Jamie hugged Eddie gently both happily listening to their son crying. "Jamie, why don't you come over and cut the cord?" Placing a kiss on top of Eddie's head Jamie joined Dr Bennett smiling as she handed him the tool. His blue eyes studied the wailing boy as he cut him free from Eddie's body allowing the doctor to bring the baby to a table for his first exam and cleaning.

"Okay, weight is 7 pounds two ounces, ten toes and ten fingers and a set of lungs," Dr Bennett said aloud as she filled out the chart. Smiling she washed him off quickly, wrapping the baby in a blue blanket to carefully hand over. " Baby is perfectly healthy. He's all yours daddy, congratulations."

As the baby was placed in his arms Jamie immediately shifted to support his head, smiling at the change in weight in his arms. He looked down studying their son for the first time. The baby let out a small cry, settling against Jamie's chest with his eyes closed tight to rest. His little nose scrunched up the way Eddie's did when she was a baby on his round face. When Jamie gently cupped his hand over the baby's his son's tiny fingers curled around his daddy's much larger ones.

Jamie's heart melted, fluttering in a deep love a father feels when he sees his kids for the first time. "Hey buddy, it's daddy. So glad you're here,"

Jamie's cleared the emotion filling up in his throat. He blinked twice, clearing the film from in front of his eyes walking with his son against his chest across the room to Eddie.

"He's perfect Eddie," Jamie whispered softly as he handed the baby into their waiting arms. Smiling still teary eyed he sat on the bed with an around Eddie.

Eddie looked down at the sleeping baby boy smiling too. "He is Jamie. Hi Joseph it's mommy." She turned to Jamie slowly, "Joseph after your brother Joe. If it wasn't for him telling you to go after what you want you wouldn't have become a cop and we wouldn't have met."

"Thanks Eddie, you're right we wouldn't have." Jamie dipped a kiss on top of her head and settled in watching her and their son. She slipped her head to rest against his shoulder while cradling their son in her arms. "I love you."

" Love you too.Your family will want to meet him Jamie, you should go bring them in. I know they've been waiting out there."

Chuckling, Jamie affirmed the knowledge with a follow up kiss to her forehead. "You're right Eddie they had. I'll be right back then after they leave you can get some rest." Getting to his feet Jamie smiled the entire short walk up the hallway. His footsteps gave quiet creaks against newly polished floors giving away that he was coming.

Both Frank and Henry greeted him first with wide expectant smiles saying nothing. Beside their father Danny shifted his weight the first to speak. "Well kid? What's going on? Is everything okay? Did Eddie havr the baby?"

Jamie scanned their faces then looked to his daughters matching their bright smiles. "Eddie and I want you to meet our son Joseph, seven pounds two ounces and both he and Eddie are doing great. She's exhausted but both healthy."

"Congratulations son," Frank's voice broke, placing a hand on his youngest son's shoulder. "We would love to see them." Mira and Lily brushed past taking their father's hand, carrying the birthday card they drew for their new brother happily skipping by their daddy's side.

The family followed Jamie back to the room, Mira and Lily breaking away to their mom's bed. "Is that our little brother mommy?"

"Yes sweetie this is your brother Joseph," Eddie whispered softly." Jamie came up behind and lifted the girls up for a better view smiling at their faces examining their new baby brother. He sat behind them beaming at their family.

"Eddie wanted to name him after Joe. He would hsve been so happy to see this," Jamie gave a small smile, convinced his brother was watching with his mom and grandma.

Danny looked over placing a hand on his little brother's shoulder as a silent gesture. He cleared his throat after a minute, "You both did good, he's.." Danny smiled, the emotion forcing him quiet.

In his sleep Joseph scrunched up his little nose, eyes remained tightly shut. "He's so little mommy. Look at his fingers," Mira slowly touched the top of his hand down to his tiny fingers. "His whole hand can fit in mine."

"Yes, you were both this little too when you were first born then you got bigger," Eddie smiled.

Lily sat back studying her brother carefully in a different way then her sister. "Mommy, can I hold him like I held Mira? I remember how to support his neck and be really still."

Eddie looked to Jamie quietly going over the idea with him nodding. She sat up with Jamie's help waiting until he fixed Lily's arms to place the baby in her arms. Lily looked down perfectly still as promised watching her brother, "Joseph, I'm your biggest sister Lily and I will always be your best friend and teach you cause I know a lot of things."

Jamie met Eddie's eyes reflecting proudly at their oldest smiling. "We're sorry about not finishing christmas girls. "

Leaning over for a better view of her baby brother Lily gave an emphatic shake of her head. The blue eyes inherited from both parents sparkled in deep interest at the baby. She moved closer slowly, breathing quietly before placing a kiss on the baby's bald head.

Her sister's eyes never left their baby brother fast asleep in his big sister's warm, protective arms. "It's okay daddy Santa always knows where we are. He brought us the best gift he could, our little brother."

Not one person in that room had a dry eye agreeing that Joseph was by far the greatest gift they could get on Christmas.