(I'm typing from my phone, sorry for any grammar mistake)
Hello, long time no see, hopefully you're all okay. Unfortunately I don't bring good news. My absent this past months wasn't planned. I feel awful for leaving so suddenly without notice and i would like to apologize to all of you for my lack of updates. From the bottom of my heart i want to let you all know that i haven't stopped thinking about this fic and that all of your lovely reviews mean the world to me.

To keep this short for everyone's sake.. my computer died few months ago after a blackout. I lost all of my important documents,family photos and things i needed for uni (I've long since accepted the fact that i wouldn't see them again) I been trying to save money to no avail, since most pc/ laptops are way out of my budget (like $250 for an used average laptop :/ ) and i can't obviously afford that with my whole salary of $4 per month .. ( yep, you read that right, four, f-o-u-r) i wish i was joking, i really do. But that's the minimum wage in my country and finding a different job wouldn't make much of a difference.

It's been awfully challenging to stay positive since I worked as a freelancer every once in a while to pay for my expenses, not to mention i also used my pc for uni since I was studying to be a graphic designer. Needless to say, i took the decision to drop out for the time being.

Whoever said money doesn't buy happiness was freaking wrong and I would like to whack them in the head with a rock

I'm clinging to the hope that it would get better at some point. It always rains before a rainbow, right ?

I would like to apologize once again, i know you guys were just as excited as I was with this little project. At first i posted without expecting much, but then i started to received such an amazing response that made me so happy and proud. Thank you to each one of you that supported me in any way. I wouldn't made it this far if it weren't for you.

Sorry and thank you for your constant love and support. I sending my blessing and prayers to all of you and your loved ones during this difficult time and remember to wash your hands and not touch your face. Please stay safe.

if i dropped my pay - pall would anyone be interested in donating to help me out? Please send me a private message (PM) if that's the case. sorry if this came the wrong way, i'm desperate rn.

Have a nice day and for the love of everything holy on this universe please stay inside

love u all little pumpkins- Adriel G