Digimon Adventure – Ep 54 (con) – Epilogue

4 months has passed since the Digi-destined's adventure in the Digital World. Right now it's 24th December 1999 and most of Odaiba is back to normal and the TV station has been completely reconstructed. It's snowing heavily and most of the city is covered in beautiful white snow. Christmas trees have been set up around important areas, flashing signs have been placed everywhere and a happy news woman wearing a Santa hat is reporting.

Tai (Narration): It's been 4 months since our adventure in the Digital World. It was slow but life in Odaiba got back to normal and all the damage that Myotismon caused was completely repaired. Life slowly went back to the way it was before I met Agumon. The whole world was normal but unfortunately a lot of people don't trust Digimon much but it's not too much of a problem because some know there are good Digimon.

Today's news is talking about "Digimon attack in summer".

Tai (Narration): As for us Digi-destined kids, our lives are normal but at the same time they've changed. One thing that hasn't changed is that Izzy is still obsessed with computers but now he's closer with his Mom and Dad. He's also working on a program that'll allow us to travel to the Digital World whenever we want. He calls it the Digi-port. Cool, huh?

Izzy is sitting on his chair in his room, wearing an orange sweater and green chino trousers. He's typing away on his computer, working on the new Digital portal. Yoshie comes in and puts a drink down on his table which he gladly accepts with a smile aimed at his mother.

Tai (Narration): Old Reliable Joe decided that he truly does want to become a doctor after all so that he can save lives and prevent anyone from dying like Leomon. So as usual he's hitting the books and studying hard. At this rate he'll be in a private school.

Joe is reading a couple of textbooks at home and doing some worksheets. He's wearing a silver hoodie over a jumper and a pair of Bache chino trousers.

Tai (Narration): Mimi is still being Mimi. Looking for the latest fashion and hanging out with her friends.

Mimi is at the mall with her friends, happily shopping for new clothes. She's wearing a lime green jacket and a red dress that goes down to her knees. She's also wearing black boots and a green hat along with some gloves and a red scarf.

Tai (Narration): Sora left the school soccer club for her new tennis club but I'm not sad. I said I'd support her no matter what. What I'm really happy about is that her relationship with her Mom has really improved and the both of them get along now.

Sora is in her room with Toshiko. Her mother carefully instructs Sora on flower arrangement and the girl follows them through, neatly arranging her flowers, pleasing her and Toshiko. Sora is wearing a red sweater, jeans and a yellow hat.

Tai (Narration): Matt and TK are seeing each other more often than ever now and their relationship has really improved. Even their parents are getting along better, though they haven't remarried. But it looks like Matt and TK aren't that bothered about the divorce anymore.

Matt and TK are walking along the sidewalk. TK is wearing a green coat, dark brown shorts that reach below his knees, black shoes and a green hat and Matt is wearing a blue heavy coat, dark blue jeans like before and black boots. The two of them are laughing and talking about happy things.

Tai (Narration): My sister Kari makes it her mission to play with TK whenever the kid comes to Odaiba. Matt and I watch them whenever we can and the two of us are practically best buds now. It's hard to believe we used to fight a lot a few months ago.

Its evening and scenes shift to the park where TK and Kari are happily enjoying a snowball fight. Tai and Matt sit on the bench watching over the both of them and talking with each other. Both are laughing and smiling. Tai is wearing brown shorts, his goggles, a blue coat and dark blue trainers and Kari is wearing an orange furry coat, yellow scarf a pair of pink ear muffs, pink long shorts and pinkish-red boots.

Tai (Narration): Sometimes I call Mimi to watch over Kari in my place.

Mimi comes over and takes over. Tai walks away to be somewhere else and Mimi sits down with Matt. She has a happy greeting and conversation with him.

Tai (Narration): You wanna know why I do that. Number 1, it gives Matt and Mimi some alone time. Number 2, remember when I asked Sora if we could hangout whenever we had time. Well that's exactly what the both of us have been doing.

Tai is at their pizza joint, Morealli's where he sits on a bench booth right next to the window. Right now he has his coat off and is a wearing a blue half hoodie over a blue jumper. He's already ordered pepperoni pizza and fries. The restaurant is very well decorated and has a lot of Christmas signs. (A/N: You're gonna have to imagine what it looks like) Tai plays around on his cell phone until he hears the door open. Sora comes in wearing her usual sneaker, a red coat and a yellow scarf.

Tai: Sora! She turns to see Tai waving at her.

Sora: Tai! She walks over to him and takes off her coat, hat and scarf before sitting down the opposite of him.

Tai: Hey.

Sora: Hey. So how's Christmas vacation been?

Tai: It's been great, though it's a bit uneventful compared to our summer vacation.

Sora: Sora giggles. I couldn't agree with you more.

Tai: How's everything in the flower shop?

Sora: Everything's been going great, a lot of customers have come by and bought a lot flowers. My Mom's even been teaching me flower arrangement and it's actually quite fun.

Tai: You know if you ask me, I think customers should buy you; you're a bit of beautiful flower yourself. Sora sheepishly blushes.

Sora: Oh, stop it. They both of them chuckle a little. They stop and Tai takes a pizza while Sora takes a French fry. Both of them enjoy their dinner. Mmm! These fries are so good.

Tai: Yeah and so is the pizza. This the best place to have dinner!

Sora: Say Tai, I was wondering how's soccer club been now that I've left.

Tai: Tai finishes his first slice. It isn't the same without you, but it's been great, except for the parts when I accidentally kick the ball into the window.

Sora: Again?

Tai: Yeah, the principal really let me have it but guess what.

Sora: What?

Tai: Our played so well in the last game, that the coach is letting us play in the junior championships and he wants me to be the captain. Sora exclaims with excitement.

Sora: Tai, that's great! Congratulations! This is really huge, you'll do great! Tai tenderly smiles.

Tai: You really think so?

Sora: Of course I do; you're a born leader Tai, I think being a captain is perfect for you and for you to show off your talents.

Tai: I always thought of you to be a born leader.

Sora: Sora tenderly smiles. Don't be silly, I just do my best to keep things in order. The true leadership is all you.

Tai: Thanks. Speaking of clubs, how's the tennis club working out?

Sora It's been really great! I've made a lot of new friends there and I'm better at tennis than I've ever been before. Plus, my Mom is such a great coach.

Tai: You and your Mom have really gotten close now, haven't you?

Sora: Yeah, we really have. The two of us have really bonded over the months. We talk, gossip and we've been going to the mall every Saturday to try and buy new clothes. At this rate I may stop wearing a hat all the time.

Tai: The day you stop wearing hats is the day you're not a tomboy anymore. Sora lightly punches Tai on the shoulder.

Sora: Hey, watch it wise guy.

Tai: I know one thing's for sure. Nothing will ever get me to stop wearing goggles.

Sora: The day you stop wearing goggles will be the day you've lost your mind.

Tai: Hey, watch it! The both of them laugh and then give each other tender looks as they remember all that they've been through over the summer.

Sora: It's hard to believe that 4 months have gone by since we first went to the Digital World and met Biyomon, Agumon and the others.

Tai: Yeah, it sure is. Time really flies by when you're having fun.

Sora: I wonder how Biyomon's doing without me. I miss her. She sadly smiles and remembers her partner.

Tai: I know how you feel, I really miss Agumon. He sadly smiles as well, remembering the lizard. He's probably having a date with Biyomon.

Sora: Sora giggles. It'd be cute to see them have that date.

Tai: Izzy said there's a lot of work to do on the program but if it works, we'll be able to go to the Digital World again.

Sora: I can't wait for that day to come. Do you mind if we talk about happier things?

Tai: Sure, fire away.

And so they do. The Child of Courage and Love talk about happy things. They laugh, tell jokes, and talk about their lives, Christmas and many other things as they continue eating. They soon notice that their hands are placed on one another, causing them to turn scarlet. Tai moves to the bench right in front of the window.

Tai: Sora, I have a Christmas present I wanna give you.

Sora: Really? Sora moves near him.

The boy gets out a red package with a blue. He holds it out.

Tai: Merry Christmas.

Sora takes it.

Tai: Go on, open it.

Sora takes off the wrapping paper and opens up the small box. She gasps in surprise and delight when it's revealed to be a big heart shaped necklace. She takes it out to get a better look.

Sora: Oh, Tai, I don't know what to say; it's beautiful.

Tai: I put something inside. Open it up.

Sora opens it up and it shows a small picture of young Tai and Sora arm in arm. Sora is touched and a tear streams down her face.

Sora: Tai, is this…?

Tai: Yeah, it was the first picture you and I took together after we first became best friends. Do you like it? Sora sequels with happiness and holds it close to her chest.

Sora: I love it! Thank you Tai! She gives Tai a loving smile. It's lovely. She puts around her neck and it actually looks quite cute on her. She blushes and sheepishly stares at Tai. So…how does it look on me?

Tai: You look great wearing it.

Sora: Sora giggles. I wish I had a present to give you in return.

Tai: Tai blushes and returns her smile. The only Christmas gift I want is to spend time with you. Sora becomes redder.

Sora: You know what, spending time with you is also the best present I could ask for too. Would you…like to do that in the form of sleepover this Christmas?

Tai: Of course, I'd be happy to stay over.

Butterfly (Tri)

Sora comes up and hugs Tai, much to his surprise. She has another tear of joy streaming down her face and Tai smiles before returning the hug.

Sora: Merry Christmas Tai.

Tai: Merry Christmas Sora.

Unbeknownst to them, Matt, Izzy, Joe, Mimi, TK and Kari watched it all from the window under the night sky. They stay silent and don't do anything to tease them. Instead they just smile; happy that the both of them are taking the first big step to forming a true romantic relationship. It continues to snow and we go to Tai's house where a picture has been place on the desk of his and Kari's room. That picture is the group one they took in the Digital World before they left.

Tai: Our adventure in the Digital World may be over for now but that gate won't stay closed forever; I have a feeling that this won't be the last time we see out pals, the Digimon. You wait and see; one day that portal will open up again and we'll return to the Digital World. I wonder if Agumon will remember me, I know I'll never forget him or the rest of the Digimon. None of us will!

This closes the first chapter of their adventure. Tai is right, the gate will open up again one day and there will far more adventure for the Digi-destined. Only time will tell what their next challenge will be but for now they're free to enjoy their normal lives before their next big adventure.


The end

(A/N: This is the end of my Rewrite on Digimon Adventure. The credits can be however you like it. I truly hoped you enjoyed it and I hope it met your expectations. If it doesn't, I apologise and thank you to all of you who've read my story. Please give an honest opinion on it. The next one to come will be 'Digimon Movie: Our War Game Rewrite.' I'm not sure when I'll finish it, probably a month or two at the latest. Also if you're disappointed about Tai and Sora not admitting their feelings, don't worry; they will in season 2.)