"And of course, there was another time I handled a Beowulf one handed, as my other was, at the time, broken!" Port laughed. No one else joined in. It was Friday, it was the second to last class of the day, and half the class had already checked out for the weekend. When school was over, they were all probably going to go back to their dorms, decompress a little, and then lie in bed and look at their phones for a few hours.

Kevin fell into this group. He'd stopped listening at this point and was starting to nod off. Sleeping in Port's class was always expected and even accepted, because, hey, Port would be so focused on rambling that he would never notice.

Plus, Kevin went to bed at, like, 2 AM last night and had a test earlier that day. He was burnt out.

Kevin put his head down on his desk and closed his eyes.

"What, you're going to sleep? Awww, come on, he's getting to the best part!"

Min's voice in Kevin's ear made him shoot up, forcing him to look around. Min wasn't registered at Beacon, nor was she anywhere in sight. And that scared Kevin, honestly. An out of sight Min was like an out of sight cat- sure, you could hear it, but it was probably up to no good.

"Confused?" Min's voice teased, sending shivers down Kevin's spine and made him audibly gasp.

Port paused his story, making everyone worry that this would make Port regain focus on the lesson. "Something wrong, Mr. Levin?"

"Uh, no. Just an awkward chill down my spine," Kevin lied.

Port laughed heartily. "Ah, yes! Chills! The sure sign a Grimm is near! That reminds me of the time I single handedly tracked down a Giest by my goosebumps alone! Such a wild 'goose' chase, if I do say so myself!" Port laughed at his terrible joke, but again, no one else joined it.

But hey, Levin had made Port tell another story. That gave them more time to check their emails and send some stupid memes to their friends. So, this was an absolute win in their books.

Min giggled, suddenly appearing to his left. "Did I scare you?"

Kevin furrowed his brow. "No. So, is this some telepathy bullshit?" he whispered.

"What? No, that shit's boring, dude." Min pouted prettily. "I used a stealth spell. I'm only visible to your eyes."

"...how long have you been stalking me, exactly?" Kevin had to ask.

"Few hours. Don't worry, I didn't follow you when you used the bathroom," Min teased. "That's just gross."

Kevin huffed, putting his head down again. "Whatever. Wake me when he finally finishes up."

"You gotcha," Min said, listening carefully to the teacher.

"I thought that was my job," Doppler hissed from the AntiTrix.

"Quiet, you," Kevin muttered as he dozed off.

Truth be told, Min hadn't been particularly interested in the human world when she first started working on Max's 'story'. It just seemed like a big, stupid story in itself, where everyone was a victim of an impossible idiot plot.

So, why'd she get herself involved? Well, she was touched by Max's life and felt utterly outraged when it ended in such an awful manner, so that was a factor...

But Min also yearned to experience the bigger things in life. Demons had it sort of easy in the Chaos Sphere, where everyone had a role that suited them best and with the overall realm being relatively calm most of the time. The humans were always bustling around, running from point A to point B, with millions of different expectations and struggles in their lives. It was so complicated and strange to view from an outside point.

But as odd as it was, Min still found herself interested. She never acted on the urge to see these struggles up close...until Max died.

...plus, they had some tasty food. Min wanted to try a cheeseburger, or maybe some mapo tofu. Honestly, she was fine with the cuisine in the demon world, but bloody horse head got boring after a while.

Eventually the bell rang. Min slapped Kevin's head a few times, making him groan. "I'm awake, I'm awake," he huffed, shoving his notebook in his bag.

"Just checking," Min teased. Kevin couldn't see her smirk, but he could absolutely sense it. He walked out the door and into the hallway.

Min walked a few steps in front of Kevin. "So, you free later on? I wanna grab a bite to eat."

Kevin just walked a bit in front of her, trying to avoid looking like a crazy person...and also just to tease her.

"Hey, I know you can see me," Min huffed, matching his strides.

"I know," Kevin said casually, smirking a little. "Just going on like usual."

Min pouted. "Being a bastard is my thing, damn it!"

Kevin chuckled. "Please. I'm the original bastard."

Min did not want to be ignored, nor did she want to have her role as bastard be usurped. She needed a plan to reassert her dominance as First Chaotic Bastard Supreme, the title she had stolen from her father.

...Min suddenly got an evil idea.

Kevin felt something hop onto his back, wrapping its arms around his neck and its legs around his waist.

Min had literally latched onto him for a piggy back ride. Her weight made Kevin's steps slower than usual, and this would slow him down to Glynda's lecture.

And she hated late students.

This was hell.

"Keeeevin~" Min teased. "I'll ask again. Are you free later on?"

Kevin did her best to ignore her. But people couldn't ignore him.

"Hey," a darker skinned passerby with green hair and red eyes whispered to her friend- some stranger Kevin had spared with. "Isn't he moving around weird?"

"Kinda," the taller redhead answered, snickering lightly. "Probably backpack weight."

"You know what would suck right now?" Min giggled.

Kevin didn't respond.

"If someone started talking to you while I increased gravity's effect on my body. But what's the chances of that happening?"

Kevin's feet felt heavier-

"Hey, Kevin!" Kylie called out.

Kevin slowly turned around as his sister ran up to him. "Got a minute? I wanted to talk to you about mom's birthday gift. Think she'd appreciate a card with a nice leather purse or a card-"

Kylie's words didn't reach Kevin. The weight Min was providing was really starting to get to him, and he couldn't bear it anymore-

"Maybe I'm not doing anything," Min whispered into his ear. "Maybe my presence alone is getting you all hot and bothered."

Kevin sighed loudly. "Hey, Kylie. Hold that thought."

Kylie paused mid sentence. "Huh? What's up?"

"Give me a second."

And then Kevin fell on his back, squishing Min beneath him and leaving a small crater in the ground. Min did NOT see that coming, and she cursed and hissed loudly- her back hurt like HELL thanks to that little stunt! She released her vice on Kevin and started rolling around in pain.

Kevin stood back up like nothing happened, while Kylie was more focused on the crater. "Sorry about that, what were you saying?"

"Uh, I think I'll just ask you later," Kylie said, unnerved. She walked away as fast as she could without seeming rude.

Kevin turned back to Min, smirking triumphantly. "Don't get ahead of yourself, demon girl." He walked away, a literal weight off his back.

...and that was the start of Min's big fat stupid crush on Kevin.