My first story about the world I love so much: the Wizarding World. The characters are not mine, of course, they belongs to Miss Rowling. They will have some OC and also some mistakes since i'm not English nor American. It's hard to write, I always wonder "What Newt would think of that ? How Tina would react ?". I am opened to any opinion, if constructive, or even suggestion.

I think that's all. Wait, one last thing, if I may: the MoM is the Ministry of Magic, obviously. I whish you a good reading.


Chapter one – Questions.

1927 in the ministery of magic - England.

Theseus Scamander was sitting in an office, facing several men. They watched him coldly as he reported the events that took place sooner this day. Once he was finished, one of them asked, of course, that question.

- Where are they ?

- Still in Hogwarts. I guess. He said without being really sure himself.

- What are they doing ?

It was rather clear they found them fishy.

- I don't know.

- What about the other ? Another Man spoke. You talked about a muggle, where is he ?

- My house. Apparently, he, er... Knows my brother. And the two americans witches too.

A pause. Then, the third Man, the smugger one Theseus thought, talked:

- Well, although I don't like American's methods, I think it would be wise to Obliviate him.

The auror in Theseus woke up at this statement. So did the protective brother.

- You can't. He is a valuable Witness.

- Then, What do you suggest we do instead, Mr Scamander ?

- Let me... Talk to him. See if he is a threat. If not, i'll keep him under my authority.

- Right... And for the other...?

Theseus seemed to relax a bit, knowing he had won. Sort of. He would never admit it, but he didn't want his brother's dear friend to be obliviated. Plus, he was indeed a witness.

- Well, Mr Kama is nowhere to be seen, as for the young asian girl. They vanished soon after our arrival in Hogwarts. The american auror is waiting as we speak in my office. I think she is not willing to travel back in America.

The investigators seemed very suspicious about her. The fact she worked for MACUSA was not helping. The MoM and the MACUSA shared a... Complicated association, just like their respective country. They underestimated each other but worked together nevertheless. Quite successfuly to be honest. Usually at least.

- We could actually need her. He carried on. After all, she did survive twice to Grindelwald's attacks.

- Fair enough. Do as you please, but keep an eye on them. Including your brother. If you can't… the man smiled widely, showing his perfect white teeth. Let's say we will handle it our way. Good day Mr Scamander.

Understanding that he was free to leave, Theseus stood up. He was about to open the door when one of the investigator stopped him.

- By the way, we truly are sorry for your loss. She will be missed.

Theseus just briefly nodded, tensed, then finally left the room.

Meanwhile - in the hall.

Newt was waiting for his brother, knowing he would come to his desk, eventually. He walked around like a trapped beast, thinking about what happened when he arrived. He snaped out of his thoughts.

- Theseus…

- Go to my house, Newt. he cut him. Find your muggle Friend and bring him here. We need to talk.

- His name's Jacob.

- Yeah, whatever.

Newt was about to reply when Theseus stopped walking suddenly, looking him directly.

- Please.

Newt sighed, then turned around, walking away. Theseus watched him as he left, smiling a little. Once out of sigh, he entered his office.

Porpentina Goldstein was sitting on a chair, looking lost. She straightened when Theseus sat in front of her.

- No need to be so tensed. I'll ask you a few question. You shall answer it frankly.

- Why ? She frowned. Is that an interrogation ?

- No. He said, shaking his head. It's more an interview really. Just to get acquainted. Then remembering their first encounter, he added with a crooked grin. Properly, at least. Full name ?

- Porpentina Esther Goldstein. She answered firmly. People calls me Tina.

- Age ?

- I just turned 26.

- Quite young to be an auror. He seemed genuinely surprised but Tina shrugged. Any siblings ?

She lowered her gaze, obviously shaken.

- Yes. I have a sister. She left... with Grindelwald. Her name's Queenie. She's a legilimens.

- I see. What about your parents ?

She became more upset, if possible.

- Dead. Both.

There was an awkward silence.

- Sorry to hear that, er… Well, how did you met my brother ?

- It's a long story… She sighed, feeling exhausted.

At the same time - Theseus Scamander's house.

Newt entered the house. It was charming and wealthy decorated. Very like Theseus thought Newt, a little envious. He called his friend's name. No answer. After a second call, he heard footsteps coming from the kitchen. Jacob was baking cookies, not really paying attention.

- Here you are. He smiled, happy to finally see his friend but soon turned worried. Jacob had reddened and swollen eyes. Jacob ? Jacob, are you alright ?

- I - I… He stuttered, trying to fight back tears. She left… I'm so stupid ! She's wonderful, kind and I...

Newt got closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. He talked with a very gentle voice.

- It's not your fault, Jacob. It's not. She made her own choice.

- I called her crazy !

- She'll come back eventually. He was now patting his back in a kind gesture, she loves you.

Jacob sniffed, took a long and deep breathe then wiped his tears.

- Better ?

He nodded with a frailed smile. Newt took one of his hands without fanfare.

- Now, come on. Theseus wants to talk with us.

They apparated in an empty street near the MoM. They took the main entrance, not the most charming that was to say. Jacob frowned in disbelief, and disgust, but followed Newt in the toilet anyway.

- Is it some kind of joke ? Wizardry joke ? He asked when he entered the toilet bowl. They were suddenly sucked into it with the toilet flush.

Newt laughed as they emerged in a big hall, slightly amused.

- No. It just happens to be the easiest way to enter without being noticed by muggles. We're taking the elevator.

There was a lot of people, most of them were wizards and witches but some were goblins. Fortunely, no one payed attention to them, too busy to do so. Jacob was surprised by the elevator moving and gasped as he tried to stay still. Newt grinned, finding the motion funny. He ducked his head to hide it.

- So sorry about that. Should have warned you probably.

- You think so ? He said in a joking tone.

They were heading for Theseus's office when they found him and Tina walking in the opposite direction. Everyone halted. Newt looked Tina, beaming. She smiled back.

- Tina, What - what are you doing here ? He shyly avoided her gaze, feeling self conscious. Noticing Theseus, his tone hardened. Did you question her ?

- Newt, it's alright, really. He just asked me some question, that's all. She spoke.

- You can't blame me for wanting to know the reason why you tried to leave England fifth time, Newton.

Ignoring a blushing Newt and an awkward Tina, he offered his right hand to Jacob.

- Theseus Scamander, Newt's brother. Pleased to meet you mister… ?

Delighted, Jacob took his hand, trying hard to not burst into laughter.

- Jacob Kowalski. My pleasure.

- So, what do you think about the wizarding world, Mr Kowalski ?

- Come on, call me Jacob ! Well, it's amazing what you guys do. Really. And terrifying.

- Are you scared of wizard ?

- What ? No, no, of course not ! Well, that Grindelwald dude freaks me out since what happened to… and to… Jacob sighed heavily, not wanting to talk about Queenie or Leta.

- Theseus, what are you trying to do ? Newt moved in front of Jacob in a protective way.

- Calm down. He won't be obliviated, I managed to avoid him that. He is under my surveillance for now.

- You can't force him to stay Theseus, you know that. He…

- I want to stay. He affirmed with a shaky voice. Look Newt, I know that it's dangerous, that I'm a No-maj and all. But I won't leave, not without her.

Tina, who was very silent until now, gave him a determined look.

- And I'll stay as well. She is my only family and I… I won't let her go.

Newt did not know how to react. He felt happy she was willing to stay here, but sad because of the reason why. A little voice in the back of his head told him that he would like better if she was staying for him. He tried to dismiss it but couldn't.

- Since you're talking about it, Miss Goldstein, there is something I wanted to ask you. Would you be interested joining my auror team ?

She opened her eyes wide, obviously surprised.

- What ?

- If you want to live here, you'll need a job, right ? I want you to join the investigator team. You're powerful, brave, surely smart. We need people like you.

- I'm - I'm not against the idea but - shouldn't I pass a test or something ? What about MACUSA ? She was really confused now.

- I believe facing Grindelwald twice makes all the test… null and void. The MACUSA shall agree.

Tina did not answer, still recovering from that statement. Newt watched her with delight while Jacob smirked.

- It is settled then. Welcome in the Ministry family Miss Goldstein. What about you Newt ? Still not willing to help the auror ?

- Me ? He glanced quickly at Tina. I might think about it.

Of course you might, now that she'll be here, thought Theseus.

- Tell me by Monday. Miss Goldstein, you'll begin working next week, to give you time to move in. Now if you'll excuse me, i have works to do.

He was about to leave when Newt held him back.

- You really should take vacation. I'm serious Theseus.

- I'm totally fine. He mumbled, besides, I need to keep myself busy, taking some holidays will just give me time to think. Which I want to avoid.

He left without another word. Newt grimaced. Mulish little bugger. He was always complaining about Newt never listening good advice but was no better. Choosing to let it go, he turned to his friends.

- I'll invite you to come to my house, if I may. Every one will be delighted to see you again.

He looked hesitantly at them, especially Tina. He sure was willing to resume the conversation they began, before Leta's interruption, in the French Ministry. Truth to be told, he even hoped to tell her how he felt about her. She did have a clue of course, but he wanted to declare his feelings properly.

- Why, of course ! They missed me so much !

- I'm sure they missed you too, Jacob ! Tina ? He glanced at her, hopeful.

- I'd like that. She said fondly and for one moment Newt was unable to look away from her.