. He flinched when opening the door allowed sunlight into the room, momentarily blinding him due to the sudden increase in light. However, a few seconds later his eyes adjusted, and he looked around the area he now found himself in.

From the looks of things, the shack that he just left was set up at the outskirts of a clearing in the middle of a forest, based on the rather large trees that surrounded the area, along with the vines, bushes, and also, worryingly, quite a large number of thorned vines. Looking around, Alex could tell that if he tried to force his way out of this clearing through the vines, he probably wouldn't make it to the other side in one piece. So, the idea of just walking out into the forest in hopes of finding a way out was discarded pretty much immediately. Knowing this, the young man payed more attention to what was actually present in the clearing itself.

A few feet away was something that reminded Alex a little bit of a crystal ball placed on a golden podium of some kind. Staring at it, he could see how the crystal part seemed to get dimmer and brighter at a constant rate, causing him to get mesmerized for a few seconds, before shaking his head to snap himself out of it and continue looking around the clearing, now walking around to see everything better. What drew his attention the most were the three stone structures set up around the edges of the clearing. However, when he got closer to one, his eyes widened at the site. Because within the stone archway, was what he could only describe as a portal of some sort.

At first, he'd mistaken it as simply being a stone archway that was an exit from the clearing, but taking a closer look, he could actually see that the very air within the arch seemed to waver, while also shimmering a light blue, making the other clearing he could see on the other side appear to have a blue tint to everything. The same could be said for the second stone archway, while the third had a green shimmer within it. After getting over the shock of this, as much as he could at least, Alex then noticed that each archway also had a symbol carved into it.

The first almost seemed to be a "Fast Forward" symbol one might see on a TV remote, with two arrows pointing to the right etched into the stone right beside each other. The second one had a heart carved into it, while the third one had a single arrow pointing upwards. Since he was still hesitant in this new environment, Alex continued to look around the clearing, however the only other thing he could see was what looked like a small sign, even though it looked like it was missing something…

Because of this, the young man's attention is brought back to the crystal ball from earlier, making him walk back over to it. Looking it over, he gave a shrug before placing his hand on the crystal. As soon as he did so, information rushed into his brain as a chime rang throughout the clearing around him. For a few seconds, the only sound that could be heard in the clearing was the fading echo of the chime that the crystal ball released… Then, Alex spoke three words.

"What the fuck…?" He muttered, a mix of emotions found in his voice. Confusion, relief, surprise, shock, anger, incredulity and more. All because of the information that had just been uploaded to his brain the second his hand came in contact with the crystal ball.

He felt confusion, because he was right earlier when he'd woken up. He had, in fact, been killed after getting run over by a truck, except that now he was alive.

He felt relief, because despite that, he was alive once again, even if he didn't know where he was.

He was surprised when he found out that the reason, he was alive was because an omnipotent being had chosen to revive him after his death, even if he was just randomly chosen.

He was shocked when he found out that he was actually inside a dimension created by said omnipotent being, instead of being resurrected back in his original dimension to continue living out his life.

He felt anger when it was revealed that the reason, he was even resurrected into this dimension was because said omnipotent being was bored, and as a result had created this world, and dragged a random soul into it in order to watch him live here as if his life was now a reality show for the being to pass his time enjoying.

And he felt incredulity when he found out that said life would be filled with "collecting monster girls" of all things!

He couldn't even argue against any of this because all of this had been uploaded straight to his brain, from said omnipotent being, the second his hand came in contact with the crystal orb. And while he might have just passed it off as someone drugging him or something, and him now being on an acid trip, the omnipotent being in question had made it quite clear to Alex that this was real through a few other means during their little mental "chat" that took place over all of a second.

"…No, really. What the FUCK?!"

Like I said at the top, this is basically just an introduction to the story when it comes to the plot, and how I'm going about the world itself when it comes to Alex exploring it outside of the Lemony scenes. And just like I'm sure Zell does, I will take read any and all suggestions for this story. That's not to say that I'll 100% include them, but I will most certainly think about it.

Now, this chapter is actually really short compared to what I'm planning on having the average length of the other chapters being, but since this is the less important prologue of the story that doesn't hold all that much important info, I feel like it works. All this being said, not much else I have to say here, other than "Merry Christmas!" to all who celebrate it, considering I'm posting this on Christmas Eve where I live.

Hope you all enjoy the Holiday, and I'll see about getting started on either the next chapter to this, or the prologue to my Eroico story right away after posting this!