Hey, I'm not dead, I am so so so sorry for not uploading for a while, I just wanted to make this a long chapter for you guys so that took some time. I've also been super busy with work and soccer training this summer so you know the stress is real, but I truly enjoy writing this story and you guys are in luck. Because I'm going to start uploading chapters regularly so I hope you guys are excited for that. Enough of me talking... I guess writing and onto the story.

Cassandra Clare pretty much owns my life as well as all the characters and TMI.

Simon's POV

I waited in the empty locker room pacing for, well, many reasons. My head began to ache from all the thoughts in my head swirling like a cyclone. Emotions pound through me in waves, not knowing how to articulate them in a calm manner I continue to pace. I can barely even bring myself to look at Riley sitting on the bench in front of me. My wife behind me is, she is giving our son a glare that could put a hole through a wall. My pacing gets worse as my feet begin to leave tread marks on the carpet and my hands create knots in my hair. My head was screaming of anger and annoyance, and disappointment. I finally calmed myself down enough to stop pacing and looked up at my son, taking in his bowed head and sweaty black hair. A scrape running from the corner of his eye to his hairline was visible at this angle, it was probably from when the girl punched his helmet off. Despite myself, I felt anger towards that girl for hurting my son but I realize it's ridiculous because he had started the fight. As I think about what happened I only had one question for my son at the moment.

Before I can even register what I am saying I ask, "Why."

My son finally lifts his head to look up at me and scoffed, "Why."

"Why, why I don't know, why don't you tell me," I scolded.

"I … she ... ," Riley grunted out in frustration.

"I, Shee, WHat, WHAT COULD SHE HAD POSSIBLY DONE TO MAKE YOU PUSH HER ONTO THE ICE," I lost all cool, that I was screaming at this point.

"She was … she was amazing," Riley stared up at me with a sad glint in his eyes. " I mean, I work so hard to be the best at Hockey I, train and train to be number three. But today I just faced the person I have to wanted to outrank for 2 years now. She … she destroyed us."

"That still doesn't give you any right to hit her Riley," I sighed.

"I know, I shouldn't have done it I was just … jealous, that it … she just made beating us look so easy," he stuttered through his reply.

"But why make it seem like it was about her being a girl," Isabelle chimed in shocking both of the boys.

"I don't know, it was easier I guess, then emitting that I was jealous," He sighs in guilt.

Isabelle pushes off the wall she has been leaning on and saunters over to our son and puts a hand on his shoulder. Riley seems to soften from the comforting touch of his mother, but what Izzy says isn't as comforting as her touch. "Riley I understand that you were jealous, that happens to everyone but you can not resort to violence because you envy someone. And for her to play for a guys team and be number one in the league, she has to work ten times harder than anyone else. So when you think her talent was just handed to her that is not the case because she worked very hard for where she is now. When she walks through that door you have to give her a genuine apology because you owe her at least that," Isabelle lectured our son never breaking eye contact.

"I will mom I promise," Riley whispers with his head bowed down. His eyes fixated on the floor never budging while he played with his hands.

I could tell that he was anxious and dreading having to talk to "the claw", I honestly didn't blame him I was dreading it as well.

As if on cue the door opened revealing a girl with white hair and tan skin, she was wearing a pair of light pink Adidas pants and a white short sleeve t-shirt and air force 1's. But the thing that shocked me the most is the two people behind her I recognized. With the guy's floppy brown hair and tall stature and unique facial features, it had to be Aiden from high school. The most shocking part was the redhead, she made my heart catch and my breath hitch in disbelief, "Clary," I whispered.

Clary POV

Claudia opened the door to the locker room that held the boy that attacked her in the rink. My head was a battlefield of emotions, I had the urge to just scream at the boy who hurt my Claud, I also wanted to cry for letting this happen to her. I must have been showing these emotions despite my efforts in keeping a straight face because Aiden grabbed my hand as we stepped through the threshold. I'm too caught up in my own thoughts to realize that everyone is staring at me and Aiden but mostly me. A familiar voice brought me out of my reverie, I looked up to see a face from my past. Damn, he was the absolute last person I would expect to see here, especial the fact that his son attacked my daughter. Now my face was contorted into a grimace, "Hello Simon." I said that harsher than intended but I was angry. I hear Aiden say high as well, in a very calm tone. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Isabelle Lightwood, well not Lightwood anymore I guess she's a Lewis now. The boy stands up and steps towards Claud and on instinct, I grab her shoulder and step forward protectively. I can feel Aiden shift beside me feeling the same discomfort as the boy approaches our daughter. I hold myself back from stepping in front of my daughter, instead, I shoot Simon and Isabelle a nervous glance. They both give me a reassuring nod as if everything was going to be okay. It causes me to relax a little and I let go of my daughter's shoulder. Claud takes this as an okay and steps towards the boy.

Out of nowhere, the boy blurts out, "I'm sorry,"

"Huh, that's it, Y, well I'm sorry that you could possibly think that "I'm sorry" is good enough," Claud scoffs.

"Who do you think you are," Claud shakes her head at the boy.

"Claud," I groaned trying to make her see reason.

Cluad turns around to me and looks me in the eyes and states, " Sorry isn't good enough for me, mom."

Damn my girl is kind of a badass so all I can say is, "Alright," I look up at Simon and Isabelle with a proud smirk.

Claud turns back around to look at the boy, I can only assume she gives him the look. (The look is when she raises her eyebrows and narrows her eyes. I like to call it her waiting look, she definitely gets that from her dad actually probably her biological dad as well.)

"I'm sorry that I… tried to fight you, I… I was just jealous of you if I'm being honest," Riley stutters.

Claud cocks her head to the side and analyzes the boy in front of her, trying to see if he is truly genuine. In response, Claud says, "Okay."

"Okay, just 'okay', I was expecting a little more like 'You had no right to hit me because you're jealous," Riley stutters in disbelief.

"Well, you were jealous of me, people have a tendency to feel jealous when I'm around, it's only natural," Claud's lips twisted into a smirk as she teased his confession.

"Wha...What," Riley said astonished.

"I mean you saw me play, God gave me this gift and my plan is to use it. And if one of the side effects is jealousy from others, then so be it," Claud's smirk grew even wider.

"Bu..but I hit you," Riley objected.

"And I kicked your butt, anyways jealousy is just a form of flattery," Claud sings.

Riley stood there dumbfounded, honestly, I was shocked as well. I have no clue where that came from, she is usually never this arrogant. Oh god, this is not going to be fun, if she keeps this up she going to become…. Nevermind.

Aiden's chuckles bring me out of my reverie, and surprisingly I have to scold my features into a straight face. But to my dismay, a smirk tried to creep up my face. I looked up at Simon and Isabelle, they looked just as shocked as Riley. The room was suddenly dripping with awkward tension and everyone could feel it except Claud. Claud walks up to the shocked boy and holds out her hand. That seems to pull him out of his head, but his features pull into a slight grimace as he looked at her hand. He still took it and as a silent truce between the two of them.

"Well, now that everything is settled we should probably go," Aiden says cooly then looks down at Claud and nods his head at the door.

Aiden and Claud silently leave the awkward room, but as I make my way towards the door someone grabs my arm. I spin around on my heel knocking Simons hand off of my arm, I look up into his eyes. Desperation, anger and something else that I couldn't identify poured from his eye into mine. I stay in my spot not knowing exactly what to say to him, it's been so long since the last time I've talked to him. I had no clue what to say to him, even if I could bring myself to open my mouth.

As if reading my mind he speaks first, "What happened, to…"

"To what Simon," I say a little too harshly.

It doesn't seem to affect him because he continues anyway, "To us CLARY, to the gang… why … why did you.."

I cut him off swiftly before he said anything that I wouldn't be able to handle, "That I did, you're the one who left, YOU guys are the ones who moved to LA, I stayed, I had no one except for Aiden."

"But," Isabelle spits out behind Simon.

"But what, you guys BEGGED Aiden to come with you bu..but... You guys never thought of me when you left. You were like "oh this is our dream you should understand Clary" YEAH I UNDERSTOOD THAT YOU ALL JUST LEFT AND DIDN'T EVEN SAY that you would come back and visit," I all but shouts.

"I.. I'm sorry I thought that you knew we would… but when we came home to see you and Aiden you guys were gone. Your mom said that you moved and didn't feel at liberty to tell us where you lived."

"Do you blame me, I wanted to get away from all," I point towards both Isabelle and Simon, "of this and the memories," I say finally calm.

"No… I don't," Simon croaks out with a sad glint in his eyes. He looked like I shattered all of his hope of a grand reunion.

I huff at Simon and turn on my heal and leave, as I exit the door a twinge of guilt flutters through me for not telling them the whole truth. But how could I, unless I want to start World War III.

Jace's POV

I sat in Simons Maserati with my head in hands my hair falling into my face on gravity's will. I sit here confused and dazed on what just happened. I couldn't for the life of me register the fact that I just saw Clary standing 10 feet away from me. I saw her... It wasn't a dream or fantasy of us reuniting. It didn't feel like reality it was like fate brought us back together but … fate doesn't exist. It was a coincidence a weird unexplainable coincidence. "Oh god," I shouted as I banged my fist against the dashboard. "WHY" I start to dwell on what happened when I saw her…

"Clary," I stammered

Isabelle put a hand on my shoulder from behind me, the gesture was supposed to be comforting but I was too shocked to feel it. I stood there taking in the girl that I haven't seen for years, the first girl that I ever loved. Her hair was the same bright red but her curls seem to be tamer than they were in high school. Her body was mostly hidden by a white and blue striped button up and mom jeans (I think that's what they're called). The one thing I can't see is her eyes, her eyes were the most enchanting thing about her features. Her eyes always put a spell on me whenever I looked into them, but they were focused on someone else.

When I finally pull myself back to reality I turn on my heel and question Isabelle, "Do you know why she's here," my voice was full of hope, too much hope.

Isabelle looked at me with sad eyes not knowing exactly what to say at my hopeful expression, she knew that I wanted the reason for Clary coming to LA to be me. But she also knew that definitely wasn't the reason, "Jace I think she's here for Jonathan or one of the players on the other team."

"Wait, Jonathans here," I say as I spin around to see Jon standing next to her and his new fiance.

I continued to stare at them (okay, I realize that this is kind of creepy but can you blame me) as a familiar man walks over to Clary and kisses her on the lips.

This is what Isabelle was so apprehensive about, Clary moved on.

"I.. I… have to go", I muttered as I began to see red, but I walk away from the sight trying to forget what I just saw.

I run my hand over my face as the image of that guy kissing Clary plays over and over in my head. I feel anger boiling in my veins, I can't stand the fact that she is dating someone else. But it's not like its that shocking, we had left her in New York by herself. Finding a boyfriend couldn't be that hard for her, I mean she's gorgeous she practically glows every time she smiles. She's kind, generous, loving, funny, and …. Uh … flexible. A smirk grew on my face … ahh stop it, Jace, you can't think these thoughts she's moved on she's happy, at least she looks happy.

"WHY WHY WHY," I shout out loud.

Why couldn't I have just stayed, been there for her? I would have followed in my dad's footsteps and become a doctor and stay with her. I could have stayed as Aiden did.

Wait a second, the guy that kissed her looked really familiar, he had light brown hair and eyes. He had this smirk on his face that only one other person in my life. Aiden, oh my she, she's with Aiden I realized. God that guy was a bigger fuckboy back in High school, I mean he was my best friend and all. But everyone knew he got around, how could she go for Aiden for all people.

That's when it hit me if she was able to change my fuckboy ways than she could definitely change Aiden. I never thought that she would date my best friend though, like who does that, and why would he go for her. That bastard and his stupid fucking dream to become a pilot, if he had just left with the rest of us Clary would be alone and I could swoop in.

Okay yeah now that I think about it, that sounds so fucked up, we left her by herself... Alone. So, of course, she would start dating Aiden because he was the only person that was there for her. I sure wasn't.

I begin to shout out loud, "Why couldn't I have just said 'I'll be there for you' when she told me the news instead of what I actually said." I'm such an idiot, I think to myself.

Isabelle's POV

I think about what clary said to me and Simon on the car ride home, her words continue to replay in my head. "You all just left" spun around in circles haunting my brain, the pain in her voice was something I would never forget… even if we did fix things between the gang. But honestly, if I were Clary, I would be angry too because we did "just leave her". The reality of that is painful, painful to know that I hurt someone I truly cared for and loved. The pain for her must be unimaginable. Reflecting back on how we left for Los Angeles we were kind of selfish and inconsiderate of her feelings. We all kind of assumed that she would wait for us back at New York and we would reunite… at least that was the plan. Well, Jace's plan, a couple of days before we left for LA we asked him if he had told Clary and if he asked her to come with us as he had planned. But his answer was strange….

"Hey Alec did you already pack the bag with all my modeling shoes in it or….", Alec cuts off my shouting before I can finish my sentence.

"Yeah, it's already in the Van why," he yells up at where I'm currently standing which is the top of the staircase from the bottom of the stairs.

"I wanted to practice my walk before we left", I whined.

"Well maybe if you helped me pack then you wouldn't be in this situation," Alec retorted.

"If I had helped, I would have broken a nail, and if I broke a nail my agency would be mad," Isabelle huffs annoyed that her brother obviously doesn't understand her struggles.

"Oh no Isabelle Lightwood breaking a fingernail because of physical labor, what a nightmare," Alec deadpans

"Ugh, YoU KnOW WHat ….", at that moment Jace burst through the front door of our white brick traditional styled mansion.

Alec turned around to face the boy who just entered the room, "Hey," Alec's voice was somber, we both knew that Jace busting through the door could only mean one thing.

Jace just nodded in response trying to brush past him to leave the conversation that hadn't even started yet. But Alec grabbed his shoulder stopping him from leaving, "Hey what happened, you know your conversation with Clary effects all of us," Alec lectured trying to get straight to the point.

Jace whipped around and glared at Alec, I couldn't see his eyes as he said, "She's not coming," but I can only imagine they were only filled with pain. I mean Jace LOVES Clary, it was like Clary was his life support and he would die without her. But his next words confused both me and Alec.

"We'll get them back though.. I mean her," he corrected himself with pain clear in his voice. He stalked up the stairs brushing my shoulder as he stormed down the hallway that led to his room.

Till this day I still don't know what he meant by "them", who was "them"….

That was it... there was a lot of hidden clues in there so I hope you picked up on those. Moving on from that though I am planning on starting a new story and this one will probably be a regular upload as well. Drum roll, please... It's going to be TMI characters but in the SKAM universe. So it will be like my own SKAM remake except not really, but most of you guys are probably like what the hell is SKAM. Well SKAM is a Norwegian show about a group of teenage girls and their relationships and ultimately their journey through high school, that's all you really need to know for right now. It's a really good show and I 100% recommend you watch it, it's one of my favorite shows. Please review or not can't tell you what to do.