Welcome back. Sorry it took a while, any way lets just get to read a response.

LoudRisque; I know how OC typically are and understand your concern. The main reason why I am making it clear they are here is because they are meant to help fill up the story, afterall this story will have Lincoln travel so he has to meet atleast a few new people. And yes wolf will train him, just not in this chapter cause of magic being a secret society type deal.

Oh and just so you guys know I wont screw to much with word types in story so


"thinking" scene change

"powerful entity talking(author notes AN)"

"powerful entity thinking"

Oh crap forgot this last chapter but I own nothing except my OCs. If I did then Lincoln would be much better off than in the show.

ARC Prologue: The Beginning Of The End CH: 2 The last straw

Two months since chapter1

We start by seeing young Lincoln slowly waking up in bed, clad in only his tighty whities as per usual. As his eyes begin to open and he begins to stretch he looks at the camera. "Ah, so you guys are here," he says scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "I guess you guys are wondering where I'm at," gesturing to the room that was honestly about as big as a living room, with a TV and game console with a stack of games beside them. "well to be honest, this is Wolf's place," he said nervously, "he offered me a job with helping him get groceries and to help up keep the house. Stacking wood, dusting, and even taking stock of the pantry was all part of my day to day job."

As he talks he gets up, tossing the covers aside and preparing to get dressed. "He pays well and even let me hide my stuff here away from my sisters," he says pulling up a pair of pants. "He also really helped when my sisters were fighting. He would let me stay here, and to be honest I didn't feel like I was ever taking advantage of his kindness like I did with Clyde."

As he turns around and pulls out a shirt from a dresser, we see that his once scrawny chest now had some noticeable muscle. "he even went and when he found out I was being bullied, berated and scolded me for not standing up even to them. He didn't go as far as lynn ever did as far as the scolding went, but afterwards he had me start training in self-defense. Now, I don't mean to insult Lynn but all she did was start beating me and claim it was training," he says the last part with a bitter chuckle before a soft smile came to his lips. "Wolf was anything but. He started with teaching me stances and how to block and dodge, so I could get out of fights without having me or them getting too hurt. He took time to correct my mistakes and when we did spar he barely even attacked. When he did, he used a lot less force than Lynn ever did. He took the time to teach me every attack and even let me use him as a practice dummy."

Lincoln, now mostly dressed, sit on the bed putting his socks on. "After about two weeks of training with him, I all but stopped being bullied. Especially after how I whooped Chandler, and his whole crew, when they gave Clyde a black eye. I still remember how after getting called to the principal's office, they gave me a free pass because of the evidence of self-defense while Chandler got a month long suspension. When we got home that day, Lynn practically drug me outside to spar. Now, I will admit in two weeks I was easily far stronger than I thought I would ever be, but Lynn had been training her whole life and was far stronger and more durable than me. So I used one of the most basic tactics that Wolf had drilled into my head and spent the majority of the battle dodging, while occasionally hitting one or another of her joints. One or two times, I caught her off guard with my speed and landed a solid punch on her shoulder while also dodging a punch. In the end it was a draw because we were both too tired and I knew that all it would take is one solid blow from her and it would be over anyway."

Getting up from the bed and opening the door Lincoln couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "After our fight Lynn had declared me her rival and would ask to spar almost everyday. She even asked if she could learn from the guy who taught me. Naturally I asked Wolf, thinking that he would jump at the chance for a prodigy student like her, but to my surprise he said that the fighting style was something he created himself and aside from those he personally wanted to learn it he wouldn't teach it and asked me not to as well. I couldn't really tell him no, but when Lynn heard she was madder than I have seen her in a long time." As he begins to head down the steps to get to the first floor a sad smile, "As much as I hate to admit it, the whole family is getting like that. They are arguing almost every opportunity and it almost always escalate into fight protocol status. If it wasn't for Wolf letting me be here I would already be at my wits end." He finishes as he walks into the kitchen.

"talking to yourself again kid," wolf said with a smile. He had his hat on the table exposing his unique hair to the world. The roots were black but as it grew it seems to have changed into brown, then bronze, then blonde, then white on the ends. He also had a Hawaiian shirt open completely showing off his incredibly pale stomach with numerous scars, including a scar that appears to be where the heart should be.

As he watch Lincoln begin to blush in embarrassment, he couldn't help but chuckle. "don't worry kid, I understand. It helps you think things through and gives a form of therapy. I used to do the same thing till I was about twenty." Wolf said with a big grin. He then stops before slapping his palm to his forehead, "Damn I forgot I had to head out today. Bacon and eggs are on the table. I better go get packed." He quickly rushed up the stair muttering something about "stupid jobs" and "no good sons of bi-" he was out of earshot before Lincoln could hear that last statement.

As he left, Lincoln sat at the table before turning to the screen again. "I'm sure your wondering about that. Well, after about a month of working for Wolf, I learned that he works abroad and has to travel a lot. So he asked me if I could watch the place and even told me to eat the food, as it could go bad while he is gone. After a while I just kind of started staying here whenever he is gone, for the most part. I still never found out what he does, though" After he finished talking, Lincoln quickly began to dig into his breakfast. After quickly finishing his meal, he began to head up the stair before stopping at the door to the master bedroom. "hey, I'm heading home. I'll be back tonight to check on stuff." after hearing a mumbled okay, Lincoln headed down the stairs, out the door and straight to his bike, which was behind a locked wooden fence in the backyard. After getting it, he was on his way home with a smile on his face.

Loud house

We see that all the siblings are doing their usual hobbies. At least, they were until a certain brown haired jock comes out of the bathroom holding an empty bottle of shampoo. "who did it," she screamed, "who the hell used the last of MY FUCKING SHAMPOO."

"chill out, dudette," said Luna the third oldest sister. "it's just shampoo."

"yea, no need to get worked up, even in this hairy situation," chuckled luan. "get it?"

"luan if you make ANOTHER DAMN PUN I WILL LITERALLY MAKE YOU A HUMAN PRETZEL," hollered Lori, the oldest, who had gotten sick of Luan's puns hours ago.

"I don't give a rat's ass about what you guys say, all I want to know is which one of you bitches used my shampoo," said Lynn with bitterness clear in her tone.

"What did you say," lori said with a tone as cold as ice.

And just like that the fight was on, though if anyone had paid attention they would have noticed a pair of red eyes looking at them from the shadows before disappearing.

With Lincoln

Lincoln was just walking up to the door before he heard a loud bang, causing his ears to start ringing. He opens the door and walks inside, barely able to hear anything. That proves to be a mistake as before he can react he get drug into the sibling brawl feeling his little sisters bite into his skin, ask blows from the likes of Leni, Lori, And lynn cause his head to swim. Had he been able to hear he would also notice the loud cracking sound. All he could feel in that moment though was pure and utter pain.


Okay sorry if it feels a little rushed. I was trying to get this chapter to show how Wolf and Lincoln had come to become what they are and build background for the rest of the story. Afterall Lincoln is smart enough to not trust a relative stranger so I had to have them get closer but I didn't want to drag this out when not a lot happens


Wolfay dragoon out