Children for Sacrifice

Part 2

In the Name of Liberation

This is part 2 of my poem Children for Sacrifice. It is called In the Name of Liberation and came about because of a Youtube video that I saw of a Pro-abortion protester who said she had three abortions and talked about how "liberated" of a woman she was. This poem is written in response to this woman and this way of thinking put forward by the feminist movement and is a message that children are NOT property but that they ARE PEOPLE.


In the name of liberation children are exterminated

In the name of liberation children are treated as objects that one can do anything to

In the name of liberation precious human lives are being snuffed out in the death camps of America

There may not be be gas chambers

There may not be starvation bunkers

And there may not be barbed wire

Yet the places we call abortion clinics serve a similar purpose to Auschwitz

They serve to rid the world of an 'unwanted' group of people, people that have committed no crime but to be inconvenient or different and to deprive this group of people of their God given rights

This group of people being targeted are the innocent unborn

Dear Brothers and Sisters no amount of liberation can ever justify the taking of an innocent life

And NOTHING can change the fact that children are equal in dignity to adults and therefore have just as much right to not only be born but live a life free of abuse and exploitation

God's greatest gift to the female line was the ability to carry a child, yet that gift has often times been torn apart, and thrown away when it comes to abortion

Dear Brothers and Sisters EVERY life is a gift

And we must recognize that every life belongs to God and not to us

I am proud to stand with children against abortion

I hope you are too