AN: Final chapter and futuretake



The door slammed and the sound of keys hitting the bowl on the hall table echoed through the apartment. The noise jolted me out of edit mode, and I dropped my red pen beside the manuscript I had been going through for the last three hours. I still preferred the old fashioned method for my initial edits; it felt more immediate and helped me to get into the story the author was trying to tell.

I stretched, leaning back in my chair and feeling the bones in my back ease from where I'd been hunched over as I concentrated. Cool arms slid over my shoulders and around my neck, and involuntarily I leaned my head to one side to accept the hot kiss Edward planted on that sweet spot under my ear.

"Hello, love." His soft voice and hot breath wafted over my skin, followed by goosebumps and hardening nipples. His touch never failed to arouse me. "Have you finished working?"

"Yup, I've already spent four hours on this manuscript, so I think I'm done for now; I'll pick it back up again when your family has gone back to Forks. You don't have to go back to work for a few days, do you?"

"Hmm, I've got a whole four days off. It took a little trading, but it will be worth it. When are we due at the restaurant?" I shivered as he blew on the damp skin he'd kissed.

I opened my eyes as his arms slid from my shoulders. Edward moved between the desk and the chair and placed a hand on each of the arms, trapping me. His green eyes, even though they were tired, twinkled in the low light from the room. Glancing beyond him at the clock, I answered him, "Not for another three and a half hours; it's four o'clock. Dinner is booked for seven-thirty and everyone is meeting us there."

My eyes traveled over his beautiful face; the messy hair, which no doubt he'd spent all day running his fingers through, and down to the green scrubs. My favorite color on him. His knowing smirk pulled a matching grin from my face as I leaned forward and captured his lips with mine. "We have time then, hmm?"

Standing, I managed to catch him off balance and pushed his him until his ass leaned back against the hard edge of the desk. His hands thumped down on either side of his thighs, my hands pulling at the drawstring waist of his scrubs. "Commando, Dr. Cullen?" I asked, finding him half-hard already.

"You know me. I'm the proverbial boy scout; always prepared." His grin widened until my hand gripped him tightly, his scrubs falling to the floor. A low groan issued from his throat and his eyes drifted shut as my hand smoothed over the velvety soft skin that covered the hard steel core.

"And what were you expecting?" Half seated on my desk, Edward was at just the right height for my mouth to reach his face. Bypassing his lips, my teeth grazed over his Adam's apple. Swallowing, he lifted his chin to give me more space and my tongue followed my teeth.

"I … hmm … wasn't expecting anything." His answer was strained and already slightly breathless as I sped up the movements of my hand.

"I think you're avoiding the truth, Edward. You have no shoes, no socks and no boxers on; I think you were. If not expecting, you were hoping and ready." My hand stilled. "Tell me or I might just stop."

All too quickly the tables were turned as Edward deftly slid his arm around my waist and laid me back on the desk. Kissing me senseless before sliding off my sweats and underwear, his hands pushed his t-shirt, I'd donned that morning, up by body and baring my breasts. "I admit it, it's all true. Hmm, no bra," he murmured against my nipples before engulfing each in turn in his mouth.

I had no answer, too busy giving in to feelings instead. Within minutes his head was buried between my thighs and it wasn't long after that I was virtually screaming his name, his hair clenched hard between my fingers.

"Oh, God," I gasped. "You're so good at that." His face appeared over mine, a smile pulling at that corner; giving me that crooked smile. "I love you."

Helping me up, he lifted me into his arms and headed toward the shower, where we each made sure the other was as clean as possible, before getting dirty all over again.

Edward had just finished a forty-eight hour shift in pediatrics, having finally declared his speciality. While he napped away an hour, I dried my hair and finished up my make-up, remembering back to almost a year ago.

Despite all the difficulties, New Year's Day three years ago, we had finally managed to be on the same page. I hadn't realized how much I had missed him for the eight years I'd been in England, and I was only sorry that our reconnection had hurt Riley; he didn't deserve it.

Now it felt as if I had everything I'd ever wanted. I'd always had my parents in my corner, even when I'd been thousands of miles away, but those miles had still created a distance. After Riley's proposal, I'd hightailed it to Forks, scared; I needed space and time, but most of all, I realized that I'd never stopped loving Edward, and it would have been unfair to marry Riley with those feelings still inside me.

I'd also realized that I'd missed my family more than I'd allowed myself to feel, and that rush of emotion had changed the course of my life.

"Bella?" Edward's sleepy voice broke through my thoughts. "What time is it?" He was always the same; he'd rather ask me the time than open his eyes one second before he wanted to.

"Almost six o'clock, and I've booked a taxi for seven. You have time for a quick shower if you want."

"Can you come here, Bella, please?"

I sighed, shook my head and smiled to myself. He was so transparent. "Not on your life, Cullen, I'd like to be on time. So, no, I can't. I'm sure you can manage without my help."

"But I have something I need help with. Please, Bella."

I put down my mascara brush and wrapped my robe a little tighter around my body. I was giving him no encouragement, or we'd be very, very late. I stood in the doorway between the bathroom and the bedroom, looking at a sleepy, dishevelled Edward; the best Edward. My favorite Edward. Oh, who am I kidding; I loved every Edward.

"What could you possibly need help with, Edward?"

"I have a condition that only you can help me with." He'd fallen asleep in just his towel, which he now pushed away, showing me his 'problem'.

"Very funny, Edward. How on earth can you still be horny?"

Crawling to the end of the bed, he stood and stalked toward me buck naked. "I always want you. I haven't seen you for forty-eight hours." He stepped close to me, his lips seeking mine, and as always I melted into his kiss. However, I was determined that we wouldn't be late. I pulled away―not without difficulty―and moved past him into the bedroom, determined to get dressed now, before he had a chance to change my mind.

"Alice and Jasper will be here later; we should take advantage of an empty apartment."

Turning toward him, I tried to put on a stern face, but Edward pouting was almost too enticing. I hid my smile. "They'll be here for four days Edward. Just four days. You won't die without sex for four days, and besides, I'm sure they won't be concerned if we're loud. They certainly are. Come on, get dressed, please."

Edward dropped the act and pulled me into his arms. "You're right, Bella. This is our last New Year's in New York so let's make the most of it." He kissed me lightly and then strode toward the bathroom. "I think I will take that quick shower."

I shook my head at him. He was incorrigible, but I hadn't regretted following him to New York for one second. I'd managed to get on the same flight as he had three years ago and we'd spent the six hour flight cuddled together, talking about the logistics of my move.


Mom and Dad hadn't wanted me to leave; they'd just gotten me back, but they sent us both off with their blessings. Of course, Esme and Carlisle were ecstatic that we'd found our way back to each other and approved of our plans.

After a tearful goodbye to my parents at Seattle airport, Edward made a suggestion. "I could move my residency to Seattle or Forks," he offered. "You're giving up a fantastic job in London for me, and I'm willing to compromise."

I'd shaken my head. "That's not necessary, Edward. Part of the reason I stayed in England was because I was afraid of running into you with Tanya. I don't think I could have come back from that, so I stayed with Riley. Deep down inside, I knew I didn't love him the way he did me, but I buried it."


Edward and I had discussed his residency, going over the pros and cons of each of his preferred specialities. In the end, pediatrics had proved to be the more enticing one, though I had a pretty shrewd idea that the future that would bring had a bearing on his choice. Whatever residency program he chose, he worked very long hours, but pediatrics would lead to more time together in the future.

The first three months were difficult. I just couldn't get over the idea of Tanya being in the same apartment. I knew she'd slept there, and despite replacing the sofa and the bed, she still lurked in corners. In the end, Edward had come home with some rental options from a local agent and we'd relocated to our current apartment. It had one more bedroom and a small office space as well as a great kitchen. It was closer to the hospital but on the opposite side of Central Park, and having no association with Tanya, I immediately felt so much more comfortable.

Riley's family company had contacted me shortly after I'd made the move to New York; they didn't want to accept my resignation and offered to allow me to work remotely. I didn't feel comfortable with that at all, and refused to even consider it. I did manage to find a few freelance jobs, but it was slow and I was grateful I had some savings.

Edward, of course, said it wasn't necessary for me to work, but there was no way I could let him pay for everything. I'd be bored and I didn't want to resent him. While I was looking for the right position, I received an email from Riley.

Dear Bella

I ought to be angry at you. Angry for leading me on for years, angry for leaving me. But, actually, I'm glad. I came to find you though in my heart I knew the answer before you put it into words. I want you to know that even though you broke my heart, it meant that I was in the right place at the right time to meet the most beautiful, wonderful girl.

Her name is Bree Tanner; she was in the seat next to me and within thirty minutes, she had me laughing and almost forgetting about you.

We're taking it slow for now, and I'm making sure we're on the same page, but I really think she's the one. Don't be offended when I say I feel so much more with her than I did with you, although that's not meant to hurt you.

I realise now that, had you accepted my proposal, our marriage would have been built on a lie and would have failed spectacularly. So I'm grateful to you for your courage in reaching out to Edward and truly following your heart.

Anyway, that's not the main reason for me contacting you. My grandfather has told me that you refused to rescind your resignation. Let me tell you, he wasn't pleased and seemed to think it was all my fault. Thanks for that!

But seriously, I understand why you couldn't stay, but I hate to think of you throwing away the advances you made with the company. So, I have included a list of would-be authors who actually came to us from the States. They're not authors we have refused to represent, and it'll be up to you to decide if they're worth taking on.

There's also a list of contacts you might need to be able to set up your own publishing company. And before you protest and say you can't, you are the most capable and brave person I know. So get to it, Swan, and send a wedding invite to me and Bree when you're ready for that step.

I still love you, but not in the same way. Now it's as friends, and in time, I hope you feel that way, too.

All the Best


I hadn't looked back since then. Out of the authors Riley had sent, four proved to be worth signing, and that was only the beginning. After three years, the company I'd set up was doing well, though for the moment I used the office at the apartment as my business base. Eventually, I'd have to rent somewhere, but for the moment, this was enough.


"Are you ready?" Edward's arms snuck around my waist, his lips on my neck where my hair had left it naked. "You smell delicious. You sure I can't persuade you to be late?" His hot breath wafted over me, giving rise to familiar goosebumps.

Sliding out of his arms, I turned to place my hands on his chest. The heels I was wearing allowed my lips to taste his, but I pulled away before he could deepen the kiss. "I'm sure," I said. "Your parents and our friends only get to visit once a year, so we are leaving as soon as the taxi gets here. You can have me all to yourself later, okay?"

His theatrical sigh was interrupted with a buzz from the entry phone. As he headed toward the entry hall, I added my keys, phone and wallet to my purse, and followed him to where he was already holding out my coat for me to slip into.

He was the epitome of handsome with his black pressed trousers and jacket, white shirt and skinny black tie, all topped by a camel cashmere coat. I almost said 'let's stay at home' but decided not to give him any more ammunition to seduce me.

The taxi was waiting at the curb, idling in the cold air. Edward held the door open and helped me inside, then climbed in and closed the door before giving the driver the address of the restaurant.

Twenty minutes later, we had checked our coats and were being ushered to a table in an alcove. The restaurant was still decorated from Christmas with wreaths, Christmas garland and lights twined along the bannisters on the staircase leading to the upper dining room, making the room look warm and inviting. Alice and Jasper were already seated, giving their drink orders to the waiter.

Catching sight of us, Alice leaped to her feet, almost running around the table. She engulfed me in her arms, hugging me tighter than her stature said she should be able. "Bella, it's so nice to see you." She took one step back. "Looking good; New York agrees with you."

Turning to Edward, she hugged him, too. "I've missed you, too, Edward. You don't visit us enough." She pouted and then grinned when he opened his mouth to protest. "It's okay, I forgive you." Kissing his cheek, she returned to her seat while Jasper and Edward man-hugged, and then Jasper and I exchanged a light hug.

"Where are the others?" I asked when we had both taken seats. The restaurant had provided us with a large oval table, enough for the ten people expected. Alice and I were seated next to each other, with Edward on my other side.

Our parents were staying at a nearby hotel, within walking distance. A text from my mom told me that they were on their way. "Have you heard from Emmett and Rose?" Alice asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing, but you know how they are. They're always late."

Edward smirked and muttered, "See, we could have been late, too."

Jasper laughed quietly. "Yeah, they haven't been on time for years. There are only so many excuses they can give for not being able to keep their hands off each other."

The waiter returned with Alice's red wine and Jasper's Corona, and waited for Edward and me to give him our order. Before he could leave, Renée and Esme came through the doors, bringing Charlie and Carlisle with them along with a flurry of snow. After depositing coats and outerwear at the coat check, they were shown to the table, greeting each of us in turn.

"It's wonderful to see you, Bella. You're looking beautiful this evening." As always, I blushed lightly at the attention from Carlisle. He had a way of making me feel like a tongue-tied teenager.

"She always looks beautiful to me." Edward brushed the back of his fingers over my cheek, dropping a light kiss after his touch.

"You're just hoping to get lucky later, bro." Emmett's voice boomed a little as he and Rose approached us.

"Shut up, Emmett, you're embarrassing them," Rose whisper-yelled. "Sorry, Bella, his filter hasn't improved with age." After greeting the rest of the group they took the remaining seats, ordering their drinks from the very patient waiter.

Our server handed out menus and left everyone to make their food choices while conversations flew across the table, ranging from flights to jobs to decorating houses. Christmas and New Year's in England had never been bad, but it felt so good to be with family.

Of course, Alice and I had remained friends throughout all of that time, although our telephone conversations had become few and far between. She had been the one to keep me up-to-date with Esme and Carlisle, and she had occasionally mentioned Rose. I wanted to reconnect with her but, although we chatted on messenger at odd intervals, our friendship was never quite the same after what I saw as her betrayal.

I had to admit to myself that it was mostly stubbornness and pride on my side that kept me angry for a long time. I felt that she should have stayed out of the discussion about England.

We finally had it out about six months after Edward and I moved in together. We'd gone back to Forks for Edward's birthday and, of course, everyone was invited. With all the goings on at New Year's, somehow we'd missed them totally, and at the time I wasn't too concerned.

Rose was the brave one that day. I sort of avoided conversations with her, but she wasn't prepared to let it go on any longer. So she confronted me at the Saturday barbeque, and I remembered back to that day.

"Bella, we have to sort this out, please. I want our friendship back the way it was. I know that we're not Cullens, but Edward and Emmett are close friends, so we're likely to be in the same places. I don't want it to be awkward like today has been."

"I know, Rose. It was a long time ago and I feel like an idiot for letting the distance between us grow. I was so heartbroken after breaking up with Edward, I just wanted to cut all ties that would remind me of him. If I'm honest, part of me blamed you and my dad for persuading me to take the scholarship, but I've forgiven him. He thought he was just doing his best for me, and I should've seen that you did that, too."

"Well, I was jealous of you, too. You had Edward and this wonderful opportunity, and there was me, going nowhere. I promise, I didn't set out to take sides. When Edward broke up with you, I was shocked, but I persuaded myself that it was on him if he couldn't deal with a long distance relationship. I can see now that I should've stayed completely out of it; it wasn't my place to tell you what you should do―I should've just been there for you to talk to. I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry, too, Rose. I can admit now that taking the scholarship was right and I would have missed a great opportunity if I hadn't gone. There was a lot I would have missed out on, but I should've talked to Edward first. It was my pride as much as his that kept us apart for so long, and no one is to blame for that except us."

"I've wished for a long time that I'd handled it differently, but I didn't, so here we are. Now that you and Edward are back together, do you think we could be friends like we used to be? I've missed you."

I'd agreed immediately, and we'd spent the next two hours trying to catch up on each other's lives. Edward was a little reticent in picking up the friendship we'd had back in school, but between Emmett and me, he hadn't stood a chance. We were all as close now as we'd been then.

Edward's hand on my leg brought me out of my thoughts, and I looked up to find his concerned eyes on mine. "You, okay?" he mouthed. I nodded and kissed him. "You want to give them the good news now?" he whispered.

His green eyes reflected the sparkling Christmas lights and shone with so much love that no matter what happened in the future, I knew I wasn't letting go of him.

I nodded again, and he tapped his glass to get everyone's attention. "Bella and I have some news. Part of it Dad already knows, so I'll start there. I got confirmation a couple of days ago for a position at the Olympic Medical Center in Port Angeles."

There was total uproar from everyone: Alice squealing in excitement, Renée hugging Rose, Esme scolding Carlisle for keeping it secret, and the rest of the men shaking Edward's hand and clapping him on the back to congratulate him.

"When do you start?"

"Where are you going to live?"

"Are you getting married?"

Alice and Esme fired questions at us, one after the other. Edward held his hands up. "Hey, let's order food, shall we, and then we'll answer your questions." He looked at the server. "Sorry about that, they're not usually this uncontrollable."

The server smiled and took orders from everyone, disappearing with a promise of bringing a couple of bottles of champagne to the table to celebrate the good news. As soon as he returned, Carlisle and Edward opened them both, pouring a glass for each of us. "To Bella and Edward," was his toast, the sentiment repeated by all our friends and family.

I placed my glass on the table. "Okay, that wasn't our only piece of news. Riley sent me an email on Christmas Day. He and Bree are getting married at the end of September and Edward and I have been invited to the wedding in London."

"That's lovely, Bella. Riley's a nice boy and he deserves happiness." Esme was, as always, gracious.

"And that's not all. We've set a date." When the uproar recommenced, I began to wish we'd told them in a more private place, as I'm sure were the other patrons. Edward was the one to hold his hands up again, grinning at their exuberance.

"Well," said Alice. "Come on, let us all in on the secret."

"Okay, okay. The job starts in April, we're looking for a house to buy―"

"Yes, yes, yes, Edward. Get to the point. When's the wedding? It takes time to plan, you know."

"Patience, Alice, we'll get there." He turned to look at me, a huge smile on his face. "August thirteenth. We're going to honeymoon on a yacht in the Mediterranean and then on to London for Riley's wedding."

"That's not enough time, Edward. The best venues are booked up for a year in advance. Then there's the dress, the flowers, the photographer, the caterer―"

"Alice." I put my hand over her mouth. "Edward and I have already decided where we'd like the wedding to take place." I looked over at Carlisle and Esme, who had yet to get a word in edgewise. "If it's okay with you guys, we'd like to have the wedding and the reception at your house." At their enthusiastic nods, I took my hand away from Alice's mouth. "You, Rose, Esme, and Mom can help me with the dress, of course, and everything else, but the date is a done deal. We've already asked Angela's dad to perform the ceremony, and he's agreed."

The rest of our dinner passed in great conversation and excitement as we discussed Edward's new job, the wedding, and where we might like to live. My new business could be run from anywhere so we had already decided that we would settle somewhere in the suburbs of Port Angeles, because both of us knew that it wouldn't be too long before we took the next step―children. Not that we told them that―everyone'd had enough excitement for one evening. Once we were finished, we stepped out of the restaurant to find a light layer of snow had settled on the ground and was still falling.

It was eleven so getting a taxi was next to impossible. It was decided that we would walk to Times Square to watch the ball drop; it would only take five minutes or so. Each couple headed arm in arm toward the square, already hearing the excited voices ahead of us.



I had never been so grateful for Bella's forgiveness three years ago, even though she'd told me there was nothing to forgive. I didn't agree. I'd broken her heart and, worse, I'd been a coward in not contacting her for those eight years. It was pure fluke that Tanya had let slip what she'd done or I might have actually agreed to marry her.

Now, I felt on top of the world and everything I'd worked hard for in the last three years since we'd reconnected was coming to fruition. I had the job, and would soon have the home I'd always wanted, and most importantly I had the girl; the girl I'd loved since I was seventeen.

Looking down at her cold, pink cheeks as we walked toward Times Square to ring in the New Year for the last time in New York, I pulled her close to my side and kissed her. "You happy?" I asked.

"Very," she whispered back. "I love you."

Stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, I turned to face her, taking her in my arms. "I love you, too, Bella. I have for almost ten years, since my first day at Forks High. And I'll love you until the day I die." My lips met hers, the kiss between us heating up as our friends and family got further ahead of us.

"Oh, my God, that's disgusting." A strident voice I recognized came from behind me. Breaking the kiss, I turned to find Tanya Denali standing not too far away on the arm of a man I didn't recognize. He looked old enough to be her father, but I'd met him a couple of times and this wasn't him. Their embrace wasn't exactly platonic, either.

"Tanya," I said politely. The last three years hadn't been that kind to her. Even though she was only just thirty, she looked ten years older.

"Oh, Edward, I didn't recognize you." She looked at my Bella, feigning ignorance. "And who's this?"

"This is my Bella, my fiancée, Tanya," I replied evenly.

She kept her eyes on me, introducing the man beside her without looking in his direction. "That's such a coincidence. This is Marcus, my fiancé." She slid her glove off, deliberately flashing a huge rock adorning her left hand.

I have no idea what she wanted to prove or what reaction she wanted from me, but it meant nothing at all. I wondered what I'd ever seen in her.

Shaking my head slightly, I took Bella's hand in mine. "Forgive us, Tanya, we have to be going. My family is waiting for us." Brushing past her, I didn't even look back as Bella and I caught up with the others. By the time we reached Times Square and through the security line, it was five minutes to midnight. Bella kissed my cheek lightly and then went to talk to Rose and Alice.

"Where did you get to?" Esme asked.

"Just saying hello to Tanya," I said mildly.

"What? Where is she?"

"It's nothing, Mom. She was passing and we exchanged pleasantries, she showed me her ostentatious engagement ring." I shrugged. "That was it."

Mom just huffed and frowned. "You had such a lucky escape there, Edward. I pity the man she marries because I don't think she will every truly love anyone but herself."

"Probably, but it doesn't matter anymore, does it? I have Bella now, and Tanya doesn't matter."

"No, I don't suppose it does." After she kissed my cheek we separated, each of us joining our other half just as the final part of the countdown began.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six," the crowd chanted the countdown as one, watching as the ball continued it's fall from the top. "Five, four, three, two, one." Our lips met again and again as we kissed in the New Year, before drawing back and looking at each other. Bella always looked beautiful to me, but especially so tonight.

Her deep brown eyes drew me in, flecks of green and gold radiating from the center, reflecting the lights from the hundreds of phone lights, candles, and the sparkling lights from the enormous Christmas tree. They shone with so much love, and I knew that no matter what happened in the future, I wasn't letting go of her.


** Last Chances **